Agenda_Item_2(d)_ATD_Downtown_Wayfinding — original pdf

DOWNTOWN AUSTIN WAYFINDING PROGRAM 2020 Implementation / Stakeholder Meeting JANUARY 5, 2021 AGENDA • Introductions • Project Background • Project Status • Current Tasks • Next Steps / Schedule • Destination Discussion The University of Texas MLK Blvd. East Austin 5 3 H I c a p o M . d v l B r a m a L Lady Bird Lake . . e v A s s e r g n o C . S South Austin ORIGINAL SCOPE OF WORK • Wayfinding Analysis • Design Development • Sign Standards Manual (Signed/Sealed) • Sign Location Plans • Message Schedule • Detail Sheets: Location Photos / Drawings FINAL DRAFT N o . 1 1 Downtown Austin wayfinding master plan June 14, 2013 H City of Austin, Texas with: McCann Adams Studio Austin, TX Estilo Communications Austin, TX I.T. Gonzalez Engineers Austin, TX Gannett Fleming Austin, TX MERJE | ENVIRONMENTS & EXPERIENCES 120 North Church Street Suite 208 West Chester, PA 19380 T 484.266.0648 Section 1 - IntroductionSection 3 - Wayfinding & Signage Analysis 3.29 MLK Jr Blvd 18th St 17th St t S e d n a r G o i R e v A t s e W 16th St 15th St 14th St 12th St 11th St 10th St 9th St 8th St 7th St 6th St t S e d n a r G o i R 5th St e v A t s e W FINAL DRAFT N o . 1 FIGURE 3.10 VEHICULAR CIRCULATION Primary vehicular circulation patterns for wayfinding based on stakeholder interviews and Downtown Austin Plan strategies. 9 10 t S s o z a r B i t S o n o t n A n a S t S e p u l a d a u G t S s e c e u N t S a c a v a L t S o d a r o l o C e v A s s e r g n o C d v l B r a m a L 8 Austin Recreation Center 13th St Duncan Park d v l B r a m a L 4 t S e i w o B 3rd St Austin Amtrak d v l B r a m a L LEGEND Two-way Traffic One-way Traffic Key Decision Point Downtown Gateway t S e p u l a d a u G t S a c a v a L t S o d a r o l o C e v A s s e r g n o C t S s o z a r B i t S o n o t n A n a S t S s e c e u N 4th St 3rd St 2nd St 3 Cesar Chavez St Lady Bird Lake 7 t S t s 1 W Riverside Dr Palmer Events Center Long Center for the Performing Arts Barton Springs Rd 6 e v A s s e r g n o C E Riverside Dr 0 0.25 .0 5 Mi el 0 .1 Texas State Capitol Waterloo Park 11 Governor’s Mansion John W. Hargis Hall Erwin Special Events Center d River St e R Denton A. Cooley Pavilion 1 e v A t s a E University Medical Center Breckenridge d v l B o t n i c a J n a S t S y t i n i r T 15th St 14th St 13th St 12th St 11th St 10th St 9th St 8th St 7th St 12 2 d v l B o t n i c a J n a S 6th St t S y t i n i r T 5th St 4th St t S r e v i R d e R t S s e h c e N 5 Downtown 3rd St 2nd St Austin Convention Center Palm Park Cesar Chavez St L a d y Bir d L a k e 1 Mexican American Cultural Center WAYFINDING ELEMENTS • District Identification • Vehicular & Parking Signage • Pedestrian Signs and Kiosks • Downtown Orientation Map • Trail Signage & Sidewalk Compass Total Signs: 236 Phase 1: Pilot Program (35 – 50 signs) Phase 2: Roll-Out Signage Drawings 2.22 SIGN MENU: VEHICULAR VEHICULAR DIRECTIONALS: Vehicular directional signs are modular with panels that can be easily replaced. Signs can have 1-3 messages, and can hold either a graphic pictogram message or a text message. For signs typically used on roadways with a speed limit of 25mph or less, per MUTCD section 2D.50, copy is 4" high, typeface is Clearview and both background and copy are retro-reflective. Sign posts are break-away. "Left-Mounted" versions are available for placement on opposite sides (left) of street. There are also 3 TXDOT approved sign designs provided, with a different pole and break-away system. These County Courthouse Municipal Court Municipal Court Convention Center Auditorium Shores VDIR.1_LEFT VDIR.2_LEFT VDIR.3_LEFT County Courthouse Municipal Court E VE NT City of Austin TEMP.2 Temporary Directional Pole mount State Capitol Visitor Center Convention Center VDIR.6 TXDOT Vehicular Directional NEW POSTS / 3 messages State Capitol Visitor Center Municipal Court Convention Center Auditorium Shores Capitol Visitor Ctr Visitor Center E VE NT EVENT City of Austin O. Henry Museum VDIR.1 Vehicular Directional NEW POST 1 message VDIR.2 Vehicular Directional NEW POST 2 messages VDIR.3 Vehicular Directional NEW POST 3 messages TEMP.1 Temporary Directional Freestanding TEMP.2 Temporary Directional Magnetic Pole Base VDIR.4 TXDOT Vehicular Directional NEW POST 1 message VDIR.5 TXDOT Vehicular Directional NEW POSTS 2 messages DEST.1 DEST.2 Destination ID Destination ID SMALL LARGE 2.22 - Downtown Austin Wayfinding Graphics Manual 2.24 Signage Drawings SIGN MENU: PARKING Parking directional signs are modular with panels that can be easily replaced. Signs can have 1-3 messages, and can hold either a graphic pictogram message or a text message. PARKING DIRECTIONALS: Parking Directional Signs can direct to a