05. Montopolis Neighborhood Park - Pool Renovation — original pdf

MONTOPOLIS NEIGHBORHOOD PARK – POOL RENOVATION AUSTIN, TEXAS PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT DESIGN COMMISSION PRESENTATION OCTOBER 23, 2023 NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION | PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE- GREG HOUSTON - REGISTRATION NUMBER 10286 MONTOPOLIS NEIGHBORHOOD PARK – POOL RENOVATION | DESIGN COMMISSION PRESENTATION | OCTOBER 23, 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. | PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT 2. | SITE DESIGN 3. | FLOOR PLAN 4. | ELEVATIONS 5. | PERSPECTIVES NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION | PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE- GREG HOUSTON - REGISTRATION NUMBER 10286 PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION | PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE- ARCHITECT - REGISTRATION NUMBER XXXXX 01 – PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT MONTOPOLIS NEIGHBORHOOD PARK – POOL RENOVATION | DESIGN COMMISSION PRESENTATION | OCTOBER 23, 2023 History of Montopolis Pool Montopolis Pool is located in the Montopolis Neighborhood Park, located southeast of downtown Austin. The pool originally opened in 1979. On February 1, 1974, Austin Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) purchased the Montopolis Community Center from Montopolis Community Center, Inc. and also received five surrounding acres to develop into a park. In 1976, the Planning Commission began emphasizing a need for swimming pools throughout all communities and expedited the construction of a swimming pool in Montopolis Park. The Montopolis Pool was also championed later that year by the Parks and Recreation Board, and the first pool development process began in December 1977 and was completed in 1979. The pool has served the community for 43 years and needs renovations. NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION | PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE- GREG HOUSTON - REGISTRATION NUMBER 10286 01 – PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT MONTOPOLIS NEIGHBORHOOD PARK – POOL RENOVATION | DESIGN COMMISSION PRESENTATION | OCTOBER 23, 2023 Community Engagement Community Meeting #1 June 21, 2022 Community Meeting #2 September 13, 2022 Final Concept Feedback October 29, 2022 Community feedback solicited through the following webpage: https://www.austintexas.gov/department/montopolis-pool-project NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION | PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE- GREG HOUSTON - REGISTRATION NUMBER 10286 01 – PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT MONTOPOLIS NEIGHBORHOOD PARK – POOL RENOVATION | DESIGN COMMISSION PRESENTATION | OCTOBER 23, 2023 NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION | PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE- GREG HOUSTON - REGISTRATION NUMBER 10286 01 – PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT MONTOPOLIS NEIGHBORHOOD PARK – POOL RENOVATION | DESIGN COMMISSION PRESENTATION | OCTOBER 23, 2023 NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION | PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE- GREG HOUSTON - REGISTRATION NUMBER 10286 SITE DESIGN NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION | PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE- ARCHITECT - REGISTRATION NUMBER XXXXX 02 - SITE DESIGN MONTOPOLIS NEIGHBORHOOD PARK – POOL RENOVATION | DESIGN COMMISSION PRESENTATION | OCTOBER 23, 2023 NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION | PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE- GREG HOUSTON - REGISTRATION NUMBER 10286 02 - SITE DESIGN MONTOPOLIS NEIGHBORHOOD PARK – POOL RENOVATION | DESIGN COMMISSION PRESENTATION | OCTOBER 23, 2023 NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION | PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE- GREG HOUSTON - REGISTRATION NUMBER 10286 02 - SITE DESIGN MONTOPOLIS NEIGHBORHOOD PARK – POOL RENOVATION | DESIGN COMMISSION PRESENTATION | OCTOBER 23, 2023 Area Connections Athletic Field & Trails Project Site Pool Recreational Center Playground Athletic Field & Trails Playground Recreational Center NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION | PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE- GREG HOUSTON - REGISTRATION NUMBER 