Item #1 Draft Meeting Minutes November 20, 2024 — original pdf

Downtown Commission Meeting Minutes Wednesday, November 20, 2024 DOWNTOWN COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, November 20, 2024 The Downtown Commission convened the regular meeting on Wednesday, November 20, 2024, at 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive in hybrid meeting format. COMMISSIONERS IN ATTENDANCE August Harris, Chair Ralph E Ishmael Jr., Vice-Chair Peter Breton Charles Peveto David Carroll Kimberly Levinson Anne-Charlotte Patterson Sania D. Shifferd COMMISSIONERS IN ATTENDANCE REMOTELY Liz Coufal Jennifer Franklin Amy Mok CALL TO ORDER Chair Harris called the meeting of the Downtown Commission to order at 5:36 pm. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 16, 2024. 1. Approve the minutes of the Downtown Commission regular called meeting on October The minutes from the meeting on October 16, 2024, were approved on Vice Chair Ishmael’s motion, Commissioner Levinson’s second on an 8-0 vote. Commissioner Lavigne was absent. Downtown Commission Meeting Minutes DISCUSSION ITEMS Wednesday, November 20, 2024 2. Presentation on benchmarking downtown plans in comparable cities by Melissa Barry, Chief Program Officer, Downtown Austin Alliance, and discussion of the update to the Downtown Austin Plan. The presentation was made by Melissa Barry, Chief Program Officer, Downtown Austin Alliance. 3. Presentation on the Great Streets Plan by Jill Amezcua, Program Manager II, Planning Department. The presentation was made by Jill Amezcua, Program Manager II, Planning Department. 4. Presentation on the Congress Avenue Urban Design Initiative by Laura Dierenfield, Division Manager, Austin Transportation and Public Works. The presentation was made by Laura Dierenfield, Division Manager, Austin Transportation and Public Works. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 5. Approve the formation of a Working Group to contribute input to the update of the Downtown Austin Plan. The motion to approve the formation of a Working Group to contribute input to the update of the Downtown Austin Plan was approved on Commissioner Levinson’s motion, Commissioner Peveto’s second on a 7-0 vote. Commissioner Coufal was off the dais. Commissioner Lavigne was absent. Vice Chair Ishmael, Commissioners Levinson, Peveto and Shifferd were added to the working group without objection. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Waterloo Greenway (Harris, Levinson) ADJOURNMENT Chair Harris adjourned the meeting at 7:25 pm without any objection.