03. Briefing on Urban Design Guidelines Update — original pdf

An Overview of the Urban Design Guidelines Presented by Sophia Benner, Principal Planner Creation of Austin’s Design Commission §2-1-130 - Design Commission (A) The Design Commission membership should include a diverse group of persons having expertise in urban design, architecture, landscape architecture, historic preservation, civic art, real property development, construction, and economic development. (B) The commission shall provide advisory recommendations to the city council as requested by the city council to assist in developing public policy and to promote excellence in the design and development of the urban environment. (C) The commission shall: (1) offer policy recommendations regarding specific issues of urban design; (2) participate in developing design guidelines; (3) unless otherwise directed by the city council, for projects that require the approval of the Planning Commission or the Zoning and Platting Commission: (a) review a project only after a formal request by the project sponsor or applicant; and (b) complete the review before the respective Planning or Zoning and Platting Commission takes final action; (4) provide citizen education and outreach regarding quality urban design; (5) provide a venue for citizen input on the design and development of the urban environment; (6) maintain liaison relationships with city staff and other boards and commissions; and (7) perform other activities as directed by the city council. (D) The commission may appoint one or more of its members to serve as liaison to a project-specific community advisory group addressing urban design and planning issues at the formal request of the project sponsor. Design Commission Workflow City Council directs the workflow of the Design Commission through ordinances and resolutions DDBP Gatekeeper Requirement: “The Design Commission shall evaluate and make recommendations regarding whether the project complies with the Urban Design Guidelines and the director shall consider comments and recommendations of the Design Commission.” § 25-2-586 – Downtown Density Bonus Program Items requested by City Council or project sponsor § 2-1-130 Municipal AEC rule: Requires all municipal buildings and associated site development which include AEC components to seek Design Commission review Resolution No. 20100923-086 UDG Update: Resolution directing the update to the Urban Design Guidelines Resolution No. 20210902-046 Infrastructure guidelines: Resolution directing staff to work with the Design Commission on recommendations for design guidelines for infrastructure projects commissioned by the City of Austin Resolution No. 20100819-035 City buildings & development: Resolution directing staff to present plans for all municipal buildings & associated site development to the Design Commission to ensure compliance with city design & sustainability standards Resolution No. 20071129-046 Urban Design Guidelines Guidelines for Buildings B.1 Build to the Street B.2 Provide Multi-Tenant, Pedestrian Oriented Development at the Street Level B.3 Accentuate Primary Entrances B.4 Encourage the Inclusion of Local Character B.5 Control On-Site Parking B.6 Create Quality Construction B.7 Create Buildings with Human Scale Area-Wide Urban Guidelines AW.1 Create Dense Urban Development AW.2 Create Mixed-Use Development AW.3 Limit Developments which Close Downtown Streets AW.4 Buffer Neighborhood Edges AW.5 Incorporate Civic Art in Both Public and Private Development AW.6 Protect Important Public Views AW.7 Avoid Historical Misrepresentations AW.8 Respect Adjacent Historical Buildings AW.9 Acknowledge that Rooftops are Seen From Other Buildings and the Street AW.10 Avoid the Development of Theme Environments AW.11 Recycle Existing Building Stock Public Streetscape PS.1 Protect the Pedestrian Where the Building Meets the Street PS.2 Minimize Curb Cuts PS.3 Create A Potential for Two-Way Streets PS.4 Reinforce Pedestrian Activity PS.5 Enhance Key Transit Stops PS.6 Enhance the Streetscape PS.7 Avoid Conflicts between Pedestrians and Utility Equipment PS.8 Install Street Trees PS.9 Provide Pedestrian-Scaled Lighting PS.10 Provide Protection from Cars / Promote Curbside Parking PS.11 Screen Mechanical and Utility Equipment PS.12 Provide Generous Street-Level Windows PS.13 Install Pedestrian-Friendly Materials at Street Level Guidelines for Plaza and Open Spaces PZ.1 Treat the Four Square with Special Consideration PZ.2 Contribute to an Open Space Network PZ.3 Emphasize Connection to Parks and Greenways PZ.4 Incorporate Open Space into Residential Development PZ.5 Develop Green Roofs PZ.6 Provide Plazas in High Use Areas PZ.7 Determine Plaza Function, Size, Activity PZ.8 Respond to Microclimate in Plaza Design PZ.9 Consider Views, Circulation, Boundaries, and Subspaces in Plaza Design PZ.10 Provie and Appropriate Amount of Plaza Seating PZ.11 Provide Visual and Spatial Complexity in Public Spaces PZ.12 Use Plants to Enliven Urban Spaces PZ.13 Provide Interactive Civic Art and Fountains in Plazas PZ.14 Provide Food Service for Plaza Participants PZ.15 Increase Safety in Plazas through Wayfinding, Lighting & Visibility PZ.16 Consider Plaza Operations and Maintenance Scope & Purpose AW.5 Incorporate Civic Art in Both Public and Private Development PZ.2 Contribute to an Open Space Network PS.2 Minimize Curb Cuts PS.3 Create A Potential for Two-Way Streets PS.4 Reinforce Pedestrian Activity PS.5 Enhance Key Transit Stops PS.6 Enhance the Streetscape B.2 Provide Multi-Tenant, Pedestrian Oriented Development at the Street Level Utilizing Urban Design Guidelines Urban Design Guidelines Update RESOLUTION NO. 20210902-046 WHEREAS, the Urban Design Guidelines were created in 2000 and are a set of recommendations that promote architectural and urban design standards reflective of Austin’s shared values; and… WHEREAS, on May 24, 2021, the Design Commission adopted a multiphased framework for a comprehensive update to the Urban Design Guidelines, including the creation of a more user-friendly document to illustrate the design principles; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission approved the draft framework for the Urban Design Guidelines update on its July 27, 2021 consent agenda; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN: The city manager is directed to initiate an inclusive and robust multi-phased stakeholder process for updating the Urban Design Guidelines as outlined in the Design Commission’s document: "Urban Design Guidelines Update Draft Framework". BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The city manager shall provide the necessary support and resources to the Commission to achieve the multiple phases of the update, including preparation, creation and finalization of the guidelines and ensure appropriate review by relevant City departments and boards and commissions before returning to city council for approval upon completion of this work. Thank you!