10286 02 - SITE DESIGN MONTOPOLIS NEIGHBORHOOD PARK – POOL RENOVATION | DESIGN COMMISSION PRESENTATION | OCTOBER 23, 2023 NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION | PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE- GREG HOUSTON - REGISTRATION NUMBER 10286 02 - SITE DESIGN MONTOPOLIS NEIGHBORHOOD PARK – POOL RENOVATION | DESIGN COMMISSION PRESENTATION | OCTOBER 23, 2023 NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION | PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE- GREG HOUSTON - REGISTRATION NUMBER 10286 FLOOR PLAN NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION | PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE- ARCHITECT - REGISTRATION NUMBER XXXXX 03 - FLOOR PLANS MONTOPOLIS NEIGHBORHOOD PARK – POOL RENOVATION | DESIGN COMMISSION PRESENTATION | OCTOBER 23, 2023 1 6 2 3 11 10 12 4 5 4 9 7 8 LEGEND 1 RENOVATED LIFEGUARD OFFICE 2 RENOVATED WOMEN’S RESTROOM 3 RENOVATED MEN’S RESTROOM 4 NEW FAMILY CHANGING ROOM 5 NEW CUSTODIAL 6 RENOVATED STORAGE 7 EXISTING FILTER STRUCTURE 8 LAP LANES 9 NEW MECHANICAL SHELTER 10 NEW PENINSULA 11 NEW SLIDE 12 NEW ZERO DEPTH ENTRY COA POOLS – MONTOPOLIS POOL FLOOR PLAN NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION | PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE- GREG HOUSTON - REGISTRATION NUMBER 10286 ELEVATIONS NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION | PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE- ARCHITECT - REGISTRATION NUMBER XXXXX 04 - ELEVATIONS MONTOPOLIS NEIGHBORHOOD PARK – POOL RENOVATION | DESIGN COMMISSION PRESENTATION | OCTOBER 23, 2023 2 1 Spec-Brick Potential Color Options Flint Blend Gardner Blend Wire Mesh Screen Paint LEGEND 1 SPEC-BRIK 2 WIRE MESH SCREEN 3 PAINTED STEEL 4 GALVALUME METAL ROOF NEW FAMILY CHANGING ROOM – SOUTH/NORTH ELEVATION Steel 2 2 4 3 4 3 4 3 1 1 NEW FAMILY CHANGING ROOM – WEST ELEVATION NEW FAMILY CHANGING ROOM – EAST ELEVATION NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION | PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE- GREG HOUSTON - REGISTRATION NUMBER 10286 04 - ELEVATIONS MONTOPOLIS NEIGHBORHOOD PARK – POOL RENOVATION | DESIGN COMMISSION PRESENTATION | OCTOBER 23, 2023 4 3 Paint 2 5 5 Brick / Concrete Steel / Accent RENOVATED RESTROOM – WEST ELEVATION 3 LEGEND 1 PAINTED BRICK 2 PAINTED CONCRETE 3 PAINTED STEEL 4 GALVALUME METAL ROOF 5 RESTORED ARTIST MURAL 4 2 2 5 1 RENOVATED RESTROOM – EAST ELEVATION EXISTING RESTROOM – SOUTHWEST EXISTING RESTROOM – NORTHEAST 4 3 4 3 2 1 RENOVATED RESTROOM – SOUTH ELEVATION RENOVATED RESTROOM – NORTH ELEVATION NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION | PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE- GREG HOUSTON - REGISTRATION NUMBER 10286 PERSPECTIVES NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION | PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE- ARCHITECT - REGISTRATION NUMBER XXXXX 05 - PERSPECTIVES MONTOPOLIS NEIGHBORHOOD PARK – POOL RENOVATION | DESIGN COMMISSION PRESENTATION | OCTOBER 23, 2023 POOL ENTRY – VIEW TOWARDS SOUTHWEST NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION | PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE- GREG HOUSTON - REGISTRATION NUMBER 10286 05 - PERSPECTIVES MONTOPOLIS NEIGHBORHOOD PARK – POOL RENOVATION | DESIGN COMMISSION PRESENTATION | OCTOBER 23, 2023 AERIAL - VIEW TOWARDS NORTHWEST NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION | PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE- GREG HOUSTON - REGISTRATION NUMBER 10286 05 - PERSPECTIVES MONTOPOLIS NEIGHBORHOOD PARK – POOL RENOVATION | DESIGN COMMISSION PRESENTATION | OCTOBER 23, 2023 AERIAL - VIEW TOWARDS NORTHEAST NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION | PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE- GREG HOUSTON - REGISTRATION NUMBER 10286 05 - PERSPECTIVES MONTOPOLIS NEIGHBORHOOD PARK – POOL RENOVATION | DESIGN COMMISSION PRESENTATION | OCTOBER 23, 2023 LAP POOL - VIEW TOWARDS NORTHEAST NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION | PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE- GREG HOUSTON - REGISTRATION NUMBER 10286 NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION | PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE- GREG HOUSTON - REGISTRATION NUMBER 10286 C i t y o f A u s t i n Design Commission Project Review Application Photo courtesy of Jorge E. RousselinC i t y o f A u s t i n Design Commission Project Review Application The Design Commission provides advisory recommendations to the City Council to assist in developing public policy and to promote excellence in the design and development of the urban environment. The Design Commission reviews three types of projects: 1. City projects (see page 3 for process) The Commission reviews all municipal buildings and associated site plans to ensure they demonstrate compliance with city design and sustainability standards (Council Resolution No. 20071129-046), including those seeking Subchapter E Design Standards Alternative Equivalent Compliance (AEC) (Council Resolution No. 20100923-086). 