Item #4 Congress Avenue Urban Design Initiative - Transportation and Public Works — original pdf

CONGRESS AVENUE URBAN DESIGN INITIATIVE Downtown Commission Briefing | November 20, 2024 TODAY’S TOPICS • About the CAUDI Vision Plan • Review of the full build scenario (unfunded) • Review of the proposed first phase from Cesar Chavez St. to 11th St. • 100 Block • 200, 300, 400, 600 Blocks • Rebalancing the Avenue • 500 Block • Plaza Concept • Motor Vehicle Access • 700 & 800 Blocks • 900 & 1000 Blocks • Invitation to Share Feedback OVERVIEW of the VISION PLAN "Congress Avenue, often called the "Main Street of Texas," is one of the most iconic, historic and lively streets in Austin. The Congress Avenue Urban Design Initiative (CAUDI) envisions a transformative urban design, placemaking, and implementation strategy for Congress Avenue between Riverside Dr. and 11th St.” “The goal of this effort is to create a multifunctional complete street with a dynamic public realm that contributes to Downtown Austin's evolution as a sustainable mixed- use downtown and supports Austin's identity as a unique and iconic cultural city." FULL BUILD SCENARIO (UNFUNDED) 4 11/20/20 24 5 100 BLOCK 11/20/20 24 6 200 - 600 BLOCK 7 FULL BUILD CROSS SECTION: 200-400 & 600 BLOCKS 8 700 BLOCK 9 FULL BUILD CROSS SECTION: 700 BLOCK 10 FULL BUILD PLAZA CONCEPT: 7th ST. - 11th ST. 11 PROPOSED FIRST PHASE: CESAR CHAVEZ ST. – 11TH ST. Initial funding through the 2020 Mobility Bond Program 12 CROSS SECTION: 100 BLOCK Plan view of the proposed 100 block 13 200, 300, 400, 600 BLOCKS 14 REBALANCING THE AVENUE Funded first phase cross section at the 200, 300, 400 and 600 block. Percentages may not total 100 due to rounding. • Opens a 25-30 feet pedestrian amenity zone on both sides of Congress Avenue • Maintains left turn lanes at Cesar Chavez St., 5th St. and 6th St. • Upgrades bikeway barrier quality and consistency • Maintains ADA accessible parking or relocates it nearby • • Considers contextual factors for maintaining or adding on-street parking where necessary • Impacts 0.27% of existing downtown parking and 1.5% of on-street parking Leverages wayfinding solutions to direct people to available on and off-street parking supply Parking, Wayfinding & Street Patios 15 CROSS SECTION: 500 BLOCK Plan view of the proposed 500 block 16 PLAZA CONCEPT: 7th ST. - 11th ST. 17 MOTOR VEHICLE ACCESS Summary of Changes • Motor vehicle movements would end at 7th St. rather than at 11th St., where they do today • East-west movements remain the same • Proposed changes are compatible with future changes due to the I-35 Central Express Project • ADA accessible parking will be relocated to side streets between 7th and 11th Street and will remain where they are or will be rebuilt between Cesar Chavez St. and 7th St. 18 700 & 800 BLOCKS 19 CROSS SECTION: 700 & 800 BLOCKS Plan view of the proposed 700 and 800 blocks 20 900 & 1000 BLOCKS 21 CROSS SECTION: 900 & 1000 BLOCKS Plan view of the proposed 900 and 1000 blocks 22 Share Your Feedback through November 24, 2024 23