lot by name or include the destination the lot serves. PARKING TRAILBLAZER: Parking Trailblazer Signs can be mounted to existing lightpoles. Convention Center Convention Center City Hall PARK.1_LEFT PARK.2_LEFT PARK.3_LEFT Convention Center Convention Center City Hall City Hall Conv Ctr–5th Conv Ctr 5th Spaces Available PARK.6 Garage Entry Directional PARK.7 Garage Entry Wall Mounted Letters PARK.8 Garage Entrance Structure + Panels PARK.1 Parking Directional PARK.2 Parking Directional PARK.3 Parking Directional PARK.4 Parking Trailblazer PARK.5 Electronic Parking Directional 2.24 - Downtown Austin Wayfinding Graphics Manual 2.26 Signage Drawings SIGN MENU: PEDESTRIAN A series of pedestrian sign types have been developed to address various situations and communicate a variety of information. PEDESTRIAN DIRECTIONALS: These sign types can be mounted to existing poles or on new poles and provides direction to up to 6 destinations. In addition to the attraction name and direction, the sign should also indicate the amount of time it takes to walk to that destination. Text or pictograms can be used on the signs. These signs can direct to typical PEDESTRIAN MAPS: University of Texas 12 MINUTES Capitol Visitor Center 1 MINUTE State Capitol 3 MINUTES Mexic -Arte Museum 5 MINUTES Paramount Theater 2 MINUTE State Capitol 3 MINUTES East 6th 2 MINUTES Capitol Visitor Center 12 MINUTEs O’Henry House 1 MINUTE Dickinson House 1 MINUTE Travis County Courthouse 10 MINUTES East 6th St 7 MINUTES Convention Center 10 MINUTES Federal Courthouse 1 MINUTE Federal Courthouse 5 MINUTES E 6th St 4 MINUTES Covention Center 7 MINUTES W. 8th St. E. 8th St. 11 . E V A S S E R G N O C 4 P W. 7th St. E. 7th St. ONE AMERICAN CENTER W. 6th St. THE DRISKILL P P W. 5th St. E. 5th St. P 2 39 . t S s e c e u N . t S o i n o t n A n a S . t S e p u l a d a u G 5 - m i n u t e w a l k r a d i u s . t S a c a v a L . t S o d a r o l o C P P P W HOTEL FROST BANK FINANCIAL CENTER W. 4th St. E. 4th St. W. 3rd St. E. 3rd St. YOU ARE HERE W. 2nd St. E. 2nd St. P P P P P 16 16 W. Cesar Chavez St. E. Cesar Chavez St. RADISSON HOTEL 38 17 P . t S t s 1 . S P 8 P . E V A S S E R G N O C 21 16 CITY HALL: 301 W 2nd St. CONGRESS AVE. BRIDGE FEDERAL COURTHOUSE: TBD JONES CENTER: 823 Congress Ave. LADY BIRD LAKE TRAIL 49 S N O I T A N I T S E D 17 21 39 4 16 8 11 49 MEXIC-ARTE MUSEUM: 419 Congress Ave. 38 MOODY THEATRE: 310 W Willie Nelson Blvd. Cesar Chavez St. PARAMOUNT THEATRE: 713 Congress Ave. STEVIE RAY VAUGHN STATUE MLK Blvd. 15th St. 11th St. 6th St. . t S r a m a L E U N E V A S S E R G N O C 35 . t S r e v i R d e R . t S e p u l e d a u G . t S a c a v a L . t S t s 1 N P Pedestrian Garage Entry Transit Cooridors Trail Park land Trail Access Point Federal Courthouse 5 MINUTES E 6th St 4 MINUTES Covention Center 7 MINUTES W. 8th St. E. 8th St. 11 . E V A S S E R G N O C 4 P W. 7th St. E. 7th St. ONE AMERICAN CENTER W. 6th St. THE DRISKILL P P W. 5th St. E. 5th St. P 2 39 . t S s e c e u N . t S o i n o t n A n a S . t S e p u l a d a u G 5 - m i n u t e w a l k r a d i u s . t S a c a v a L . t S o d a r o l o C P P P W HOTEL FROST BANK FINANCIAL CENTER W. 4th St. E. 4th St. W. 3rd St. E. 3rd St. YOU ARE HERE W. 2nd St. E. 2nd St. P P P P P 16 16 W. Cesar Chavez St. E. Cesar Chavez St. RADISSON HOTEL 38 17 P . t S t s 1 . S P 8 P . E V A S S E R G N O C 21 16 CITY HALL: 301 W 2nd St. CONGRESS AVE. BRIDGE FEDERAL COURTHOUSE: TBD JONES CENTER: 823 Congress Ave. LADY BIRD LAKE TRAIL 49 S N O I T A N I T S E D 17 21 39 4 16 8 11 49 MEXIC-ARTE MUSEUM: 419 Congress Ave. 38 MOODY THEATRE: 310 W Willie Nelson Blvd. Cesar Chavez St. PARAMOUNT THEATRE: 713 Congress Ave. STEVIE RAY VAUGHN STATUE MLK Blvd. 15th St. 11th St. 6th St. . t S r a m a L E U N E V A S S E R G N O C 35 . t S r e v i R d e R . t S e p u l e d a u G . t S a c a v a L . t S t s 1 N P Pedestrian Garage Entry Transit Cooridors Trail Park land Trail Access Point State Capitol 7 MINUTES Visitor Center 2 MINUTES W. 8th St. E. 8th St. 11 . E V A S S E R G N O C 4 P W. 7th St. E. 7th St. ONE AMERICAN CENTER W. 6th St. THE DRISKILL P P W. 5th St. E. 5th St. P 2 39 . t S s e c e u N . t S o i n o t n A n a S . t S e p u l a d a u G 5 - m i n u t e w a l k r a d i u s . t S a c a v a L . t S o d a r o l o C P P P W HOTEL FROST BANK FINANCIAL CENTER W. 4th St. E. 4th St. W. 3rd St. E. 3rd St. YOU ARE HERE W. 2nd St. E. 2nd St. P P P P P 16 16 W. Cesar Chavez St. E. Cesar Chavez St. RADISSON HOTEL 38 17 P . t S t s 1 . S P 8 P . E V A S S E R G N O C 21 16 CITY HALL: 301 W 2nd St. CONGRESS AVE. BRIDGE FEDERAL COURTHOUSE: TBD JONES CENTER: 823 Congress Ave. LADY BIRD LAKE TRAIL 49 S N O I T A N I T S E D 17 21 39 4 16 8 11 49 MEXIC-ARTE MUSEUM: 419 Congress Ave. 