02. 701 W 6th St Updated Presentation — original pdf

701 W. 6TH STREET 09.23.2024 D V L B R A M A L . N . E V A T S E W . T S E D N A R G O R I I . T S O N O T N A N A S . T S S E C E U N . T S E P U L A D A U G . T S A C A V A L . T S O D A R O L O C E V A S S E R G N O C 1/4 MIL E R A DIU S 1/2 MIL E R A DIU S W. CESAR CHAVEZ ST. W. 6TH ST. W. 5TH ST. W. 4TH ST. W. 3RD ST. W. 2ND ST. AERIAL MAP 2 of 33 Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| SITE MAP 3 of 33 Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| 701 W. 6TH ST. 751’ 6TH & GUADALUPE 865’ THE INDEPENDENT 694’ 5TH & WEST 459’ GOOGLE HEADQUARTERS 594’ 3D RENDERING | LOOKING NORTH FROM CESAR CHAVEZ 4 of 33 Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| Project Summary / Highlights SITE AREA: FAR AREA: FAR PROPOSED: PROPOSED USES: NUMBER OF FLOORS: 18,996 SQUARE FEET 567,331 SQUARE FEET RETAIL (F&B), MULTI-FAMILY 29.86 : 1 66 LEVELS BUILDING DATA 5 of 33 Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| 701 W 6th STREET URBAN DESIGN GUIDELINES MATRIX AREAWIDE URBAN GUIDELINES # DESIGN GUIDELINE MET DISCUSSION AW.1 Create dense development YES The project is requesting additional density through Downtown Density Bonus program to increase density to an FAR of 30:1. AW.2 Create mixed-use development YES The project will span a quarter block and proposes approximately 394 multi-family residential units with approximately 4,547 square feet of F&B/retail and multi-family lobby/amenity at the ground level in the northeast corner of the proposed building with frontage along W. 6th Street and Rio Grande Street. AW.3 Limit development which closes downtown streets YES The project does not propose to close any existing city streets. AW.4 Buffer neighborhood edges N/A The project is located within the Central Business District and does not border any residential neighborhoods. AW.5 Incorporate civic art in both public and private development YES A mural by local artist(s) is proposed at the junction of Rio Grande and the Alley to soften the corner where mechanical vents/BOH are located. AW.6 Protect important public views YES The project is partially located in a Capitol View Corridor (CVC) and will comply with the applicable CVC regulations. The project will not obscure existing views through public right-of- way and does not propose pedestrian bridges or building flyovers. AW.7 Avoid historical misrepresentations YES The project features a contemporary building and does not mimic past architectural or historical styles. 6 of 33 URBAN DESIGN GUIDELINES MATRIX Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| # DESIGN GUIDELINE MET DISCUSSION AW.8 Respect adjacent historical buildings N/A The project is not adjacent to any historical or historically zoned buildings. AW.9 Acknowledge that rooftops are seen from other buildings and the street YES The rooftop of the parking garage/lower levels will be amenitized with a pool and amenity deck for residents of the building. All mechanical equipment located on the rooftop of the high- rise (over 700-ft from the street elevation) will be appropriately screened. AW.10 Avoid the development of theme environments YES The project is not a themed building. AW.11 Recycle existing building stock NO The project does not propose to recycle the existing building stock into the proposed development. # DESIGN GUIDELINE MET DISCUSSION GUIDELINES FOR THE PUBLIC STREETSCAPE PS.1 Protect the pedestrian where the building meets the street YES PS.2 Minimize curb cuts YES The building is pulled back from the property line along W. 6th Street and Rio Grande to provide a supplemental zone which is covered by a building overhang. In addition, a 5-ft wide overhang/balcony zone will provide overhead cover along the