02. Downtown Austin Alliance Strategic Plan 2023-2028 — original pdf

Strategic Plan 2023-2028 Lady Bird LakeCENTRALLIBRARYE MARTIN LUTHER KING JR BLVDW 15TH ST.W 12TH ST.W 6TH ST.CONGRESS AVE.GUADALUPE ST.LAVACA ST.E 15TH ST.E 12TH ST.E 6TH ST.RED RIVER ST.TEXAS STATE CAPITOLCONGRESS BRIDGECITYHALLSHOAL CREEKWALLER CREEKTHE DOWNTOWN AUSTIN PIDIn 1993, the Austin City Council created a downtown Public Improvement District (PID) to augment funding to implement downtown initiatives and contracted with the Downtown Austin Alliance to manage the PID. The PID is renewed by downtown property owners every 10 years through a petitioning process. Over the past year, the Downtown Alliance successfully petitioned for renewal of the PID and City Council reauthorized the PID for 2023-2032. The new term starts in May 2023.MAP LEGENDPID BOUNDARY 2023-2032ASSESSMENTWHO WE ARE—Vision, Mission & ValuesStrategic PrioritiesPLANWHERE DO WE WANT TO GO?—Goals & ObjectivesIMPLEMENTATIONHOW WILL WE GET THERE?—Actions & MeasuresDraft Plan3 BOARD OPEN HOUSES 75 INTERVIEWS 7 LEADERSHIP TEAM MEETINGS 8 WORK GROUP MEETINGSSEP ‘22OCT ‘22NOV ‘22DEC ‘22JAN ‘23FEB ‘23MAR ‘23PROCESSMISSION, VISION, VALUESMission To create, preserve and enhance the vibe, vitality and value of downtown Austin for everyone.Values· Lead with relentless vision· Earn trust· Inspire passion· Foster collaboration· Mindfully impact· Cultivate inclusivityVision In the fall of 2017, more than 3,000 Austinites helped shape The Downtown Austin Vision (Vision), identifying four priorities that work together to create and sustain the downtown you will always love. Guided by the Downtown Vision put forth by the Austin community, we created our 2023-2028 Strategic Plan.THE DOWNTOWN YOU WILL ALWAYS LOVESTRATEGIC PRIORITIES 2023-2028PUBLIC SPACE EXPERIENCEGoalDowntown is clean, safe and welcoming for everyoneBUILT ENVIRONMENTGoalDowntown grows with a delightful and eclectic mix of modern investment and beautiful public spaces, while preserving historic character and funky weirdnessLEADERSHIP & INFLUENCEGoalThe Downtown Austin Alliance is entrusted with the responsibility to effectively lead, (cid:732)(cid:737)(cid:1028)(cid:744)(cid:728)(cid:737)(cid:726)(cid:728)(cid:3)(cid:724)(cid:737)(cid:727)(cid:3)visibly steward a downtown for allACTIVE URBANISMGoalDowntown ignites, attracts and cultivates authentic arts, culture, music, nature and sense of placeMOBILITYGoalDowntown is easier and more enjoyable to access and move within, has enhanced pedestrian and transportation facilities, and improved connections to neighboring communities PUBLIC SPACE EXPERIENCE GoalDowntown is clean, safe and welcoming for everyoneObjectives• Homelessness: The number of people living unsheltered downtown is decreased by 75% and everyone experiencing homelessness has increased access to facilities and services.• Safety:(cid:3)(cid:694)(cid:741)(cid:732)(cid:736)(cid:728)(cid:3)(cid:732)(cid:742)(cid:3)(cid:741)(cid:728)(cid:727)(cid:744)(cid:726)(cid:728)(cid:727)(cid:671)(cid:3)(cid:742)(cid:739)(cid:728)(cid:726)(cid:732)(cid:1027)(cid:726)(cid:724)(cid:735)(cid:735)(cid:748)(cid:3)(cid:745)(cid:732)(cid:738)(cid:735)(cid:728)(cid:737)(cid:743)(cid:3)(cid:726)(cid:741)(cid:732)(cid:736)(cid:728)(cid:3)(cid:732)(cid:742)(cid:3)the lowest this century.• Vibrancy & Diversity: More people and more diverse populations use downtown.• Welcoming: A majority of the community perceives downtown as clean, safe and welcoming.• Cleanliness: Downtown sidewalks and public areas are free of litter, debris and vandalism at all times. PUBLIC SPACE EXPERIENCE Bart Sasam, MiniatureATXCody Ross Cowan ACTIVE URBANISM GoalDowntown ignites, attracts and cultivates authentic arts, culture, music, nature and sense of placeObjectives• Public Space: Public spaces are thoughtfully designed and actively and effectively programmed.