Recommendation 20240826-004: 401 W 14th St DDBP — original pdf

DESIGN COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20240826-004 Date: August 26, 2024 Subject: 400 W 14th Street - Downtown Density Bonus Program project Motioned By: Commissioner Howard Seconded By: Commissioner Wittstruck Recommendation Contingent support that the project located at 400 W 14th Street complies with the Urban Design Guidelines for the City of Austin in accordance with Land Development Code § 25-2-586 (C)(1)(a)(ii). Description of Recommendation to Council The goals and vision of the project located at 400 W 14th Street would better align with the City of Austin Urban Design Guidelines if the applicant were to address the items outlined in the rationale below. Rationale: The goals and vision of the project located at 400 W 14th Street mostly align with the City of Austin Urban Design Guidelines; however, we recommend the following adjustments: • East/west connectivity underneath the covered colonnade • Reducing and/or incorporating trees into the drop-off zone • Increasing the size of the ADA access to the Retail 1 patio to make it comparable with the stair access • Extending Retail 2 access to Guadalupe St. to activate the transit-oriented streetscape • Considering something on the Myrick site to continue to activate that streetscape as it For: Vice Chair Meiners, Commissioner Gelles, Commissioner Howard, Commissioner Ladner, Commissioner Lee, Commissioner McKinney, Commissioner Wittstruck Against: Recuse: Commissioner Wallace Absent: Chair Salinas, Commissioner Carroll, Commissioner Luckens moves west Vote 7-0-1 Attest: Josue Meiners, Vice Chair Design Commission 1 of 1