right-of-way/pedestrian realm of W. 6th Street. Additional shading will be provided along Rio Grande Street via four (4) street trees proposed in accordance with great streets standards. The project will retain the existing driveway along W. 6th Street and proposes a secondary driveway along Rio Grande Street. Both driveways are located midblock and the driveway along W. 6th will be covered via a 5-ft building overhang. Specialty/contrasting paving is provided at all curb cuts. PS.3 Create a potential for two-way streets YES The proposed driveways off of W. 6th Street and Rio Grande Street are designed perpendicular to the right-of-way to allow for two-way traffic flow. {W1157782.1} 4859-6419-5294, v. 1 URBAN DESIGN GUIDELINES MATRIX 7 of 33 Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| # DESIGN GUIDELINE MET DISCUSSION PS.4 Reinforce pedestrian activity YES On level 1, a covered supplemental zone will be provided along W. 6th and Rio Grande Street along the retail/F&B space at the northeast corner of the building. The space is intended to be used as a patio space which will reinforce pedestrian activity that anchors the street corner. A covered supplemental zone is also provided at the lobby entrance at the northwest corner of the building along W. 6th Street. The project will provide sidewalks consistent with great streets standards along both W. 6th Street and Rio Grande Street. PS.5 Enhance key transit stops N/A There are no existing transit stops on or adjacent to the property. PS.6 Enhance the streetscape YES The project will enhance the streetscape along W. 6th Street and Rio Grande Street by providing streetscape improvements consistent with Great Streets Standards. PS.7 Avoid conflicts between pedestrians and utility equipment No utility poles/equipment on 6th street. No low utility on Rio Street. Building transformers will be enclosed within building in vaults. Waterline connections proposed from W. 6th Street. All appurtenances associated with the water line are located in the furniture zone to avoid conflict with pedestrian movement. Wastewater connections proposed from Rio Grande. All wastewater appurtenances are located within the furniture zone. PS.8 Install street trees YES Street trees are planned along W. 6th Street and Rio Grande Street consistent with Great Street Standards. The site plan currently provides for six (6) Cedar Elm trees along W. 6th Street and four (4) Red Oak Trees along Rio Grande Street. PS.9 Provide pedestrian-scaled lighting Great Streets Streetscape/design elements are utilized on 6th Street and Rio Grande Street. Two light poles along 6th and Rio Grande. Light poles are maxed 80-ft apart. PS.10 Provide protection from cars/promote curbside parking YES The pedestrian realm is protected along W. 6th Street via four (4) bollards located adjacent to the valet parking space and street trees/furnishings and planting areas along the remainder of the right-of-way. The parallel parking spaces proposed along Rio Grande Street will create a buffer between the street and the streetscape area. X X 8 of 33 {W1157782.1} 4859-6419-5294, v. 1 URBAN DESIGN GUIDELINES MATRIX Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| MET YES Yes # DESIGN GUIDELINE DISCUSSION PS.11 Screen mechanical and utility equipment All mechanical and utility equipment will be screened or enclosed and trash dumpsters will be located inside the building envelop. PS.12 Provide generous street-level windows A majority of the lower two levels of the building along W. 6th street and a portion of the lower two levels of the building along Rio Grande Street will have storefront glazing and tall windows. PS.13 Install pedestrian-friendly materials at street level YES At grade, the building will be finished with a