Draft 05-22-2023 Meeting Minutes — original pdf

DESIGN COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, MAY 22, 2023 The Design Commission convened in a regular meeting on Monday, May 22, 2023, at the Permitting and Development Center, located at 6310 Wilhelmina Delco, Room 1405, in Austin, Texas. Chair Weaver called the Design Commission Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance: Jen Weaver, Chair Josue Meiners, Vice Chair Ben Anstead David Carroll Ben Luckens Marissa McKinney Jessica Rollason Jon Salinas Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: N/A PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the Design Commission regular meeting on April 24, 2023. The minutes from the meeting on 04/24/2023 were approved on Vice Chair Meiners’ motion, Commissioner McKinney’s second on an 8-0 vote. Commissioner Howard and Commissioner Ladner were absent. STAFF BRIEFINGS 2. Staff briefing regarding the Great Streets Program Update. Presented by Jill Amezcua, Planning Department. The presentation was made by Jill Amezcua, Planning Department. 1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS Discussion and possible action on whether the project Dougherty Arts Center Replacement Project, located at 148 South Lamar Boulevard, complies with the City Design and Sustainability Standards. Presented by Kevin Johnson, Parks and Recreation Department, and Robert Byrnes, Studio8. The motion that the project Dougherty Arts Center Replacement Project, located at 148 South Lamar Boulevard, complies with the City Design and Sustainability Standards was approved on Chair Weaver’s motion, Commissioner Rollason’s second on an 8-0 vote. Commissioner Howard and Commissioner Ladner were absent. Discussion and possible action on whether the project 506 West Residential, located at 506 and 508 West Avenue, complies with the Urban Design Guidelines for the City of Austin in accordance with Land Development Code § 25-2-586 (C)(1)(a)(ii). Presented by Richard Suttle, Armburst and Brown, PLLC, and John Houser and Ana Kurzan, Gensler. The motion that the project 506 West Residential, located at 506 and 508 West Avenue, complies with the Urban Design Guidelines for the City of Austin in accordance with Land Development Code § 25-2-586 (C)(1)(a)(ii) with the following inclusions: • Separate visual and/or auditory indications at the approach of path crossing for both pedestrians and vehicles for pedestrian safety examples: paver change for pedestrians and traffic arm or speed door for vehicles. (PS 10 – provide protection from cars) • Great Streets standard benches (per Great Streets as a gatekeeper requirement) • Lighting in compliance with Great Streets minimum standards was approved on Chair Weaver’s motion, Commissioner Rollason’s second on an 8-0 vote. Commissioner Howard and Commissioner Ladner were absent. Discussion and possible action on whether the project East Village Substation, located at 4605 1/2 East Howard Lane, complies with the City Design and Sustainability Standards. Presented by Brandy Teague, Austin Energy. No action was taken. Conduct a nomination for an alternate representative for the Joint Sustainability Committee per City Code § 2-1-206. The motion to nominate Commissioner Luckens as the alternate representative to the Joint Sustainability Committee was approved on Chair Weaver’s motion, Commissioner Rollason’s second on an 8-0 vote. Commissioner Howard and Commissioner Ladner were absent. DISCUSSION ITEMS Discussion of the process for collaboration on recommendations. Sponsored by Commissioner Anstead. Co-sponsored by Commissioner McKinney. The process for collaboration on recommendations was discussed. WORKING GROUP/COMMITTEE UPDATES 2 8. 9. 10. 11. Update from the Urban Design Guidelines Working Group regarding updates to the guidelines. Update was given by Commissioner Carroll. Update from representative on the Downtown Commission regarding last meeting. Update was given by Commissioner Anstead. Update from representative on the Joint Sustainability Committee regarding last meeting. Update was given by Commissioner Salinas. Update from representative on the South-Central Waterfront Advisory Board regarding last meeting. No update was given. Commissioner Ladner was absent. Chair Weaver adjourned the meeting at 9:09 p.m. without objection. 3