03. The Graduate Austin, Presentation Final — original pdf

The Graduate Austin Design Commission December 11, 2023 1 Site Aerial 2 Property Details and Existing Conditions Address: 408 West 18th Street • Northwest corner of Guadalupe Street and West 18th Street Size: 0.9733 acres / 42,396 square feet Current Use: Vacant structure and surface parking lot Zoning: DMU – Downtown Mixed Use 3 Property Details and Existing Conditions 4 Zoning Exhibit 5 Project Details DMU Zoning Entitled Height: 120 feet 200 feet DDBP Max. Height: 200 feet / 19 floors Proposed Height: DMU Zoning Entitled FAR: DDBP Allowable FAR: 5:1 8:1 Proposed Project Size: 339,088 square feet Proposed Uses: Residential Hotel: Pedestrian-Oriented Uses: 3,762 square feet (ground floor) 228 units / 211,938 square feet 194 keys / 127,510 square feet 4,371 square feet (rooftop) 6 DDBP Eligibility SITE SITE 7 Community Benefit Bonus Area By-right DMU Floor-to-Area Ratio – Up to 5:1 DDBP Community Benefits Compliance – 5:1 to 8:1 5:1 to 8:1 • Development Bonus Fee For Affordable Housing Residential Portion of Project: 62.5% (211,938 SF) Commercial Portion of Project: 37.5% (127,150 SF) Residential fee: $10/bonus square foot * 62.5% = $794,425.00 plus Commercial fee: $6/bonus square foot * 37.5% = $285,993.00 Total: $1,080,418.00 Up to 5:1 8 The Site in Context 9 The Project in Context 10 The Project in Context 11 DDBP Gatekeeper Requirements 1. AEGB 2-Star Compliance 2. Great Streets compliance 3. Substantial Compliance with the Urban Design Guidelines 12 1. AEGB 2-Star Rating 13 2. Great Streets Compliance 14 Technical Site Plan 15 Technical Site Plan with Replacement Trees 16 3. Substantial Compliance with Urban Design Guidelines Create dense development Create mixed-use development Limit development which closes Downtown streets Buffer neighborhood edges Incorporate civic art in both public and private development Protect important public views Avoid historical misinterpretations Respect adjacent historic buildings Acknowledge that rooftops are seen from other buildings and the street AW.10 Avoid the development of theme environments AW.11 Recycle existing building stock Treat the four squares with special consideration Contribute to an open space network Emphasize connections to parks and greenways Incorporate open space into residential development Develop green roofs Provide plazas in high use areas Determine plaza function, size, and activity Respond to the microclimate in plaza design Consider views, circulation, boundaries, and subspaces Provide an appropriate amount of plaza seating Provide visual and spatial complexity in public spaces Use plants to enliven urban spaces Provide interactive civic art and fountains in plazas Provide food service for plaza participants Increase safety in plazas through wayfinding, lighting, and visibility Consider plaza operations and maintenance AW.1 AW.2 AW.3 AW.4 AW.5 AW.6 AW.7 AW.8 AW.9 PZ.1 PZ.2 PZ.3 PZ.4 PZ.5 PZ.6 PZ.7 PZ.8 PZ.9 PZ.10 PZ.11 PZ.12 PZ.13 PZ.14 PZ.15 PZ.16 PS.1 PS.2 PS.3 PS.4 PS.5 PS.6 PS.7 PS.8 PS.9 PS.10 PS.11 PS.12 PS.13 B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4 B.5 B.6 B.7 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Protect the pedestrian where the building meets the street Minimize curb cuts Create the potential for two-way streets Reinforce pedestrian activity Enhance key transit stops Enhance the streetscape Avoid conflicts between pedestrian and utility equipment Install street trees Provide pedestrian-scaled lighting Provide protection from cars/promote curbside parking Screen mechanical and utility equipment Provide generous street-level windows Install pedestrian-friendly materials at street level Build to the street Provide multi-tenant, pedestrian-oriented, development at the street level Accentuate primary entrances Encourage the inclusion of local character Control on-site parking Create quality construction Create buildings with human scale N/A 17 Graduate & Memoir Brand 18 19 20 Proposed Site Conditions 21 Proposed Streetscape 22 Streetscape Materiality 23 Project Inspiration 24 Project Inspiration 25 Ground Floor Plan – 1st Floor 26 Ground Floor Plan – 2nd Floor 27 28 29 30 31 32 Working Group Recommendations 11/8/2023 Urban Design Guideline Working Group Recommendation PS 1: Protect the Pedestrian Where the Building Meets the Street Provide more information at both San Antonio and Guadalupe streets for the street plazas, at the parking garage entry and address how pedestrian will be protected walk across driveway. PS 10: Provide Protection From Cars/Promote Curbside Parking Protect cyclist at raised curb drop-off by preventing vehicles from encroaching into bike lanes. 33 PS 1: Protect the Pedestrian Where the Building Meets the Street PS 10: Provide Protection From Cars/Promote Curbside Parking 34 PS 1: Protect the Pedestrian Where the Building Meets the Street PS 10: Provide Protection From Cars/Promote Curbside Parking 35 Working Group Recommendations 11/8/2023 Urban Design Guideline Working Group Recommendation PS 12: Provide Generous Street-Level Windows Generous windows provided however, large portions of windows along San Antonio and Guadalupe are within loading and back of house areas. Applicant is encouraged to provide activated uses behind these large windows. 36 PS 12: Provide Generous Street-Level Windows 37 PS 12: Provide Generous Street-Level Windows 38 Working Group Recommendations 11/8/2023 Urban Design Guideline Working Group Recommendation PZ 5: Develop Green Roofs No green roofs proposed for this project. 