mixture of non-reflective/clear glass, masonry, metal, and decorative tile to provide richness, texture, color, and character. # DESIGN GUIDELINE MET DISCUSSION GUIDELINES FOR PLAZAS AND OPEN SPACE PZ.1 Treat the four squares with special consideration N/A The property is not adjacent to any of downtown Austin’s four squares. PZ.2 Contribute to an open space network YES While there are no major open spaces in the vicinity of the proposed development, the project will provide enhanced sidewalks along both W. 6th Street and Rio Grande Street to maximize human comfort and improve pedestrian connections to open spaces. Project will contribute 50% to affordable housing & 50% to Shoal Creek Improvements PZ.3 Emphasize connections to parks and greenways N/A No parks or greenways are immediately adjacent to the site. 9 of 33 {W1157782.1} 4859-6419-5294, v. 1 URBAN DESIGN GUIDELINES MATRIX Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| # DESIGN GUIDELINE MET DISCUSSION PZ.4 Incorporate open space into residential development The project proposes an outdoor amenity space and pool deck with tiered planting and vegetation above level seven. The outdoor amenity space will be accessible to residents of the building and will include dining and grill areas, a raised wood deck, a pool and cabanas. YES PZ.5 Develop green roofs Yes The project proposes an outdoor amenity space and pool deck with tiered plantings and vegetation. Due to the CVC restriction, plantings are limited to shorter bushes, lawn and groundcover. PZ.6 Provide plazas in high-use areas N/A The building is recessed along W. 6th and Rio Grabde Street to create more open space and maximize human comfort at the pedestrian realm. PZ.10 Provide an appropriate amount of plaza seating N/A Although a plaza is not provided, the site plan proposes café seating under a covered patio along W. 6th Street and Rio Grande Street PZ.7 Determine plaza function, size, and activity N/A PZ.8 Respond to the microclimate in plaza design N/A PZ.9 Consider views, circulation, boundaries, and subspaces in plaza design N/A PZ.11 Provide visual and spatial complexity in public spaces PZ.12 Use plants to enliven urban spaces N/A N/A {W1157782.1} 4859-6419-5294, v. 1 URBAN DESIGN GUIDELINES MATRIX 10 of 33 Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| sed develo Grande es. DESIGN GUIDELINE MET DISCUSSION # PZ.13 Provide interactive civic art and fountains in plazas N/A PZ.14 Provide food service for plaza participants N/A PZ.15 Increase safety in plazas through wayfinding, lighting, and visibility N/A PZ.16 Consider plaza operations and maintenance N/A {W1157782.1} 4859-6419-5294, v. 1 URBAN DESIGN GUIDELINES MATRIX # DESIGN GUIDELINE MET DISCUSSION GUIDELINES FOR BUILDINGS B.1 Build to the street YES B.2 Provide multi-tenant, pedestrian-oriented development at the street level YES The first 6 levels of the building are built to the property line with the exception of the first two levels along W. 6th Street which are recessed to create a patio area adjacent to the retail/restaurant use and accentuate the multi-family lobby entry at the northwest corner of the building. At level 7, the building is recessed to comply with the Capitol View Corridor requirements. The project will span a quarter block and proposes approximately 394 multi-family residential units with approximately 4,547 square feet of retail at the ground level in the northeast corner of the proposed building with frontage along W. 6th Street and Rio Grande Street. The multi- family lobby is situated at the northwest corner of the building. 