• Streets & Storefronts: 90% of ground level storefronts are active to promote an 18-hour downtown.• Arts, Music & Cultural Venues: There is a variety of affordable venues and creative spaces downtown.• Parks & Green Spaces: All downtown park spaces are actively and effectively programmed and managed.• Artists & Creatives: Artists and creatives thrive downtown. ACTIVE URBANISM Bells & Whistles BUILT ENVIRONMENT GoalDowntown grows with a delightful and eclectic mix of modern investment and beautiful public spaces, while preserving historic character and funky weirdnessObjectives• Development Policy: Policies and codes are adopted to further strategic priorities, goals, and objectives.• Diverse Residential: Downtown’s residential population grows with more thoughtfully planned, attainable, and diverse housing types and prices.• Tree Canopy: Increase the downtown tree canopy by 10%.• Neighborhoods & Districts: Neighborhood & district plans are advanced, managed and funded.• Preservation: There is a meaningful increase in protected live music venues and historic assets in downtown. BUILT ENVIRONMENT MOBILITYY MovabilityGoalDowntown is easier and more enjoyable to access and move within, has enhanced pedestrian and transportation facilities, and improved connections to neighboring communitiesObjectives• Multi-modal Access: Improve capacity to access downtown businesses, residences, parks, and cultural spaces by all forms of mobility.• Parking: Maximize the availability, usability, and use of parking downtown.• Access During Construction: Ensure that a comprehensive mitigation plan is developed, implemented, and communicated to minimize the impacts of construction on downtown businesses, residences, parks, and cultural spaces.• Circulation: More people move around downtown and adjacent districts without using single-occupancy vehicles. MOBILITY Movability2nd Street District LEADERSHIP & INFLUENCE GoalThe Downtown Austin Alliance is entrusted with the responsibility (cid:743)(cid:738)(cid:3)(cid:728)(cid:729)(cid:729)(cid:728)(cid:726)(cid:743)(cid:732)(cid:745)(cid:728)(cid:735)(cid:748)(cid:3)(cid:735)(cid:728)(cid:724)(cid:727)(cid:671)(cid:3)(cid:732)(cid:737)(cid:1028)(cid:744)(cid:728)(cid:737)(cid:726)(cid:728)(cid:3)(cid:724)(cid:737)(cid:727)(cid:3)visibly steward a downtown for allObjectives• Governance: Phased transformation of the governance of the organization is achieved by 2026.• Advocacy & Research: Annual advocacy and research agendas aligned with strategic priorities, goals and objectives are developed, communicated, and executed.• Communication: Brand, visibility, and impact are elevated through deliberate and targeted communication to stakeholders, members, and the public.• Engagement: Strategic relationships are developed and expanded to cultivate champions for downtown’s improvement.• Affordability: Downtown Austin Alliance plays an active role in addressing challenges of accessibility and affordability. LEADERSHIP & INFLUENCE MovabilityDavid CastanedaPLAN HIGHLIGHTSTRANSFORMATIVE OPPORTUNITIESThese transformative opportunities will create positive, lasting impact for downtown and for our city as a whole for generations to come. Transformative initiatives are cross-cutting, each helping advance multiple strategic plan goals. It is imperative to downtown’s future for each of these important projects to be completed thoughtfully and correctly.I-35 / Cap & StitchProject ConnectHistoric Entertainment DistrictConvention CenterTo learn more about the Downtown Austin Alliance and follow along as we implement the 2023-2028 Strategic Plan, visit downtownaustin.com. Bart Sasam, MiniatureATX