39 PZ 5: Develop Green Roofs 40 Working Group Recommendations 11/8/2023 Urban Design Guideline Working Group Recommendation PZ 7: Determine Plaza Function, Size and Activity PZ 10: Provide an Appropriate Amount of Plaza Seating PZ 14: Provide Food Service for Plaza Participants Street plazas appear to meet great street standards, however no connection to the interior activated uses exists. Tables and chairs do not directly connect or correlate to any interior use. Refer to the recommendations in the design guidelines to provide for a variety of seating locations which accommodate the needs of various sitters. No direct food service or outdoor sitting area directly related to street plaza. Applicant is encouraged to provide more connectivity to first floor activated use. 41 PZ 7: Determine Plaza Function, Size and Activity PZ 10: Provide an Appropriate Amount of Plaza Seating PZ 14: Provide Food Service for Plaza Participants 42 PS 1: Protect the Pedestrian Where the Building Meets the Street PS 10: Provide Protection From Cars/Promote Curbside Parking 43 PZ 7: Determine Plaza Function, Size and Activity PZ 10: Provide an Appropriate Amount of Plaza Seating PZ 14: Provide Food Service for Plaza Participants 44 PZ 7: Determine Plaza Function, Size and Activity PZ 10: Provide an Appropriate Amount of Plaza Seating PZ 14: Provide Food Service for Plaza Participants 45 Working Group Recommendations 11/8/2023 Urban Design Guideline Working Group Recommendation PZ 15: Increase Safety in Plazas Through Wayfinding, Lighting and Visibility Provide more information on wayfinding that would direct public to upper level terraces. Access from hotel lobby to F&B for person’s with disabilities not clear. Applicant encouraged to show route for clarity. 46 PZ 15: Increase Safety in Plazas Through Wayfinding, Lighting and Visibility 47 PZ 15: Increase Safety in Plazas Through Wayfinding, Lighting and Visibility 48 PZ 15: Increase Safety in Plazas Through Wayfinding, Lighting and Visibility 49 PZ 15: Increase Safety in Plazas Through Wayfinding, Lighting and Visibility 50 Working Group Recommendations 11/8/2023 Urban Design Guideline Working Group Recommendation B 2: Provide Multi-Tenant, Pedestrian-Oriented Development at the Street Only small portions of the frontage along San Antonio and Guadalupe have access to tenant spaces. The chairs and tables along San Antonio do not have direct access to hotel lobby. Hotel lobby doesn’t indicate any active uses to support the table/chairs. Applicant is encouraged to activate the frontage along San Antonio and Guadalupe as much as possible. 51 Ground Floor Plan – 1st Floor 52 53 Working Group Recommendations 11/8/2023 Urban Design Guideline Working Group Recommendation B 5: Control On-Site Parking Refer to PS.10 comment above. 54 B5: Control On-Site Parking 55 B5: Control On-Site Parking 56 57 58 Working Group Recommendations 11/8/2023 Urban Design Guideline Working Group Recommendation PS 1: Protect the Pedestrian Where the Building Meets the Street Provide more information at both San Antonio and Guadalupe streets for the street plazas, at the parking garage entry and address how pedestrian will be protected walk across driveway. PS 10: Provide Protection From Cars/Promote Curbside Parking Protect cyclist at raised curb drop-off by preventing vehicles from encroaching into bike lanes. PS 12: Provide Generous Street-Level Windows Generous windows provided however, large portions of windows along San Antonio and Guadalupe are within loading and back of house areas. Applicant is encouraged to provide activated uses behind these large windows. PZ 5: Develop Green Roofs No green roofs proposed for this project. PZ 7: Determine Plaza Function, Size and Activity Street plazas appear to meet great street standards, however no connection to the interior activated uses exists. Tables and chairs do not directly connect or correlate to any interior use. 59 Working Group Recommendations 11/8/2023 Urban Design Guideline Working Group Recommendation PZ 10: Provide an Appropriate Amount of Plaza Seating Refer to the recommendations in the design guidelines to provide for a variety of seating locations which accommodate the needs of various sitters. PZ 14: Provide Food Service for Plaza Participants No direct food service or outdoor sitting area directly related to street plaza. Applicant is encouraged to provide more connectivity to first floor activated use. PZ 15: Increase Safety in Plazas Through Wayfinding, Lighting and Visibility Provide more information on wayfinding that would direct public to upper level terraces. Access from hotel lobby to F&B for person’s with disabilities not clear. Applicant encouraged to show route for clarity. B 2: Provide Multi-Tenant, Pedestrian- Oriented Development at the Street Only small portions of the frontage along San Antonio and Guadalupe have access to tenant spaces. The chairs and tables along San Antonio do not have direct access to hotel lobby. Hotel lobby doesn’t indicate any active uses to support the table/chairs. Applicant is encouraged to activate the frontage along San Antonio and Guadalupe as much as possible. B 5: Control On-Site Parking Refer to PS.10 comment above. 60 PS 1: Protect the Pedestrian Where the Building Meets the Street PS 10: Provide Protection From Cars/Promote Curbside Parking 61 PS 1: Protect the Pedestrian Where the Building Meets the Street PS 10: Provide Protection From Cars/Promote Curbside Parking 62 63 64 65 66 67 3rd Floor Plan 68