Agenda_Item_2(a)_Backup — original pdf

DOWNTOWN HOMELESSNESS ACTIVITY DOWNTOWN COMMISSION MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021 POINT-IN-TIME COUNT DATA Persons Experiencing Homelessness in Austin/Travis County 2011-2020 DOWNTOWN PIT TREND UNSHELTERED ESTIMATE APRIL 2021 Unsheltered individuals = 289 Tents or other structures = 260 Vehicles = 12 Datapoints collected = 561 Estimated unsheltered total = 742* *Based on HUD multipliers for number in tents/structures and vehicles at 1.75 ppl/structure and 1.66 ppl/vehicle HEALTHCARE FOR THE HOMELESS WHAT: A new program/partnership to provide housing-focused behavioral healthcare for people experiencing homelessness WHO: Downtown Austin Alliance, Integral Care, Downtown Austin Community Court, HOST GOAL: To provide housing-focused healthcare to 100-150 people per year WHERE: Downtown PID/Community Court area SERVICE HUB: Terrace at Oak Springs Clinic YEAR-1 COST: $520,000 (Downtown Alliance/City of Austin) HOMELESSNESS SUMMIT Date: March 19-April 12 Purpose: To create a System Implementation Strategy to address unsheltered homelessness Participants: More than 200 from nonprofit, public and private sector Outcomes: Short and long-term goals set Proposed System SUMMIT GOALS PROPOSED SYSTEM SUMMIT - NEXT STEPS & MILESTONES Immediate Next Steps: Develop organizational structure and formalize strategy Milestones: June 2021 – Rehouse 100 people August 2021 – Rehouse another 100 people December 2021 – Rehouse another 200 April 2024 – Rehouse total of 3,000 WHAT’S CHANGED Downtown shelters are operating at 50% or below capacities Increasing number of people are living unsheltered downtown and across the city Proposition B passed reinstating city camping, aggressive solicitation and sit/lie ordinances City Council resolution to explore sanctioned encampments Bills being considered at the State Legislature ARPA funding and increased private sector interest create unprecedented opportunity QUESTIONS & DISCUSSION