Item #3 Draft Recommendation 20240417-003 Centralize Graffiti Programs under New Department — original pdf

BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Downtown Commission Recommendation Number 20240417-003: Request to centralize graffiti programs; create and fund a new City of Austin department WHEREAS graffiti is a crime under the laws of the state of Texas; and WHEREAS Title 7 of the Texas State Penal Code 28.02 addresses offenses against property, including graffiti. WHEREAS title 7 of the Texas Penal Code addresses criminal trespass; and WHEREAS Title 3 of the Texas Penal Code 12.43 establishes penalties for repeat and habitual misdemeanor offenses; and WHEREAS graffiti is a public nuisance; and WHEREAS graffiti defaces public and private property, leaving property owners and taxpayers to bear the burden of remediation, and adversely affects citizens, communities, businesses, and property values; and WHEREAS graffiti is a growing problem that cost the Austin Parks and Recreation Department $546,00; Building Services $437,325; TxDot and CTRMA more than $150,000 just for central sections of Mopac Loop 1 and IH35; and WHEREAS the Downtown Austin Alliance abated 26,485 instances of graffiti and stickers/posters in 2022 in the Downtown PID through a third-party vendor, incurring a considerable cost to do so that would have been better spent elsewhere; and WHEREAS tagging traffic signage creates public safety hazards and damages the reflective coating needed for visibility, resulting in replacement of signage at a considerable cost to taxpayers. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Downtown Commission requests that the City of Austin centralize its various graffiti programs into a new Department of Nuisance Abatement; and that it be placed under the authority of the Code Enforcement Department; and that it be funded to the sum of $2 million dollars. Date of Approval: _____________________________ Record of the vote: (Unanimous on a 7-0 vote, 4-3 vote with names of those voting no listed) Attest: _____________________________________________ (Staff or board member can sign)