2. Density Bonus projects (see page 4 for process) The Commission reviews density bonus projects for substantial compliance with the Urban Design Guidelines for Austin in accordance with the Gatekeeper requirements of LDC 25-2-586 for the Downtown Density Bonus Program. 3. Advisory Recommendations for Private projects (see page 3 for process) The Commission will consider Project Review Applications from private projects during its regularly scheduled monthly public meetings and may issue an advisory recommendation in the form of a Project Review Letter to the Applicant. Page 2 Design Commission - Project Review ApplicationPhoto courtesy of Jorge E. RousselinThis Project Review Application must be submitted before your project can be presented to the Design Commission for their review. Design Commission requests project be presented in their Conceptual/ Schematic Design phase. This application primarily addresses inhabited buildings and structures and their effect on the public realm; please refer to Appendix A for infrastructure type projects. The Commission’s review of projects is based on the planning/design principles in the Urban Design Guidelines for Austin. Ensure that all applicable principles are addressed in the application questions and in your presentation. The Design Commission supports the vision and principles of Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, especially those that affect the urban environment and fabric. All projects should consider this vision and principles, many of which are similar to the Urban Design Guidelines. Refer to Appendix C for the most pertinent sections of Imagine Austin. The Design Commission expects the applicant’s design team to present their project with those most knowledgeable and encourages the inclusion of sub-consultants at the presentation, when deemed necessary. EXHIBITS TO PRESENT 1. Completed Project Review Application (p.1-6) 2. Existing zoning classification, adjacent zoning & uses, future land use map classification, topography 3. Vicinity plan, including public transportation and connectivity on-site and within quarter mile 4. Site plan and landscape plan 5. Ground level, basement plan, and typical floor plan 6. Elevations and/or 3d views 7. Any letters of support or findings by other commissions 8. Staff reports, if any 9. Records of public participation Page 3 Design Commission - Project Review ApplicationPROJECT REVIEW PROCESS: CITY PROJECTS The Design Commission reviews all municipal buildings and associated site development projects to ensure they demonstrate compliance with city design and sustainability standards (Council Resolution No. 20071129-046), including those seeking Subchapter E Design Standards Alternative Equivalent Compliance (AEC) (Council Resolution No. 20100923-086). 1. Applicants are encouraged to meet with the Office of the City Architect prior to submitting a Project Review Application, especially if seeking Alternative Equivalent Compliance (AEC) under Subchapter E Design Standards. (See Staff Contacts on page 5.) 2. Applicant submits completed Project Review Application, including Exhibits, to Commission Liaisons a minimum of (10) Business days prior to the Design Commission meeting. (See Meeting Schedule and “Exhibits to Present” on page 1) 3. Commission Liaisons review Project Review Application for completeness. Once the Application is deemed complete, the project will be added to the agenda. (Agendas are posted online 72 hours prior to the meeting.) 4. Commission Liaisons post backup, including complete Project Review Application and letters/decisions from other Boards and Commissions, the Thursday before the meeting. (See Meeting Documents website.) 