03. Asian American Resource Center (AARC) Presentation Part 1 — original pdf

Asian American Resource Center Pavilion Phase II Performance Pavilion Design Commission Review Presentation December 09, 2024 Project Introduction + Goals D E C E M B E R 0 9, 2 02 4 2 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERProject Introduction As part of the Asian American Resource Center Master Plan Phase II Plan, this project is the creation of a pavilion within the great lawn area on the site. This pavilion aims to enhance the AARC by providing a versatile space where Austin’s diverse Asian American communities can come together to share their cultural heritage and participate in enriching programs. The pavilion will serve as a multipurpose, flexible venure, designed to blend with the existing great lawn and positioned between the AARC and upcoming Watershed Protection Department improvements. Planned as a year-round venue, the pavilion will host a variety of small or medium-sized events and programs. Key features of the pavilion include: A performance area Accessible facilities and amenities Infrastructure to support a range of community activities D E C E M B E R 0 9, 2 02 4 3 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERAARC Guiding Principles & Values MISSION STATEMENT The Asian American Resource Center’s mission is to create a space of belonging and healing for Asian American communities in Austin and beyond. We do this through community Collaborations and partnerships; providing rental space; organizing cultural, educational, and health wellness programs and curating art and historical exhibitions. We lead with our values and our vision, so that our diverse Solidarity - Recognizing our interconnectedness with ourselves and other communities of color. communities are supported and connected. VALUES Diversity - Acknowledging our cultures and histories. Peace - Creating space for healing and unity. Collaboration - Building relationships and co-creating. Intergenerational - Connecting through stories. D E C E M B E R 0 9, 2 02 4 4 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERAARC 2019 Vision Plan D E C E M B E R 0 9, 2 02 4 5 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERVision Plan Event Lawn Programming Phase II within Scope of Work Classroom 1-8 and Conference Room (2,677sf) • Parking (222 spaces including existing parking) Phase I • Existing Building (18,000sf) Ballroom (5,022sf) Library/Computer Lab (422sf) Office Space (1,095sf) Storage Space (516sf) Commercial Kitchen (approx 650sf) • Existing Parking (91 spaces ) • Art in Public Places: Lotus Fountain Sculpture • Great Lawn Phase II • Performing Arts Building with Classrooms • Pavilion/Stage (1600sf) • Pedestrian Bridge • Plaza • Event Court/Asia Street/Festival Space • Event and Activity Lawn • Picnic Area Future • Additional Office Spaces • Meeting Room • Studio Spaces • Natural Garden • Tea House/Meditation Room • Vehicular Bridge • Nature Play Area • Sculpture Garden • Playfield • Additional Pavilion • Better Circulation • Boardwalk/Nature Trail • Additional Picnic Areas • Community Garden • Future Building • Storm Water Quality Improvements • Connection to Little Walnut Creek D E C E M B E R 0 9, 2 02 4 6 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERSite Plan Existing 1 Phase I AARC Existing Facility Great Lawn Area Available for Performance Pavilion outside Tree Canopy/Protection Zone d a o n R ero m a C C l e a r C r e e k D r i v e L i t t l e W a l n u t C r e e k 1 D E C E M B E R 0 9, 2 02 4 7 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERVision Plan Phase II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Phase I AARC Existing Facility Performing Arts + Gallery Space (15,000sf) Classroom/Studio Space (7,400sf) Phase II Stage /Pavilion (1,600sf) Main Entry + Drop Off Event Court (10,000sf; 1,000 people) Event + Activity Lawn (18,000sf; 1,000 people) Exercise Equipment Area Pedestrian Bridge Picnic Areas 10 Existing Pond 2 4 1 5 7 9 8 3 6 9 10 D E C E M B E R 0 9, 2 02 4 8 47 Updated later ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERSite Plan Phase II Phase I AARC Existing Facility Performing Arts + Gallery Space (15,000sf) Classroom/Studio Space (7,400sf) Phase II Stage /Pavilion (1,600sf) Main Entry + Drop Off Event Court (10,000sf; 1,000 people) Event + Activity Lawn (18,000sf; 1,000 people) Exercise Equipment Area Pedestrian Bridge Forest Adventure Trail 10 Existing Pond Rain Gardens Community Garden Phase III 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 L i t t l e W a l n u t C r e e k d a o n R ero m a C 2 4 5 C l e a r C r e e k D r i v e 1 12 13 6 3 8 7 10 9 11 11 D E C E M B E R 0 9, 2 02 4 9 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERCommunity + Stakeholder Feedback D E C E M B E R 0 9, 2 02 4 10 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERCommunity + Stakeholder Engagement Phase II Performing Arts Center NAAO Community Engagement Meeting JAN 26, 2022 Community Engagement Kickoff Meeting MAR 29, 2022 AARC Staff Engagement Meeting JAN 27 2022 Community Engagement Kickoff Meeting MAR 29, 2022 D E C E M B E R 0 9, 2 02 4 11 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERCommunity & Stakeholder Engagement Feedback Phase II Performing Arts Center PROJECT GOALS 1. The building and campus should have a Sense of Home for the Community. 