Approved Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes

Downtown Commission Meeting Minutes Wednesday, March 20, 2024 DOWNTOWN COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, March 20, 2024 The Downtown Commission convened the regular meeting on Wednesday, March 20, 2024, at 301 W. 2nd Street in hybrid meeting format. COMMISSIONERS IN ATTENDANCE August Harris, Chair Ralph E Ishmael, Jr. Vice-Chair Liz Coufal Kimberly Levinson Sania D. Shifferd COMMISSIONERS IN ATTENDANCE REMOTELY Jennifer Franklin David Holmes Mike Lavigne Anne Charlotte Patterson Spencer Schumacher CALL TO ORDER Chair Harris called the meeting of the Downtown Commission to order at 5:32 pm APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the Downtown Commission February 21, 2024 meeting. The minutes from the meeting on 02/21/24 were approved on Vice Chair Ishmael’s motion, Commissioner Levinson’s second on a 6-0 vote. Commissioners Cardona- Beiler, Major and Ortega were absent. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEM 2. Approve a recommendation to City Council for immediate and future funding that is consistent with other Cultural Districts to support activities in the Red River Cultural District through its management entity, the Red River Merchants Association. Presentation by Nicole Klepadlo, Interim Executive Director, Red River Cultural District. Downtown Commission Meeting Minutes Wednesday, March 20, 2024 A motion to approve Recommendation 20240320-002 was made by Commissioner Levinson, Commissioner Coufal’s second. Chair Harris recessed the Downtown Commission meeting without objection at 6:03pm. Chair Harris reconvened the Downtown Commission meeting at 6:15pm. A motion to amend was made by Vice Chair Ishmael and seconded by Commissioner Levinson. The amendment was to edit the final passage to read as follows: “…that the Downtown Commission recommends that Austin City Council to allocate immediate and future funding to include the Fiscal Year 24-25 Budget to the Red River Cultural District consistent with amounts allocated to other Cultural Districts, through its managing entity, Red River Merchants Association.” The amendment was approved on a 6-0 vote. The motion to approve Recommendation 20240320-002 as amended was approved on Commissioner Levinson’s motion, Commissioner Coufal’s second on a 6-0 vote. Commissioners Cardona-Beiler, Major and Ortega were absent. 3. Approve a recommendation to City Council to appropriate funding during the FY 2025 Budget to equip the Austin Police Department and Transportation and Public Works Department with sufficient barricades to enhance pedestrian safety for Downtown activities and events. The motion to approve Recommendation 20240320-003 was approved on Commissioner Levinson’s motion, Commissioner Coufal’s second on a 6-0 vote. Commissioners Cardona-Beiler, Major and Ortega were absent. 4. Approve a recommendation to Council regarding Downtown graffiti policy with updated information presented by Chair Harris, Downtown Commission. Chair Harris recessed the Downtown Commission meeting without objection at 6:31pm. Chair Harris reconvened the Downtown Commission meeting at 6:36 pm. No action taken. Chair Harris and Commissioner Levinson would like to bring back a recommendation at a future meeting. DISCUSSION ITEMS 5. Presentation on the Downtown Historic Survey by Emily Payne with HHM, Inc., on behalf of the Planning Department, Historic Preservation Division. Downtown Commission Meeting Minutes Wednesday, March 20, 2024 Presentation was given by Emily Payne, President and Senior Architectural Historian, HHM, Inc. 6. Presentation on the Equity-Based Preservation Plan by Cara Bertron, Planning Department. Presentation was given by Cara Bertron, Program Manager II, Planning Department and JuanRaymon Rubio, stakeholder. 7. Update and discussion regarding actions related to the Downtown Commission taken at the last Music Commission meeting and on short-term rental opportunities to support Hotel Occupancy Tax from music support in Downtown. The item was postponed without objection. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None provided. ADJOURNMENT Chair Harris adjourned the meeting at 7:38 pm without any objection. The minutes were approved at the April 17, 2024 meeting on Commissioner Levinson’s motion, Vice Chair Ishmael’s second on a 6-0 vote. Commissioners Cardona-Beiler, Coufal and Lavigne were absent.