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Regular Meeting of the Early Childhood Council - Hybrid meeting; Attend in person or by phone
March 11, 2020

20200311-3a: Encourage representation from the Early Childhood Council on the Joint Inclusion Committee original pdf

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Scraped at: April 13, 2020, 10:10 a.m.
March 11, 2020

20200311-3c: Encourage Austin ISD to Fund Pre-K Teaching Assistants original pdf

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Scraped at: April 13, 2020, 10:10 a.m.
March 11, 2020

20200311-3d: Direct Manana Fund revenue to Early Childhood original pdf

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Scraped at: April 13, 2020, 10:10 a.m.
March 11, 2020

Approved Minutes original pdf

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EARLY CHILDHOOD COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, March 11, 2020 The Early Childhood Council (ECC) convened in a regular meeting on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, at City Hall. Board Members in Attendance: Chair Alvarez, Vice Chair McHorse, Members Gordon, Conlin, Burson, Hosking, Cortes-Castillo, Wren, Bliss Lima Staff in attendance: Rachel Farley, Estella Kirscht, Donna Sundstrom, Cindy Gamez, Michelle Rodriguez, Mary Jamsek CALL TO ORDER: Chair Alvarez called the Meeting to order at 8:34 a.m. INTRODUCTIONS - ECC members and guests introduced themselves CITIZEN COMMUNICATION:  Amy Kidwell – Effective March 1 Child Care Licensing has changed their name to Child Care Regulation; implemented new minimum standards curriculum, monthly training, 25 people training at a time but need space for additional training, with the idea to branch out to other areas; Unregulated Unit is working to send message to parents all over Texas about choosing regulated care, the State gave 28 positions across the state, with 23 already filled and have 5 more to fill  Paola Ferate-Soto with Austin Public Library will pass on contact info for parent support specialists in schools to Chair Alvarez; asked about an interpreter for the April 1 meeting; Rachel Farley will ask Clerk’s Office for interpreter support DISCLOSURE OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST – N/A 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Member Conlin motioned and Member McHorse seconded to approve the January 8, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes with no changes; minutes were approved unanimously. 2. PRESENTATION a. Success by 6 (SX6) Leadership Team early childhood policy agenda- Brooke Freeland, Consultant, United Way for Greater Austin- explained policy proposals aligned with Strategic Direction 2023, Travis County strategic plan, and 2-Gen strategic plan.  Budgetary items proposed: o Add a full time employee focused on early childhood at Austin Public Health- early childhood has been understaffed for over 20 years o Preserve funding to AISD for Parent Support Specialists to support families and parents in 60 Title I schools, primarily elementary schools; AISD funds half, City funds other half o Manana Fund additional $3 million in new tax revenue to early childhood and other initiatives  Non-budgetary items proposed o Encourage AISD to allocate funding to Pre-K teaching assistants to reduce teacher:student ratios o Economic Development Corporations (EDC)- opportunities for public-private partnerships to create revenue; City could purchase and rehab buildings; EDC could generate funds for early childhood education; City has hired a consultant to explore the possibilities o …

