Item 1_Draft minutes of November 20, 2023 Meeting — original pdf

The Downtown Commission convened a meeting on Monday, November 20, 2023, at 301 W. 2nd Street in hybrid meeting format. DOWNTOWN COMMISSION SPECIAL CALLED MEETING MONDAY, NOVMEBER 20, 2023 COMMISSIONERS IN ATTENDANCE: Sania D. Shifferd August Harris, Chair Tania Ortega Darilynn Cardona-Beiler Amy Mok Taylor Major Ann Charlotte Patterson Jen Weaver Spencer Schumacher Kimberly Levinson CITY STAFF IN ATTENDANCE: Christi Vitela, Office of the City Clerk Christine Maguire, Economic Development Department CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called the meeting to order at 5:31 pm APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the Downtown Commission October 18, 2023, Regular meeting. a. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Commissioner Levinson and seconded by Commissioner Taylor on a vote of (7-0) 2. Rachel Castignoli and Kirk Scanlon of the Transportation and Public Works Department gave a briefing on the city’s autonomous vehicle working group. BRIEFINGS a. No action was taken. DISCUSSION ITEMS 3. Cody Scott of the Austin Public Library Department presented on the Austin Public Library’s Heating and Cooling initiative. a. No action was taken. 4. Discussion of recent activities and actions taken by the Arts Commission. a. Commissioner Mok did not have an update at this time. 5. Discussion of recent activities and actions taken by the Music Commission. a. Commissioner Ann Charlotte Patterson updated the Commission on discussions and actions by the Music Commission related to: i. Commission took action to recommend to Council to direct Convention Center staff to create an advisory board for the convention center expansion 6. Discussion of recent activities and actions taken by the Urban Transportation Commission (UTC) a. Commissioner Schumacher updated the commission on discussions and actions by the Urban Transportation Commission related to: i. Council recommended amendments to City parking code and will be an option for presentation to the Downtown Commission ii. Bike parking update to the Criteria Manual in 2024 FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 7. Bike parking updates to the Title 25 of the Land Development Code ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 6:58 pm without any objection.