11 of 33 Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| # DESIGN GUIDELINE MET DISCUSSION B.3 Accentuate primary entrances YES The entrance to the residential lobby off of W. 6th Street is recessed to limit conflicts between swinging doors and pedestrians. The entrances are accentuated with ornamental canopies and decorative materials. B.4 Encourage the inclusion of local character X B.5 Control on-site parking YES Local retail and art are anticipated to occupy spaces at street level. Local materials will be used. A portion of the building is recessed along W. 6th Street and a portion of Rio Grande Street, to create a covered outdoor space and respond to the local climate. Elements such as wood soffits, décor, and furniture will be sourced from local/regional craftsmen and manufacturers. A majority of the parking is located below grade. All above-grade parking will be screened with materials that harmonize with the rest of the façade and do not adversely impact neighboring buildings by headlights Parking provided will be provided to support multi- family’s needs only. B.6 Create quality construction YES The project will be constructed using durable long-lasting materials such as masonry, glass, and metals panels. The project will utilize concrete for the primary framing of the building to create a building that will have a long life span. Create buildings with human scale YES The project proposes an outdoor covered patio on the ground level along W. 6th Street to welcome pedestrians in. Levels 1-5 will have architectural articulation and rich texture to promote visual interest at the pedestrian scale. B.7 URBAN DESIGN GUIDELINES MATRIX {W1157782.1} 4859-6419-5294, v. 1 12 of 33 Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| hardscape details /materials The chosen pavers aim to clearly define pedestrian and vehicular routes. A darker paver was selected for use in the entry drive and valet drop-off to increase visibility at vehicular crossing. 03 16 01 15 02 pavers at planting 01.a 05 06 07 12 pavers at concrete curb 01 02 sidewalk pavers driveway pavers plankstone hanover natural 01.a cafe pavers plankstone hanover cream plankstone hanover limestone grey 02.a warning pavers detectable hanover red 15 all pedestrian pavers: 6” x 18” detactable warning: 12”x12” furniture and lighting All streetscape furniture and lighting is prescribed by COA Great Streets. 0 10’ 20’ 40’ 08 trash receptacle city of austin standard 09 bike racks city of austin standard 10 benches city of austin standard 11 chair seating Landscape Forms Neoliviano 24” backed 12 cafe tables + chairs *not in streetscape table: forms + surfaces column table chairs: landscape forms catena 13 duplex gard-n-post arlington 19.5” Low Profile Enclosure with Built-In Cover hardscape details /materials hardscape details /materials The chosen pavers aim to clearly define pedestrian and vehicular The chosen pavers aim to clearly routes. A darker paver was selected hardscape details /materials define pedestrian and vehicular for use in the entry drive and valet routes. A darker paver was selected drop-off to increase visibility at for use in the entry drive and valet The chosen pavers aim to clearly vehicular crossing. drop-off to increase visibility at define pedestrian and vehicular vehicular crossing. routes. A darker paver was selected for use in the entry drive and valet drop-off to increase visibility at 11 vehicular crossing. pavers at planting 04 pavers at planting 02.a 03 03 03 pavers at planting pavers at concrete curb pavers at concrete curb pavers at concrete curb 01 sidewalk pavers 01 sidewalk pavers plankstone hanover plankstone 01 natural hanover sidewalk pavers 01.a natural cafe pavers 01.a plankstone cafe pavers hanover plankstone natural hanover plankstone 01.a cream hanover cafe pavers cream plankstone hanover cream 08 02 driveway pavers 02 driveway pavers plankstone 05 hanover plankstone limestone grey hanover 02 driveway pavers limestone grey limestone grey 02.a warning pavers plankstone 02.a hanover warning pavers detectable hanover detectable 02.a red 15 hanover warning pavers red 15 10 detectable hanover 13 red 15 all pedestrian pavers: 6” x 18” detactable warning: 12”x12” all pedestrian pavers: 6” x 18” detactable warning: 12”x12” all pedestrian pavers: 6” x 18” detactable warning: 12”x12” furniture and lighting furniture and lighting All streetscape furniture and lighting is prescribed by COA All streetscape furniture and Great Streets. 