Design CommissionJan. 27, 2025

Recommendation 20250127-003: Modifications to Project Review Application — original pdf

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DESIGN COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20250127-003 January 27, 2025 Modifications to Design Commission Project Review Application Date: Subject: Motioned By: Recommendation Recommendation that staff provides modifications to the “exhibits to present” section of the project review application to better expound on these exhibits and the project review process timeline to potentially allow or to advise applicants for more time to between the working group recommendations and presenting at the commission With the following friendly amendments Seconded By: Commissioner Gelles Commissioner McKinney  That exterior elevations should include all street elevations, including alley  3D views to include both street level and birds-eye view, with priority of street level views that  express the pedestrian experience Include intent language regarding the level of development of the design with an emphasis on less preparedness is preferred for the working group vs the presentation at the design commission Rationale: Due to the various size of buildings presented to the commission, we feel the language in the required documentation should be modified to allow the applicant to focus their efforts on areas of the development that express their compliance with the Urban Design Guidelines. This is not a request to provide more documentation than what is required, but rather provide more information to the applicant of what we, as a commission, typically focus our efforts on. Also, language to emphasize to the applicant that presentation to the working group is expected to be schematic and not fully developed to allow for discussion and modification prior to presenting to the full design commission. Vote For: 9-1 Chair Salinas, Vice Chair Meiners, Commissioner Carroll, Commissioner Gelles, Commissioner Howard, Commissioner Ladner, Commissioner Luckens, Commissioner McKinney, Commissioner Wittstruck Against: Commissioner Wallace Abstain: Absent: Vacancy: District 6 Attest: Jon Salinas, AIA – Chair, Design Commission 1 of 1