Item 4 Memo to Mayor & Council Seaholm Mobility Recs — original pdf

M E M O R A N D U M TO: Mayor and Council Members THROUGH: Robert Goode, Interim Assistant City Manager FROM: Richard Mendoza, Transportation and Public Works Director DATE: December 8, 2023 SUBJECT: Seaholm Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #18 Project List Recommendations _______________________________________ We want to share with you a recommended project list for consideration, based on Mayor and Council’s input, for those funds remaining through the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #18 (TIRZ), once closed. Seaholm Redevelopment District TIRZ # 18 Overview The project and financing plan for TIRZ #18 included funding for construction of a bicycle and pedestrian underpass underneath the railroad tracks at Bowie Street (commonly referred to as the “Bowie Underpass” project). Despite extensive negotiations with Union Pacific Railroad, a project agreement could not be reached. We are proposing some renovations to that original Underpass Project, but please know that we cannot move forward with the entire project as originally envisioned. Stakeholder Engagement and Recommended Alternatives Transportation and Public Works (TPW) staff convened multiple input sessions with stakeholders including community- based non-profits, Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Council representatives, real estate professionals, property managers, and neighborhood association leadership. New suggested alternatives include near-term and long-term options informed by not only the Mayor and City Council but also the Shoal Creek Conservancy’s Cypress and Shoal Creek Public Space Strategy as well as recommendations in the Austin Bicycle Plan, Urban Trails and Sidewalk plans. With that as a backdrop, TPW staff recommends the following projects in order of priority (also included identified on attached map). Page 1 of 2 Project Number Project Name and Description (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Shoal Creek Trail Underpass at the 3rd Street Bike/Ped Bridge – This project will eliminate the existing sharp turns and blind curves to improve north-south and east-west trail movements by routing the Shoal Creek trail underneath the 3rd Street bike/ped bridge and improve overall trail connections to 3rd Street. Expanded 3rd Street Bike/Ped Bridge and Study of the 3rd Street Trestle Bridge – This project will improve the quality and comfort for people crossing 3rd Street bicycle and pedestrian bridge by widening the current constrained connection, estimated at $4M, to better manage increasing volumes of people walking and bicycling. This project will also include the study and preliminary design of a public plaza at the 3rd Street trestle bridge, estimated at $1M for study and preliminary design. Because the City does not own the trestle bridge, TPW recommends funding further study first to best understand all options with associated costs. 3rd and West Intersection – This project will primarily upgrade the safety, quality, and comfort of the intersection of 3rd Street and West Avenue for all modes. Protected corners, improved wayfinding, widened areas for safer passing and more predictable and visible turning movements would be constructed in coordination with landscaping and shade. Sidewalk and trail connectivity along Cesar Chavez St. from B.R. Reynolds Drive to San Antonio Street – This project would establish an ADA accessible route between B.R. Reynolds Drive and San Antonio Street along the south curb of Cesar Chavez Street to improve connectivity to the existing Shoal Creek Trail underpass at Cesar Chavez Street. Trail crossings at West Avenue and Walter Seaholm Drive ($200k) - This project would add dynamic signs like those at B.R. Reynolds Drive and Sandra Muraida Way to highlight the trail crossings along Cesar Chavez Street at West Avenue and Walter Seaholm Drive to provide consistent crossing treatments of the crosstown bikeway along Cesar Chavez Street. Cost Estimate $5M $5M $1M $1.3M $200k Please contact Richard Mendoza ( Director, Transportation and Public Works Department if you have further questions. TOTAL PROJECTS $12.5 M cc: Jesús Garza, Interim City Manager Ed Van Eenoo, Chief Financial Officer Attachment: Map of Alternative Projects Page 2 of 2