03. AARC Project Review Application Appendix II — original pdf

Asian American Resource Center Pavilion Design Commission Project Review Application Appendix II - Community Engagement Documentation December 02, 2024 Community + Stakeholder Engagement Performing Arts Center Project NAAO Community Engagement Meeting JAN 26, 2022 Community Engagement Kickoff Meeting MAR 29, 2022 AARC Staff Engagement Meeting JAN 27 2022 Community Engagement Kickoff Meeting MAR 29, 2022 D e c e m b e r 02 , 2 024 2 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERCommunity + Stakeholder Engagement Performing Arts Center Project AARC CelebASIA Engagement MAY 14 2022 AARC Design Charrette JUN 17 2022 AARC CelebASIA Engagement MAY 14 2022 AARC Integrated Design Charrette AUG 08 2022 D e c e m b e r 02 , 2 024 3 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERCommunity + Stakeholder Engagement Performing Arts Center Project PROJECT GOALS 1. The building and campus should have a Sense of Home for the Community. 2. Access and Inclusivity are critical aspects of the project. 3. The building should harbor Cross-Cultural Exchange 4. The building should focus around Performing Arts and Artist Cultivation. 5. The building should act as a Hybrid for Performances and Community Events. 6. The building should be Accessible Beyond Performance/Event Times. 7. Appropriate, Inclusive and Respectful Influences of Asian Culture 8. The building should have a Simple Aesthetic and Natural Light. 9. The project should have an Environmental Response. NAAO AARC Staff AAQoL AARC Staff JAN 26, 2022 JAN 27, 2022 FEB 08, 2022 FEB 08, 2022 AARC Creatives & Artists FEB 08, 2022 AARC Staff Written Response FEB 15, 2022 Community Kickoff MAR 29, 2022 Community Survey Results MAR 01-APR 11, 2022 D e c e m b e r 02 , 2 024 4 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERCommunity + Stakeholder Engagement Performing Arts Center Project THEATER 1. Performance & Community Events 2. Flexibility - Stage 3. Flexibility - Seating 4. Flexibility - Acoustics 5. Full Sound Board 6. Control Booth NAAO AARC Staff AAQoL AARC Staff JAN 26, 2022 JAN 27, 2022 FEB 08, 2022 FEB 08, 2022 AARC Creatives & Artists FEB 08, 2022 AARC Staff Written Response FEB 15, 2022 Community Kickoff MAR 29, 2022 Community Survey Results MAR 01-APR 11, 2022 D e c e m b e r 02 , 2 024 5 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERCommunity + Stakeholder Engagement Performing Arts Center Project - Community Survey Results - 2022 What types of performances would you like to If you hope to host events in the new theater, see or participate in at the new theater? what size of audience would be ideal? Author or Artist Talks Theater Comedy & Improv Music Cultural Festivals Film Cultural Performances Dance More than 300 People 201-300 People Fewer than 50 People 151-200 People 51-100 People 101-150 People D e c e m b e r 02 , 2 024 6 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERCommunity + Stakeholder Engagement Performance Pavilion Project - Visioning - 01-07 March, 2024 AARC Staff / PARD / COA AAQoL Commission Working Group 1. What are your primary goals for the AARC Performance Pavilion? • A flexible space that staff and community members can use to put on small to medium programs/events • To provide a flexible space for the AARC to host performances and other activities which can occur there. The primary goal from my standpoint is to • Community and rental space performance space as an alternative to the ensure we remain in budget. ballroom and classroom spaces. • Build a multi-purpose pavilion that can be used year-round and deter the abuses of weather and people experiencing homelessness. • Space that will give staff and community members flexibility when producing programs/events. A space that is accessible from a facility, • To create an accessible and sustainable space for AARC programming and financial, and tech perspective. for everyone to use. • Provide adequate space for special outdoor community events at AARC. • A gathering space where programming can take place outdoors: Artists talks, Luncheons, Performances, Workshops, etc. • Allow outdoor cultural events that include live music and dance performances (expected to be daytime events); Allow movies at night. • The pavilion is a safe and comfortable place to be day + evening - appropriate amount of light to great lawn area, interior is air conditioned, has wifi, power, water, sewage. • Outdoors venue for medium size performance with good acoustics and backstage area so the stage is professional. Multi-Purpose/ Hybrid/ Flexible Space Sustainability Year-Round Use/ Weatherproof Remain in Budget User-Friendly Accessible Outdoor Community Performance/Events Venue Safety Not a PAC or Catch-all Project Outdoor Programming Space Performance