03 furniture and lighting lighting is prescribed by COA Great Streets. 14 All streetscape furniture and 08 lighting is prescribed by COA trash receptacle 08 Great Streets. trash receptacle city of austin standard 09 city of austin standard 14 08 tree grate trash receptacle city of austin streetlife standard 09 bike racks 09 bike racks city of austin standard city of austin standard 15 09 light pole bike racks city of austin city of austin standard standard STREETSCAPE PLAN hardscape details /materials planting materials The chosen pavers aim to clearly define pedestrian and vehicular routes. A darker paver was selected for use in the entry drive and valet drop-off to increase visibility at The planting palette shall include vehicular crossing. Great Streets prescribed shade trees along 6th Street and Rio Grande Street to provide shade and 02 create a comfortable pedestrian 02 experience. Hardy, Austin-native and adapted plant material will create a sense of place and bring a 02 brightness to accentuate the dark architecture materials. pavers at planting 01 01 16 16 01 16 03 15 15 15 01.a 01.a 01.a pavers at concrete curb 01 03 sidewalk pavers red oak Quercus buckleyi plankstone hanover natural 01.a 04 cafe pavers cedar elm 02 driveway pavers plankstone hanover limestone grey 02.a warning pavers Ulmus crassifolia plankstone hanover cream detectable hanover red 15 05 bicolor iris Dietes bicolor 06 foxtail fern Asparagus aethiopicus all pedestrian pavers: 6” x 18” detactable warning: 12”x12” 16 01 04 04 15 04 01.a 11 11 11 05 05 02 05 06 07 06 07 06 07 12 12 12 planting materials planting materials The planting palette shall include Great Streets prescribed shade The planting palette shall include 04 trees along 6th Street and Rio planting materials Great Streets prescribed shade Grande Street to provide shade and trees along 6th Street and Rio create a comfortable pedestrian Grande Street to provide shade and The planting palette shall include 11 experience. Hardy, Austin-native create a comfortable pedestrian Great Streets prescribed shade and adapted plant material will experience. Hardy, Austin-native trees along 6th Street and Rio create a sense of place and bring a and adapted plant material will Grande Street to provide shade and brightness to accentuate the dark create a sense of place and bring a create a comfortable pedestrian architecture materials. brightness to accentuate the dark experience. Hardy, Austin-native architecture materials. and adapted plant material will 08 create a sense of place and bring a brightness to accentuate the dark architecture materials. 02.a 05 06 07 02.a 02.a 12 02.a planting materials The planting palette shall include Great Streets prescribed shade trees along 6th Street and Rio Grande Street to provide shade and create a comfortable pedestrian experience. Hardy, Austin-native and adapted plant material will create a sense of place and bring a brightness to accentuate the dark architecture materials. 