03. Update on Lightrail Program of Project Connect — original pdf

D e s i g n C o m m i s s i o n 1 0 . 2 3 . 2 0 2 3 AUSTIN LIGHT RAIL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Program Implementation & Integrated Approach Work Efforts 4 4 4 Program Implementation & Integrated Approach Work Efforts 5 5 5 How do we create a human centered design? Research User Needs Design Design Principles 10.23.2023 Local Context Research Urban Form Culture/History Landscape Sustainability Materials Wayfinding 10.23.2023 Site + User Research ”human- centered” means designing for how people actually behave 10.23.2023 Site + User Research Mapping User Mobility Patterns Public Realm Analysis Cognitive Mapping of the Transit Experience Vision Workshops + Engagements on the Go 10.23.2023 Mapping User Mobility Patterns 10.23.2023 Tools Used: 1. Gehl Public Life app 2. Gehl Eye Level City App 3. Printed maps, pen, paper Public Realm Analysis 10.23.2023 Tools Used: 1. Gehl Public Life app 2. Gehl Sidewalk and Facade Quality app 3. NIOSH Sound Level Meter 4. Light Meter LM-3000 Cognitive Mapping of the Transit Experience TX Particip ants 10.23.2023 Workshops, Focus Groups + Engagement on the Go Engagements on the Go Focus Groups Vision Workshops Blind & Low Vision June 21, led by Scott Meyer, Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services Safe Routes to School June 23, led by Coleen Gentles, Safe Routes to School Deaf & Hard of Hearing June 22, led by Stacy Landry, Travis County Services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing CapMetro Art Program & Artist June 22 led by Melissa Ortiz and J Muzazc (McKalla Station Artist) Reps from The City of Austin, Austin Downtown Alliance, CapMetro, ATP EAC, ATP PSEC, ATP Board, CAC, SWSG 10.23.2023 Priority User Needs Community Social Connection Connection to Place Belonging Comfort Clear Navigation Convenience Walkability Connection to Nature Comfort from Noise Safety + Security Ease of Access Predictability Thermal safety Choice 10.23.2023 How do we ensure these user needs and our design principles resonate with Austinites? Community Engagement Fall 2023 10.23.2023 Workshops Facilitated conversations with interactive exercises to discuss topics that will inform design Experience based Engagement Leveraging community partnerships to expand reach to more communities and connect with people in more creative and engaging ways Digital Tools Engaging people in new ways to increase reach and inspire new riders T H A N K Y O U