Design CommissionJan. 27, 2025

01. Draft Meeting Minutes December 9, 2024 — original pdf

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1. 2. DESIGN COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2024 The Design Commission convened in a regular meeting on Monday, December 9, 2024, at the Permitting and Development Center, Room 1405, located at 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive in Austin, Texas. Chair Salinas called the Design Commission meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance: Jon Salinas, Chair Josue Meiners, Vice Chair Kevin Howard Ben Luckens Marissa McKinney – Commissioner McKinney joined the meeting at 6:13 p.m. Brita Wallace Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Brendan Wittstruck PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the Design Commission regular meeting on November 19, 2024. The minutes from the meeting of 11/19/2024 were approved on Vice Chair Meiners’ motion, Chair Salinas’ second on a 6-0 vote. Commissioner McKinney was off the dais. Commissioners Carroll, Gelles, and Ladner were absent. One vacancy on the dais. STAFF BRIEFINGS Staff briefing regarding an update to the Great Streets Program. Presented by Jill Amezcua, Planning Department. Sponsors: Chair Salinas and Commissioner Carroll. The presentation was made Jill Amezcua, Planning Department. 1 4. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 3. Discussion and action on whether the Asian American Resource Center Phase II Improvement Project, located at 8401 Cameron Road, complies with the City Design and Sustainability Standards. Presented by David Sweere and Trey Trahan, Trahan Architects. There was a motion by Commissioner Luckens, seconded by Chair Salinas, that the Asian American Resource Center Phase II Improvement Project, located at 8401 Cameron Road, complies with the City Design and Sustainability Standards. The motion was approved with the following friendly amendment on motion by Commissioner Howard, seconded by Chair Salinas on a 7-0 vote. The friendly amendment from Commissioner Howard was that the project meets the City Design and Sustainability Standards with additional investigation for pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure to ensure appropriate accommodation of bicycle and transit usage and of circulation through the site in future phases. This was accepted by the maker of the motion, Commissioner Luckens, and Chair Salinas, who seconded the motion. Commissioners Carroll, Gelles, and Ladner were absent. One vacancy on the dais. Discussion and action to recommend to City Council guidance on billboard placement and community and urban design impacts due to the Interstate Highway 35 corridor improvements. Presented by Margaret Lloyd, Scenic Texas, and Jim Walker and Girard Kinney, Cherrywood Neighborhood Association. Sponsors: Chair Salinas and Commissioner Wittstruck. There was a motion by Commissioner Wittstruck, seconded by Chair Salinas, to recommend to Planning Commission and City Council to not support the rezoning of the properties located at 1106 and 1110 East 30th Street from SF-3-NP to CS-MU-V- CO-NP without assurance that a new billboard sign will not be constructed within a residential area and to recommend that City Council remove the right to replace a billboard sign once it is removed. There was a substitute motion by Commissioner Wittstruck, seconded by Chair Salinas, to recommend to Planning Commission and City Council to not support the rezoning of the properties located at 1106 and 1110 East 30th Street from SF-3-NP to CS-MU-V-CO-NP without assurance that a new billboard sign will not be constructed within a residential area. The substitute motion was approved with the following friendly amendment on motion by Commissioner Howard, seconded by Chair Salinas on a 6-1 vote. The friendly amendment from Commissioner Howard was to add the following language to the substitute motion: To recommend to Planning Commission and City Council to not support the rezoning of the properties 1106 and 1110 East 30th Street from SF-3-NP to CS-MU-V-CO-NP without assurance that a new billboard sign will not be constructed within or beside a 2 residential area. The Design Commission generally does not oppose upzoning along Interstate Highway 35. This was accepted by the maker of the motion, Commissioner Wittstruck, and Chair Salinas, who seconded the motion. Commissioner Wallace voted nay. Commissioners Carroll, Gelles, and Ladner were absent. One vacancy on the dais. The substitute motion to recommend to City Council the removal of the right to replace a billboard sign once it is removed was approved on Commissioner Wittstruck’s motion, Chair Salinas’ second on a 6-0-1 vote. Commissioner Wallace abstained. Commissioners Carroll, Gelles, and Ladner were absent. One vacancy on the dais. WORKING GROUP/COMMITTEE UPDATES 5. 6. 7. Update from the Urban Design Guidelines Working Group regarding the meeting on November 22, 2024. Update was given by Commissioner Howard. Update from the representative of the Downtown Commission regarding the meeting on November 20, 2024. No update was given. Update from the representative of the Joint Sustainability Committee regarding the meeting on November 20, 2024. Update was given by Commissioner Luckens. FUTUTE AGENDA ITEMS None. ADJOURNMENT Chair Salinas adjourned the meeting at 8:02 p.m. without objection. 3