38 MOODY THEATRE: 310 W Willie Nelson Blvd. Cesar Chavez St. PARAMOUNT THEATRE: 713 Congress Ave. STEVIE RAY VAUGHN STATUE MLK Blvd. 15th St. 11th St. 6th St. . t S r a m a L E U N E V A S S E R G N O C 35 . t S r e v i R d e R . t S e p u l e d a u G . t S a c a v a L . t S t s 1 N P Pedestrian Garage Entry Transit Cooridors Trail Park land Trail Access Point Live Music Capitol of the World Music History in Austin A large portion of Austin's early musical heritage began in the German Beer Gardens and Halls in the late 1800s, places such as Scholz's Garden and Hall (the hall later to become Saengerrunde Hall) and further up the road at Dessau Hall. Dessau Hall peaked in the 1940s and 1950s with acts as diverse as Glenn Miller, Hank Williams, and Elvis Presley. Other major venues for country music included Big Gil's on South Congress and The Skyline on North Lamar. Local singer/yodeler Kenneth Threadgill opened Threadgill's in 1933 on North Lamar, a venue that later hosted Folk/Country jams where Janis Joplin participated in her early days. On the African American East Side of town other music venues such as the Victory Grill, Charlie's Playhouse, Big Mary's, Ernie's Chicken Shack, and Doris Miller Auditorium featured local and touring acts. C o n v e n t i o n C e n t e r Visitor Center Federal Courthouse C i t y H a l l PDIR.7 Kiosk Directional Plaque S h o a l C r e e k W E k e e r C r e l l a W N S N S PDIR.3 Pedestrian Directional Utility Pole Attachment 3 messages PDIR.3A Pedestrian Directional NEW POST 3 messages PDIR.6 Pedestrian Directional Utility Pole 6 messages PDIR.6A Pedestrian Directional NEW POST 6 messages PMAP.1 Pedestrian Map Single-Sided Utility Pole Attachment PMAP.2 Pedestrian Map Double-Sided 2 Posts PINTERP.1 Pedestrian Interpretive Single- or Double-Sided PKIOSK.1 Pedestrian Directional/Map Double-Sided PKIOSK.2/3 Pedestrian Kiosk PKIOSK.2A/3A Pedestrian Kiosk Static Info Single-Sided Stone Base Digital Info Double-Sided Stone Base S h o a l C r e e k W E k e e r C r e l l a W COMPASS.1 Pedestrian Sidewalk Compass 2.26 - Downtown Austin Wayfinding Graphics Manual LADY BIRD LAKEWAREHOUSE DISTRICTWEST 6TH ST DISTRICTEAST 6TH ST DIST.2ND ST DISTRICTCONGRESS AVE. DISTRICTW.200W.300W.400N.700N.600N.500N.400N.300N.100N.200W.500W.100E.100LADY BIRD LAKEWAREHOUSE DISTRICTWEST 6TH ST DISTRICTEAST 6TH ST DIST.2ND ST DISTRICTCONGRESS AVE. DISTRICTW.200W.300W.400N.700N.600N.500N.400N.300N.100N.200W.500W.100E.100LADY BIRD LAKEWAREHOUSE DISTRICTWEST 6TH ST DISTRICTEAST 6TH ST DIST.2ND ST DISTRICTCONGRESS AVE. DISTRICTW.200W.300W.400N.700N.600N.500N.400N.300N.100N.200W.500W.100E.100Signage Drawings 2.27 C o n v e n t i o n C e n t e r Visitor Center Federal Courthouse C i t y H a l l PDIR.7 Kiosk Directional Plaque SIGN MENU: PEDESTRIAN INTERPRETIVE PANELS: Interpretive panels can tell a story about Downtown Austin's history, music scene, or sustainable programs being initiated in the Downtown. They can be located in parks and at key gathering points. PEDESTRIAN KIOSKS: Located at key gathering points, kiosks provide even broader information and are substantial, offering directions, maps and in some cases technology access. These signs are illuminated, have architectural bases and can use solar power. There is also opportunity for local artisans to contribute to these elements. Kiosk bases located in the Downtown have a Texas Limestone base. SIDEWALK COMPASS: Located along main pedestrian streets, these low-profile wayfinding elements are in-laid in the sidewalks to provide basic orientation to S h o a l C r e e k W E k e e r C r e l l a W N S N S Downtown Austin Wayfinding Graphics Manual - 2.27 University of Texas 12 MINUTES Capitol Visitor Center 1 MINUTE State Capitol 3 MINUTES Mexic -Arte Museum 5 MINUTES Paramount Theater 2 MINUTE State Capitol 3 MINUTES East 6th 2 MINUTES Capitol Visitor Center 12 MINUTEs O’Henry House 1 MINUTE Dickinson House 1 MINUTE Travis County Courthouse 10 MINUTES East 6th St 7 MINUTES Convention Center 10 MINUTES Federal Courthouse 1 MINUTE Federal Courthouse 5 MINUTES E 6th St 4 MINUTES Covention Center 7 MINUTES W. 8th St. E. 8th St. 11 . E V A S S E R G N O C 4 P W. 7th St. E. 7th St. ONE AMERICAN CENTER W. 6th St. THE DRISKILL P P W. 5th St. E. 5th St. P 2 39 . t S s e c e u N . t S o i n o t n A n a S . t S e p u l a d a u G 5 - m i n u t e w a l k r a d i u s . t S a c a v a L . t S o d a r o l o C P P P W HOTEL FROST BANK FINANCIAL CENTER W. 4th St. E. 4th St. W. 3rd St. E. 3rd St. YOU ARE HERE W. 2nd St. E. 2nd St. P P P P P 16 16 W. Cesar Chavez St. E. Cesar Chavez St. RADISSON HOTEL 38 17 P . t S t s 1 . S P 8 P . E V A S S E R G N O C 21 16 CITY HALL: 301 W 2nd St. CONGRESS AVE. BRIDGE FEDERAL COURTHOUSE: TBD JONES