Item 13: EV Infrastructure and Program Update — original pdf

Transportation Electrification Program Update Electric Utility Commission Karl Popham Manager, Electric Vehicles & Emerging Technologies Cameron Freberg Utility Strategist, Electric Vehicles & Emerging Technologies January 2021 © 2018 Austin Energy Agenda 1. Program Overview 2. Austin’s EV metrics 3. FY20 Highlights • DC Fast charging rollout City fleet infrastructure • • Heavy Duty / Cap Metro electrification EV readiness for commercial buildings • Climate Equity Plan update • Equity & Inclusion “EVs are for EVeryone” • EV online buyer’s guide • “Customer Moment” • 2 Electric Vehicles Electric Vehicles & Emerging Technologies Team & Emerging Tech Team EVisionary City of the Year 2020 Electric Drive 2020 Utility Industry Spotlight Award Positive Charge (Electrification) EVs for Schools Austin SHINES Plug-in America EV Utility of the Year 3 Austin Energy EV Customer Programs • Plug-In EVerywhere™ Driver Program • $4.17/mo unlimited charging at all 1000+ Level-2 ports for members • New $0.21/min DC Fast charging connection • Plug-In EVerywhere™ Infrastructure Rebate Program • Up to $1,200 rebate for home Level-2 wi-fi enabled ($900 non wi-fi) • Up to $4,000 rebate for commercial/public Level-2 stations • Up to $10,000 rebate for public DC Fast stations • Fleet & Public Infrastructure Pilot Tariff • New optional EV infrastructure commercial tariff promotes efficiency and high usage • EV360 Pilot • EVs for Schools • Flat rate of $30/mo for off peak home charging + Plug-In EVerywhere • EV charging stations for staff, students, parents, and visitors • New - curriculum is now available online nationally and in Spanish • E-Ride Program Up to $400 rebate from the purchase of electric bikes, includes individuals and bike fleet applications l r e n e w a b e w n d p o w e r i P o w e r e d B y G r e e n C h o c e ® i 1 0 0 % Akins High School teacher, Jay H., plugs in his EV at an “EVs for Schools” charging station 4 DC Fast Infrastructure Rollout FY20 26 new DC Fast at 9 Locations DC Fast Hubs - Texas TCEQ Alt Fuels Grant Supported Host / Site Address # Stations PARD-AISD Saltillo-Whole Foods 2001 W Cesar Chavez St. 905 East 5th St. Electric Drive 811 Electric Dr. Mueller Market 1801 E 51st St. Village at Westlake 701 S Capital of Texas DC Fast Stations Travis County 700 Lavaca Sr. Elektrica ABIA Cell Phone Lot 2705 Hwy71 2716 Spirit of TX Hwy Austin Film Society 1901 E 51st St. 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 2 2 Host / Site Address # Stations 5 DC Fast stations enable corridor traffic, multi-family, and ride- hail/taxi electrification with up to 125kW (paired) fueling 215 miles of range per half-hour. Up to 125 kW (paired) DC Fast Charging $0.21/minute EV Host Installations 180 Charging Port Increase (includes 26 DC Fast) 1,000+ Port Milestone Achieved 289 Locations DC Fast Level 2 (FY20) Level 2 (Previous Years) 6 EV Registrations Bloomberg Cities Climate Challenge: 5,000 new EVs on the road metric achieved Approximately 26% of regional EV drivers are enrolled in Austin Energy’s Plugin Everywhere Plan 7 Impact of Pandemic Closures on Public Charging Tracks with Gas Pump Decrease 8 Electrification Program Growth – FY20 Surge 9 City of Austin Fleet Electrification • Over 200 EVs currently in COA fleet, tracking toward 330 goal • City Fleet EV plan expected to save the city $3.5M and 12,000 metric tons of CO2 over 10 years • Deploying charging infrastructure at COA facilities to support electric fleet • 93 ports installed at 20 facilities • Execution of Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract to expedite future installations • Future proofing new COA buildings (DSD Highland, Austin Energy HQ) 10 Capital Metro Bus Electrification • Cap Metro collaborated with Austin Energy in the development of their North Ops Bus Depot to build a smart charging facility for over 200 electric buses • Cap Metro currently has 12 battery-electric buses with plans to buy 19 additional 40-foot electric buses in the next 2 years; Passage of Project Connect or additional grant funding could expedite this timeline • By collaborating early