Item #3 Topics Studied in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement - Austin Transit Partnership — original pdf

Topics Studied in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement The Draft Environmental Impact Statement (or DEIS) provides a comprehensive analysis of Austin Light Rail in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act and other applicable statutes. This handout contains summary information for key areas of interest that were identified during previous community input. Scan to access the full DEIS at Wildlife and Water Resources What are the potential impacts on water and local wildlife? STUDY OUTCOMES KEY ATP PROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURES y Current drainage patterns will y Less than 2% overall change to y Manage lighting to avoid or minimize be maintained and will bridge impervious coverage because impacts on bats and birds during or culvert over water features the Project is largely within construction and operations. to limit disturbance. existing right-of-way. y Ensure compliance with Clean Water y No threatened or endangered y Lighting during construction Act by continuing coordination with the species or habitat will be and operations could affect the Army Corps of Engineers. impacted by the Project. bat colony and the new light rail bridge across Lady Bird Lake is in the bat flight path. y Continuing bridge design will seek to reduce impacts to water quality, plants and animals. Air Quality How would the construction and operation of light rail affect air quality? STUDY OUTCOMES KEY ATP PROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURES ATP will require contractors to implement best management practices to minimize dust and emissions that might be caused by construction. During construction: y Increase in dust from construction activities. y Increase in emissions from machinery used during construction. y Temporary emissions from cars due to traffic conditions. Reduced Vehicle Miles Traveled Annually, over 20 million fewer vehicle miles will be traveled, as more people transition to the newly available transit options. No Air Emissions During Operation Light rail vehicles are electric. Austin Prioritizes Clean Air The Austin area complies with all federal air quality standards designed to protect public health. 1 Trees What will happen to trees along the light rail? STUDY OUTCOMES KEY ATP PROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURES y A tree task force y Three-tiered strategy conducted an will be applied to inventory of trees trees within the limits to determine of construction, which y Removed trees y Continuing objective is to avoid tree removals or impacts Three Tiered Strategy for Trees: the potential for includes: preservation in the Project area. 245 Protected Trees 211 Heritage Trees It is anticipated that most of these trees can be preserved . through design. would be replaced per City Tree Ordinance and in consultation with City Arborist. Preserving Transplanting Planting y Preserving all of the protected and heritage trees we can through the Project’s design. y Transplanting protected and heritage trees that must be removed when feasible. y Planting more new trees than we remove along and near the alignment. Transportation How would the construction and operation of light rail affect transportation in the area? STUDY OUTCOMES KEY ATP PROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURES y Improved travel times and reliability for transit users. y Added bike and pedestrian pathways. y Traffic analysis shows that many intersections are congested in the future Areas along light rail where space is limited may result in: y Street network traffic pattern changes. y Bikeway relocations. y Reduced on-street parking. Coordination between ATP and the City is critical to: y Manage traffic signals for safe and regulated integration of light rail vehicles with pedestrians, bikes and cars. y Plan for the overall transportation network through efforts like Austin Core regardless of whether light y Delay and congestion at Transportation (ACT) Plan. rail is built. certain intersections. y Temporary delays and/or detours to traffic (cars and buses) during construction. ATP will manage and proactively communicate temporary traffic changes during construction in partnership with other major projects. 2 Environmental Justice How will the Project benefit and support all neighboring communities around the light rail? Following the public comment period, FTA will make an Environmental Justice determination that considers the potential for disproportionate adverse impacts, offsetting benefits, and proposed mitigation. STUDY OUTCOMES KEY ATP PROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURES Community Benefits Potential for Adverse Impacts on Plan for the equitable integration of EJ Communities light rail into Austin: y The indirect and cumulative effect y Displacement Prevention Program healthcare, shopping, and cultural gentrification trends. of new development around the Project could accelerate y Acquisitions and displacements required for the Project would occur in EJ areas as defined by Executive Order 12898. administered by City. y Business Assistance Program. y Land Use Polices supporting affordable housing. y New affordable and reliable transportation options that connect existing and planned affordable housing to jobs, centers. y Accessible stations and trains. y Create new job opportunities and career pathways in the infrastructure industry. y New and improved sidewalks and protected bike lanes associated with the Project. Socioeconomics Are there local and regional economic opportunities and challenges? STUDY OUTCOMES KEY ATP PROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURES During construction, an estimated: +7,250 JOBS from construction activities each year Once light rail is in operation: +1,150 JOBS $589 MILLION annually in labor income *New and permanent jobs in operations, supply chain, and consumer spending y ATP is working in regional partnerships to develop workforce development programs for local and regional residents to be trained and pathways resulting from the Project. will be created each year in Travis County* ready for job opportunities and career 3 Property Acquisition Will properties need to be acquired? y Much of the Project is in the public right-of-way. y Some properties