Agenda_Item_4_Writing_on_the_Walls — original pdf

F O U N D A T I O N The Downtown Austin Alliance Foundation is a charitable, 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization implementing key projects, public space activations and place-based research creating a “living, learning, lab” to ensure we are building a downtown that everyone will love. Our Role C R E A T E A L I V I N G , L E A R N I N G , L A B F O R D O W N T O W N P L A C E D E V E L O P M E N T P L A C E A C T I V A T I O N P L A C E R E S E A R C H O U R I M P A C T A L A S T I N G L E G A C Y T R A N S F O R M A T I O N R E P U B L I C S Q U A R E A C T I V A T I O N S C R E A T I N G B E L O V E D P L A C E S R E S E A R C H W H A T M A K E S P L A C E S V I T A L ? L E A D E R S H I P F O S T E R I N G T H E N E X T G E N E R A T I O N We have a great opportunity to foster new leadership in our community and the Foundation will work with companies and individuals to increase corporate and citizen engagement. K N O W L E D G E A U S T I N ' S R O L E As an emerging 21st century global city, Austin and downtown are a lense into the future of city building. We will cultivate knowledge leaders creating an Urban Think Tank for place-based research. P H I L A N T H R O P Y B U I L D I N G N E W C A P A C I T Y We have a great opportunity to build a lasting legacy in our community. Our ambitions are great and our dreams are endless, help us make a difference creating a downtown for all. 2020 R E P U B L I C S Q U A R E Operate & manage daily Program 100+ days New cafe vendor opens Raise $ 325K A C T I V A T I O N S S I G N A T U R E E V E N T S Austin's Birthday Bash Holiday Stroll Writing on the Walls THE FESTIVALGRE AT CITIES TELL GRE AT STORIES Celebrate Austin’s Downtown District’s rich and vibrant hi[story] through a myriad of art installations, activations - Starting with a new Austin landmark - A first of it’s kind by Shepard Fairey and Sandra Chevrier mural. MISSIONWRITING ON THE WALLSIncrease visibility, value, excitement and grow communal pride to create a downtown that is welcoming and for everyone. Key Points+ Raise the visibility of local artists as a result of partnering with famous con-temporary artists+ Offer ample opportunity for artist interactions with the intention to inspire and embolden Austin and the community+ A strong focus on local engagement through a myriad of remarkable activa-tions for all agesGOALSWRITING ON THE WALLSProvide a platform, highlight history and celebrate Austin with a community-enriching art program that is unique to Austin.Key Points+ Inspire Austin + Engage and inspire Austin’s youth+ Give platform to and raise the profile of local artists and artisans+ Create a beautiful landmark and commemorative mural celebrating the strength of women everywhereFESTIVAL THEMATIC- TO THE - EMPOWERMENT & EQU ALITY OF WOMA N EVERYW HERE We can all see the ‘Writing on the Walls’ - we are in the midst of great social change, finally our daughters, sisters, mothers and grandmothers are in positions of great power and influence. Global collective awareness is growing with thanks towards our great female leadership. In celebration the Downtown Austin Alliance Foundation and our partnered artists will grace our beloved city’s skyline with beautiful murals of archetypes and public figures that have embodied the strength of woman everywhere. F E A T U R E D A R T I S T S - INSPIRED BY - THE 100th ANNIVERS A RY O F THE RATIFICATION OF TH E 1 9T H A M EN D M ENT The year 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment, guaranteeing and protecting women’s constitutional right to vote. This historic centennial offers an unparalleled opportunity to commemorate a milestone of democracy and to explore its relevance to the issues of equal rights today. The Women’s Vote Centennial Initiative, a collaboration of women-centered institutions, organizations, and scholars from across the US, works to ensure that this anniversary, and the 72-year fight to achieve it, are commemorated and celebrated throughout the United States. - MURAL WALLSMURAL WALL THE LINE HOTEL, DOWNTOWN AUS TIN, TX Located within the vibrant Downtown District of Austin, Texas. The Line Hotel’s west facing wall will become a new landmark featuring new custom imagery from international renown street artists, Shepard Fairey and Sandra Chevrier. “ THE LINE IS A PLACE FOR COMMUNITY, CULTURE AND EXPLORATION. EACH LINE HOTEL IS SHAPED AND INSPIRED BY THE UNIQUE NEIGHBORHOODS WE ARE A PART OF. “ - The Line Hotel Participatin Artists: Shepard Fairey & Sandra Chevrier Medium: Paint Production Team: Artists and assistants. Dates: March 4th - 10th 2020 Traffic: 62k vehicles daily LAMAR WALL LAMAR BRIDGESituated along a core transit corridor.Traffic: 40k vehicles daily• Austin Department of TransportationS a d é L a w s o n Sade has a whimsical approach to compositions using the lady form and dreamy landscapes; Vibrant colors, portraits and other imagery are used to create work that tells a feminine story which is very personal to her own and others close to. Her surrealistic themes aim to elevate moods with vivid imagery, while also touching on topics such as her personal identity as a multiracial woman of color, struggles with mental illness and art as a coping and healing tool. Sade Lawson is a self-taught artist currently based out of Austin,TX. - DR T H E A R T W O R K FESTIVAL ACTIVATIONSACTIVATIONS In addition to Austin’s new mural unveiling, throughout the week long festival - art happenings and activation will be taking place in several locations within the downtown area. The Line Hotel Events Within The Line Hotel, multi-day events will take place and act as a headquarters for the ‘Writing On The Walls’ happenings. + Film Screenings at The Line Hotel and The Contemporary Museum + Artist Panel & Talks + Art Market Pop Up + Workshops + Daily Activations + More International Women’s Day Celebration - Sunday, March 8thIn partnership with SXSW EDU, the Downtown Austin Alliance will host music, art and programming at The Line and at the Lamar mural location.Temporary Walls - Saturday, March 7thIn Partnership with HOPE and their foster child program, the festival will install a temporary wall installation at Republic Square. Local artists and mural artists will be on hand with the community to paint these temporary walls.ACTIVATIONSCOLLABORATIONSCOLLABORATIONS• Artists paired with three Austin Schools• Temporary mural Walls in Republic Square• On-going programming with HOPESTEERING COMM IT TEE • Diane Land • Kerr y Tate • Heidi Marquez Smith • Nick Moulinet • Becky Austen • Ashley Campbell • Sandy Guzman • Liz Whitington • Jenny Weibrand • Kevin Brow n • Nuria Rivera-Vandermyde • Mar y Allen • Sulaiman S habazz We are taking steps to leave a lasting legacy for downtown Austin. Join the movement. Executive Director Molly Alexander (512) 381-6265