Item #1 Draft Meeting Minutes December 18, 2024 — original pdf

Downtown Commission Meeting Minutes Wednesday, December 18, 2024 DOWNTOWN COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, December 18, 2024 The Downtown Commission convened the regular meeting on Wednesday, December 18, 2024, at City Hall, 301W 2nd St, in a hybrid meeting format. COMMISSIONERS IN ATTENDANCE August Harris, Chair Ed Ishmael, Vice-Chair Liz Coufal Charles Peveto Kimberly Levinson Sania Shifferd COMMISSIONERS IN ATTENDANCE REMOTELY Peter Breton Jennifer Franklin Amy Mok Nelly Paulina Ramírez Spencer Schumacher CALL TO ORDER Chair Harris called the meeting of the Downtown Commission to order at 5:34 pm. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES November 20, 2024. 1. Approve the minutes of the Downtown Commission regular called meeting on The minutes from the meeting on November 20, 2024, were approved on Commissioner Levinson’s motion, Vice Chair Ishmael’s second on a 6-0 vote. Commissioner Shifferd was off the dais. Commissioners Carroll and Lavigne were absent. Wednesday, December 18, 2024 Downtown Commission Meeting Minutes DISCUSSION ITEM DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEM 2. Presentation and discussion regarding the Downtown Austin Plan. Presentation by Chad Sharrard, Senior Planner, Planning Department. The presentation was made by Chad Sharrard, Senior Planner, Planning Department. 3. Approve additional membership to the Downtown Austin Plan Working Group. The motion to approve adding Commissioner Coufal to the Downtown Austin Plan Working Group was approved on Vice Chair Ishmael’s motion, Commissioner Shifferd’s second on a 6-0 vote. Commissioner Levinson was off the dais. Commissioners Carroll and Lavigne were absent. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Waterloo Greenway Multi modal improvements – Seaholm Discussion on possible changes to Downtown Commission and South Central Waterfront Advisory Board. ADJOURNMENT Chair Harris adjourned the meeting at 6:18 pm without any objection.