20240226-003 - Green Streets Initiative (Green Infrastructure Resolution) — original pdf

DESIGN COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20240226-003 Green Streets Initiative (Green Infrastructure Resolution-Agenda item 39) Date: February 28, 2024 Subject: Motioned By: Recommendation Support of the Green Infrastructure Resolution (Agenda Item 39 which advocates prioritizing the planting of street trees within Austin’s public rights-of-way.) Commissioner Luckens Seconded By: Commissioner Wittstruck Description of Recommendation to Council The Design Commission recommends that the Austin City Council approve the proposed Green Streets Infrastructure Resolution that minimizes barriers to plant and maintain street trees located in City of Austin public rights-of-way. Rationale: The goals and vision of the The Green Infrastructure Resolution align with the vision and shared values (sustainability and a connection to the outdoors) of the City of Austin Urban Design Guidelines. Specifically, it supports the use of trees to enhance the streetscape , provides protection from vehicular traffic and supports the use of plants to enliven urban spaces. 9-0-1 Vote For: Chair Salinas, Vice Chair Meiners, Commissioner Carroll, Commissioner Gelles, Commissioner Ladner, Commissioner Luckens, Commissioner McKinney, Commissioner Wallace, Commissioner Witstruck Against: Abstain: Commissioner Howard Absent: Attest: Jon Salinas, Chair Design Commission 1 of 1