20230522-003: Dougherty Arts Center Replacement Project — original pdf

DESIGN COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20230522-003 Date: Subject: May 24, 2023 Design Commission recommendation on the project Dougherty Arts Center Replacement Project, located at 148 South Lamar Boulevard Chair Weaver Seconded By: Commissioner Rollason Motioned By: Recommendation Whereas Kevin Johnson of Austin Parks and Recreation Department, and Robert Byrnes of Studio8 presented Dougherty Arts Center Replacement Project, located at 148 South Lamar Boulevard, to the Design Commission on May 22, 2023, Now therefore, the Design Commission finds that Dougherty Arts Center Replacement Project complies with the City Design and Sustainability Standards. Vote For: Chair Weaver, Vice Chair Meiners, Commissioner Anstead, Commissioner Carroll, Commissioner Luckens, Commissioner McKinney, Commissioner Rollason, Commissioner Salinas 8-0-0 Against: None Abstain: None Absent: Commissioner Howard, Commissioner Ladner Attest: Jen Weaver, Chair 1 of 1