Venue Flexibility (Allowing for additional programming on campus) D e c e m b e r 02 , 2 024 7 Rehearsal Space (dance, theater, etc.) Electrical/ AV Connections in Great Lawn Comfortable Outdoor Space when not Programmed Dedicated storage + Equipment (to not rely on Phase I building) Enclosed, Conditioned with Ability to Open Up Option 1 Consider Passive Strategies Rather Than Mechanical Cooling Review Cost Implications of Options Open-Air Pavilion with Enclosed Support Spaces Option 2 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERMulti-Purpose/ Hybrid/ Flexible Space Sustainability Year-Round Use/ Weatherproof Remain in Budget User-Friendly Accessible Community + Stakeholder Engagement Performance Pavilion Project - Visioning - 01-07 March, 2024 Outdoor Community Performance/Events Venue AARC Staff / PARD / COA Safety AAQoL Commission Working Group 2. How should the Performance Pavilion improve/add to AARC’s current programming? • The pavilion would improve AARC programs by be open unless pavilion is activated or rented). This providing programming outdoor space that is intimate will allow the pavilion to be a standalone space and private and allow regular usage to all AARC independent of Phase I. Ideally, a rental or program grounds. could be activated while Phase I stays closed. We want • The flexibility is paramount in order to allow that to minimize having to borrow Phase I equipment/ AARC’s needs to be met. supplies. The pavilion should not be a redundant space • This space should provide flexibility to current cultural that competes with the AARC Ballroom or upcoming Performance Venue Not a PAC or Catch-all Project Outdoor Programming Space Flexibility (Allowing for additional programming on campus) programming and break barriers of our current performing arts center in programming scope or size. limitations. We would also like it to serve as an So while we want it to have AV capabilities for music electricity connection for our annual events. and performances options, those needs are fulfilled • The pavilion will add a much-needed performance by the ballroom and future PAC. Instead, the pavilion venue to the AARC as well as a space for rehearsal. needs to have its own purpose and identity for both These were the highest priorities of our public in in-house program + rental needs + be a performance community engagement. space. Day in and day out, it just needs to be a • The pavilion should improve AARC programs by giving weatherproof space for gathering, to run a class, show us a space that will invite the community to connect a film, host a staff retreat. When not programmed, it intimately, through smaller but impactful events. It should be an inviting space to hang around, provide would give the facility breathing room and free up the shade. ballroom for larger events. • Stadium seating would make programs more visible • The Performance Pavilion should provide a permanent vs. current AARC seating. Current programs have structure that the AARC can use for existing outdoor limited stage space and ceilings are too low for many performances. • The pavilion should improve the existing outdoor space programming. at AARC. • The pavilion should be a comfortable place where staff can schedule various events or activities. • Allow for bazaar type events with vendor stands, concession booths. • The pavilion needs its own dedicated storage, equipment, and single stall bathroom (which won’t Rehearsal Space (dance, theater, etc.) Electrical/ AV Connections in Great Lawn Comfortable Outdoor Space when not Programmed Dedicated storage + Equipment (to not rely on Phase I building) Option 1 Enclosed, Conditioned with Ability to Open Up D e c e m b e r 02 , 2 024 8 Consider Passive Strategies Rather Than Mechanical Cooling Review Cost Implications of Options Open-Air Pavilion with Enclosed Support Spaces Option 2 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERMulti-Purpose/ Hybrid/ Flexible Space Sustainability Year-Round Use/ Weatherproof Remain in Budget User-Friendly Accessible Outdoor Community Performance/Events Venue Safety Not a PAC or Catch-all Project Outdoor Programming Space Performance Venue Flexibility (Allowing for additional programming on campus) Rehearsal Space (dance, theater, etc.) Electrical/ AV Connections in Great Lawn Community + Stakeholder Engagement Performance Pavilion Project - Visioning - 01-07 March, 2024 Comfortable Outdoor Space when not Programmed AARC Staff / PARD / COA AAQoL Commission Working Group Dedicated storage + Equipment (to not rely on Phase I building) 3. Should the Performance Pavilion be (1) an enclosed, conditioned space that can open up for exterior performances or (2) an open-air space and stage with enclosed support spaces? • Option 1 - enclosed conditioned space that can open up