08 08 08 05 05 05 10 10 13 13 10 13 03 red oak Quercus buckleyi 04 cedar elm Ulmus crassifolia 05 bicolor iris Dietes bicolor 06 foxtail fern Asparagus aethiopicus 07 purple heart plant Tradescantia pallida 03 red oak 03 red oak Quercus buckleyi 05 Quercus buckleyi 03 red oak Quercus buckleyi 04 cedar elm 04 cedar elm Ulmus crassifolia Ulmus crassifolia Ulmus crassifolia 04 cedar elm 10 05 bicolor iris 05 bicolor iris Dietes bicolor 13 Dietes bicolor 05 bicolor iris Dietes bicolor 06 foxtail fern 06 foxtail fern Asparagus aethiopicus Asparagus aethiopicus 06 foxtail fern 07 purple heart plant 07 purple heart plant Tradescantia pallida Asparagus aethiopicus Tradescantia pallida 07 purple heart plant 03 14 Tradescantia pallida 09 07 purple heart plant furniture and lighting Tradescantia pallida All streetscape furniture and lighting is prescribed by COA Great Streets. 10’ 10’ 20’ 20’ 40’ 08 trash receptacle 40’ city of austin standard 20’ 0 0 0 10 10’ benches 10 benches city of austin standard city of austin standard 16 10 benches vehicular strength bollards city of austin standard city of austin standard 0 10’ 20’ 40’ 09 bike racks city of austin standard 11 40’ chair seating 11 chair seating Landscape Forms Neoliviano 24” backed Landscape Forms Neoliviano 11 chair seating 24” backed Landscape Forms Neoliviano 24” backed 10 benches city of austin standard 12 cafe tables + chairs 12 *not in streetscape cafe tables + chairs table: forms + surfaces column table *not in streetscape table: forms + surfaces chairs: landscape forms column table 12 catena cafe tables + chairs chairs: landscape forms catena *not in streetscape table: forms + surfaces column table chairs: landscape forms catena 11 chair seating Landscape Forms Neoliviano 24” backed 13 duplex 13 duplex gard-n-post arlington gard-n-post 19.5” Low Profile arlington 13 Enclosure with Built-In Cover duplex 19.5” Low Profile Enclosure with Built-In Cover gard-n-post arlington 19.5” Low Profile Enclosure with Built-In Cover 14 14 03 03 09 09 03 12 14 cafe tables + chairs *not in streetscape table: forms + surfaces column table 14 tree grate chairs: landscape forms 14 catena tree grate streetlife 09 streetlife 14 tree grate streetlife 13 duplex 14 tree grate 15 light pole city of austin standard 16 vehicular strength bollards city of austin standard gard-n-post arlington 19.5” Low Profile Enclosure with Built-In Cover 15 light pole 15 light pole city of austin standard city of austin standard 15 light pole city of austin standard streetlife 16 vehicular 16 strength vehicular bollards strength bollards city of austin 16 standard vehicular city of austin standard strength bollards city of austin standard 13 of 33 Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| Diete06foxtail Aspara06foxtail 02MULTIFAMILYLOBBYF&B / RETAILBIKE STORAGEGARAGEACCESSGARAGEACCESSBACK OF HOUSE / MECHSPACESSUPPORT SPACES/ CIRCULATIONBUILDING ACCESS POINTSCIRCULATION - PORCH & P.O.WCIRCULATION - INDOOR & OUTDOORVISUAL / AUDIO CONNECTIONW 6TH STREET TYPE = 03 -2 0 TYPE = 03 -2 0 TYPE = 03 -2 0 TYPE = 03 -2 0 TYPE = 03 -2 0 TYPE = 03 -2 0 24 VALET RESIDENCE LOBBY GARAGE ACCESS RESIDENT ONLY (UP TO LVL 2) RETAIL PATIO F&B / RETAIL MAIL PACKAGE BIKE STOR. TRASH RESIDENT/FUTURE RESIDENT (DN TO B1) GARAGE ACCESS XFMR VAULT MAIN ELEC. EMERG. GENERATOR LOADING LOADING ENTRY ALLEY 24 TYPE = 07-20 TYPE = 07-20 TYPE = 07-20 24 TYPE = 07-20 T E E R T S D N A R G O R I 14 of 33 LEVEL 1 - GROUND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| RETAILPATIOW 6TH STREET TYPE = 03 -2 0 TYPE = 03 -2 0 TYPE = 03 -2 0 TYPE = 03 -2 0 TYPE = 03 -2 0 TYPE = 03 -2 0 24 OPEN TO BELOW ELEV. LOBBY OPEN TO BELOW CORRIDOR GARAGE ALLEY LEVEL 2 PARKING FLOOR PLAN 24 TYPE = 07-20 TYPE = 07-20 TYPE = 07-20 24 TYPE = 07-20 T E E R T S D N A R G O R I 15 of 33 Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| CANOPY ELEV. LOBBY W 6TH STREET GARAGE GARAGE ALLEY LEVEL 3-5 PARKING FLOOR PLAN T E E R T S D N A R G O R I 16 of 33 Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| BALCONY