Item #4 Presentation: Congress Avenue Interim Improvements — original pdf

Downtown Commission Congress Avenue Interim Safety and Mobility Improvements OCTOBER 21, 2020 NOTE: This presentation is not discussing election-related matters. This presentation gives information about currently funded work on Congress Avenue between 11th Street and Riverside Drive. 1 A Vision for Congress Avenue 2 Current Council Direction • Recognizes that street space is needed to maintain social distancing under COVID-19 risk-based guidelines • Calls for temporary improvements to open street space, as well as options for retaining safety benefits once social distancing is no longer needed • Recognizes that interim improvements align and build towards the long-term strategy for re- balancing mobility and connectivity options along the avenue 3 Temporary Pilot Installation • Established on June 30, 2020 • Separates people on scooters and bicycles from motor vehicles using tall cones • Well-used by people on scooters, bicycles • Decreases conflicts on sidewalks between people walking, dining, shopping, bicycling and riding scooters • Requires daily maintenance • Does not offer optimal aesthetic option nor does it address all safety concerns, within available resources 4 Safety Analysis • Multiple crash types found throughout corridor • Top crash intersections citywide, including: • Cesar Chavez Street • Riverside Drive • 4th Street • 2 of the worst 5 downtown signalized intersections for pedestrians • Cesar Chavez Street • 6th Street Comprehensive costs and crashes – Downtown Austin (5-year period 2014-18) Source: Vision Zero High Injury Roadways Comprehensive Crash Cost Analysis using Texas Department of Transportation Crash Record Information System and National Safety Council cost scale methodology. Legend Top 100 crash location Top 200 crash location Top 300 crash location 5 Safety Analysis • $190 million in comprehensive crash costs over the last 5 years (2014-2018) • Account for losses from: • Wages • Productivity • Medical expenses • Motor vehicle damage • Employers’ uninsured costs • As well as quality of life losses – or what we are willing to pay to reduce the risk to our own health and safety The intersection of Cesar Chavez Street and Congress Avenue carries $30 million in comprehensive crash costs alone. Source: Vision Zero High Injury Roadways Comprehensive Crash Cost Analysis using Texas Department of Transportation Crash Record Information System and National Safety Council cost scale methodology. 6 UDI Mobility Analysis • Current 6 lane configuration is not optimal for anyone • Pre-existing [pre-COVID] congestion driven by traffic bottleneck at Cesar Chavez Street and Riverside Drive • Left and right turn lanes at Cesar Chavez, Riverside, 5th and 6th are important as lanes are reconfigured for safety and motor vehicle operations • 2nd to 4th and 7th to 10th streets do not drive congestion on the corridor – 4 or 5-lane configurations were acceptable per the UDI mobility analysis • Very uncomfortable for people on scooters and bikes such that they often choose the sidewalk over the general travel lane, causing conflicts with pedestrians and other street life 7 UDI Mobility Analysis • Traffic growth was forecasted to 2040 accounting for new development • Mode shift is necessary to maintain overall operations as growth continues to 2040. • Current configuration suppresses high potential for mode shift • Improved pedestrian and bicycle facilities are expected to support a 4 – 12% decrease in existing motor vehicle trips, and 30 - 60% of future trips “At a certain point, the demand cannot be met by supply in terms of space. In the case of Congress Avenue, there is little that can be done to accommodate an ever‐growing increase in vehicular demand, currently at saturation during peak hours, other than replacing some of those trips with other modes like transit, walking, or biking/scootering that offset the demand for vehicular space.” ‐ Congress Urban Design Initiative Mobility Report ‐ March 2019 8 About the Interim Design • Significant safety benefits expected • New left turn lanes at Cesar Chavez Street, 5th Street, and 6th Street with protected turn phases to reduce head-on crashes and pedestrian conflicts • Dedicated right turn lanes at northbound Cesar Chavez Street, Barton Springs Road, and northbound Riverside Drive with leading pedestrian and bicycle signal phases and yellow flashing right turn arrows to increase yielding to people crossing the intersection • Simplified lane configuration along Cesar Chavez Street between Congress Avenue and Brazos Street • Designed for post-COVID traffic levels 9 About the Interim Design • Shorter pedestrian crossing distances • Protected intersection designs at Riverside Drive, Barton Springs Road, 3rd Street, and 11th Street • Enhanced bicycle crossing markings in front of on-street parking locations – all existing parking maintained • Protected bicycle lanes between Riverside Drive and 11th Street 10 Alignment with the Congress Urban Design Initiative (CAUDI) • Catalyzes the rebalancing called for in the CAUDI draft vision improving safety, quality and enabling mode shift • Generally follows recommended traffic lane configuration at key intersections: Cesar Chavez, Barton Springs, Riverside, 5th, 6th, and 11th to improve safety and operations 11 Alignment with the Congress Urban Design Initiative • Offers higher comfort for people crossing the street • Separates people on scooters or bikes from motor vehicles • Decreases the conflicts between people on scooters, bicycles and people walking along the sidewalk • Frees more space for queuing, dining and other economic activity in the amenity and storefront areas along the avenue 12 Alignment with the Congress Urban Design Initiative • Provides separate protected pedestrian and bicycle/scooter spaces across the Congress Avenue bridge. • Significantly improves safety and comfort across the bridge for people walking, riding bikes and scooters, and bat watching. 13 Differences Between Congress UDI and Interim Safety and Mobility Improvements • The Congress Avenue UDI envisions a full right-of- way reconstruction project for which resources are not available • Estimated cost for interim improvements: $250,000 • The existing position of curbs do not allow a raised protected bicycle lane or its position in the cross section • At key intersections with higher left turns north of the river a 5-lane approach will be used (in alignment with the Congress UDI) and a narrow bicycle / scooter lane • At other intersections, a 4-lane approach will be used to provide a more adequate and protected bicycle and scooter facility • All on-street parking to remain in place 13 Phased Installation Phase 1 Intersection reconfiguration at Riverside Dr, Barton Springs Rd, Cesar Chavez St. Phase 2 Physical protection south of 2nd St. Phase 3 • New left turns lanes at 5th, 6th • Fresh markings and buffer lines Phase 4 • Protected intersections at 11th & 3rd St. • Physical protection north of 2nd St. 14 Towards The Complete Vision of Congress Avenue 15