Agenda_Item_4_Parking_Enterprise — original pdf

1 Austin Transportation Department Parking Enterprise Division Downtown Commission January 15, 2020 Jason T. Redfern – Parking Enterprise Manager 2 PRESENTATION OVERVIEW 01 SUPPORTING AUSTIN’S MOBILITY GOALS 02 03 04 PARKING STRATEGY FY2019-20 ON-STREET METERED PARKING OVERVIEW ACTION ITEMS & NEXT STEPS SUPPORTING AUSTIN’S MOBILITY POLICIES/ GOALS 3 MODE CHOICE Balance curb space allocation, to encourage sustainable trip options, to reach a 50/50 mode split by 2039 COMMUTE TIME Improve parking system efficiencies to reduce travel time and vehicle miles traveled EQUITY Curb management strategies that promote equal and flexible access for all travel types and public needs. GOAL: MODERNIZE AUSTIN’S PARKING OPERATIONS 4 STABILIZE MODERNIZE • Meter base rate adjustment • Level meter hours to be the same across the city • Adjust parking citation penalties AUSTIN • Grant Directors Authority to flex parking rates within a range • Test & enable data capturing technology to test curb access efficiency. STRATEGY: MODERNIZE AUSTIN’S PARKING OPERATIONS PHASE 1 PHASE 2 BASE RATE STABLIZATION AUTHORITY TO ADJUST RATES Currently there are two different base rates for core and non-core. Over the last three decades, population and inflation have outpaced the cities valuation of on-street parking rates but demand has rapidly increased. Existing fee ordinance is rigid, requiring Council action each time. This flexibility will allow for the testing of more progressive curb management strategies, like variable pricing. SYSTEM LEVELING OF METER HOURS Different hours and days for parking in separate geographical areas of the city make it hard for the public to know when they have to pay to park. CURB PRICING STRATEGY PILOT Variable pricing strategies are intended to incentivize a behavior and change a car-centric culture. It has been proven to ease traffic congestion, provides opportunities for patrons of local business and encourages the use of underutilized off-street parking facilities. 5 PHASE 3 ADJUST PARKING CITATION FINE AMOUNTS Adjust parking citation amounts, to encourage responsible curb usage. STRATEGY: MODERNIZE AUSTIN’S PARKING OPERATIONS PHASE 1 PHASE 2 BASE RATE STABLIZATION AUTHORITY TO ADJUST RATES Currently two different base rates for core and non-core and is undervalued. The Maximum parking rate for the core downtown has only increased $0.80 and there has been no increase in areas outside the core in over three decades Existing fee ordinance is rigid, requiring Council action each time. This flexibility will allow for the testing of more progressive curb management strategies, like variable pricing. SYSTEM LEVELING OF METER HOURS Different hours and days for parking in separate geographical areas of the city make it hard for the public to know when they have to pay to park. CURB PRICING STRATEGY PILOT Variable pricing strategies are intended to incentivize a behavior. It has been proven to ease traffic congestion, provide opportunities for patrons of local business and encourage the use of underutilized off- street parking facilities. 6 PHASE 3 ADJUST PARKING CITATION PENALTIES Adjust parking citation amounts, to encourage responsible curb usage. BENEFITS OF MODERNIZING PARKING OPERATIONS E 7 Providing more access to uses other than SOV’s increases equity for all system users. D Curb Equity AUSTIN B C Emissions Less circling, reduced VMT and SOV uses will help reduce emission and help the city meet its attainment goals. Mode Shift Increased flexibility and access to the curb helps create a balanced transportation network, allowing for better travel choice options. A VMT Less time spent looking for parking equals reduction in vehicle miles traveled which reduces overall time spent traveling. congestion Parking pricing is the second most effective congestion reduction strategy. – Victoria Transport Policy Institute CURRENT MOBILITY SUPPORTING ACTIONS 8 AFFORDABLE PARKING PROGRAM • 29 participating garages • 400+ Active participants • $30 - $65 Monthly BLOOMBERG CLIMATE CHALLENGE GRANT • 5% increase in mobility service related spaces • Reduction in SOV trips • 15% parking space availability average per block PARK ATX MOBILE PAYMENT • Remotely add time • Start & Stop Parking Sessions • 70,000+ Users • 5,000+ Sessions a day CURB MANAGEMENT • Increase in dedicated bicycle lanes • Increase in accessibility associated spaces • Two-Way Conversions • Increased electrical vehicle charging only spaces PREVIOUS METER RATES CITY WIDE Space/ Cost Break Down 9 Downtown Core 3,150 Spaces $1.20/HR Non-Core (Fringe) 3,961 Spaces $1.00/HR 44% 0% 100% % of total supply 56% 0% 100% % of total supply AUSTIN BASE RATE HISTORY 10 MARKET RATE PEER CITY REVIEW 11 Seattle, WA* MIN MAX $0.50 $5.00 Portland, OR* MIN MAX $2.00 $1.60 Texas CITY Austin Dallas Fort Worth* Houston San Antonio MIN $1.00 $1.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.30 MAX $1.20 $2.50 $2.50 $2.25 $1.80 WA MT OR ID WY NV UT CO CA AZ NM ND SD MN WI NE IA ME VT NH MA CT MI NY IL IN OH PA NJ DC KS MO OK TX AR LA KY TN VA NC WV SC MS AL GA FL Washington, DC* MIN MAX $5.50 $0.50 Atlanta, GA MIN MAX $1.60 $2.00 Miami, FL MIN MAX $4.00 $1.00 *Variable pricing implemented DIRECT/ INDIRECT RESULTS OF PREVIOUS PARKNG SYSTEM 12 INDIVIDUAL TIME/ COST UNEQUAL SYSTEM CREATES DEMAND Less than a min 14% 10 Min+ 20% 1 to 3 Min 12% 3 to 5 Min 24% 5 to 10 Min 30% 30% Drivers said they spend 5 – 10 minutes looking for parking $4.30 AVG cost 10 min. of searching OR 2-3 Dozen 1-2 Gallons EQIVALENT Eggs of Gas *Based on Nelson Nygaard 2016 Downtown Austin Parking Strategy (page 23). **Private Sector average hourly wage, based on 2080 hour work year at $27.75 per hour, according to United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. *Graphic used from the Austin Transportations “Smart Mobility Roadmap (page 45). OUTCOMES FROM STRATEGY - PHASE 1 13 STABILIZING MODERNIZING SUPPORTING Price stabilization at the curb will establish the correct value to start building a system for the future that will compliment Austin’s mobility goals, rather than work against them. Enhancing the Austin Stabilizing and modernizing Transportation Department authority to adjust parking rates will allow for effective testing, planning, and Austin’s parking policies creates the foundation that supports the substantial public investment in implementation of a variable Austin’s mobility goals, pricing system. including 50/50 mode split and net zero.