SPEAK EASY 851 SF ELEV. LOBBY PET PARK 1961 SF GARAGE W 6TH STREET GARAGE ALLEY LEVEL 6 AMENITY T E E R T S D N A R G O R I 17 of 33 Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| W 6TH STREET BALCONY YOGA FITNESS GOLF ELEV. LOBBY POOL LOUNGE ALLEY LEVEL 7 INDOOR AMENITY T E E R T S D N A R G O R I 18 of 33 Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| LEVEL 7 OUTDOOR AMENITY SPACE 19 of 33 Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| functional use diagramswimdineflexchillchillloungeloungeunwindrelax+2’+3’sun chaisesclustered and integrated into landscape areas. accented by decorative pots and tiered landscapingpool enclosureglass pool gate pool fencesteel pickets - 6’ west poolwith grand stair at main entry. centered on key view of the city. full swimming area with bench seatingeast cabanassunken cabanas, easily removableeast poolwith sun shelves full swimming area, bench seatinginfinity edge spilling into lower level (conversation pit)bench seatingconversation pitat lower level (30” drop) with built-in sun beds, expansive views, moveable furniture and artificial turfmain entrywith marketing view across pools to city beyond. glass rail/gate here to create transparency to view.pool enclosureglass fence and gate, integrated into planting area to be buffered from site as much as possible.ramp to lower levelstairs to lower levelramp to upper leveltiered plantingcombination of at-grade, in pots, and raised planting to increase visual interest large party cabanaintegrated into landscape and building edge. views to lawn and beyond.synlawnflexible lawn area with group seatingbuilt-in-benchcustom bench detail at raised planter.double-sided grill area with counter/sink/iceoverhead featurebelow capital view corridor. steel cables with lighting over group dining area below. balcony areaglass railing provides views to 6th Street 05’10’20’illustrative planschematic characterdecorative metal panels as enclosure - 6’ 6” raised wood deckdinning areas imbedded in landscape hot tuboverlookprivate cabanas+0”+0”+0”-18”-18”+0”-48”-48”-12”+12”+36”+36”-30”+36”+36”+0”+0”+0”+0”+0”+0”+18”+18”+18”+0”+18”+36”+36”+24”+24”-30”-30”-12”+42”+42”+36”-36”+0”+0”+36”+18”+0”+0”+6”+36”+36”+36”+36”+12”+12”+0”+18”+18”+6”+12”+18”LEVEL 7 OUTDOOR AMENITY SPACE 20 of 33 Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| 05’10’20’hardscape diagramhardscape materials02wood deckingDelta Millworksthermo ash deckingDelta Millworkskebony smooth decking07steel planterlocal souceweathered steelDelta Millworksblackened steel04coarse aggregateWhittlesey1”-2” santa fe gravelWhittlesey1”-2” moonstone05synthetic turfK9GrassclassicForeverLawnselect EL01paversMaterials Marketing limestone pavercolor: charcoal finish: anticoMaterials Marketing limestone pavercolor: white finish: antico03fine aggregateWhittlesey5/8” santa fe gravelWhittlesey5/8” blackstar screenings(+base of steel planters)06planter potsKornegayquartz08custom wood benchlocal source(example image)11cabana tv walllocal source(example image)09cabana tiled backdrop wallClay Imports2”x4” matte tilecolors: 317, 318, 328Clay Imports2”x4” matte tilecolors: 312, 311, 30310cabana side wall with vineslocal source(example image)groundplaneplantercabanasThe selected materials will ground the space with soft tones and natural textures. Occasional nods to the architectural material palette within the landscape bring refined details of a high end residential amenity. 