in the process, Cap Metro was able to future proof the electric capacity of their facility to expedite expansion while reducing costs • Austin Energy has also developed a Fleet & Public Charging Pilot Rate designed to encourage high usage and efficiency while ensuring full cost recovery for Austin Energy 11 EV Readiness • Make at least 10% of all new parking spaces EV Ready • Significantly reduce future costs for charging infrastructure Goals Requirements • Installation of conduit/raceway • Service Panel Capacity • Distribution Transformer Capacity • Sizing – (min 40-amp, 240 Volt) • Standards based (Includes National Electrical Code Article 625 and Texas Accessibility Regulation) Austin case study on 100% EV Ready 12 Austin Climate Equity Plan - Transportation Electrification Draft Goals Today: ~1% VMT Goal: 40% VMT by 2030 Goal 1: By 2030, 40% of total vehicle miles traveled in the City of Austin are electrified and electric vehicle ownership is diverse culturally, geographically and economically. This translates to approximately 460,000 electric vehicles on the road. Goal 2: By 2030, Austin has compelling and equitably- distributed charging infrastructure that is a mix of level 1, 2, and DC fast charging to accommodate 40% of total vehicle miles traveled in the city. This translates to 226 megawatts of electrical load and could mean over 37,000 charging ports. Goal 3: The Austin-Round Rock-San Marcos MSA will be a global leader in transportation electrification by adopting policies and technologies that maximize the economic and health benefits for all while evolving with and defining the growth of this emerging industry. 13 Equity & Inclusion – “EVs for EVeryone” Goal - create a future of mobility that is equitable, affordable, and accessible while helping the environment. • Provide electric vehicle outreach, program development and deployment with a focus on marginalized communities • Conducted 100s of e-bike access and safety trainings for underserved community members • 86+ multifamily communities have charging including Affordable Housing properties that are home to over 27,800 residents. • New full-time employee program lead hired Jan 4, 2021 • EVs for Schools expansion… Austinite Maria, participates in an Austin Energy e-Bike demonstration and safety event 14 Equity & Inclusion – “EVs for Schools” Update “EVs for Schools” Program, pilot prioritized deployment and outreach for economically disadvantaged students at title-one schools • 795 teachers at 122 schools in Central Texas are utilizing the EV lessons • As a response to COVID19, curriculum was made online and free of charge to families locally and nationally to support at home learning • Now offered in Spanish • 6,850+ students experiencing the living lab with 65% of those students economically disadvantaged • Companion Virtual Reality (VR) experience • Curriculum incorporated by other entities nationwide to include Madison Gas and Electric, Southern California Edison, Metropolitan Area Planning Council of Boston, and Sacramento area schools 15 15 Dealership Engagement & Online EV Buyer’s Guide • Online EV Resource & Buyers Guide • Enhance the EV shopping & charging experience • Aggregated source of EVs for sale in Austin • Phase 2 launched in November with “real-time” new/used EV inventory • Partnerships with local car dealerships • Boost EV sales through charging education • Supported by Bloomberg Climate Cities Challenge 16 “Customer Service Moment” • One of the best customer service experiences I have ever had with any organization – public or private. -Craig L. • The ease, kindness, understanding and efficiency with which he assisted me was commendable -Stephanie D. • One more great program from Austin Energy. If only the entire state was served by Austin Energy, Texas would be a better place to live. -EV Program Customer Survey • Just writing to thank your team for such quick and courteous assistance. Y'all have a great team and service. -Gibrán L. EV incentive programs are now 100% digital and paper-free EV Operations Team 17 Thank You Thank You! Manager, Electric Vehicles & Emerging Technologies Karl Popham Austin Energy & 18