Recommendation 20241028-005: 305 W MLK — original pdf

DESIGN COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20241028-005 305 W MLK October 28, 2024 Commissioner Howard Seconded By: Vice Chair Meiners Date: Subject: Motioned By: Recommendation The project located at 305 W Martin Luther King Jr Blvd does not comply with the Urban Design Guidelines Rationale: The motion was approved with the following friendly amendments on motion by Commissioner Howard, seconded by Vice Chair Meiners on a 9-0-1 vote. Commissioner Carroll abstained. The friendly amendment from Vice Chair Meiners was that the project 305 W MLK, located at 305 West Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, does not comply with the Urban Design Guidelines for the City of Austin in accordance with Land Development Code § 25-2-586 (C)(1)(a)(ii) and that the project is not in compliance with the following Guidelines: AW.5 – Incorporate Civic Art in Both Public and Private Development PS.1 – Protect the Pedestrian Where the Building Meets the Street PS.2 – Minimize Curb Cuts PS.4 – Reinforce Pedestrian Activity PS.6 – Enhance the Streetscape PS.7 – Avoid Conflicts between Pedestrians and Utility Equipment PS.9 – Provide Pedestrian-Scaled Lighting PS.10 – Provide Protection from Cars/Promote Curbside Parking PS.12 – Provide Generous Street-Level/Windows PS.13 – Install Pedestrian-Friendly Materials at Street Level B.2 – Provide Multi-Tenant, Pedestrian-Oriented Development at the Street Level B.3 – Accentuate Primary Entrances B.4 – Encourage the Inclusion of Local Character B.5 – Control On-Site Parking B.7 – Create Buildings with Human Scale The friendly amendment by Commissioner Wittstruck was to encourage the removal of the driveway or provide access via alley; and if not feasible, align the driveway to the edge of the site to maximize public space and pedestrian entry. Vote For: Chair Salinas, Vice Chair Meiners, Commissioner Howard, Commissioner Gelles, Commissioner Ladner, Commissioner Luckens, Commissioner McKinney, Commissioner Wallace, Commissioner Wittstruck 9-0-1 Against: 1 of 2 Abstain: Commissioner Carroll Absent: Attest: Jon Salinas, AIA Chair, Design Commission 2 of 2