040501080916010109060701030606030501060606010102060513warning tile NPT Pool Tile1”x1” non slip pool tileraven black14pool shellPebbleTec, PebbleFinasapphire grey, smooth finishPebbleTec, PebbleFinasteel grey, smooth finish15brick pool copingAcme Brick, Marion Ceramicsbullnose coping, cobblestoneAcme Brick, Marion Ceramicsbullnose coping, academy grey12pool tileFireclay Tile1”x6” white mosaic pool tileherringbone patternFireclay Tile1”x6” white mosaic pool tiledouble stack herringbone patternpool16mesh panel / pool enclosurecustom detail(example image)15glass pool gateZahner(example image)16pool gate picketssteel to match planters(example image)pool enclosure17 hand rail stainless steel to match pool enclosureW 6TH STREET BALCONY GUEST SUITE 469 SF GUEST SUITE 505 SF GUEST/ MODEL 845 SF ELEV. LOBBY OPEN WORK LEASING ALLEY LEVEL 8 - AMENITY D N A R G O R I 21 of 33 Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| STREETEW 6TH STREET BALCONY BALCONY A1 842 SF A2 764 SF S1 627 SF A3 727 SF B1 1366 SF ELEV. LOBBY B2 1338 SF B3 1147 SF A4 802 SF ALLEY LEVEL 9-31 RESIDENTIAL FLOOR PLAN T E E R T S D N A R G O R I 22 of 33 Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| RIO GRAND STREETEW 6TH STREET BALCONY A1 842 SF A5 787 SF A6 821 SF BALCONY B4 1854 SF ELEV. LOBBY B5 1730 SF A7 781 SF A4 802 SF ALLEY LEVEL 32-46 RESIDENTIAL FLOOR PLAN T E E R T S D N A R G O R I 23 of 33 Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| RIO GRAND STREETEW 6TH STREET BALCONY BALCONY A1 842 SF A5 787 SF A6 821 SF B4 1854 SF ELEV. LOBBY AMENITY 1570 SF A7 781 SF A4 802 SF ALLEY LEVEL 47 AMENITIES T E E R T S D N A R G O R I 24 of 33 Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| RIO GRAND STREETEW 6TH STREET BALCONY BALCONY PH2 2449 SF ELEV. LOBBY PH3 2326 SF PH1 2789 SF ALLEY LEVEL 48-66 RESIDENTIAL FLOOR PLAN T E E R T S D N A R G O R I 25 of 33 Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| RIO GRAND STREETEBELOW GRADE PARKING PLAN 26 of 33 Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| RIO GRAND STREETEW 6TH STREETELEVATOR OVERRUN ” 0 - ’ 0 3 ROOF LVL ELEVATOR OVERRUN ” 0 - ’ 0 3 ROOF LVL RESIDENTIAL PH - LVL 58-66 RESIDENTIAL/AMENITY - LVL 57 RESIDENTIAL PH - LVL 58-66 RESIDENTIAL/AMENITY - LVL 57 ” 7 - ’ 1 2 7 ” 7 - ’ 1 2 7 RESIDENTIAL - LVL 32-56 RESIDENTIAL - LVL 32-56 RESIDENTIAL - LVL 9-31 INDOOR AMENITY - LVL 8 AMENITY DECK - LVL 7 PARKING - LVL 2-6 LOBBY/ENTRY/RETAIL - LVL 1 ” 7 - ’ 7 5 north elevation east elevation ELEVATIONS | NORTH & EAST RESIDENTIAL - LVL 9-31 INDOOR AMENITY - LVL 8 AMENITY DECK - LVL 7 PARKING - LVL 2-6 LOBBY/ENTRY/RETAIL - LVL 1 ” 7 - ’ 7 5 27 of 33 Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| ELEVATOR OVERRUN ” 0 - ’ 0 3 ROOF LVL ELEVATOR OVERRUN ” 0 - ’ 0 3 ROOF LVL RESIDENTIAL PH - LVL 58-66 RESIDENTIAL/AMENITY - LVL 57 RESIDENTIAL PH - LVL 58-66 RESIDENTIAL/AMENITY - LVL 57 ” 7 - ’ 1 2 7 ” 7 - ’ 1 2 7 RESIDENTIAL - LVL 32-56 RESIDENTIAL - LVL 32-56 RESIDENTIAL - LVL 9-31 INDOOR AMENITY - LVL 8 AMENITY DECK - LVL 7 PARKING - LVL 2-6 LOBBY/ENTRY/RETAIL - LVL 1 ” 7 - ’ 7 5 west elevation south elevation ELEVATIONS | SOUTH & WEST RESIDENTIAL - LVL 9-31 INDOOR AMENITY - LVL 8 AMENITY DECK - LVL 7 PARKING - LVL 2-6 LOBBY/ENTRY/RETAIL - LVL 1 ” 7 - ’ 7 5 28 of 33 Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| RIO GRAND ST. W 6 T H S T R E E T W 6TH STREET D J. L O T A A D J. L O T A L L E Y ALLEY RIO G R A N D E S T 3D VIEWS 29 of 33 Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| RENDERINGS 30 of 33 Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| RENDERINGS 31 of 33 Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| RENDERINGS 32 of 33 Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| RENDERINGS 33 of 33 Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| RENDERINGS 34 of 33 Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| RENDERINGS 35 of 33 Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| RENDERINGS 36 of 33 Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| RENDERINGS 37 of 33 Austin, Texas09.23.2024701 W. 6TH| THANK YOU