or a portion of a property will need to be acquired for temporary and permanent use. y The Draft EIS assesses property needs based on the design plans from May 2024. Types of acquisitions/ easements along the corridor: y Full: An entire parcel would be purchased. y Partial: Only the portion of a parcel falling within the proposed Project right-of-way footprint would be acquired. y Temporary: Includes temporary construction easements used for construction activities. PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE STUDY OUTCOMES KEY ATP PROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURES 567 28 280 Total Parcels along the corridor Full acquisitions Partial acquisitions Less than 3% of the land adjacent to the light rail corridor would be needed, and most property impacts would be thin strips of land to expand sidewalks and streets. y Work is ongoing to optimize design and reduce property impacts. y Compensation including relocation assistance, moving costs, and other fees will be paid in accordance with the Uniform Act. Temporary Construction Effects Impacts during construction were identified as a concern during scoping. This analysis summarizes the key impact topics across all the resource areas that were studied. STUDY OUTCOMES KEY ATP PROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURES Primary impacts generated during construction include: y Dust and light pollution. y Vehicle Emissions. y Noise and vibration. y Detours to traffic, sidewalks, bike lanes, and trails. y Proactive communication to y Follow all local, state, and federal regularly broadcast and maintain environmental laws and permit road, lane, and trail detours. conditions. y Limit nighttime construction in y Implement Business Assistance residential areas. Program development in y Follow best management practices in reducing dust and maintaining healthy floodplains. coordination with the affected communities to plan for and minimize impacts during construction. y Construction Partnership Program. 4 Noise and Vibration What will the light rail sound like and will you notice any movement if you are close by? STUDY OUTCOMES KEY ATP PROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURES Light rail noise characteristics: Other sources of noise: Operation and y Electric light rail is quiet, Maintenance Facility similar to electric cars. y Vehicles in operation would be barely noticeable over existing conditions along most of the Project. Noise will result from: Warning Bells and Crossover Tracks* *specific locations where trains can switch tracks y Noise and vibration impacts could occur where trains would enter and operate in the OMF. y Most nearby residential areas would not experience additional noise or vibration given distance to facility and existing conditions. Potential opportunities to further reduce noise and vibration impacts: During construction: ATP or its contractors would prepare a Noise Control y Relocating crossover Plan to minimize temporary tracks to less sensitive impacts during construction. areas. y Minimizing wheel/rail interaction at crossovers. y Installing noise barriers or sound insulation where appropriate. Historic Architectural and Archaeological Resources This analysis was conducted in accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). An inventory of existing resources eligible for protection under NHPA was conducted, and others were considered for eligible status in coordination with the Texas Historical Commission. STUDY OUTCOMES KEY ATP PROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURES No Impact on Historic Properties No Significant Archaeological y ATP will continue to consult with local historians Resources Have Been and architects to determine whether all historic None of the 220 eligible historic Encountered properties have been identified, and whether properties will be adversely ATP has conducted current plans sufficiently avoid adverse impacts. impacted that are located along archaeological surveys in the Project. accessible areas where buried artifacts may be present and to date, nothing has been found. y Additional surveys will be conducted as design progresses. In addition, for areas with potential cultural resources, an archaeologist would monitor excavation activities during construction to identify and protect any artifacts that may be present. 5 Chapter 26, Section 4(f) & 6(f) Impacts to Parks, Trails, Recreation and Historic Resources Chapter 26 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code was established to protect public parks, recreational and scientific areas, wildlife refuges, and historic sites from being used or taken by the local or state public agencies for public projects. Section 4(f) of the U.S. Department of Transportation Act is a federal law that establishes special requirements when parkland and historic resources are proposed to be used by a transportation project. Section 6(f) of the Land and Water Conservation Act protects recreational lands purchased with Land and Water Conservation program funds. STUDY OUTCOMES KEY ATP PROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURES y FTA has made preliminary y Partial acquisitions and y Waller Beach is also protected under Section 6(f) Section 4(f) de minimis impact easements would be needed of the Land and Water Conservation Act, which determinations for these types to support underground utility of uses. A de minimis impact relocations or new sidewalks is one where the partial use of that are part of the Project. a resource is needed but the use would not negatively affect the features, activities, or attributes of the property. y ATP would acquire approximately one acre of Waller Beach for construction and maintenance of the new y Portions of parks and trails Lady Bird Lake Bridge. The would be acquired or used for trail would be restored after construction and operation of Project completion. the Project. Project Design at Waller Beach requires the development of replacement parkland of equivalent value and use for the conversion area shown in the drawing. y Plans are underway to identify the replacement parkland and relocate the Waller Creek Boathouse. Section 4(f) Parks and Trails Located within the Limits of Project Construction 6 Ready to comment? We’re listening. Respond by March 11, 2025 to ensure that we can respond to your comment in the Final Environmental Impact Statement.