5. Design Commission meets and hears a 15 minute presentation by the Owner/Applicant/Architect. The Commission asks questions and makes recommendations. At the end of the project review, the Design Commission may rely on the recommendations recorded in their meeting minutes or submit a Project Review Letter to City Staff. 6. Commission Liaisons will forward approved meeting minutes or Project Review Letters to applicable Staff. Page 4 Design Commission - Project Review ApplicationPhoto courtesy of Jorge E. RousselinPROJECT REVIEW PROCESS: DENSITY BONUS PROJECTS The Design Commission reviews density bonus projects for substantial compliance with the Urban Design Guidelines for Austin in accordance with the Gatekeeper requirements of LDC 25-2-586 for the Downtown Density Bonus Program. 1. Six weeks prior to the target Design Commission meeting: Applicant will contact Density Bonus Staff with intent to schedule project on the next Design Commission agenda. a. Density Bonus Staff will provide application and submittal documentation to Applicant and notify Commission Liaisons. 2. Five weeks prior to the target Design Commission meeting: Density Bonus Staff will contact Chair of Working Group to schedule a meeting, copying Commission Liaisons. 3. By the end of the fourth week (24 calendar days) prior to the target Design Commission meeting: The Applicant will submit all completed application requirements to Density Bonus Staff. 4. By the end of the third week (17 calendar days) prior to the target Design Commission meeting: Design Commission Working Group will meet to review Project Review Application and evaluate Applicant’s presentation detailing compliance with the Urban Design Guidelines for Austin. a. Working Group will provide Applicant comments and suggestions on improving presentation and issue a recommendation to the Design Commission on achieving compliance with the Urban Design Guidelines for Austin. 5. By the end of the second week (10 calendar days) prior to the target Design Commission meeting: Chair of the Working Group will send the Density Bonus and Commission Liaisons the Working Group’s written recommendation to the Design Commission containing specific feedback given to the Applicant and, if lacking, detailing items to address to achieve compliance with the Urban Design Guidelines for Austin. 6. One week (7 calendar days) prior to the target Design Commission meeting: Once the Density Bonus Liaison receives the revised project submittal from the Applicant and the Commission Liaison receive the written recommendation from the Working Group Chair, the Commission Liaison will place project on Design Commission agenda for discussion and action. 7. Design Commission meeting: At the meeting, Design Commission will review the project for compliance with the Urban Design Guidelines for Austin based on Working Group recommendations and issue a recommendation detailing to Staff items needed to be addressed in order to achieve substantial compliance. 8. Within one week after Design Commission meeting: The Chair will issue a formal written recommendation based on the action taken by the by the Commission detailing to Staff items needed to be addressed in order to achieve compliance. Page 5 Design Commission - Project Review ApplicationPROJECT REVIEW PROCESS: DENSITY BONUS PROJECTS 1. S ix w eeks prior: C ontac t Den sit y B on us Sta ff 2. F ive wee ks prior: D ens ity Bonus Sta ff sc hedul es m eet in g 3. En d of f ou r th week prior : Appl ic ant s ubmi ts a p pl ic ati on 4. En d of third week prior: Wo rkin g G rou p meets to r ev iew ap pli ca ti on 5. En d of the secon d w eek prior : Worki ng Group p rov ide s recommenda ti on 6. On e week prior: Projec t pla ced on D es i g n C om mis si on a gen da 7. Desi g n C om mis sio n meets to r evi ew p roj ec t 8. On e week af ter: Cha ir i ss ues fo rma l r eco mmenda tion Page 6 Design Commission - Project Review ApplicationGENERAL CONSIDERATIONS Incomplete Applications Should Commission Liaisons determine that the Project Review Application is incomplete, the Application shall be returned to the Applicant and the project will not be posted on the agenda for consideration by the Commission. Submissions without the required Adobe PDF electronic file shall be deemed incomplete. Public Notice Posting of public notices on the proposed project site or giving notice to adjacent property owners is not required by the enabling ordinance of the Design Commission. The posted agenda for the Design