CENTER: 823 Congress Ave. LADY BIRD LAKE TRAIL 49 S N O I T A N I T S E D 17 21 39 4 16 8 11 49 MEXIC-ARTE MUSEUM: 419 Congress Ave. 38 MOODY THEATRE: 310 W Willie Nelson Blvd. Cesar Chavez St. PARAMOUNT THEATRE: 713 Congress Ave. STEVIE RAY VAUGHN STATUE MLK Blvd. 15th St. 11th St. 6th St. . t S r a m a L E U N E V A S S E R G N O C 35 . t S r e v i R d e R . t S e p u l e d a u G . t S a c a v a L . t S t s 1 N P Pedestrian Garage Entry Transit Cooridors Trail Park land Trail Access Point Federal Courthouse 5 MINUTES E 6th St 4 MINUTES Covention Center 7 MINUTES W. 8th St. E. 8th St. 11 . E V A S S E R G N O C 4 P W. 7th St. E. 7th St. ONE AMERICAN CENTER W. 6th St. THE DRISKILL P P W. 5th St. E. 5th St. P 2 39 . t S s e c e u N . t S o i n o t n A n a S . t S e p u l a d a u G 5 - m i n u t e w a l k r a d i u s . t S a c a v a L . t S o d a r o l o C P P P W HOTEL FROST BANK FINANCIAL CENTER W. 4th St. E. 4th St. W. 3rd St. E. 3rd St. YOU ARE HERE W. 2nd St. E. 2nd St. P P P P P 16 16 W. Cesar Chavez St. E. Cesar Chavez St. RADISSON HOTEL 38 17 P . t S t s 1 . S P 8 P . E V A S S E R G N O C 21 16 CITY HALL: 301 W 2nd St. CONGRESS AVE. BRIDGE FEDERAL COURTHOUSE: TBD JONES CENTER: 823 Congress Ave. LADY BIRD LAKE TRAIL 49 S N O I T A N I T S E D 17 21 39 4 16 8 11 49 MEXIC-ARTE MUSEUM: 419 Congress Ave. 38 MOODY THEATRE: 310 W Willie Nelson Blvd. Cesar Chavez St. PARAMOUNT THEATRE: 713 Congress Ave. STEVIE RAY VAUGHN STATUE MLK Blvd. 15th St. 11th St. 6th St. . t S r a m a L E U N E V A S S E R G N O C 35 . t S r e v i R d e R . t S e p u l e d a u G . t S a c a v a L . t S t s 1 N P Pedestrian Garage Entry Transit Cooridors Trail Park land Trail Access Point State Capitol 7 MINUTES Visitor Center 2 MINUTES W. 8th St. E. 8th St. 11 . E V A S S E R G N O C 4 P W. 7th St. E. 7th St. ONE AMERICAN CENTER W. 6th St. THE DRISKILL P P W. 5th St. E. 5th St. P 2 39 . t S s e c e u N . t S o i n o t n A n a S . t S e p u l a d a u G 5 - m i n u t e w a l k r a d i u s . t S a c a v a L . t S o d a r o l o C P P P W HOTEL FROST BANK FINANCIAL CENTER W. 4th St. E. 4th St. W. 3rd St. E. 3rd St. YOU ARE HERE W. 2nd St. E. 2nd St. P P P P P 16 16 W. Cesar Chavez St. E. Cesar Chavez St. RADISSON HOTEL 38 17 P . t S t s 1 . S P 8 P . E V A S S E R G N O C 21 16 CITY HALL: 301 W 2nd St. CONGRESS AVE. BRIDGE FEDERAL COURTHOUSE: TBD JONES CENTER: 823 Congress Ave. LADY BIRD LAKE TRAIL 49 S N O I T A N I T S E D 17 21 39 4 16 8 11 49 MEXIC-ARTE MUSEUM: 419 Congress Ave. 38 MOODY THEATRE: 310 W Willie Nelson Blvd. Cesar Chavez St. PARAMOUNT THEATRE: 713 Congress Ave. STEVIE RAY VAUGHN STATUE MLK Blvd. 15th St. 11th St. 6th St. . t S r a m a L E U N E V A S S E R G N O C 35 . t S r e v i R d e R . t S e p u l e d a u G . t S a c a v a L . t S t s 1 N P Pedestrian Garage Entry Transit Cooridors Trail Park land Trail Access Point Live Music Capitol of the World Music History in Austin A large portion of Austin's early musical heritage began in the German Beer Gardens and Halls in the late 1800s, places such as Scholz's Garden and Hall (the hall later to become Saengerrunde Hall) and further up the road at Dessau Hall. Dessau Hall peaked in the 1940s and 1950s with acts as diverse as Glenn Miller, Hank Williams, and Elvis Presley. Other major venues for country music included Big Gil's on South Congress and The Skyline on North Lamar. Local singer/yodeler Kenneth Threadgill opened Threadgill's in 1933 on North Lamar, a venue that later hosted Folk/Country jams where Janis Joplin participated in her early days. On the African American East Side of town other music venues such as the Victory Grill, Charlie's Playhouse, Big Mary's, Ernie's Chicken Shack, and Doris Miller Auditorium featured local and touring acts. PDIR.3 Pedestrian Directional PDIR.3A Pedestrian Directional Utility Pole Attachment NEW POST 3 messages 3 messages PDIR.6 Pedestrian Directional Utility Pole 6 messages PDIR.6A PMAP.1 Pedestrian Pedestrian Map Directional NEW POST 6 messages Single-Sided Utility Pole Attachment PMAP.2 Pedestrian Map Double-Sided 2 Posts PINTERP.1 Pedestrian Interpretive Single- or Double-Sided PKIOSK.1 Pedestrian Directional/Map Double-Sided PKIOSK.2/3 Pedestrian Kiosk Static Info Single-Sided Stone Base PKIOSK.2A/3A Pedestrian Kiosk Digital Info Double-Sided Stone Base S h o a l C r e e k W E k e e r C r e l l a W COMPASS.1 Pedestrian Sidewalk Compass LADY BIRD LAKEWAREHOUSE DISTRICTWEST 6TH ST DISTRICTEAST 6TH ST DIST.2ND ST DISTRICTCONGRESS AVE. DISTRICTW.200W.300W.400N.700N.600N.500N.400N.300N.100N.200W.500W.100E.100LADY BIRD LAKEWAREHOUSE DISTRICTWEST 6TH ST DISTRICTEAST 6TH ST DIST.2ND ST DISTRICTCONGRESS AVE. DISTRICTW.200W.300W.400N.700N.600N.500N.400N.300N.100N.200W.500W.100E.100LADY BIRD LAKEWAREHOUSE DISTRICTWEST 6TH ST DISTRICTEAST 6TH ST DIST.2ND ST DISTRICTCONGRESS AVE. DISTRICTW.200W.300W.400N.700N.600N.500N.400N.300N.100N.200W.500W.100E.100W. 9th St. P E. 9th St. E. 9th St. E. 8th St. E. 8th St. E m b a s s y D r . S a n M a r c o s S t . 