space, that can be opened up for exterior performances for exterior performances • Covered stage area, open air lawn seating • The latter would be preferred by AARC, but we are not • The pavilion will meet the internal and external needs sure the budget can support having the enclosed space of the community if it can function as an enclosed as conditioned. and open space. The enclosed space should include • An enclosed,conditioned space that can open up for meeting space, storage, restroom. It should be a simple exterior performances box congruent in size to the outdoor space. When • I believe that the Pavilion should be enclosed so that closed, it’s a medium-sized space (50+ seats, 2-3 it can be used year-round and deter break-ins. With ping pong tables, or 5-7 piece rehearsal space. When Austin’s weather, an outdoor pavilion cannot be used opened, the interior should seamlessly connect to the December through February or July through September. outdoor ‘stage’ area. For example, if hosting musical A multi-purpose pavilion can provide a safe space for performance, the hybrid pavilion could be divided by a rehearsal, ping-pong, or large meetings. The space curtain. The interior would function as back of house could be minimally conditioned with a simple ‘split’ for production, performers, props, etc. run from solar power. Heat and air conditioning is • When the Phase II pavilion is funded in the future, it not required all parts of the year like a pool house. If will provide an enclosed, conditioned space. If there the building had a cinder block core on three sides it isn’t enough funding to do (1) yet, then (2) should would deter break-ins. The building will need a security be implemented with extra funding to address camera and a security system. environmental needs, such as portable heaters and pest • An enclosed conditioned space that can be opened up control. for exterior performances as needed. • Open-air space and stage with enclosed support spaces. It would be a great opportunity to showcase creative sustainable solutions and practices for climate conditions for the public to see and learn. • Open-air. Flintco should provide ROM costs to help with decision making. • The performance pavilion should (1) be an enclosed Option 1 Enclosed, Conditioned with Ability to Open Up Consider Passive Strategies Rather Than Mechanical Cooling Review Cost Implications of Options Option 2 Open-Air Pavilion with Enclosed Support Spaces D e c e m b e r 02 , 2 024 9 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERCommunity + Stakeholder Engagement Performance Pavilion Project - Visioning - 01-07 March, 2024 AARC Staff / PARD / COA AAQoL Commission Working Group 4. How should the Performance Pavilion relate with the existing building, live oak grove, Phase II Performing Arts Center, + the Watershed Project? • A design that can incorporate phase 1, 2, + live oak grove, headwaters to watershed project. provide a calming and peaceful environment and does not • I think the great lawn would be a good space to have one ethic/cultural influence integrate the performance pavilion - it would have • Continuity of materials and design elements threading decent proximity to the main building and not overlap through all three projects will allow the site to flow. with plans for phase II and the watershed project. • It may replicate the point of view when overlooking the • Specifically support open air events. great lawn from the lotus. This pavilion could combine the • The AARC represents multiple Asian American center, lotus, senior garden, and oak trees to create a space communities. Phase I is very east Asian aesthetic. for creativity and not take away from the nature elements Phase II is very contemporary Asian. The pavilion Loading Convenience Use the Trees to Shelter the Audience Maintain Natural Character of Great Lawn Peaceful Space/ Reprive the space will occupy. should represent S. Asian or SE Asian design elements. • The exterior service should relate in color and surface to It should provide shade from the Texas sun. Many of both the existing building and the proposed building. I the TexAsian inspo from Phase II design process could think there are certain advantages to facing the building to work with this space. The pavilion would work best the south such as directing sound away from the housing at the East end of the great lawn facing Phase I. As complex to the north of the AARC. Also, audience members mentioned, this pavilion will be central to campus and can sit under the trees. When the pedestrian bridges are be the most accessible building to the newly developed built the audience members will enter the “house” from watershed project. The pavilion should activate the the south which will be less disruptive. Most of the festival entirety