Commission meetings serves to inform the public of subjects considered by the Commission. The Applicant shall note that the concomitant regulatory procedures by other boards and commissions have legal public notice requirements. Actions taken by the Austin Design Commission shall be in respect of and in compliance with such local ordinances and project review procedures. Limits on Resubmissions Applicants are limited to two (2) resubmissions per design phase (as described herein) and shall notify Commission Staff of the intent and desire to resubmit project(s) for review within seven (7) days of the action vote by the Commission. The Commission shall consider such resubmissions prior to issuing the Project Review Letter. Rebuttal of Project Review Letter Since the Commission issues advisory recommendations only, there is no instance for appeals to the Commission. Rebuttals of such advisory recommendations may be made by the Applicant to the applicable city department, planning commission, or City Council in accordance with applicable standard processes and procedures. STAFF CONTACTS By appointment, City Staff is available for consultation on submittal requirements. To schedule a pre- submission conference or for information on any of the above submittal requirements, please contact: City Of Austin, Street Jones Building, 1000 E 11th St, Austin, TX 78702 Executive Liason: Jorge E. Rousselin jorge.rousselin@austintexas.gov (512) 974-2975 Staff Liason: Nicole Corona nicole.corona@austintexas.gov (512) 974-3146 Density Bonus Program Staff: Jorge E. Rousselin jorge.rousselin@austintexas.gov (512) 974-2975 Page 7 Design Commission - Project Review ApplicationA. PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT NAME PROJECT T YP E Infrastructure Private project PROJECT LOCATIO N/ ADDR ESS PROJECT LOCATIO N/ ADDR ESS City building & site Other Density Bonus A PPLICANT PROPE RT Y O WN ER A PPLICANT MAILI NG A DDRESS PROPE RT Y O WN ER MAI LING AD DR ESS A PPLICANT TELEP HONE N UM BE R PROPE RT Y O WN ER TEL EPHONE NUMBER PROJECT START DATE PROJECT CO MPL E TION DATE A PPLICANT’S ARCHI TE CT A PPL IC ANT’S ENGI NEER Page 8 Design Commission - Project Review Application1. Indi cate if propo se d Pro jec t is re q u ir e d by City Ordinance to be reviewed by the Design Commiss ion . 2. D escribe the r ec omm end atio n t h at yo u a re requesting from the Desig n Com mission. 3. Current De sig n P hase o f Pro jec t ( D e s ign C o mmission prefers to see pro jec ts right aft er ap proved conceptual, sc he m atic, d esign d ev e lo pm e nt ) . 4. Is thi s Proje ct su bjec t to Site Pl an an d /o r Zonin g application ap provals? Will it b e p rese nt e d to Plann ing Commission and/o r City Co uncil? I f s o , wh en? 5. D o es t his P roj ect c om ply with L an d D ev e l opment Code Subchapter E? List specific ally an y Alternative E quiva lent Comp lianc e r equ est if any. Ple ase refer to website for Alternate Equivalent Com plia nce ( AEC) requirements. Page 9 Design Commission - Project Review ApplicationB. PROJECT BACKGROUND 6. Prov ide proj ec t b ackgro u nd inc lu d ing go als , scope, building/planning type, and sc hedule. Broadly addre ss e ach of the “Shar ed Value s fo r Ur ban A re as ” t hat are listed on Page 6 o f the Ur ban Design Guidelines . 7. Has this proje ct c ondu cted co m mu n it y/ s t ak eholder out reach? If so, please provide do c ume ntation to d emonstrate c ommunity/ stakeho ld e r su ppor t of this project. 8. Is thi s proj ect sub mitting fo r t h e D o wntown Density Bonus Prog ram? If so , pleas e p rovide a completed Down town Dens it y Bonu s App lica t io n . 9. Has the p roje c t bee n rev iewed by C OA D e par tment (i. e. DAC) S taff? If so, please desc ribe and cite any relevant comme nts o r feed back th at t h e C o mmission should be aw ar e o f. 10. Are ther e any lim itations to c o m plia n ce or planning principles due to the spec if ic require men ts of t his proj- e ct that the C om mission sh o uld b e awa re o f? Page 10 Design Commission - Project Review ApplicationC. EXISTING CONDITIONS AND CONTEXT 11. Iden tify conne ctiv ity to pu blic t rans po r t at i on including, bicycle and pedestr ian routes and/or multi- mod al transpor tation . Do es the p ro j e ct c om ply with AD A requirements? Provide a site co ntext map an d attach ad ditional page s as need ed . 