Scraped at: July 7, 2020, 12:10 a.m.
Jan. 8, 2020

Location: City Hall, Room 1101; New start time- 8:30 a.m. original pdf

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EARLY CHILDHOOD COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2020 8:30AM CITY HALL, BOARD AND COMMISSION ROOM #1101 301 WEST SECOND STREET, AUSTIN, TEXAS AGENDA CALL TO ORDER 1. INTRODUCTIONS 2. DISCLOSURE OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST 3. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed three minutes to address their concerns. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: November 13, 2019 regular meeting minutes 5. PRESENTATION a. Briefing on Land Development Code (LDC) Revision- Annick Beaudet, Assistant Director for Long Range Planning and Traffic Management, Austin Transportation Department/Co-lead LDC Revision 6. NEW BUSINESS AND POSSIBLE ACTIONS: a. Consider action on recommendations related to the Land Development Code b. Chair and Vice Chair updates, Chair Raul Alvarez and Vice Chair Cathy McHorse i. Timeline for fiscal year (FY) 2021 budget recommendations to Council ii. Commissions holding budget community engagement meetings iii. Saturday, February 22, at City Hall, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.- Budget Workshop for Boards and Commissions members iv. ECC representative to attend Joint Inclusion Committee meetings c. Policy work group updates, Anna Lisa Conlin and Cathy McHorse i. Consider action on FY 2021 budget recommendation requesting the City fund an additional full-time Early Childhood position at Austin Public Health ii. Consider action on recommendations requesting that related Commissions, including the Hispanic/Latino Quality of Life Resource Advisory Commission and the African American Resource Advisory Commission, make budget recommendations to Council requesting the City fund an additional full-time Early Childhood position d. Community Partnership and Engagement work group updates e. Success By 6 Coalition leadership team updates, Mary Jane Burson and Cathy McHorse 7. STAFF BRIEFING a. Rachel Farley, Austin Public Health i. ECC meeting locations ii. Dove Springs Health Center and Child Care Center 8. RELATED GROUPS (Only as needed) a. Austin Chapter of the Texas Association for the Education of Young Children b. Child Care Licensing c. Child Inc. d. E3 Alliance e. Workforce Solutions 9. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS a. Next Meeting- 8:30 a.m., Wednesday, February 12, 2020, Location is TBD (not at City Hall) b. February 12- Success By 6 Leadership Team presentation on early childhood policy agenda c. Possible presentations to schedule:  Family Connects  Head Start/Early Head Start  Austin ISD teen parent program and child care centers ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:47 p.m.
Jan. 8, 2020

20200108-6a Land Development Code Revision original pdf

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Scraped at: Jan. 23, 2020, 4:50 a.m.
Jan. 8, 2020

20200108-6ci Rec to APH re: early-childhood full-time-employee in FY21 budget original pdf

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Scraped at: Jan. 23, 2020, 4:50 a.m.
Jan. 8, 2020

20200108-6cii1 Rec to AARAC re:early-childhood full-time-employee in FY21 budget original pdf

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Scraped at: Jan. 23, 2020, 4:50 a.m.
Jan. 8, 2020

20200108-6cii2 Rec to HLQOLRAC re: early-childhood full-time-employee in FY21 budget original pdf

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Scraped at: Jan. 23, 2020, 4:50 a.m.
Jan. 8, 2020

Approved Minutes original pdf

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EARLY CHILDHOOD COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, January 8, 2020 The Early Childhood Council (ECC) convened in a regular meeting on Wednesday, January 8, 2020, at City Hall. Board Members in Attendance: Chair Alvarez; Vice Chair McHorse; Members Burson, Conlin, Cortés-Castillo, Huston, Paver Staff in attendance: Rachel Farley, Estella Kirscht, Donna Sundstrom Chair Alvarez called the meeting to order at 8:39 a.m. 1. INTRODUCTIONS - ECC members and guests introduced themselves 2. DISCLOSURE OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST- None 3. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Paola Ferate-Soto with Austin Public Library had questions for Annick Beaudet about the Land Development Code (LDC) rewrite regarding green space and Dove Springs Laura Olsen with Go Austin! Vamos Austin! (GAVA) is concerned about limited opportunities for community input on the LDC rewrite, is asking for opportunities to have community engagement, requested impact analysis for displacement 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Member Huston moved to approve the November 13, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes with no changes and Member Conlin seconded the motion. Minutes were approved unanimously by a vote of 7-0 5. PRESENTATION Annick Beaudet Assistant Director for Long Range Planning and Traffic Management with the Austin Transportation Department presented on the LDC; Donna Galati, Program Manager from Development Services Department called in to help present – Ms. Beaudet is the co-lead of the LDC Revision, along with Brent Lloyd, working within the City Manager’s Office and the office of Assistant City Manager Rodney Gonzalez, with multi-disciplinary and multi-departmental team, staff/team members from various departments who have specific expertise. There is a focus on historically underrepresented communities. Revision is guided by UT Austin’s Uprooted report on gentrification and displacement and LDC team is considering how zoning can be a tool to slow these processes. October 2019 - released a new draft text and map as a new growth concept; after the first reading in December 2019, Council approved a third concept, transition areas, mixed use corridors with multi-unit housing to absorb most of the growth as transitions into single family neighborhoods, requested significant map changes; map will be out in 12 days and will reflect Council Member Garza’s motions to make owning and operating child care easier in more parts of the City: • • Allow “large childcare” as a permitted use by right in R3 and R4 zones (two types of residential zones) • Allow minor use permit for “childcare commercial use” under residential RM1 zones Increase …

Scraped at: July 7, 2020, 12:10 a.m.