31 W a l l e r S t . d . r . B l v g J r K i n e h t u t i n L r E . M a O a k w o o d C e m e t e r y N a v a s o t a S t . t . h S t 6 E . 1 W a l l e r S t . t . h S t 5 E . 1 t . h S t 4 E . 1 W a l l e r S t . t . h S t 3 E . 1 t . h S t 2 E . 1 B r a n c h S t . C u r v e S t . t . a S a l p t a C i v e S t . O l Juniper St. E. 11th St. 48 37 E. 10th St. F r o n t a g e R d . > < F r o n t a g e R d . 35 P P P P F r o n t a g e R d . > P P P P < F r o n t a g e R d . E. 7th St. B r u s h y S t . E. 6th St. S a n M a r c o s S t . E. 5th St. i M e d n a S t . W a l l e r S t . R i o G r a n d e S t . N u e c e s S t . S a n A n t o n i o S t . 46 G u a d a l u p e S t . 2 0 t h S t . W . P U n i v e r s 4 i t y A v e . S a n G a b r i e l S t . S a n G a b r i e l S t . P e a r l S t . P e a r l S t . W. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. W e s t A v e . R i o G r a n d e S t . N u e c e s S t . S a n A n t o n i o S t . 5 C o l o r a d o S t . L a v a c a S t . 29 E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. d . c i n t o B l v a n J a S S a n J a c i n t o B l v d . W aller Creek T r i n i t y S t . W. 18th St. W. 18th St. E. 18th St. 35 Red River St. 2 1 s t S t . E . 2 1 s t S t . W . G u a d a l u p e S t . P 19 P C O N G R E S S A V E . W. 17th St. W. 17th St. E. 17th St. 27 W. 16th St. W. 16th St. E. 16th St. W. 15th St. W. 15th St. E. 15th St. B r a z o s S t . B r a z o s S t . B r a z o s S t . R e d R i v e r S t . W a l l e r C r e e k E. 14th St. W a t e r l o o P a r k E. 13th St. B r a z o s S t . 2 P P S a n J a c i n t o B l v d . P E. 12th St. E. 12th St. T r i n i t y S t . S y m p h o n y S q u a r e E. 11th St. W a l l e r C r e e k T r a i l E. 10th St. R e d R i v e r S t . 37 C o l o r a d o S t . 10 C o l o r a d o S t . C o l o r a d o S t . S a n A n t o n i o S t . G u a d a l u p e S t . 14 L a v a c a S t . W o o l d r i d g e S q u a r e 18 5 T h e B r e m o n d B l o c k W. 11th St. E. 11th St. W. 10th St. E. 10th St. P W. 9th St. P E. 9th St. W. 8th St. E. 8th St. P P P P W. 7th St. E. 7th St. W. 6th St. P P P P P W. 5th St. E. 5th St. 9 R e p u b l i c S q u a r e N u e c e s S t . S a n A n t o n i o S t . P G u a d a l u p e S t . W. 2nd St. E. 2nd St. P P P P P 16 16 STATE CAPITOL 13 47 C O N G R E S S A V E . 17 40 12 23 P 20 P 42 C O N G R E S S A V E . L a v a c a S t . 39 P 28 8 P S . 1 s t S t . P P P P N e c h e s S t . P N e c h e s S t . P P 22 21 B r u s h S q u a r e T r i n i t y S t . 3 B r a z o s S t . P S a n J a c i n t o B l v d . P P P 41 16 A u d i t o r i u m S h o r e s 38 16 Riverside Dr. B u t l e r P a r k 32 N i g h t W i n g B a t S c u l p t u r e P Barton Springs Rd. P 33 B o u l d i n A v e . d . s R g p ri n n S a rt o B S . 1 s t S t . P Riversid e Dr. S a b i n e S t . S a b i n e S t . S a b i n e S t . R a i n e y S t . R a i n e y S t . E. 7th St. E.6th St. E. 5th St. P 1 11 k e e r C r e l l a W R e d R i v e r S t . R e d R i v e r S t . Driskill St. Davis St. S h o L a m a l C r e a r B l v d . e k B l v d . S h o a l C r e e k T r a i l P a r k w a y 1 5 t h S t . W . H o u s e P a r k k e e r C l a o h S w S P h o a l C r e e k B l v d . P a r k a y B a y l o r S t . L a m a r B l v d . W. 12th St. 35 W. 13 1/2 St. S k a t e & B M X P a r k 6 W. 11th St. W. 10th St. W. 9th St. B a y l o r S t . L a m a r B l v d . B a y l o r S t . T r e a t y O a k W e s t A v e . W e s t A v e . D u n c a n P a r k S h o a l C r e e k T r a i l S h o a l C r e e k W o o d S t . H e n d e r s o n S t . B o w i e S t . W. 6th St. W. 5th St. W. 14th St. W. 13th St. W. 12th St. W. 11th St. N u e c e s S t . W. 10th St. W. 8th St. W. 7th St. W. 6th St. W. 5th St. W. 4th St. R i o G r a n d e S t . R i o G r a n d e S t . ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| W. 3rd St. AMTRAK STATION 36 P P W. 2nd St. 26 Lance Armstrong Bikeway W. Cesar Chavez St. P 7 S h o a l C r e e k T r a i l 7 W. 2nd St. k e e r C l a o h S | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 16 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | P 30 D a w s o n R d . L a m a r B l v d . 