2. Access and Inclusivity are critical aspects of the project. 3. The building should harbor Cross-Cultural Exchange 4. The building should focus around Performing Arts and Artist Cultivation. 5. The building should act as a Hybrid for Performances and Community Events. 6. The building should be Accessible Beyond Performance/Event Times. 7. Appropriate, Inclusive and Respectful Influences of Asian Culture 8. The building should have a Simple Aesthetic and Natural Light. 9. The project should have an Environmental Response. NAAO AARC Staff AAQoL AARC Staff JAN 26, 2022 JAN 27, 2022 FEB 08, 2022 FEB 08, 2022 AARC Creatives & Artists FEB 08, 2022 AARC Staff Written Response FEB 15, 2022 Community Kickoff MAR 29, 2022 Community Survey Results MAR 01-APR 11, 2022 D E C E M B E R 0 9, 2 02 4 12 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERCommunity & Stakeholder Engagement Feedback Phase II Performing Arts Center SITE 1. Connection to/Distance from AARC Phase I 2. Spaces for Outdoor Gathering 3. Vehicular Drop-Off 4. Security 5. Accessibility 6. Additional Parking NAAO AARC Staff AAQoL AARC Staff JAN 26, 2022 JAN 27, 2022 FEB 08, 2022 FEB 08, 2022 AARC Creatives & Artists FEB 08, 2022 AARC Staff Written Response FEB 15, 2022 Community Kickoff MAR 29, 2022 Community Survey Results MAR 01-APR 11, 2022 D E C E M B E R 0 9, 2 02 4 13 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERCommunity & Stakeholder Engagement Feedback Phase II Performing Arts Center PROJECT DESIGN GUIDELINES Grandeur - Grand Gestures to the Landscape, Entry, + Public Areas Iconic - Prominence as the Campus’s recognizable Building + AARC Identity Flow - Connection Between Spaces, People and Landscape Transparency - Visible and physical connections between Interior to Exterior Spaces Tex-Asian (Interconnectedness) - Intersection of Asian + Local Influences Harmony with Nature - Commitment to social and environmental sustainability. Improve people’s well-being and make life more enjoyable. D E C E M B E R 0 9, 2 02 4 14 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERCommunity + Stakeholder Engagement Performance Pavilion Project - Visioning - 01-07 March, 2024 AARC Stakeholders + Asian American Quality of Life Commission Working Group 1. What are your primary goals for the AARC Performance Pavilion? • A flexible space that staff and community members can use to put on small to medium programs/events • CB: To provide a flexible space for the AARC to host performances and other activities which can occur there. The primary goal from my standpoint is to • FD: Community and rental space performance space as an alternative to the ensure we remain in budget. ballroom and classroom spaces. • LE: Build a multi-purpose pavilion that can be used year-round and deter the abuses of weather and people experiencing homelessness. • LGP: Space that will give staff and community members flexibility when producing programs/events. A space that is accessible from a facility, • LP: To create an accessible and sustainable space for AARC programming financial, and tech perspective. and for everyone to use. • PB: Provide adequate space for special outdoor community events at AARC. • QI: A gathering space where programming can take place outdoors: Artists talks, Luncheons, Performances, Workshops, etc. • SD: Allow outdoor cultural events that include live music and dance performances (expected to be daytime events); Allow movies at night. • TV: The pavilion is a safe and comfortable place to be day + evening - appropriate amount of light to great lawn area, interior is air conditioned, has wifi, power, water, sewage. • VC: Outdoors venue for medium size performance with good acoustics and backstage area so the stage is professional. Multi-Purpose/ Hybrid/ Flexible Space Sustainability Year-Round Use/ Weatherproof Remain in Budget User-Friendly Accessible Outdoor Community Performance/Events Venue Safety Not a PAC or Catch-all Project Outdoor Programming Space Performance Venue Flexibility (Allowing for additional programming on campus) D E C E M B E R 0 9, 2 02 4 15 Rehearsal Space (dance, theater, etc.) Electrical/ AV Connections in Great Lawn Comfortable Outdoor Space when not Programmed Dedicated storage + Equipment (to not rely on Phase I building) Enclosed, Conditioned with Ability to Open Up Option 1 Consider