12. Iden tify and de sc ribe any e xist in g fe at u re s that are required to be prese r ved an d/or protected such as h eritage tree s, c r eek s o r str eam s, e n da nge r ed species (flora and/o r fauna)? Attach additional site diagrams as needed. 13. Is t his projec t with in any City o f Au st in planning district, master plan, ne ighbo rhood plan, regulatory dis- t rict, overlay, e tc .? If so, ple ase il lu st ra t e h o w this project confor ms to the r espec tive plan. Attach addition al pages as ne ede d. ( See below fo r re q u ire m e nt s.) 14. L ist any proj ec t p ro gram and / o r s it e c on st raints that should be co nsidered. Page 11 Design Commission - Project Review Application1 2 3 4 5 LEGEND: LOC LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION ADA W WW STM IRR W WW GAS R.O.W. LINE ACCESSIBLE PATH EXISTING WATER LINE EXISTING WASTEWATER LINE EXISTING STORM WATER LINE EXISTING UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL EXISTING UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL PROPOSED IRRIGATION LINE PROPOSED WATERLINE PROPOSED WASTEWATER LINE PROPOSED GAS LINE X X PROPOSED FENCING PROPOSED UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL SD PROPOSED STORMWATER LINE PROPOSED CONCRETE PAVEMENT PROPOSED PAVERS PROPOSED RAIN GARDEN SITE PLAN RELEASE NOTES: · ALL IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RELEASED SITE PLAN. ANY ADDITIONAL IMPROVEMENTS WILL REQUIRE SITE PLAN REVISION OR CORRECTION AND APPROVAL OF THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT. APPROVAL OF THIS SITE PLAN DOES NOT INCLUDE BUILDING AND FIRE CODE APPROVAL NOR BUILDING PERMIT APPROVAL. ALL SIGNS MUST COMPLY WITH REQUIREMENTS OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE (CHAPTER 25-10). ADDITIONAL ELECTRIC EASEMENTS MAY BE REQUIRED AT A LATER DATE. · WATER AND WASTEWATER SERVICES WILL BE PROVED BY THE CITY OF AUSTIN. ALL EXISTING STRUCTURES SHOWN TO BE REMOVED WILL REQUIRE DEMOLITION PERMIT FROM THE CITY OF AUSTIN DSD. A DEVELOPMENT PERMIT MUST BE ISSUED PRIOR TO AN APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT FOR NON-CONSOLIDATED OR PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVED SITE PLANS. FOR DRIVEWAYS: THE OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL COSTS FOR RELOCATION OF, DAMAGE TO UTILITIES. FOR CONSTRUCTION WITHIN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY, A ROW EXCAVATION PERMIT IS REQUIRED. · · · · · · · ACCESSIBILITY NOTE: APPROVAL OF THESE PLANS BY THE CITY OF AUSTIN INDICATES COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE CITY REGULATIONS ONLY. APPROVAL BY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES MAY BE REQUIRED PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. THE APPLICANT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING WHAT ADDITIONAL APPROVALS MAY BE NECESSARY. SLOPES ON ACCESSIBLE ROUTES MAY NOT EXCEED 1:20 UNLESS DESIGNED AS A RAMP. [ANSI 403.3]. ACCESSIBLE ROUTES MUST HAVE CROSS-SLOPE NO GREATER THAN 1:50 [ANSI 403.3]. ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACES MUST BE LOCATED ON A SURFACE WITH A SLOPE NOT EXCEEDING 1:50. [ANSI 502.5] THE MAXIMUM SLOPE OF A RAMP IN NEW CONSTRUCTION IS 1:12. THE MAXIMUM RISE FOR ANY RAMP RUN IS 30". THE MAXIMUM HORIZONTAL PROJECTION IS 30 FEET OF RAMP WITH A SLOPE BETWEEN 1:12 AND 1:15, AND 40 FEET FOR A RAMP WITH A SLOPE BETWEEN 1:16 AND 1:20. [ANSI 405.2 - 405.6]. EXTERIOR LIGHTING NOTE: ALL EXTERIOR LIGHTING WILL BE FULL CUT-OFF AND FULLY SHIELDED IN COMPLIANCE WITH SUBCHAPTER E 2.5 AND WILL BE REVIEWED DURING THE BUILDING PLAN REVIEW. ANY CHANGE OR SUBSTITUTION OF LAMP/LIGHT FIXTURES SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE DIRECTOR FOR APPROVAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 2.5.2.E. CITY OF AUSTIN LDC 25-2 SUBCHAPTER E - SECTION 2.5 - FIGURE 34 SDSDSDSDSDSD I E V R D S I L O P O T N O M ) . . W O R . ' 0 7 ( LOT 30 LOT 23 LARCH TERRACE (R.O.W. 60') 10' ELEC. & TEL. ESMNT (VOL.2811, PG.374) 25' BUILDING SET BACK PER PLAT MONTOPOLIS PARK (7.60 ACRE) VOL.76, PG. 41 P.R.T.C.T. LOT 2 P-NP MULTI-USE FIELD RENOVATED EXISTING 1-STORY BATH HOUSE RE: ARCH. RAIN GARDEN T L A H P S A T N E M E V A P LOADING ZONE P-NP MONTOPOLIS RECREATION AND COMMUNITY CENTER F.F.E. 490.90 (SPC-2016-0582C) 6'x6' WASTEWATER EASEMENT DOC. 2018054408 T L A H P S A T N E M E V A P S17° 18' 36.28"W 135.067 S25° 32' 10.67"W 133.133 POOL FACILITY MAIN ENTRANCE LOC W W LOC EX. 1-STORY BATH HOUSE C O L W LOC X 19.3' W W PROPOSED 1-STORY BATH HOUSE FF 491.30 LOC 22.7' LOC LOC LOC X LOC X X LOC POOL FACILITY EXIT PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN PERMEABLE PAVERS RE: LANDSCAPE PROPOSED SITE FENCING RE: LANDSCAPE S56° 11' 00.70"E 297.882 S51° 53' 56.88"E 301.355 C O L C O L PORTION EXISTING POOL DECK TO REMAIN X X X X L O C L O C L O C L O C L O C C O L X RENOVATED POOL EXISTING MECHANICAL BUILDING C O L C O L PROPOSED MECHANICAL SHELTER RE: ARCH. L O C EXISTING DECOMPOSED GRANITE TRAIL TO REMAIN X X X X X W WW WW W WW W WW W PROPOSED POOL DECK RE: ARCH. PROPOSED 1-STORY BATH HOUSE RE: ARCH. RELOCATED COMMUNICATION LINE PROPOSED PARTIAL INFILTRATION RAIN GARDEN RE: C500 EX. 12" STORM R E P K C A B T E S G N D L I U B I ' 5 2 T A L P EX. DECOMPOSED GRANITE NEW ELECTRICAL METER AND POINT OF SERVICE RE: ELECTRICAL EX. PLAYGROUND B E ( R G . O O . N W I A . 5 C 0 I ' ) R L O C L O C L O C LOT 21 LOT 22 L O C 10' P.U.E. LOT 11 LOT 10 LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC 2,015 SF OF EXISTING DECOMPOSED GRANITE TRAIL TO BE REPAIRED RE:1301S-1/C810 LOT 8 LOT 9 LOT 7 PROPOSED 2" PVC POOL FILL WATER SERVICE LINE RE: C702 LOT 6 LOT 5 5' P.U.E. LOT 4 LOT 3 LOT 2 NEW POLE MOUNTED XFMRS RE: ELECTRICAL LOT 1 C O L C O L X D S D S X W W W W W LOC C O L W W W W W W L O C W W L O C W W W W L O C W W W W C O L C O L C O L C O L L O C LOC PROPOSED 190 LF OF PRIVATE 6" PVC WASTEWATER LINE FROM POOL MECHANICAL RE: C700 PROPOSED 2" PVC DOMESTIC WATER LINE (BATH HOUSE BUILD SERVICE) RE: C702 PROPOSED 6" SDR 26 PVC WASTEWATER SERVICE LINE RE: C701 PROPOSED PRIVATE 2" RPZ POOL FILL RE: C702 CARNATION TERRACE (R.O.W. 60') PROPOSED PRIVATE 2" RPZ RE: C702 25' BUILDING SET BACK PER PLAT PROPOSED 2-WAY WW CLEANOUT RE: C701 PROPOSED 2" WATER METER RE: C702 EXISTING 2" WATER METER #10067786 A B C D 0 20 40 80 SCALE 1" = 40' I N G S E D % 0 0 1 T N E M P O L E V E D E R A S T N E M U C O D E S E H T I M R E T N I R O F D N A E T E L P M O C N I E B O T T O N E R A Y E H T . Y L N O W E V E R I , L A V O R P P A Y R O T A L U G E R R O F D E S U . I N O T C U R T S N O C R O G N T T M R E P I I I N O T A R T S G E R I . . E P , Y E R F N N E L G 3 2 0 2 , 7 Y L U J 6 5 8 3 2 1 . O N I L O O P S L O P O T N O M I S N O T A V O N E R . R D S I L O P O T N O M 0 0 2 1 1 4 7 8 7 X T , I N T S U A c 2023 Marmon Mok, LLP Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited. Drawn AV/GF Checked GF Date JULY 7, 2023 Project No. 12345 Revisions SHEET TITLE CIVIL SITE PLAN SHEET NO. C400 21037D. RELATIONSHIP TO PUBLIC REALM Publi c realm is def ined as any pu bli ca lly o wne d st reets, pathways, r ig ht of ways, par ks, pub lic ly acces sible open space s and an y pu blic and c iv ic bu ild in g and facilities. The quality o f o ur public realm is vital if we are to be s uccessful in cr eating e nv iron me nt s t h at p eople want to live and wo rk in. 16. The shar e d value s o u tline d in t h e Ur ban D esign G uidelines inc lude Human Charac ter, Dens ity, S us tainability, Diversity, Ec onomic V itality, C iv ic A r t , A S e ns e of Time, Unique Charac ter, Aut henticity, Safety and Conn ection to the Outdoor s. How is th e pro je ct ad dr e s si n g these unique community c harac ter istic s? Is the projec t develop- ing any public ame nities f or u rba n c on t in u i t y and vital place making ? 16. Does this projec t enco u rage st re e t lev e l activity to engage and r esp ond to f unc tional needs s uc h as shade, res t areas, multi -modal transpo r t at io n sto rage and paths? 17. H ow will the p roje ct be a g oo d ne igh bo r to adjacent proper ties? Fo r exam ple, desc ribe the t reatmen t of the t ransiti on ar ea be twe en pro per tie s, i. e . fe n c e , landscape improvem ents, etc . Page 12 Design Commission - Project Review ApplicationE. ENVIRONMENTAL / SUSTAINABLE ISSUES The Austin Ur ban Design Guid elin e s s e t a goa l that, “All development s ho uld t ake into c onside ration the nee d to conser ve ene r gy and r eso u rces. I t sh o u ld a lso strive for a small c arbo n f oo tpr int.” 18. Pl ease lis t any signif ic ant co m pone nt s of the project th at contr ibute to meeting this go al. If the projec t has been designe d to acc om mo date f u t u re in c l u sion of such components (fo r example, by b ein g b uilt “s olar ready”) please list them. 19. If the proj ect is b eing d esigne d to m e e t any sust ainability/enviro nmental standards o r cer tifications (for example, LEE D Silve r), p lease li st t h e m h ere and attach relevant c hec klist s or sim ilar do c umen ts that d emonstrate how th e standard o r ce r t ifi ca t io n will be achieved. 