of the great lawn. Movies and music will activities happen in the south parking lot. There is more encourage spectators to bring picnic blankets, sit under width to play with, as well. But if it were in the east part of trees, lawn chairs. As mentioned, given our current the Great Lawn, that would be okay too. existing spaces and capacity, the AARC doesn’t foresee • I would like the design to be integrated into the great lawn, the ability to activate the pavilion as a 300-500 seated it can look like either a sanctuary, to provide creative outlet, outdoor performance venue for large-scale productions. inspire physical or emotional reprive. Our current building • Opposite the existing building, near the existing road has strong East Asian elements - ideally this space reflects at the far end of the great lawn , framed by the live oak other design elements of asian cultures grove with multiple control access through the trees. Large Uninterrupted Space for Large Events Continuity of Design of All Projects Diverse Respectful Asian Influence Locate at East Great Lawn Performance In-the-Round • Mainly live oak grove, but always in consideration of I haven’t seen the Watershed project recently, but the Play Area surrounding objects. performance pavilion should be tied into the primary • Structure should respect existing trees and be a gateway or design Yoga/Tai Chi/ Dance Classes Workshops (Arts + Craft, etc.) Outdoor Classroom Rental Space Talks/Panel Discussions Education Classroom Rehearsal Space Book Club Meeting Space Staff Retreat Storytime/ Poetry Readings D e c e m b e r 02 , 2 024 10 Meditation Ping Pong Youth + Senior Programs ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERCommunity + Stakeholder Engagement Performance Pavilion Project - Visioning - 01-07 March, 2024 AARC Staff / PARD / COA AAQoL Commission Working Group Movies in the Park Art/Craft Workshops Wellness + Education Classes Storytime Health Fair Panel Discussions Exhibitions Exhibit Receptions Book Clubs Theatrical Performances Acoustic Performances Theatrical/Dance Rehearsals Teen Programming Senior Programming Summer Camps Outdoor Music/Dance Festivals Yoga Tai Chi Bollywood Dance 5. What types of events does your organization generally present throughout the year? • We provide a variety of programs including film screenings, art/craft workshops, wellness and education classes, storytime, health fairs, panel discussions, exhibit receptions, book clubs, and many others. • Events at the AARC include cultural, city, theater rehearsals, festivals, teen programming, summer camps, exhibits, senior programming, movies in the park, and workshops • The AARC produces a music series, outdoor festivals with music and dance. • Our programs at the center have a wide range: art workshops, exhibit receptions, plays, camps, acoustic performances, poetry, panel discussions, festivals, story time, community resource fairs. • The AARC puts on large scale community and cultural events, and festivals, along with more intimate gatherings and outreach events like exhibit receptions, workshops, talks, info sessions, etc. • Cultural dances, live music, theater, poetry • The AARC produced 2 large outdoor programs each year (1,000-2,000 people). It hosts weekly senior and youth programs with about 100 people daily. It hosts 2-4 rentals weekly, with one being 500+ on weekends. We host film screenings with about 75 participants. We host 2-4 music series with 75-100 attendees. We host 2-4 medium activity programs such as yoga, tai chi, Bollywood dance with about 30-60 attendees. • Cultural performances. Need more opportunity for small cultural performances with limited resources D e c e m b e r 02 , 2 024 11 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERCommunity + Stakeholder Engagement Performance Pavilion Project - Visioning - 01-07 March, 2024 AARC Staff / PARD / COA AAQoL Commission Working Group 6. Number of Performances/Events per year? 40-75 events/programs • in-house and collaborations - 40 to 60 events/ programs • This can have a dynamic range including small events adding up to 50-75 events 10 perhaps, with rentals ~ 60 in-house programs 6-8 • • • • in house/education team: 40-60 programs/events. This isn’t including AAP usage, but can be open for AAP. • Currently, we do not host a lot of theatre productions. Despite community aspirations, the AARC does not experience a lot of requests to hold theatre productions at our site. This is because we have daily programs that utilize the ballroom, great lawn, and classrooms. This does not allow a production to ‘camp’ out for extended amount of time. The AARC does not intend to change this as we were founded to provide these senior, youth and intergenerational wellness programs. Thus, our spaces are relegated to 1-2 night programs