04. Summary Letter for Zoning Case C14-2024-0048 — original pdf

March 21, 2024 Via Electronic Delivery Amanda Swor direct dial: (512) 807-2904 aswor@drennergroup.com Ms. Lauren Middleton-Pratt, Director Planning Department, City of Austin Street-Jones Building 1000 East 11th Street, Suite 200 Austin, Texas 78702 Re: 1106 and 1110 East 30th Street – Neighborhood Plan Amendment application and rezoning application for the 0.4054-acre property located at 1106 and 1110 East 30th Street in Austin, Travis County, Texas (the “Property”); identified by Travis Central Appraisal District Parcel Numbers 0214090420 and 0214090418. Dear Ms. Middleton-Pratt: As representatives of the owner of the Property, we respectfully submit the enclosed Neighborhood Plan Amendment application and rezoning application packages. The project is titled 1106 and 1110 East 30th Street and is comprised of 0.4054 acres of land that contains existing single-family residential uses. The Property is located east of Interstate Highway 35 along East 30th Street. The Property is located within the Neighborhood Planning Area of Upper Boggy Creek Neighborhood Plan, therefore a Neighborhood Plan Amendment will be required. The proposal is to amend the Future Land Use Map from Single-Family to Mixed-Use: Retail. The rezoning application request has been submitted concurrent with the Neighborhood Plan Amendment. The Property is currently zoned SF-3-NP (Family Residence-Neighborhood Plan). The Property is currently developed with existing single-family residential. The requested rezoning is from SF-3-NP to CS-MU-V-CO-NP (General Commercial Services-Mixed Use-Vertical Mixed Use-Conditional Overlay-Neighborhood Plan). The purpose of the rezoning is to relocate an existing billboard from the property fronting onto Interstate Highway 35 which will be condemned with the I-35 Capital Express Central project. A billboard cannot be relocated to a property that holds a zoning designation of SF-3, and all parcels between Interstate Highway 35 and the Property will be condemned with said project. As part of the rezoning application, we offer to prohibit the following uses as part of the conditional overlay: • Automotive Rentals • Automotive Repair Services • Automotive Sales • Automotive Washing • Bail Bond Services • Construction Sales and Services • Drop-Off Recycling Collection Facility • Electronic Prototype Assembly • Electronic Testing • Equipment Repair Services • Equipment Sales • Funeral Services • Pawn Shop Services • Pedicab Storage and Dispatch • Service Station • Vehicle Storage • Custom Manufacturing The Neighborhood Plan Amendment pre-application meeting sign-off was provided by Austin Plan Amendment Case Manager Maureen Meredith on February 21, 2024. A Traffic Impact Analysis (“TIA”) is not required, per approved TIA Determination Form issued by Transportation Department staff member Ramin Komeili, P.E. on February 26, 2024. Please let me know if you or your team members require additional information or have any questions. Thank you for your time and attention to this project. Very truly yours, Amanda Swor CC: Maureen Meredith, Plan Amendment Case Manager Joi Harden, Planning Department -2-