Item #5 Draft Recommendation - High Level Goals for the Downtown Austin Plan Update. — original pdf

BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Downtown Commission Recommendation Number_________________________: High Level Goals For DAP Update Recommendation WHEREAS the Austin Council on ___________, 2024, passed Resolution 20240814-028 calling for an update to the Downtown Austin Plan (DAP); WHEREAS the Downtown Commission (DTC) of the City of Austin is charged with stewarding the DAP; and WHEREAS the DTC Commissioners have received presentations concerning the central city plans of other cities similar to Austin; and WHEREAS the DTC has received a presentation from the Planning Department concerning the City’s preliminary plans for evaluating the needs of downtown both current and anticipated, drafting an updated DAP to meet those needs, and implementing the DAP once adopted; and WHEREAS the DTC DAP Working Group has communicated with other downtown stakeholders; and WHEREAS the DTC desires that the DAP update be successful, comprehensive and accomplished in a timely manner; and WHEREAS the Planning Department has presented to the City Council outlining the estimated cost, scope, and preliminary timeline for the DAP Update; and WHEREAS Downtown Austin has changed significantly since the completion of the original DAP; and WHEREAS the DTC has identified certain high-level goals for the DAP Update. NOW THEREFORE we, the commissioners of the Austin Downtown Commission, do hereby strongly recommend and urge that the early planning for and initial steps in creating the DAP Update adopt and keep in mind the following goals: For maximum efficacy, therefore, the new DAP should comprise a comprehensive 1. reconsideration of downtown rather than mere updates to the existing plan. DraftThe DAP should support the ongoing evolution of a safe, vibrant, and beautiful downtown 2. which includes increased residential population, a diversity of uses at a range of price points, including active cultural and civic uses, and which is responsive to emerging trends. Keeping in mind that municipal plans frequently exist solely as aspirations and are not 3. implemented in any effective manner or at all, and in order to ensure effective use of city resources, the DAP should specifically identify a funding mechanism for implementation and include the creation of a single city entity with sufficient authority to ensure cohesive, effective implementation of the DAP and keep the DTC informed of its progress in developing the DAP Update. The City of Austin should contract with a high-quality consultant to carry out the planning 4. and give the consultant the freedom to approach the plan and engagement strategy with a fresh eye, including the freedom to reconsider appropriate boundaries for downtown with reference to the plan. 5. The plan should include economic modeling of different land use options. Directing the City Manager to: Assure that the DAP update meets the goals as stated above. Motioned By: Seconded By: _______________________ ________________________ Date of Approval: Vote: ___-___ For: Against: Abstain: Absent: Vacant: Attest: __________________________________________ Draft