34 45 Toomey Rd. Butler Rd. J e s s i e S t . B u t l e r P i t c h n ’ P u t t . r D n o t r a B e e L L a m a r B l v d . | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Willow St. Spence St. Taylor St. 24 P River St. Holly St. 16 N E a s t A v e . Cummings St. Lambie St. < F r o n t a g 35 e R d . F r o n t a g e R d . > W a l l e r S t . Clermont Ave. E a st A v e. B o a r d w a l k W. 4th St. E. 4th St. DOWNTOWN STATION E. 4th St. TO PLAZA SALTILLO STATION > E. 4th St. Lance Armstrong Bikeway W. 3rd St. Lance Armstrong Bikeway W. 3rd St. E. 3rd St. E. 3rd St. E. 3rd St. P P P P a l m P a r k B r u s h y S t . S a n M a r c o s S t . E. 2nd St. i M e d n a S t . W a l l e r S t . A t t a y a k S t . W. Cesar Chavez St. E. Cesar Chavez St. E. Cesar Chavez St. E. Cesar Chavez St. S a n B e r n a r d S t . N a v a s o t a S t . t . y S r r e b k c a H e . v d A o o w e s o R E. 11th St. E. 10th St. N a v a s o t a S t . L y d i a S t . A t t a y a k S t . E. 7th St. N a v a s o t a S t . E. 6th St. i O n o n S t . E. 5th St. PLAZA SALTILLO STATION E. 4th St. i O n o n S t . E. 3rd St. N a v a s o t a S t . E. 2nd St. C o m a l S t . C o m a l S t . E. Cesar Chavez St. Willow St. Canterbury St. Garden St. Holly St. C o m a l S t . Haskell St. LADY BIRD LAKEUNIVERSITY OF TEXAS, AUSTINSOUTH CONGRESSDISTRICTRED RIVERDISTRICTRAINEY STDISTRICTEASTAUSTINWEST ENDDISTRICTWAREHOUSE DISTRICTWEST 6TH ST DISTRICTEAST 6TH ST DISTRICT2ND ST DISTRICTCONGRESS AVE. DISTRICTFederal Courthouse 7 MINUTES Moody Theatre 1 MINUTE Convention Center 8 MINUTES W. 8th St. E. 8th St. 11 . E V A S S E R G N O C 4 P W. 7th St. E. 7th St. ONE AMERICAN CENTER W. 6th St. THE DRISKILL P 8 P W. 5th St. E. 5th St. FROST BANK FINANCIAL CENTER W. 4th St. E. 4th St. W. 3rd St. E. 3rd St. P P 2 39 . t S s e c e u N . t S o i n o t n A n a S . t S e p u l a d a u G 5 - m i n u t e w a l k r a d i u s . t S a c a v a L . t S o d a r o l o C P P P W HOTEL YOU ARE HERE W. 2nd St. E. 2nd St. P P P P P 16 16 W. Cesar Chavez St. E. Cesar Chavez St. RADISSON HOTEL 38 17 P . t S t s 1 . S 21 N P Pedestrian Garage Entry Transit Cooridors Trail Park land Trail Access Point 16 CITY HALL: 301 W 2nd St. CONGRESS AVE. BRIDGE FEDERAL COURTHOUSE: TBD JONES CENTER: 823 Congress Ave. LADY BIRD LAKE TRAIL 49 S N O I T A N I T S E D 17 21 39 4 16 8 11 49 MEXIC-ARTE MUSEUM: 419 Congress Ave. 38 MOODY THEATRE: 310 W Willie Nelson Blvd. Cesar Chavez St. PARAMOUNT THEATRE: 713 Congress Ave. STEVIE RAY VAUGHN STATUE MLK Blvd. 15th St. 11th St. 6th St. . t S r a m a L E U N E V A S S E R G N O C 35 . t S r e v i R d e R . t S e p u l e d a u G . t S a c a v a L . t S t s 1 2ND STREET DISTRICT LADY BIRD LAKEWAREHOUSE DISTRICTWEST 6TH ST DISTRICTEAST 6TH ST DIST.2ND ST DISTRICTCONGRESS AVE. DISTRICTW.200W.300W.400N.700N.600N.500N.400N.300N.100N.200W.500W.100E.100Downtown Austin wayfinding graphics manual June 24, 2014 H Prepared for: City of Austin, Texas “It is the policy of the City of Austin to involve certified Minority Owned Business Enterprises (MBEs) and Woman Owned Business Enterprises (WBEs) in City contracting. MBE and WBE goals for this solicitation are contained in Volume 3, M/WBE Procurement Program Package.” Signage Drawings 2.45 Municipal Court R12 Convention Center R1 P1 P11 VDIR.2 VEHICULAR DIRECTIONAL P11 Vehicular directional signs are modular with panels that can be easily replaced. Signs can have 1-3 messages, and can hold either a graphic pictogram message or a text message. Signs are typically used on roadways that have a speed limit of 25mph or less, per MUTCD section 2D.50 copy is 4" high, typeface is Clearview and both background and copy are retro-reflective. Sign posts are break-away. P13 FRONT SIDE REAR 1 Color Schedule VDIR.2 scale: 3/8"=1'-0" 11 1/2" 3" 9" 4" City Hall Typical Layout Guidelines - 4” 2 scale: 3/4"=1'-0" Downtown Austin Wayfinding Graphics Manual - 2.45 These drawings are meant for DESIGN INTENT ONLY and are not for construction. Contractor shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions and conditions of the job. Contractor shall be familiar with the site and conditions it presents. This office must be notified of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on this drawing. Shop drawings and details must be submitted to the City of Austin for approval prior to proceeding with fabrication. All copy shall be proofread by the City of Austin and legal requirements checked by legal department.2.46 Signage Drawings VDIR.2 VEHICULAR DIRECTIONAL 2'-0" min. to curb 4'-1" 4" 2'-5" All exposed surfaces shall have a anti-graffiti protectant. Painted surfaces will have a clear coating and vinyl surfaces shall have a clear vinyl over-lam as required by the paint and vinyl manufacturer. All exposed fasteners shall be painted to match adjacent surface. All sign structures shall be signed and sealed by a certified Texas structural engineer prior to fabrication. 