20. If the proj ect co ntains o th er s ign i fic a n t s ust ainability components no t inc luded ab ove that the Commiss ion sh ou ld note, please list th em h er e . Page 13 Design Commission - Project Review ApplicationAPPENDIX A IMAGINE AUSTIN RELATED POLICIES Land Use and Transportation Building Block LUT P30: Protect and enhance the unique qualities of Austin’s treasured public spaces and places such as parks, plazas, and streetscapes; and, where needed, enrich those areas lacking distinctive visual character or where the character has faded. LUT 31: Define the community’s goals for new public and private development using principles and design guidelines that capture the distinctive local character of Austin. LUT P35: Infuse public art into Austin’s urban fabric in streetscapes along roadways and in such places as parks, plazas, and other public gathering places. LUT P41: Protect historic buildings, structures, sites, places, and districts in neighborhoods throughout the City. LUT P43: Continue to protect and enhance important view corridors such as those of the Texas State Capitol District, Lady Bird Lake, and other public waterways LUT P44: Preserve and protect historic parks and recreation areas. Page 14 Design Commission - Project Review ApplicationEconomy Building Block E P6: Support up-to-date infrastructure, flexible policies, and programs, and adaptive reuse of buildings, so that local, small, and creative businesses thrive and innovate. Conservation and Environment Policies Building Block CE P3: Expand the City’s green infrastructure network to include such elements as preserves and parks, trails, stream corridors, green streets, greenways, and agricultural lands. CE P11: Integrate development with the natural environment through green building and site planning practices such as tree preservation and reduced impervious cover and regulations. Ensure new development provides necessary and adequate infrastructure improvements. City Facilities and Services Building Block CFS P14: Integrate erosion, flood, and water quality control measures into all City of Austin capital improvement projects. CFS P24: Increase the share of renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, and biomass, used by Austin Energy to generate electricity, including infrastructure for on-site sources throughout the City. CFS P29: Increase the use of joint or shared facilities between public safety and other service providers, when possible, to provide residents with efficient services, reduce costs, and maintain public safety infrastructure. CFS P35: Distribute public buildings where neighborhood services are located and other accessible locations throughout the City. CFS P36: Improve multimodal public transportation access to the City’s public buildings and facilities, including the Austin-Bergstrom International Airport. CFS P37: Integrate public buildings and facilities into active, walkable, mixed use neighborhoods and complete, healthycommunities. Page 15 Design Commission - Project Review ApplicationCFS P38: Reduce energy consumption and waste generation in all public buildings to meet the City’s greenhouse gasreduction and zero waste goals. CFS P39: Develop public buildings and facilities that create healthy work environments and educate the public about energy-efficient, sustainable building, and greening best practices. CFS P44: Feature superior design in parks and recreational facilities and include opportunities for public art and sustainable design solutions. Society Building Block S P14: Locate emergency services within close proximity to all neighborhoods and continue to improve community outreach and relationships between police and neighbors S P25: Increase sidewalks and bicycle lanes in neighborhoods to create safer routes to schools, parks, and transit stops. Creativity Building Block C P16: Increase the availability of significant public art to designate districts and/or their entrances and to assist visitors in navigating the area. C P17: Define Austin’s sense of place through high standards for architecture and urban design, public art, public spaces and parks, and arts education. Page 16 Design Commission - Project Review Application