Downtown_Commission_Approved_Meeting_Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes

DOWNTOWN COMMISSION DRAFT MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2022 The Downtown Commission convened in a meeting on Wednesday, February 16, 2022, at 301 W. 2nd Street in hybrid meeting format. David Gomez, Commissioner Nelly Paulina Ramirez, Commissioner Cynthia Weatherby, Commissioner Mike Lavigne, Commissioner Laura Templeton, Commissioner Kelan Robinson, Commissioner Downtown Commissioners in Attendance: August Harris, Chair Christopher Lehman, Vice Chair Megan Meisenbach, Commissioner Jennifer Weaver, Commissioner Josh Lickteig, Commissioner Joel Sher, Commissioner Ben Heimsath, Commissioner Downtown Commissioners Not in Attendance: Chris Kanipe, Commissioner; Amy Mock, Commissioner; Kimberly Taylor, Commissioner; Preston Reine, Commissioner; Christopher Limon, Commissioner City Staff in Attendance: Susana Carbajal, Christine Maguire, and Matthew Schmidt, Economic Development Department CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called the meeting to order at 5:37 p.m. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL No citizens were signed up to speak. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 19, 2022, MEETING MINUTES The January 19, 2022, Downtown Commission meeting minutes were adopted. 2. NEW BUSINESS - Discussion and Possible Action a. Convention Center Expansion: Downtown Commission Working Group Recommendation: Presentation by Heywood Sanders, University of Texas San Antonio The Commission received presentations by Heywood Sanders, University of Texas San Antonio. No action was taken. 3. OLD BUSINESS a. Staff Updates – Christine Maguire provided updates to the Commission regarding Texas Open Meetings Act requirements, Board Communications, and upcoming budget recommendation deadlines. b. Items from representatives of collaborating commissions including non-voting members: i. Update from Commissioner Jen Weaver on recent activities and actions taken by the Design Commission - 1 - Commissioner reported that the Design Commission discussed the Mexican American Cultural Center Phase 2, Waterloo Greenway Creek Delta, Rainey Street Trailhead, Urban Design Guidelines, and work on Great Streets. c. Update from Commissioner Ben Heimsath on recent activities and actions taken by the Historic Preservation Commission. Commissioner Heimsath reported that the Commission continues to discuss preservation standards, and approval of public art located at the Scarborough Building. d. Update from Commissioner Cynthia Weatherby on recent activities and actions taken by the Urban Transportation Commission (UTC) Commissioner Weatherby updated the Commission on the UTC work on the Strategic Mobility Plan. e. Update from Commissioner Amy Mock on recent activities and actions taken by the Arts f. Update from Commission Christopher Limon on recent activities and actions taken by the g. Update from Commissioner Kimberly Taylor on recent activities and actions taken by the Commission. Commissioner Mock absent; no updates. Music Commission. Commissioner Limon absent; no updates. Parks & Recreation Board Commissioner Taylor absent, no updates. Public Safety Commission. No updates. h. Update from Commissioner Nelly Paulina Ramirez on recent activities and actions taken by the 4. POTENTIAL FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS • Continued discussion of Convention Center Expansion • Update on Multi-Modal Transportation Options (Scooters) • Update on Homeless Strategy • Budget Recommendations Adjournment 7:29 P.M. The minutes were approved on this the 20st day of April 2022 on Chair Harris’ motion. - 2 -