04. Urban Design Guidelines Working Group Update — original pdf

URBAN DESIGN GUIDELINES UPDATE Adopted Priorities Climate & Environment – Strategy upholds the fundamental human right to clean, healthy and adequate air, water, land, food, education, transportation, safety, and housing by minimizes the harmful effects of construction projects on human health and the environment. Mobility & Connectivity- Strategy includes planning for density, reducing dependence on single occupant vehicles, increased multimodal transportation options, sidewalk and street connectivity, and uderutilized rights- of-way. Equity & Affordability - Strategy lowers and stabilizes costs related to basic living needs (housing, food, utilities, healthcare, transportation, etc.) for low-income communities, and communities of color, as well as eliminate disparities that can be predicted by race. Cultural Preservation - Strategy deliberately and respectfully honors cultural relevance and history to maintain cultural heritage from the past and present for the benefit of all generations. Project Types - Strategy includes design & planning for different project uses, sizes, and locations. Design Excellence - Strategy that upholds design standards that include: functionality, durability, beautiful design, creativity, contextual response, sustainability, good business, and legacy. Adaptability & Resilience - Strategy enhances the ability of a building to both prevent damage and to recover from damage as well as the ability to accommodate substantial change over the lifetime of the building. Adopted Plans & Policies- Strategy ensures design & planning efforts will be in alignment with adopted city policies and plans. Advisory Groups BUILDINGS (Includes all occupiable structures, both public & private) • Climate & Environment • Mobility & Connectivity • Equity & Affordability • Preserve Vibrant Culture of Austin • Various Project Types • City Adopted Plans • Design Excellence • Adaptability & Resilience OPEN SPACES (Includes public gathering spaces, like Plazas, Open Spaces, Parks, & Trails) • Climate & Environment • Mobility & Connectivity • Equity & Affordability • Preserve Vibrant Austin Culture • Various Project Types • City Adopted Plans • Design Excellence • Adaptability & Resilience STREETSCAPE (Elements placed in the streetscape, like Furniture, Trees, Art, Lighting, Signage, Barriers, Fencing, etc.) • Climate & Environment • Mobility & Connectivity • Equity & Affordability • Preserve Vibrant Austin Culture • Various Project Types • City Adopted Plans • Design Excellence • Adaptability & Resilience URBAN FABRIC (Components that connect with existing development to reinforce the surrounding urban fabric) • Climate & Environment • Mobility & Connectivity • Equity & Affordability • Preserve Vibrant Austin Culture • Various Project Types • City Adopted Plans • Design Excellence • Adaptability & Resilience INFRASTRUCTURE (Non-building structures that are experienced by the public like Bridges, Water Towers, Substations, Public Transportation Stops) • Climate & Environment • Mobility & Connectivity • Equity & Affordability • Preserve Vibrant Austin Culture • Various Project Types • City Adopted Plans • Design Excellence • Adaptability & Resilience Document Organization Section 01: Introduction Background Priorities Section 02: Site Urban Fabric Guidelines Public Streetscape Guidelines Plazas & Open Space Guidelines Section 03: Buildings Building Guidelines Section 04: Infrastructure Infrastructure Guidelines Section 05: Appendix Glossary References Document Organization Site Guidelines: Urban Fabric Guidelines 01. Acknowledge Social, Cultural, & Historical Contexts of Surrounding Area 02. Connect Development with Time & Nature 03. Enhance Adjacent Open Space Networks 04. Incorporate & Mimic Natural Systems 05. Provide Pedestrian Safety & Comfort 06. Connect to Adjacent Civic Art 07. Design to Support District Area Plans Document Organization Site Guidelines: Streetscape Guidelines (outside of building face) 01. Address Physical Comfort of Pedestrians 02. Reinforce & Prioritize Pedestrian Activity 03. Prioritize Pedestrian Connectivity 04. Enhance Key Transit Stops 05. Enhance the Streetscape 06. Install Street Trees 07. Provide Pedestrian Scaled Lighting 08. Provide Protection from Vehicles 09. Screen Mechanical & Utility Equipment 10. Provide Generous Streel Level Windows 11. Install Pedestrian Friendly Materials at Street Level Document Organization Site Guidelines: Open Space Guidelines (inside of building face) 01. Assess & Respond to the Context of Surrounding Public Spaces 02. Enhance Open Spaces & Connect to Parks & Greenways 03. Design for All Ages & Abilities 04. Restore Ecosystem Services 05. Enhance Human Comfort & Activity 06. Support Local Vendors, Businesses, Artists, & Musicians 07. Plan for Durability, Resiliency, and Adaptability Document Organization Building Guidelines: 01. Respond to neighboring historic character and enhance adjacent historic sites & buildings. 02. Provide a Gradient of Space Between Uses 03. Provide a Mix of Uses 04. Prioritize Public Uses 05. Integrate Street Level Uses 06. Prioritize Shared Uses 07. Design buildings with human scale at lower levels 08. Promote Design Excellence in Low Rise Buildings 09. Promote Design Excellence Mid Rise Buildings 10. Promote Design Excellence High Rise Buildings 11. Create Adaptable Design 12. Prioritize Safety & Security 13. Promote Sustainability, Resilience, & Building Performance 14. Promote Connections to Public Space 15. Promote Local Character in Façade Design 16. Acknowledge Roofs can be Viewed from Adjacent Buildings 17. Do Not Provide Onsite Parking 18. Locate all Onsite Parking Underground 19. Above Grade Parking Should be Screened and Located to Avoid Conflicts with Pedestrians 20. Provide Multimodal parking options 21. Place Loading Zones and Drop Off Areas Away From Pedestrians 22. Do Not Use Drive-Thru Document Organization Infrastructure Guidelines: 01. Enhance surrounding neighborhoods and environments 02. Facilitate multi-modal linkages and pathways through the city, with an emphasis on walkability 03. Accommodate competing interests in the urban environment 04. Promote sustainable urban environments 05. Improve the quality of life for citizens 06. Efficiently integrate multiple programs and uses 07. Contribute to the creation of a vibrant public realm with superior public spaces 08. Provide for healthy natural environments 09. Respect and recognize the historic significance of important buildings and places 10. Design with the active participation of the effected community Guideline Organization Guideline Guidelines should read with clear intent. Priorities Listed priorities that each Guideline algins with. Tier Guidelines will be designated as either Tier 1 (prerequisite) or Tier 2 (highly encouraged) based on their significance to urban design. Applicability Each Guideline will list applicable locations, applicable development activities, and include applicable components to determine whether they apply to specific projects. Measurement Specific measurable conditions will be provided for Guidelines to determine project compliance. Projects may also propose alternate means of compliance to achieve intent of the Guideline. Examples Each Guideline will be accompanied with examples of compliance.