Design CommissionFeb. 24, 2025

06. Design Commission Workflow Chart — original pdf

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Design Commission Flow Chart 2025 City Council directs the workflow of the Design Commission through ordinances and resolutions City Boards Provide advisory recommendations to City Council on items requested by City Council or project sponsor § 2-1-130 DDBP Gatekeeper Requirement: Requires projects participating in the Downtown Density Bonus Program to seek a recommendation from the Design Commission § 25-2-586 – Downtown Density Bonus Program City buildings & development: Resolution directing staff to present plans for all municipal buildings & associated site development to the Design Commission to ensure compliance with city design & sustainability standards Resolution No. 20071129-046 Municipal AEC rule: Reiterates Resolution No. 20071129-046 and directs staff to seek Design Commission input on projects seeking Alternative Equivalent Compliance Resolution No. 20100923-086 Alley vacation: Requires the review of all alley vacation requests within the downtown area by the Design Commission Ord. No. 20100805-028 Infrastructure guidelines: Resolution directing staff to work with the Design Commission on recommendations for design guidelines for infrastructure projects commissioned by the City of Austin Resolution No. 20100819-035 UDG Update: Resolution directing the update to the Urban Design Guidelines Resolution No. 20210902-046 Design Commission Working Groups & Committees City Council and/or City staff consider the recommendations by Design Commission when passing ordinances or approving projects, respectively