Passive Strategies Rather Than Mechanical Cooling Review Cost Implications of Options Open-Air Pavilion with Enclosed Support Spaces Option 2 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERPavilion Program D E C E M B E R 0 9, 2 02 4 16 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERPavilion Program Exterior Multi-Purpose Platform / Porch 600-900 nsf 30’x20’ Exterior Multi-Purpose Platform / Porch 600-900sf Interior BOH Spaces 375-525sf WC 50-75sf Flexible BOH Space 250-300sf Rack Rm 75-100 sf MEP 0-50sf D E C E M B E R 0 9, 2 02 4 17 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERThe program (represented in the diagram to the right) for the Asian American Resource Pavilion is the result of a rigorous process of engagement, beginning with a review of the 2019 AARC Site Vision Plan through a series of in-person and remote review sessions with local stakeholders, users and staff of the AARC, and PARD.A preliminary program was developed during the initial Conceptual Design phase, from March 01, 2024-April 22, 2024. Following a cost estimate by Flintco (CMAR), the program was refined in during Comment Resolution and Schematic Design phases, from September 25, 2024-November 06, 2024 through another series of review sessions with local stakeholders, users and staff of the AARC, PARD, and the project team of engineers and consultants. The figures shown in this program served as a baseline for Schematic Design plan development. Site Analysis D E C E M B E R 0 9, 2 02 4 18 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERVicinity Plan Multi-modal Transportation Bus Route Bike Route - High to Medium Comfort Little Walnut Creek The Asian American Resource Center site is accessible via bus 325. Cameron Rd is considered EXTREMELY LOW- comfort for biking in this area and is not recommended. Surrounding Improvements: The Cameron Road/Dessau Lane Safety Improvements project includes multiple portions of work including: shared-use paths, traffic signal upgrades, enhanced bus stops, ADA upgrades, street lighting and access control which all aim to support multi-modal transportation Little Walnut Creek Urban Trail D E C E M B E R 0 9, 2 02 4 19 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTER10325339NorwoodTransitCenterTODOWNTOWN1/4 mile radiusLittle Walnut CreekLittle Walnut Creek1/4 mile radiusLittle Walnut CreekLittle Walnut Creek1/4 mile radiusLittle Walnut CreekLittle Walnut Creek1/4 mile radiusLittle Walnut CreekLittle Walnut CreekZoning Public LI-NP GO-CO-NP IP SF-3 LO 8,000SF 55% 65% .75 : 1 40FT 25FT 15FT 5FT 10FT MF-3 P, MF-3 LOT Min Lot Size Max Building Coverage Max Impervious Cover Max FAR MASSING Max Height Min Setbacks Front Yard Street Side Yard Interior Side Yard Rear Yard D E C E M B E R 0 9, 2 02 4 2 0 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERSite Analysis Existing Conditions Aerial View Area Available for Performance Pavilion outside Tree Canopy/Protection Zone (9,350sf) D E C E M B E R 0 9, 2 02 4 2 1 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERSite Analysis Site Section (Northwest-Southeast) +625’ +611’ Existing AARC Building Great Lawn AARC Ring Road D E C E M B E R 0 9, 2 02 4 2 2 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERSite Analysis Great Lawn D E C E M B E R 0 9, 2 02 4 2 3 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERSite Analysis Tree Survey + Arborist Review #1719 10” Sycamore #1722 is dead #1722 6” Live Oak #1721 7” Live Oak #1720 6” Chinkapin #1771 8" Sycamore #1770 9" Sycamore #1769 8" Sycamore In general, all trees seem to be in good health. #1726 50” Live Oak #1768 21" Live Oak #1767 12" Live Oak #1766 17" Live Oak #1767 has browning leaves, this could be a sign of declining health #1762 8" Sycamore #1764 19” Live Oak (MS) #1763 12” Live Oak #1761 16” Live Oak #1760 Cedar Elm #1759 could be removed due to how much the trunk is leaning, canopy size and voids in the roots #1759 12” Live Oak #1757 13” Live Oak #1758 26” Live Oak (MS) #1724 and #1725 have likely been contained in concrete planters. They are 300-600 y.o. #1724 42” Live Oak #1725 49” Live Oak #1723 7” Live Oak #1734 28” Cedar #1735 21” Cedar #1729 14” Live Oak #1730 12” Live Oak #1731 14” Live Oak #1736 8” Sycamore #1742 18” Live Oak #1737 17” Live Oak #1738 18” Live Oak #1739 10” Live Oak #1740 16” Live Oak #1741 16” Live Oak #1746 14” Cedar Elm #1747 19” Cedar Elm #1748 13” Live Oak #1751 5” Chinkapin #1727 14” Live Oak #1728 15” Live Oak #1732 10” Live Oak #1733 17” Live Oak #1754 16” Live Oak #1743 16” Live Oak #1765 8” Live Oak #1765 could be removed due to how much the trunk is leaning #1755 14” Live Oak #1756 14” Live Oak #1744 17” Live Oak #1745 14” Live Oak #1753 14” Live Oak #1752 15” Live Oak #1749 27” Live Oak #1750 23” Live Oak D E C E M B E R 0 9, 2 02 4 24 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTER