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EXHIBIT B – Rail Construction Noise and Mitigation Plan Requirements The Austin Transit Partnership (ATP) will submit the required components listed below to be reviewed and approved by City Staff. City Staff will review the plan to ensure that all required components are present in the plan and are satisfactory to City Staff before approval. ATP commits to adhere and ensure that contracted parties responsible for light rail construction activities adhere to the policies and procedures housed within the submitted plans. The following components are required: 1. Construction Noise Mitigation and Monitoring Plan Construction noise impacts will be documented in the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS), completed in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process. Mitigation measures identified in the Mitigation Monitoring Plan, affirmed in the FEIS and Record of Decision, will be included in contract documents, monitored for implementation during final design and construction. Measures to minimize impacts will include, but are not limited to: • • • Sound monitoring during construction Limiting idling and back up alarms of equipment Limiting certain activities during certain times 2. Noise Control Plan Requirements for Contractors during Construction ATP will require all contractors to submit a Noise Control Plan as part of their contract that addresses mitigation for their specific schedule, equipment, and methods of construction. ATP will submit their requirements of contractors for this plan to the City. The requirements will include, but are not limited to: Schedule (dates and times of day) and methods of construction • Contractor’s specific equipment types • • Maximum noise limits for each piece of equipment with certification testing • Prohibitions on certain types of equipment and processes during the night or daytime hours • • Methods for projecting construction noise levels • • Methods for responding to community complaints in line with the Programmatic Project Identification of specific sensitive locations near construction sites Implementation of noise control measures where appropriate Communications Plan. 3. Programmatic Project Communications Plan This plan will contain requirements for programmatic communications including how the program will communicate to the public about construction impacts and timelines, posting of public-facing materials, procedures for submission of noise and construction impact complaints, and how complaints will be handled. • This plan will be adhered to by all contractors for the program. This plan will dictate high-level requirements that ensure consistency of information, noticing, monitoring, reporting, and responding to complaints. Items that are required in this plan are: • o Provisions for a Construction Noise webpage on the website that will communicate: • construction plans and timelines, • notification of construction impacts, • what efforts are being made to minimize noise, • where noise complaints can be filed, • description of format of response to noise complaints and steps for corrective action to address verified complaints, links to documents mentioned in this policy and • • monitoring data. o Procedures for notifying surrounding residents and businesses of temporary construction impacts and providing complaint information o Procedures that detail how the public can submit noise complaints, how that information will be shared with the public, format of response and steps for corrective actions taken to address verified complaints. o Commitment to post noise monitoring information on at least a quarterly basis to the Project Connect Construction Noise webpage detailing noise readings and monitoring locations.