3 1 Municipal Court Convention Center 3'-11 1/2" 1'-11" 1'-6" 1'-11 3/4" 1'-11" 1'-6" 1'-11 3/4" 1 1 2.144 11'-11" +/- 8'-0" 2 4 FRONT SIDE REAR 1 Elevations VDIR.2 scale: 3/8"=1'-0" 1 2 3 4 Modular sign panel assembly (see PART C: Construction Details for more detail) 6” x 1/4 wall alum tube upright Handcrafted finial - mounted to upright cap assembly (see PART C: Construction Details, page 2.143). Transpo Pole-Safe breakaway device with aluminum escutcheon cover (see PART C: Construction Details for different footer types). Verify all location conditions. 2.46 - Downtown Austin Wayfinding Graphics Manual These drawings are meant for DESIGN INTENT ONLY and are not for construc-tion. Contractor shall verify and be respon-sible for all dimensions and conditions of the job. Contractor shall be familiar with the site and conditions it presents. This office must be notified of any varia-tions from the dimensions and conditions shown on this drawing. Shop drawings and details must be submitted to this office for approval prior to proceeding with fabrication. All copy shall be proofread by client and legal requirements checked by legal department.Signage Drawings 2.105 PKIOSK.1 PEDESTRIAN KIOSK A series of pedestrian sign types have been developed to address various situations and communicate a variety of information. KIOSKS: Located at key gathering points, kiosks provide even broader information and are substantial, offering directions, maps and in some cases technology access. These signs can be internally illuminated, have architectural bases, and those with canopies can utilize solar power. Kiosks located in the Downtown have Texas Limestone bases. Pictograms correspond with the panel information shown. Three (3) Pictograms per sign-per side. Graphic area options: · Downtown map · Transit map · Trail map · Interpretive story P3 P2 3 Pictograms Maximum P3 W. 8th St. E. 8th St. 11 . E V A S S E R G N O C 4 P W. 7th St. E. 7th St. ONE AMERICAN CENTER W. 6th St. THE DRISKILL P10 State Capitol 7 MINUTES Visitor Center 2 MINUTES P P W. 5th St. E. 5th St. P 2 39 . t S s e c e u N . t S o i n o t n A n a S . t S e p u l a d a u G 5 - m i n u t e w a l k r a d i u s . t S a c a v a L . t S o d a r o l o C P P P W HOTEL FROST BANK FINANCIAL CENTER W. 4th St. E. 4th St. W. 3rd St. E. 3rd St. YOU ARE HERE W. 2nd St. E. 2nd St. P P P P P 16 16 W. Cesar Chavez St. E. Cesar Chavez St. RADISSON HOTEL 38 17 P . t S t s 1 . S P 8 P . E V A S S E R G N O C 21 16 CITY HALL: 301 W 2nd St. CONGRESS AVE. BRIDGE FEDERAL COURTHOUSE: TBD JONES CENTER: 823 Congress Ave. LADY BIRD LAKE TRAIL 49 S N O I T A N I T S E D 17 21 39 4 16 8 11 49 MEXIC-ARTE MUSEUM: 419 Congress Ave. 38 MOODY THEATRE: 310 W Willie Nelson Blvd. Cesar Chavez St. PARAMOUNT THEATRE: 713 Congress Ave. STEVIE RAY VAUGHN STATUE MLK Blvd. 15th St. 11th St. 6th St. . t S r a m a L E U N E V A S S E R G N O C 35 . t S r e v i R d e R . t S e p u l e d a u G . t S a c a v a L . t S t s 1 N P Pedestrian Garage Entry Transit Cooridors Trail Park land Trail Access Point M3 M2 P10 FRONT SIDE 1 Color Schedule - PKIOSK.1 scale: 1/2"=1'-0" 2 " 2 1/8" 2" 7/8" 3/4" 5/8" 1" State Capitol 7 MINUTES 2 3/8" Visitor Center 2 MINUTES 6" 1" 1" 4" Typical Layout Guidelines - PKIOSK.1 2 scale: 3/4"=1'-0" Downtown Austin Wayfinding Graphics Manual - 2.105 These drawings are meant for DESIGN INTENT ONLY and are not for construction. Contractor shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions and conditions of the job. Contractor shall be familiar with the site and conditions it presents. This office must be notified of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on this drawing. Shop drawings and details must be submitted to the City of Austin for approval prior to proceeding with fabrication. All copy shall be proofread by the City of Austin and legal requirements checked by legal department.LADY BIRD LAKEWAREHOUSE DISTRICTWEST 6TH ST DISTRICTEAST 6TH ST DIST.2ND ST DISTRICTCONGRESS AVE. DISTRICTW.200W.300W.400N.700N.600N.500N.400N.300N.100N.200W.500W.100E.100Construction Details 2.151 1 1 7/8" SECTION DETAILS PDIR.3A & PDIR.6A 10 3 1/2" 10 4 9 7 2" 2" 3 10 8 1 Section - PDIR.3/6a half scale 1 2 3 4 5 6 SignComp - series 3 - 3 1/4” rect. post #1220 1/2” phenolic resin panel - double-faced SignComp - series 2 - Panel adapter #1204 1/8” brake-formed alum pole cover SignComp - series 2 - 2” square post #1100 SignComp - series 2 - reveal #1200 SignComp - series 2 - 3/8” post cap #5261 SignComp - series 3 - 3/8” post cap #5010 Printed vinyl/decorative metal strip through-bolted to resin panel 10 Set screws 10 5 2 6 1 2 7 8 9 3 8 Exploded Detail 2 n t s Downtown Austin Wayfinding Graphics Manual - 2.151 These drawings are meant for DESIGN INTENT ONLY and are not for construction. Contractor shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions and conditions of the job. Contractor shall be familiar with the site and conditions it presents. This office must be notified of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on this drawing. Shop drawings and details must be submitted to the City of Austin for approval prior to proceeding with fabrication. All copy shall be proofread by the City of Austin and legal requirements checked by legal department.