for all our spaces (classrooms, ballroom, exterior). Theatrical performances are limited due to the requirements of production spaces to remain in place for extended periods of time + AARC’s mission to provide intergenerational programs requiring flexible, frequently utilized spaces. What is the meaning of AAP? Artist Access Program, allows people to apply for free rehearsal space. What length of time do you foresee to make the Performance Pavilion available to productions? It depends on interior space, including storage, we would be able to host productions at least through a three-day weekend. We’ve never hosted anything longer than that. What percentage of the Performances are during the day vs. the evening? Do you foresee that changing with the addition of the Performance Pavilion? 50/50 daytime/evening. Daytime music, evening collabs for rentals. the day. Performances in the evenings, many rehearsals during D e c e m b e r 02 , 2 024 12 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERCommunity + Stakeholder Engagement Performance Pavilion Project - Visioning - 01-07 March, 2024 AARC Staff / PARD / COA AAQoL Commission Working Group Interior Space should provide seating for 50 people. Exterior Space should provide space for 200-500 people, median of ~300 people. Festival events can host upwards of 2000. 7. How many audience members should be accommodated in a seating area? Is protection from the elements required? • indoor max of 45-50, outdoor max of 150 • Up to 300 people on the Great Lawn • Even in the early evenings, it can be quite sunny and hot. Protections from the elements is preferred. I have seen up to 2000 people in the entire outdoor area but most of the time it is 500. All of these are one-day events. • Indoor: Max 40, Outdoor: 150 in the immediate outdoor area; protected indoors,outdoor no - maybe can be designed to maximize shade during summer • 50 seats indoor, 150 outdoor; protection from the elements would help with use of space and schedule/ event flexibility. • 300 people. Keep lawn open space. • Seating in the interior of the pavilion should amount to around 50 (medium sized). This is the current gap in our space. Seating should be relegated to the great lawn in the form of lawn chairs, blankets, and the occasional theatre style seating (which would have to come from a rental company; we wouldn’t have space to house our own comprehensive seating.) The lawn should be able to hold 200-300 people, or 50 blankets. • 350-500 D e c e m b e r 02 , 2 024 13 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERCommunity + Stakeholder Engagement Performance Pavilion Project - Visioning - 01-07 March, 2024 AARC Staff / PARD / COA AAQoL Commission Working Group How many and what types of performers are anticipated for productions/performances/events on stage at one time? Musical, dance, aerial type, any artistic performance can be possibilities for the stage. 20 is a lot of people on the stage. 12-15 performers seems appropriate. Lion Dance is the largest performance (elementary kids) 15 + equipment. We get complaints that the stage is too small. 16x24 is the current stage. 8. What is the largest anticipated production to be accommodated? • 200-250 max for outdoor pavilion space • CelebrAsia, most likely • Up to 300 people on the great lawn • CelebrAsia • • 200-250 if only pavilion is activated 200 for pavilion only; 600-1000 for CelebrAsia/entire • Dance performances, 7-10 groups of 10-20 Dancers, campus activated 300-350 audience • The largest current program is CelebrASIA which attracted 2,000 people over the course of 4 hours. However, only around 300-400 attendees stayed for the duration of our 90-minute cultural performance. We anticipate crowds to not be larger than that on the great lawn. Again, we just don’t have the parking for more than that. For reference, the most popular setup for our ballroom rentals is banquet style which allows for 300 seats. At that count, both parking lots hit capacity. People then park illegally at the church across Camerion Rd, off Clear Creek, or a quarter mile away at another city department. In the future, we would never anticipate more people on our campus that. 2,000 people with all spaces activated. • 500 D e c e m b e r 02 , 2 024 14 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERCommunity + Stakeholder Engagement Performance Pavilion Project - Visioning - 01-07 March, 2024 9. What uses could/should the Performance Pavilion serve during non-performance times? • Small program and events including yoga/meditations, arts + craft workshops, youth and senior program lunches, storytime, book clubs, education classes • Outdoor classroom, rehearsal space • It should serve as rehearsal, yoga, workshop, art, dressing/green room, classroom, and rental space • Rehearsals, outdoor meetings, ping pong location, summer camp activities • Mediation space, creative workshops, poetry readings, retreat space, yoga, storytime • The performance could serve as a space for collective gatherings like exercise/activity sessions, talks meetings, retreats, workshops, etc. • Rehearsals for theatre group, live music band, dance performances, dance classes, yoga classes. • The interior should be a medium-sized space appropriate for activities such as staff retreat, summer camp (30 people), meeting space (50 seats), ping pong tables (2-3), yoga and tai chi (instructor on stage, participate on lawn). The idea is that the interior space is for in-house use and rentals. It’s not going to be opened unless activated for programming. Only the exterior of the pavilion will be accessible during non- program or non-business hours. • Play area for kids. Dance classes, yoga classes, Tai Chi classes. Use the Trees to Shelter the Audience Maintain Natural Character of Great Lawn Peaceful Space/ Reprive Loading Convenience Diverse Respectful Asian Influence Large Uninterrupted Space for Large Events Continuity of Design of All Projects AARC Staff / PARD / COA AAQoL Commission Working Group Locate at East Great Lawn Performance In-the-Round Yoga/Tai Chi/ Dance Classes Play Area Workshops (Arts + Craft, etc.) Outdoor Classroom Rental Space Talks/Panel Discussions Education Classroom Rehearsal Space Book Club Meditation Ping Pong Youth + Senior Programs Meeting Space Staff Retreat Storytime/ Poetry Readings D e c e m b e r 02 , 2 024 15 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERCommunity + Stakeholder Engagement Performance Pavilion Project - Visioning - 01-07 March, 2024 AARC Staff / PARD / COA AAQoL Commission Working Group Washroom(s) Storage (Tables/Chairs) AV Cabinet/Room Counter Space Refrigerator Stage (24x30) (Small/Medium) Dressing Room Green Room Control Area Combine functionality of Green Room, Dressing Room, Control Room into a Multi-Purpose interior open space. Washroom(s)) mini fridge align. • Storage house. 10. What types of spaces should be provided within/adjacent to the Performance Pavilion? (e.g.: Stage (size), Green Room, Dressing Room(s), Storage, AV Room, Control Room, • Open room with rest room with toilet and sink, storage for tables/chairs, simple AV cabinet, utility sink, counter space, • Stage and dressing area. The others can be considered if costs • Stage, dressing Room, Storage, AV Room, Washroom; AV equipment can be stored in the circuit room. Operation of sound and lights can utilize wi-fi connected equipment from the • Small/medium stage (like at a bar or coffee house), Storage for misc items/chairs tables, AV cabinet, utility sink, toilet • Please consider providing a range of costs per spaces for efficiency and so expectations are in alignment with budget. • Stage, green room, storage, AV Room, control room • Stage 24x30 ft, dressing room, AV Room desirable, Control Room desirable, Washrooms • For this space to be functional throughout the year, it needs to have storage and a wash room. It does not need to have a dedicated AV room (maybe just a panel). On rare occasions will this space be used for theatre productions. Thus, it doesn’t need a green room, dressing room, control room. If we’re able to get the hybrid inside/outside, the interior can be activated as the back stage with the use of curtains. • Stage, dressing rooms, AV Room, Control Room, Separate storage space may help a lack of storage at existing building. D e c e m b e r 02 , 2 024 16 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERCommunity + Stakeholder Engagement Performance Pavilion Project - Visioning - 01-07 March, 2024 AARC Staff / PARD / COA AAQoL Commission Working Group • Basic AV like microphones, speakers, basic lighting, the power and infrastructure for concerts, but those projector/screen, ability for wifi/internet/phone and things will be brought in (in-house or rentals). I worry security connection that expensive equipment will be stolen or damaged by Expensive equipment should be portable or protected • It may be wise to include infrastructure for these items extreme weather. from damage by weather and vandalism. if the project budget can support that portion. Or, to • Stage lighting integrated, General Event Lighting even plan ahead for these items to be installed at a later brought in, Speakers installed, but AV equipment and Equipment should be accessible for ease of use. date screens brought in for specific events (eye toward • Acoustic Element consideration, Wifi, Electricity security for open spaces) Wifi Phone Security Power (Food Truck/Industrial Fans) Develop an infrastructure for potential expansion, starting with a basic set of production elements. 