(512) 447-7400 FIRM REGISTRATION No. F-3216 3501 MANOR RD. AUSTIN, TEXAS 78723 FAX (512) 447-6389 120 N. Church Street, Suit 208 West Chester, PA 19380 Tel (484) 266-0648 (512) 447-7400 FIRM REGISTRATION No. F-3216 3501 MANOR RD. AUSTIN, TEXAS 78723 FAX (512) 447-6389 120 N. Church Street, Suit 208 West Chester, PA 19380 Tel (484) 266-0648 PROJECT STATUS Design & Planning Manual / Plans Complete 2015 On-Hold 2015 – 2019 2012 – 2015 IDIQ Bid Awarded November 2020 Review / Update Plans December 2020 – April 2021 May – July 2021 July – December 2021 Phase 1: Pilot Project Phase 2: Roll-Out * Funding is available for both Phases through the IDIQ Contract CURRENT TASKS Fabrication / Installation: SSC Signs & Lighting • Assess Work Completed to Date • Update Sign Location Plans / Messages • Update Downtown Orientation Map • Construction Administration: Phase 1 & Phase 2 PROJECT ISSUES / COORDINATION • Destination List Updates • New Circulation / Routing • Site Conditions: Changes • New / Planned Construction • Related Wayfinding Initiatives • Existing Wayfinding Programs Destination List Discussion • New or Additional • Deletions / Closed • Name Changes • Relocations • Future Destinations VEHICULAR / PED. DESTINATIONS (2015) 6th St.. District 2nd St. District AT&T Center Auditorium Shores Austin Fire Museum Austin History Ctr. Austin Visitor Center Blanton Museum of Art Bob Bullock Hist. Museum Brush Square Capitol Visitor Center City Hall City Parking Garages Congress Ave. Bridge Congress Ave. District Convention Center Convention Center District County Courthouse Dickinson Museum Dougherty Arts Center Faulk Central Library Federal Courthouse Frank Erwin Center French Legation Mus. German Free School Governors Mansion Huston– Tillotson Univ. Jones Center Judges Hill District Lady Bird Lake Lance Armstrong Bikeway LBJ Library Long Center for Perf. Arts Market District MetroRail Downtown Stn. Mex–Amer. Cultural Ctr. Mexic–Arte Museum MLK Jr BLVD Moody Theater Municipal Court O. Henry Museum Old Bakery Palmer Events Center Paramount Theatre Post Office Rainey St. District Red River District Republic Square S. 1st St. Bridge S. Congress Ave. Bridge Seaholm Shoal Creek Trail SOCO District State Capitol State Cemetery The Bremond Block TX Lottery Commission * University of Texas-Austin Visitor Center Warehouse District West 6th St. District Wooldridge Square Zilker Park PROJECT PROCESS & SCHEDULE DECEMBER JANUARY JANUARY FEBRUARY Destination Review • Meet with Stakeholders • Additions / Deletions • Relocations • Name Changes • Vehicular / Pedestrian Update Message Schedule • Name Changes • Deletions New Destinations Routing & Planning • Meet with Stakeholders • Identify Routing • Sign Planning • Existing / New Locations Update Message Schedule & Location Plan • Destination Review • Update FEBRUARY MARCH MARCH / APRIL MAY - JULY Determine Pilot Project Area Field Verify Sign Locations FINAL Message Schedule & Location Plans PHASE 1 Pilot Program Implementation • Meet with Stakeholders • Confirm Conditions • Check New Locations • Photograph Locations • Mark-Out Pilot Program • Routing • Sign Planning • Existing / New Locations • Fabrication • Installation • 35 - 50 Signs FABRICATOR: Approval To Proceed / Shop Drawings, Samples & Prototype 12/9/2020 DOWNTOWN AUSTIN WAYFINDING PROGRAM PROJECT TASKS DECEMBER JAN FEB MARCH APRIL M MAY - JULY 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 TASK 5.1: ASSESSMENT Review Destination List (w/ Stakeholders) Client / Stakeholder Review Period Update Destination List Update Message Schedule New Destination / Routing (Stakeholders) Update Message Schedule Update Sign Location Plans Client / Stakeholder Review Period Update Sign Panel Messages Determine Pilot Project TASK 5.2: UPDATE PLANS / SCHEDULE Field Check Locations Mark-Out Pilot Project Locations Update Plans / Schedule Client / Stakeholder Review Period Final Plans TASK 5.3: UPDATE ORIENTATION MAP Update Orientation Map (1) Submission #1 Client / Stakeholder Review Period Update Orientation Map (2) Submission #2 Client / Stakeholder Review Period Update Orientation Map (3) Submission #3 IMPLEMENTATION: PHASE 1 Notice to Proceed Kick-Off Meeting / Administration Mark-Out Pilot Project Locations Shop Drawings / Samples / Prototype Fabrication / Installation MAY - JULY Questions • Answers • Discussion Thank You !