11. What production elements should be integrated into the facility vs. brought to the facility during events? (e.g.: Stage Lighting, General Event Lighting, Speakers, Monitors, Microphones, AV Connections, Control Equipment, Rigging, Projector, Projection Screen) • All listed, Rigging as just a grid, Projector is less important, Projection screen is less important. • Connections for speakers, microphones, basic AV, basic lighting, projector/screen can be brought in from phase I, ability to wire for security/phone/wifi, ambient lights. Think simple coffee house production • Integrated: stage lighting, general event lighting, speakers, monitors, microphones, av connections, control equipment, projector screen, seating • Stage Lighting, general event lighting, AV Connections; Speakers, monitors and Microphones desirable • The AARC would like for the pavilion to have dedicated power, maybe a wall unit, general lighting, and house speakers. Ideally, it also has curtain or projector screen system (protected from the elements). It should have enough power to tie in things like lights, speakers, or run power to a 30amp food truck. Because this corridor of town experiences a lot of unhoused people, equipment should be portable. The pavilion should have D e c e m b e r 02 , 2 024 17 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERCommunity + Stakeholder Engagement Performance Pavilion Project - Visioning - 01-07 March, 2024 AARC Staff / PARD / COA AAQoL Commission Working Group 12. What additional programming and landscape approach and consider LOC early along with Vegetation Electrical Connections elements should be included/considered for the Event and Soil protection zones. 12” of impacted soils must be General lighting for safety and night utilization Lawn area within the Limit of Scope? (e.g.: Shape/Picnic restored as a part of SITES. Minimal Intervention to Maintain Open Natural Character of the Great Lawn Pavilion, Fixed/Landscape Seating/Benches, Walking • Lights when it gets dark, places to showcase art by Paths, Electrical Connections, Additional Planting, community members/local artists Benches/Seating Public Art Community Garden, Public Washroom(s), Concessions, • Walking paths, electrical connections Restore the Lawn and Walking Paths Public Art) • We are in desperate need for electrical connections • Space for community garden, public art, fixed around the perimeter of the pavilion to make it the exercise equipment area? landscape seating/benches + walking paths that can all attractive 360. The washroom would not be public. We can look into the end-of-life cycle of exercise equipment area be connected together with ambient lighting It would only be for renter or in-house programmers. Not many folks use it. • A seating area would be idea. A few of the existing We would usher people to utilize Phase I facilities. I It’s just kids that use it and an eye sore across the great lawn. We could use some landscaping Is there anything in the Great Lawn area that should be maintained, as-is, such as paths are not TAS compliant and will need to be rebuilt. would like to see public art space on the exterior of the Art in Public Places is a part of the project. Electrical pavilion, or incorporated into the great lawn. I could see connections would also be ideal if the budget can the inclusion of a few benches, but I want the lawn to • Loading Access, Nature inspired architecture, weather flat space we have in the entire campus. Perhaps the stay free and clear of obstacles as it’s the only open and inclusion of our existing stone blocks as seating in key support it. resistant • None of these items should be prioritized. Some can areas. be on an add-alternate list. Walking Paths, Electrical • Hope walking paths incorporated in Watershed Connections for Ad Hoc outdoor lighting project. Public washroom desired if it can be secure. • Fixed landscape seating, waling paths (that we can light Concessions available per event. Limited landscape up), electric connections, misters, public art that helps seating with benches (more than currently exist). connect phase I and this space visually, native flowers/ shrubs, emphasize on natural elements. • Showcase how a sustainable design can aid in hot climates, where A/C is not the only solution. Additional tree planting and seating would be beneficial. • Consider seat walls, Consider planting under-story trees for succession. Most trees in the courtyard are mature. This project will be SITES project or a LEED project to meet COA requirements. If this is a SITES project it will be critical to follow an integrative design D e c e m b e r 02 , 2 024 18 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERC O N TAC T David Sweere 646 661 6633 dsweere@trahanarchitects.com D e c e m b e r 02 , 2 024 19 ASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTER