04. 506 West Residential Part 3 Updated — original pdf

ADJACENT TRANSIT MAP COLORADO RIVER6636636636636636636636636406406416706716706716726426706716726416826706716726706716726706716826416416566566616406636406426426426426406406566426426406416426426616612222227107107101044441771080180317171818181818202080380180380120982545551319803801131966661966130371020207103 111 142171 935 985103 111 142171 935 985103111171171465142935465103 111142 171935103 111142 171935103 105 111 171935 980 982 981105 980 981982 985 987 990105 980 981982 985 987990105 980 981982 987 990982987990105 111 142171 935 987990105 142 935 987111 171980 981 985103103103 980981 985 985 985710710985465465142 9353080380120311930311930171980 981191965WICHITAROBBINS22NDBAYLORWOODBRAZOSSAN JACINTOCONGRESSTRINITYRED RIVERBRAZOS31STSPARKSLANDONFAIRFAXWHITISSABINE16TH17TH18THNUECESWESTWESTWHITISRIO GRANDERIO GRANDEPEARLDAVIDSAN ANTONIO23RD22½23RDGRAHAMUniversityLEONPEARLSETON28½24TH28THSAN PEDROSALADO24TH25THPOPLAR6THHENDERSONBOWIE3RD2NDHARRIS PARKLIBERTY30THKEITHELMWOODPARK30THBEANNAMED ARTSHAMPTON32ND32NDBELLEVUE30TH30THNECHESRAINEYTRINITY20THBRAZOS10TH12TH10TH9TH9THDRISKILL14THCOLORADOCONGRESS13TH SAN ANTONIORIO GRANDERIO GRANDEPEARLSHOAL CREEK11THENFIELDRATHERVUESEAHOLMELECTRICSPEEDWAYCONGRESS3rdSABINERED RIVER2NDWESTLavaca18thSan JacintoTrinity11th15THMLKGuadalupeGuadalupeCesar ChavezLamarLavacaSan Jacinto23rdGuadalupe21stDean KeetonNuecesSan Gabriel26th22nd27thUniversitySpeedway31stDean KeetonRobert DedmanDuvalSpeedwayMLKClyde Littlefield15th5TH7th8th12th12th4TH5th6th6thLamar5th4thCesar ChavezSan AntonioColoradoNuecesRED RIVERRed RiverSan JacintoLamarRED RIVERSt David’sHospitalTexasMemorialStadiumUniversity ofTexasFrankErwinCenterDell SetonMedicalCenterTexasState CapitolACCRio GrandeCapital MetroTransit StoreAustinCentralLibrary AustinConventionCenter17803801133071020AUSTIN HISTORYCENTERREPUBLICSQUAREREPUBLICSQUAREAUSTIN HISTORYCENTERSEAHOLM/CENTRAL LIBRARYCAPITOLCAPITOLMUSEUMMUSEUMUT/DEAN KEETONUT/WEST MALLDOWNTOWNCOMMUTERSingle RideViaje sencillo$3.50Single Ride, ReducedViaje sencillo, con descuento$1.75Day PassPase de día$7.00Day Pass, ReducedPase de día, con descuento$3.507-Day PassPase de 7 días$27.5031-Day PassPase de 31 días$96.2531-Day Pass, ReducedPase de 31 días, con descuento$48.10LOCALSingle RideViaje sencillo$1.25Single Ride, ReducedViaje sencillo, con descuento$0.60Day PassPase de día$2.50Day Pass, ReducedPase de día, con descuento$1.257-Day PassPase de 7 días$11.2531-Day PassPase de 31 días$41.2531-Day Pass, ReducedPase de 31 días, con descuento$20.60categories to make it easy for you to choose and pay for the specific service you would like to ride: Local and Commuter.Local passes are valid on MetroBus Routes 1-99 and 200-499, MetroFlyer Routes 100-199, UT Shuttle Routes 600-699 and MetroRapid Routes 800-899. Commuter passes are valid on MetroRail and MetroExpress routes 900-999, in addition to all Local service.REDUCED FARES PROGRAMAvailable for qualifying riders. Requires enrollment and purchase of Reduced Fare ID Card. Visit capmetro.org/RFID for eligibility details and to apply.CUSTOMERS WITH METROACCESS IDRide bus and rail services at the reduced rate. To receive the reduced fare, tap MetroAccess ID card at the target area on farebox when boarding vehicle. MetroAccess monthly passes are valid for use on all Capital Metro bus and train services at no additional cost.NO CHARGEKids 18 and younger ride free on all CapMetro services:• K-12 students, with valid ID• 10 and younger must be accompanied by someone 12 or olderFaresTarifasOur ServicesNuestros Servicios3 Easy Ways to Plan Your TripCapMetro AppPlan your trip, buy passes,get real-time departuresand more! Downloadthe CapMetro App todayfor iPhone, Android andWindows phones.OnlineVisit capmetro.org to usethe Trip Planner on thehome page or “Plan YourTrip” tab by simplyentering your startingand ending locations.GO LineCall the GO Lineat 512-474-1200 forschedules, trip planningand general assistance.Perfect for when you’reout and about!3 Maneras Fáciles de Planificar Su ViajeApp de CapMetro¡Planifique su viaje,compre pases, obtengaviajes en tiempo real ymucho más! Descargue laApp de CapMetro hoy mis-mo, para teléfonos iPhone,Android y Windows.En líneaVisite capmetro.org parausar el Planificador deViajes en la página deinicio, o la pestaña“Planifique se viaje.”Simplemente escriba suubicación de inicio y destino.GO LineLlama la Línea GO al512-474-1200 parainformación sobrehorarios, planificación yayuda general. ¡Perfectopara cuando tiene que irde un lado al otro!SAFETY REMINDERS• Maintain a safe distance between you and any bus or train while waiting. Standing on the curb, street or near the train tracks can be dangerous.• Never cross in front of an approaching bus, even if you think there’s plenty of room. Cross tracks ONLY at designated pedestrian or roadway crossings, and obey all warning signs and signals. Always stop and look both ways.• To ensure shorter wait times at bus stops, please exit the bus from the rear door and reserve the front door for boarding customers. Watch your step when boarding and exiting.• On the bus, alert your operator in an emergency. On the train, contact the engineer in an emergency by using the passenger intercom units located next to the doors.• Do not distract your operator.• Shoes and shirts are required for riding.• Toss food and open drinks in the trash before boarding.• Pets are not allowed on board.AVISOS DE SEGURIDAD• Mantenga una distancia segura entre usted y algún autobús o tren cuando está esperando. Estar de pie al encintado, en la calle o cerca de la vía del tren puede ser peligroso.• No cruzca en frente de un autobús acercándose, aun si cree que hay espacio. Cruzca las vías del tren SOLAMENTE a los pasos peatonales demarcados, y obedezca todas señales de aviso. Siempre pare y mire en ambas direcciones.• Para que los tiempos de espera en las paradas de autobús sean más cortos, descienda del vehículo por la puerta trasera y deje la puerta delantera para los pasajeros que suben. Tenga cuicado al subir al vehículo y al descender.• En el autobús, avise a su operador en caso de emergencia. En el tren, contacte al ingeniero en caso de emergencia utilizando los intercomunicadores para pasajeros que se encuentran junto a las puertas.• No distraiga la atención del operador.• Se requiren los zápatos y las camisas para abordar.• Tire en la basurera la comida y las bebidas abiertas antes de abordar.• No se permiten las mascotas a bordo del autobús o el tren.HOLIDAY SERVICECapital Metro operates at reduced service levels on most major holidays. Visit capmetro.org for the most current route and schedule information.SPECIAL EVENT SERVICECapital Metro provides extended bus and rail service during many major local events. Visit capmetro.org for the most current route and schedule information.SERVICIO EN DÍAS FESTIVOSCapital Metro provee un nivel de servicio reducido en la mayoría de días festivos. Visite capmetro.org para la información más actual sobre las rutas y los horarios.SERVICIO PARA EVENTOS ESPECIALESCapital Metro provee servicio extendido de autobús y tren durante muchos eventos locals. Visite capmetro.org para la información más actual sobre las rutas y los horarios.Park & RideWillow Creek21stElmontAnken26thDean KeetonSan GabrielNuecesWichita27thCrossing Pl412E-BUSRIVERSIDE411E-BUSWEST CAMPUS410E-BUSMAIN CAMPUS22ndE-BusTHU, FRI & SAT LATE-NIGHTSDURING UT SEMESTER(NO SUMMER SERVICE)MenchacaRosewoodAirportGuadalupeOak SpringsRiverside DrS LamarPantherOltorf11thGuadalupeS 1stS CongressLavacaN LamarNorthgateResearchWickershamBurtonRundberg6thVictoryBen WhiteMuellerLancasterCameron51stRutherfordStassneyPleasant ValleyWilliam CannonUT CAMPUSDOWNTOWNSOCO485NIGHT OWLCAMERON483NIGHT OWLRIVERSIDE486NIGHT OWLSOUTH CONGRESS484NIGHT OWLSOUTH LAMAR481NIGHT OWLNORTH LAMAR6th & CongressLATE-NIGHT HUBNight OwlMON-SAT LATE-NIGHTSYEAR-ROUNDNight Owland employees, tobacco use is prohibited on all Capital Metro vehicles, near boarding areas of Capital Metro transit centers, train stations, Park & Rides and within 15 feet of every Capital Metro bus stop.En un esfuerzo por proteger la salud de clientes y empleados, se prohíbe el uso del tabaco a bordo de todos los vehículos de Capital Metro, cerca de las zonas de abordaje en centros de tránsito, estaciones de tren, Park & Rides y a menos de 15 pies de cada parada de autobús de Capital Metro. Not shown on map; Wednesday service from RBJ Center, Thursday service from Lakeside Apts. Not shown on map; operates Saturday only. Not shown on map; operates Friday only. Not shown on map; operates Monday only. Not shown on map.Capital Metro ofrece dos categorías principales de tarifas para facilitar su elección y el pago del servicio específico que desea usar: Local y Commuter.Pases de servicio Local son válidos en las rutas MetroBus 1-99 y 200-499, las rutas MetroFlyer 100-199, las rutas UT Shuttle 600-699, y las rutas MetroRapid 801-803. Pases de servicio Commuter son válidos en MetroRail y las rutas MetroExpress 900-999, además de todo servicio Local.PROGRAMA DE TARIFAS CON DESCUENTOSe ofrecen tarifas con descuento a usarios elegibles. El programa requiere inscripción y compra de una Credencial de Tarifa con Descuento. Visite capmetro.org/RFID para más detalles sobre elegibilidad y para presentar una solicitud.CLIENTES CON CREDENCIAL DE METROACCESSUse los servicios de autobuses y de tren con tarifas con descuento. Para recibir tarifa con descuento, al subirse al vehículo pase su Credencial de MetroAccess en la zona indicada de la caja de tarifas. Los pases mensuales de MetroAccess son válidos para usarse en todos los servicios de autobuses y trenes de Capital Metro sin costo adicional.SIN CARGOLos niños de 18 años y más jóvenes pueden viajar gratis en todos los servicios de CapMetro: • K-12 estudiantes, con una credencial válida • 10 y menores deben estar acompañados por alguien de 12 años o mejor DESSAULAMARMOPACCONGRESSHOWARDELGINMANORCEDARPARKAUSTINLEANDERJONESTOWNLAGOVISTA121342589617713181410151611How to Ride GuideGuía para ViajarCatch the savingsand the benefits!capmetro.org/MetroWorksDowntown Austin/UTSitio Web De Capital Metro capmetro.orgServicio al Cliente 512-474-1200Rutas y Horarios/GO LineMetroAccess 512-389-7480MetroRideshare 512-477-RIDE( servicio para conectar a personas que desean compartir vehículos personales, ya sea autos o camionetas )Administración de Capital Metro 512-389-7400Oficina de AdministraciónTienda de Tránsito 512-389-7454209 W. 9th StreetObjetos perdidos y encontrados Los objetos perdidos en los vehículos que se entregan a Capital Metro pueden recogerse en la Tienda Transit, en el 209 W. 9th Street, de lunes a viernes, de las, 7:30am a las 5:30pm, 512-389-7454.De acuerdo con las disposiciones del Titulo VI (Title VI) de la Ley de Derechos Civiles 1964, y enmiendas, Capital Metro no excluye ni niega sus servicios a persona alguna debido a su raza, color u origen nacional. Si usted considera que ha sufrido discriminación conforme define el Titulo VI, puede presentar una queja por escrito, ante Capital Metro; a la atención de: Title VI Complaints en el 2910 de E. 5th Street, Austin, TX 78702.CONTACT INFORMATIONINFORMACIÓN DE CONTACTOCapital Metro Website capmetro.orgCustomer Service 512-474-1200Routes & Schedules/GO LineMetroAccess 512-389-7480MetroRideshare 512-477-RIDE (car/vanpool matching service)Capital Metro Administration 512-389-7400Capital Metro Transit Store 512-389-7454209 W. 9th StreetLost & FoundArticles lost on vehicles and returned to Capital Metro may be picked up at the Transit Store at 209 W. 9th Street, Monday through Friday, 7:30 am-5:30 pm, 512-389-7454.Capital Metro is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of its services on the basis of race, color or national origin as protected by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. If you believe you have been discriminated against under Title VI, you may file a written complaint–Attn: Title VI Complaints, 2910 E. 5th Street, Austin, TX 78702.facebook.com/capitalmetro@capmetroATXSystem MapROUTE NUMBER & NAMENúmero y nombre de rutaFARETarifaWEEKDAYdías entre semanaSATURDAYsábadoSUNDAYdomingoapproximate frequency in minutes / frecuencia aproximada en minutosPEAKDAYEVEDAYEVEDAYEVEHIGH-FREQUENCY ROUTESSelected Local and Crosstown routes, plus MetroRapid routes (801 and 803).Rutas seleccionadas Local y Crosstown, además Rutas de MetroRapid (801 y 803). 2Rosewood 1515301530153047th Street 151530153015307Duval/Dove Springs10-1515301530153010South First/Red River 1515301530153017Cesar Chavez 1515301530153018MLK 1515301530153020Manor Road/Riverside 15153015301530300Springdale/Oltorf15153015301530311Stassney15153015301530325Metric/Rundberg15153015301530333William Cannon (Brodie to Salt Springs)1515301530153033535th/38th Street15153015301530801North Lamar/South Congress10102015201530803Burnet/South Lamar10102015201530LOCAL ROUTESLocal routes serving Downtown (1-99), between neighborhoods and transit centers (200-299) and Crosstown routes not serving Downtown (300-399).Rutas locales a Downtown (1-99), rutas entre vecindarios y centros de tránsito (200-299) y rutas Crosstown que no van al centro (300-399).1N Lamar/S Congress303030303030303Burnet/Menchaca303030303030305Woodrow/Lamar303030303030306East 12th3030303030303019Bull Creek4545454545606030Barton Creek Square35353530303030201Southpark Meadows30303030303030214Northwest Feeder406060––––217Montopolis Feeder15153015301530228VA Clinic303030––––23360606060606060237Northeast Feeder60606060606060243Wells Branch45454040404040271Del Valle Feeder30303060606060310Parker/Wickersham30303030303030315Ben White30303030303030318Westgate/Slaughter30303030303030322Chicon/Cherrywood30303030303030323Anderson30303030303030324Georgian/Ohlen30303030303030333William Cannon (Brodie to ACC Pinnacle)30303030303030337Koenig/Colony Park15303030303030339Tuscany6060606060606034545th Street30303030303030350Airport Blvd30303030303030383Research30303030303030392Braker45454040404040METROFLYER, LIMITED AND EXPRESS ROUTESMetroFlyer & Limited routes (101-199) and MetroExpress routes (900-999).Rutas MetroFlyer y de paradas limitadas (101-199) y rutas de MetroExpress (900-999).103Menchaca Flyer(4) AM trips / (3) PM trips––––105South 5th Flyer30-45––––––111South MoPac Flyer(4) AM trips / (4) PM trips––––135Dell Limited10-30––––––142Metric Flyer30––––––171Oak Hill Flyer20-30––––––935Tech Ridge Express10-30––––––980North MoPac Express15-30–––30––981Oak Knoll Express(3) AM trips / (3) PM trips––––982Pavilion Express10-156060––––985Leander/Lakeline Direct10-306060–30––987Leander/Lakeline Express20-30––––––990Manor/Elgin Express(3) AM trips / (3) PM trips––––METRORAILPassenger rail service with nine stops from downtown Austin to Leander.Servicio de tren para pasajeros con nueve paradas desde el centro de Austin a Leander. 550MetroRail30-4060––35––SPECIAL ROUTESCirculator routes, rail connector routes, night service and special routes.Rutas de circuito, rutas conectoras, servicio de noche y rutas especiales. 410E-Bus/West Campus––10-15–10-15––411E-Bus/Riverside––15–15––412E-Bus/Main Campus––15-20–15-20––465MLK/University of Texas3535–––––466Kramer/Domain3535–––––481Night Owl North Lamar––20–20––483Night Owl Riverside––35–30––484Night Owl South Lamar––35–30––485Night Owl Cameron––35–30––486Night Owl South Congress––30–30––490HEB Shuttle–35 –––––491Allandale–––60–––492Delwood–60 –––––493Eastview–60 –––––UT SHUTTLESCirculators and limited-stop service to/from University of Texas campus.Rutas de circuito con servicio de paradas limitadas desde/hasta el campus de la Universidad de Texas.640Forty Acres9-101526––use Route 682641East Campus121224––use Route 682642West Campus91234––2525656Intramural Fields6-7818––use Route 681661Far West6-71023––use Route 681663Lake Austin1216-1740––4545670Crossing Place71015-20––4040671North Riverside9-1011-14Use Route 680––use Route 680672Lakeshore1515Use Route 680––use Route 680680North Riverside/LakeshoreNo service15-20––4035681Intramural Fields/Far WestNo weekday service––6363682Forty Acres/East CampusNo weekday service––4545ROUND ROCK TRANSITRound Rock service with connecting AM/PM trips to Austin.Servicio a/de la ciudad de Round Rock.50Round Rock La Frontera6060–––––51Round Rock Circulator6060–––––150Round Rock La Frontera6060–––––152Round Rock Tech Ridge Limited2 trips2 trips–––––PICKUPAn on-demand neighborhood service operating in dedicated zones. Visit capmetro.org/pickup for details.Un servicio vecinal a pedido que funciona en zonas dedicadas. Para obtener más información, visite capmetro.org/pickup.1 JONESTOWNPark Dr at Crestview2142 LAGO VISTADawn Dr/Thunderbird2143 LEANDER STATION800 US-183 North 985 9874 LAKELINE STATION13701 Lyndhurst St 214 383 985 987 CARTS5 PAVILION12400 US-183383 981 9826 HOWARD STATION3710 Howard Ln 150 243 9807 TECH RIDGE900 Center Ridge Dr1 135 152 243 325 392 801 935 CARTS8 GREAT HILLS10500 Jollyville Rd3 383 981 9829 NORTH LAMAR TRANSIT CENTER8001 US-183 at N Lamar1 323 350 383 481 80110 MANORCarrie Manor at Lexington990 PICKUP CARTS11 TRIANGLE4800 Guadalupe St1 801 481 656 681 99012 OAK HILLUS-290 at William Cannon171 31513 SOUTH CONGRESS TRANSIT CENTER301 W Ben White1 310 315 80114 SOUTHPARK MEADOWS PARK & RIDE9300 S IH 35 Frontage Rd.3 10 201 80115 ELGINTX-95 at Main St990 CARTS16 ROUND ROCK TRANSIT CENTER300 W Bagdad Ave50 51 152 98017 NEW LIFE PARK & RIDE3200 Century Park Blvd.98018 WESTGATE TRANSIT CENTER2027 Ben White Blvd EB30 300 311 315 318 803Rail ServiceServicio de trenOur App just got BETTERFASTEREASIERApple Pay and Google PayBetter Real-time UpdatesFaster Pass Buying & AccessEasier App InterfaceGET IT TODAY!• BOLD NUMERALS INDICATE PM TIMES • NÚMEROS OSCUROS INDICAN TIEMPOS PM• BOLD NUMERALS INDICATE PM TIMES • NÚMEROS OSCUROS INDICAN TIEMPOS PMMonday-Friday • Southbound Días entre semana • hacia el surLeander 5:48 6:17 6:38 6:51 7:24 7:37 8:19 8:59 — — — — — — 3:03 3:41 4:18 5:00 5:46Lakeline 6:04 6:33 6:54 7:07 7:42 7:55 8:35 9:15 9:4410:4311:27 — 1:43 2:42 3:16 3:54 4:56 5:42 6:18Howard 6:15 6:44 7:05 7:18 7:53 8:06 8:46 9:26 9:5510:5411:5512:54 1:54 2:53 3:27 4:07 5:06 5:52 6:27Kramer 6:22 6:52 7:13 7:26 8:01 8:14 8:53 9:3310:0211:0112:02 1:01 2:01 3:00 3:38 4:19 5:13 5:59 6:35Crestview 6:29 6:59 7:20 7:33 8:08 8:21 9:01 9:4010:0911:0812:09 1:08 2:08 3:07 3:45 4:26 5:20 6:06 6:42Highland 6:32 7:01 7:23 7:36 8:11 8:24 9:04 9:4310:1211:1112:12 1:11 2:11 3:10 3:48 4:29 5:23 6:09 6:45MLK 6:40 7:09 7:32 7:45 8:20 8:33 9:13 9:5110:2011:1912:20 1:19 2:18 3:20 4:01 4:55 5:41 6:17 6:52Plaza Saltillo 6:46 7:15 7:40 7:53 8:28 8:41 9:21 9:5710:2611:2512:26 1:25 2:24 3:26 4:07 5:01 5:47 6:23 6:58Downtown 6:49 7:18 7:43 7:56 8:31 8:44 9:2410:0010:2911:2812:29 1:28 2:27 3:29 4:10 5:04 5:50 6:26 7:01Monday-Friday • Northbound Días entre semana • hacia el norteDowntown 6:58 7:23 8:11 9:00 9:4010:3511:3612:35 1:34 2:33 3:11 3:52 4:33 4:46 5:19 5:32 6:08 6:43 7:18Plaza Saltillo 7:00 7:25 8:13 9:02 9:4210:3711:3812:37 1:36 2:35 3:13 3:54 4:35 4:48 5:21 5:34 6:10 6:45 7:20MLK 7:09 7:44 8:33 9:13 9:4910:4411:4512:44 1:43 2:42 3:20 4:01 4:42 4:55 5:28 5:41 6:17 6:52 7:27Highland 7:15 7:50 8:39 9:19 9:5510:5111:5112:51 1:51 2:50 3:28 4:09 4:50 5:03 5:36 5:49 6:25 7:00 7:34Crestview 7:18 7:53 8:42 9:22 9:5810:5411:5212:54 1:54 2:53 3:31 4:12 4:53 5:06 5:39 5:52 6:28 7:03 7:36Kramer 7:26 8:14 8:53 9:3010:0611:0212:03 1:01 2:01 3:00 3:38 4:19 5:00 5:13 5:46 5:59 6:35 7:10 7:42Howard 7:33 8:21 9:00 —10:1311:0812:09 1:08 2:08 3:07 3:45 4:26 5:08 5:21 5:54 6:07 6:43 7:18 7:49Lakeline 7:58 8:37 9:18 —10:2511:19 — 1:19 2:20 3:19 3:57 4:39 5:22 5:35 6:06 6:19 6:55 7:31 8:00Leander 8:14 8:54 — — — — — — 2:36 3:35 4:13 4:55 5:38 5:51 6:22 6:35 7:11 7:47 8:16Saturday • Southbound sábado • hacia el surLeander 4:00 4:35 5:10 5:45 6:20 6:55 7:30 8:05 8:40 9:15 9:5010:2511:00Lakeline 4:17 4:52 5:27 6:02 6:37 7:12 7:47 8:22 8:57 9:3210:0710:4211:17Howard 4:30 5:05 5:40 6:15 6:50 7:25 8:00 8:35 9:10 9:4510:2010:5511:30Kramer 4:37 5:12 5:47 6:22 6:57 7:32 8:07 8:42 9:17 9:5210:2711:0211:37Crestview 4:44 5:19 5:54 6:29 7:04 7:39 8:14 8:49 9:24 9:5910:3411:0911:44Highland 4:47 5:22 5:57 6:32 7:07 7:42 8:17 8:52 9:2710:0210:3711:1211:47MLK 4:54 5:29 6:04 6:39 7:14 7:49 8:24 8:59 9:3410:0910:4411:1911:54Plaza Saltillo 5:01 5:36 6:11 6:46 7:21 7:56 8:31 9:06 9:4110:1610:5111:2612:01Downtown 5:04 5:39 6:14 6:49 7:24 7:59 8:34 9:09 9:4410:1910:5411:2912:04Saturday • Northbound sábado • hacia el norteDowntown 5:18 5:53 6:28 7:03 7:38 8:13 8:48 9:23 9:5810:3311:0811:4312:18Plaza Saltillo 5:21 5:56 6:31 7:06 7:41 8:16 8:51 9:2610:0110:3611:1111:4612:21MLK 5:28 6:03 6:38 7:13 7:48 8:23 8:58 9:3310:0810:4311:1811:5312:28Highland 5:35 6:10 6:45 7:20 7:55 8:30 9:05 9:4010:1510:5011:2512:0012:35Crestview 5:38 6:13 6:48 7:23 7:58 8:33 9:08 9:4310:1810:5311:2812:0312:38Kramer 5:45 6:20 6:55 7:30 8:05 8:40 9:15 9:5010:2511:0011:3512:1012:45Howard 5:52 6:27 7:02 7:37 8:12 8:47 9:22 9:5710:3211:0711:4212:1712:52Lakeline 6:07 6:42 7:17 7:52 8:27 9:02 9:3710:1210:4711:2211:5712:32 1:07Leander 6:24 6:59 7:34 8:09 8:44 9:19 9:5410:2911:0411:3912:1412:49 1:24Friday Evenings • Southbound viernes por la tarde • hacia el surLeander 7:10 7:55 9:0210:1211:22Lakeline 7:26 8:11 9:1810:2811:38Howard 7:38 8:22 9:3010:3911:49Kramer 7:55 8:29 9:3710:4611:56Crestview 8:02 8:36 9:4410:5312:03Highland 8:05 8:39 9:4710:5612:06MLK 8:13 8:47 9:5511:0412:14Plaza Saltillo 8:19 8:5310:0111:1012:20Downtown 8:22 8:5610:0411:1312:23Friday Evenings • Northbound viernes por la tarde • hacia el norteDowntown7:188:359:4510:5511:3012:30Plaza Saltillo7:208:379:4710:5711:3212:33MLK7:278:459:5411:0411:3912:42Highland7:348:5210:0111:1111:4612:49Crestview7:368:5510:0411:1411:4912:53Kramer7:569:0210:1111:2111:561:03Howard8:039:0910:1811:2912:051:10Lakeline8:149:2210:3111:4212:201:22Leander8:309:3810:4711:5812:361:38Mondays – Thursdays only / Lunes a jueves solamenteLeanderLakelineHowardKramerCrestviewHighlandMLKPlaza SaltilloDowntownSERVICE CURRENTLY SUSPENDEDSERVICE CURRENTLY SUSPENDEDSERVICE CURRENTLY SUSPENDEDSERVICE CURRENTLY SUSPENDEDSERVICE CURRENTLY SUSPENDEDSERVICE CURRENTLY SUSPENDEDMonday–Friday • Daytime Service Southbound to DowntownLeander5:486:176:517:248:048:49——————3:033:434:225:035:45Lakeline6:046:337:077:428:199:039:4410:4311:41—1:432:423:163:564:385:186:00Howard6:156:447:187:538:339:159:5510:5411:5212:541:542:533:274:074:495:286:10Kramer6:226:527:268:018:409:2210:0211:0111:581:012:013:003:284:194:565:356:17Crestview6:296:597:338:088:479:2810:0911:0812:041:082:083:073:454:275:045:426:23Highland6:327:017:368:118:499:3010:1211:1112:061:112:113:103:484:305:075:436:25MLK6:407:097:458:208:569:3510:2011:1912:131:192:183:204:014:395:175:506:32Plaza Saltillo6:467:157:538:289:029:4210:2611:2512:201:252:243:264:074:455:235:576:38Downtown6:497:187:568:319:059:4410:2911:2812:221:282:273:294:104:485:265:596:41P.M. TIMES ARE IN BOLD / LOS HORARIOS PM SE INDICAN EN LETRAS OSCURASMetroRail Modified Schedule Beginning Monday, March 23ADJUSTEDSCHEDULEUPDATESADJUSTEDCOVID-19 RESPONSE Downtown7:007:358:189:4010:3511:3612:351:342:333:113:524:305:065:426:227:18Plaza Saltillo7:027:378:209:4210:3711:3812:371:362:353:133:544:325:085:446:247:20MLK7:097:458:279:4910:4411:4512:441:432:423:204:014:395:175:516:317:27Highland7:157:518:339:5510:5111:5112:511:512:503:284:094:505:245:586:387:34Crestview7:177:548:369:5810:5411:5212:541:542:533:314:124:535:266:006:407:36Kramer7:268:028:4310:0611:0211:581:012:013:003:384:195:005:326:066:467:42Howard7:338:098:5110:1311:0812:041:082:083:073:454:265:085:426:116:537:49Lakeline7:448:229:0310:2511:19—1:192:203:193:574:395:206:026:217:038:00Leander7:578:38—————2:363:354:134:555:356:156:347:188:16Monday–Friday • Daytime Service Northbound from DowntownFREQUENCIES FORROUTES HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED IN RESPONSE TO COVID-19. PLEASE PLAN YOUR TRIP AT CAPMETRO.ORG/PLANNERLorem ipsum| 506 WEST RESIDENTIAL | 05/12/23 | 506 West Ave 1-MILE RADIUS BUS ROUTE TRAIN LINE FUTURE LIGHT RAIL TRANSIT DIAGRAM | 506 WEST RESIDENTIAL | 05/12/23 | OFFICE OFFICE COMMERCIAL OFFICE RESIDENTIAL T T S S E E I I W W O O B B SURFACE SURFACE PARKING PARKING OFFICE OFFICE WEST 6TH STREET F&B / WEST 6TH STREET F&B / ENTERTAINMENT ENTERTAINMENT OFFICE OFFICE PARKING PARKING OFFICE OFFICE W 6TH STREET W 6TH STREET SAMMIE’S SAMMIE’S RESTAURANT RESTAURANT FAVORITE FAVORITE PIZZA PIZZA K K E E E E R R L C L C A A O O H H S S PROJECT SITE PROJECT SITE (2 SINGLE STORY (2 SINGLE STORY RESTAURANTS + SURFACE RESTAURANTS + SURFACE PARKING) PARKING) AUSTIN CITY LOFTS AUSTIN CITY LOFTS W 5 T H S T R E E T W 5 T H S T R E E T WEST 6TH STREET F&B / WEST 6TH STREET F&B / ENTERTAINMENT ENTERTAINMENT 5th & WEST 5th & WEST APARTMENTS APARTMENTS E E V V A A T T S S E E W W VET CLINIC VET CLINIC & & PET STORE PET STORE DEHY DEHY (RETAIL) (RETAIL) UNOCCUPIED UNOCCUPIED COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL LOTLOT PARKING PARKING THE MONARCH THE MONARCH PARKING PARKING 404 RIO GRANDE 404 RIO GRANDE APARTMENTS APARTMENTS F&B + FOODTRUCK LOT F&B + FOODTRUCK LOT SITE- NEIGHBORING USES - EXISTING CONDITIONS | 506 WEST RESIDENTIAL | 05/12/23 | " 0 1 - ' 7 " 0 - ' 4 2 N W O R C Y T N E M A I I I L A T N E D S E R S L E V E L 5 3 " 8 - ' 8 9 3 . P Y T F T F " 0 1 - ' 0 1 S L E V E L 0 1 " 6 - ' 3 0 1 I G N K R A P . G A . " 8 / 3 0 - ' 3 2 " 6 - ' 7 Y B B O L E D A R G L L A T " 8 - ' 4 6 5 I L E V E L D E P U C C O T S A L O T " 9 - ' 2 3 5 RETAIL RESIDENTIAL AMENITY GARAGE BOH NORTH ELEVATION PROGRAM SUMMARY Retail: 2,480 SF Residential Apartment: 460, 129 SF Common Areas:32,451 SF Total Units: 359 Total FAR GSF: 492, 707SF SITE AREA Site Area: 24,764SF Current FAR Limitation (by-right - Based on CBD zoning approval): 198,112 SF* (8:1 FAR) Maximum FAR Limitation (w/Density Bonus) = 371,460 SF (15:1 FAR) Bonus Area (Administrative Approval) = 173,348 SF Total Proposed Square Footage (FAR): 492,707 SF (19.9:1 FAR) Bonus Area (City Council Approval) = 123,820 SF FAR Requested = 20:1 Total Bonus Area (Admin and City Council Approval) = 297,168 SF *The calculations above are contingent upon City Council approval of zoning case No. C14- 2022-0102 which proposes rezoning the property from DMU to CBD. CROWN7' - 10"AMENITY24' - 0"10'-10" FTF TYP.398' - 8" 35 LEVELS RESIDENTIALA.G. PARKING103' - 6" 10 LEVELSLOBBY23' - 0 3/8"GRADE7' - 6"532' - 9" TO LAST OCCUPIED LEVEL564' - 8" TALL| 506 WEST RESIDENTIAL | 05/12/23 | PLANS | 506 WEST RESIDENTIAL | 05/12/23 | AWU INT 617 G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G T G G G G G G 5030 AWU INT 618 G G G W W G W W W W W W W W W W W W 0 10' 20' SCALE: 1" = 10' LEGEND EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR PROPOSED MINOR CONTOUR PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR 834 835 BOUNDARY EASEMENT FLOODPLAIN CREEK CENTERLINE TREE TO REMAIN EXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVED RECORD INFORMATION LIGHT POLE GROUND LIGHT POWER POLE DOWN GUY TELEPHONE MANHOLE WATER MANHOLE WATER LINE MARKER UNDERGROUND CABLE MARKER UNDERGROUND GAS LINE MARKER UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE MARKER GAS RISER TELEPHONE RISER SPRINKLER CONTROL BOX SWITCH GEAR & PAD TRANSFORMER (SIZE VARIES) WATER METER VAULT (SIZE VARIES) FIRE HYDRANT WATER VALVE WATER METER CABLE TV RISER ELECTRIC BOX ELECTRIC METER GAS METER GAS VALVE TRAFFIC CONTROL BOX TRAFFIC SIGNAL POST GRATE INLET CURB INLET (SIZE VARIES) STORMSEWER LINE WATER LINE FIRE LINE WASTEWATER LINE SINGLE WATER SERVICE GAS LINE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE OVERHEAD ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE UNDERGROUND CABLE AND INTERNET TELECOMMUNICATIONS LINE ELECTRIC MANHOLE (SIZE VARIES) WASTEWATER MANHOLE (SIZE VARIES) STORMSEWER MANHOLE (SIZE VARIES) TELEPHONE MANHOLE (SIZE VARIES) WASTEWATER CLEANOUT WIRE FENCE WOOD FENCE CHAIN LINK FENCE CURB & GUTTER EDGE OF PAVEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALKS REMOVE / TRANSPLANT TRANSPLANT TRANSPLANT TRANSPLANT REMOVE REMOVE / TRANSPLANT REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE NOT IN USE 15" CHINABERMRY 12" SYCAMORE 8" ASH 12" WILLOW 12" ASH 14" ASH 11" HACKBERRY 13" AMERICAN ELM 13" WILLOW (APROX) 16" WILLOW 10" ASH 8" ASH 8" ASH 13" WILLOW 15" AMERICAN ELM 8" AMERICAN ELM 14" WILLOW 8" WILLOW 23" WILLOW 26" PECAN (APROX) 4 33 TMH WTRMH CMKR GMKR UGTM GRSR TRSR SPC X 5031 5032 5033 5034 5010 5011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 5020 5021 5022 5023 5024 5025 5026 5027 5028 5029 5030 12" LIVE OAK REMOVE TREE 5034 HAS BEEN APPROVED FOR REMOVAL PER TREE REMOVAL PERMIT #________ T G G G SITE TREE LIST NUMBER DESCRIPTION 38" PECAN 31" PECON 24" PECAN 40" PECAN OFF SITE TREE LIST NUMBER DESCRIPTION (500-5009) E T A D Y B N O I S I V E R . O N Know what's below. E N A L R E M R A P T S E W 1 0 2 4 0 0 1 E T I U S , C G N I D L I U B 7 2 7 8 7 S A X E T , N I T S U A 6 9 6 6 . 2 7 8 . 2 1 5 M O C . N E E R G R H R 1 0 1 4 9 1 0 1 : O N S L P B T 4 8 3 6 1 : O N E P B T ® 4/22/2022 S A X E T , Y T N U O C S I V A R T , N I T S U A RM AH NCB NCB DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY: SHEET 4 SP-2022-0092C 33 of CBD-CO RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY BOUNDARY T T T T T T T T DMU RESTAURANT PROPERTY BOUNDARY 5029 5028 5027 5026 5025 5015 5013 5014 PROPERTY BOUNDARY 5016 5017 5031 5034 5011 5012 5010 5033 5032 5018 5020 i j c v o n e s u h a , M A 6 5 : 9 , 2 2 0 2 , 2 2 l i r p A , I I S N O T D N O C G N T S X E I I , g w d . N O C X _ 7 1 2 0 0 2 h s \ s n a P D A C A _ 3 0 \ e c i f f \ l O e u n e v A t s e W 6 0 5 - 7 1 0 . 2 0 3 4 1 2 \ s 0 0 0 1 2 \ : Q EXISTING CONDITIONS | 506 WEST RESIDENTIAL | 05/12/23 | Legend FloodPro Fully Developed Floodplain COA Fully Developed 25-Year COA Fully Developed 100-Year 100-Year (Shallow-AO,AH) EXISTING CONDITIONS This custom map was created with FloodPro and is for informational purposes only. It is not intended for or suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative locations of property boundaries. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding the specific accuracy or completeness of the map. Final determination of floodplain status for a property must be based on topographic survey by a Texas registered professional. For regulatory purposes, floodplain elevations must be determined from an engineering model created in accordance with the Drainage Criteria Manual and approved by the City of Austin. 0 350 700 ft 2/7/2023 City of Austin FloodPro Map| 506 WEST RESIDENTIAL | 05/12/23 | HERITAGE PECAN TREE OPEN SPACE (1,910 SF) PATIO W/ SEATING (780 SF) COMMERCIAL (2,480 SF) LOBBY LEVEL RESIDENT ACCESS BACK OF HOUSE RETAIL LANDSCAPE AREAS CONTINUOUS PEDESTRIAN SIDEWALK HERITAGE PECAN TREE STREET TREE BICYCLE RACKS NO ACCESS STREET CAFE (127 SF) PATIO W/ SEATING (200 SF) PATIO W/ SEATING (360 SF) STREET LEVEL CAFE LEVEL 01 LOBBY RESIDENT AND GUEST VEHICLE ENTRY DEDICATED FIRE LANE PEDESTRIAN BENCHES STREET TREE STREET LIGHT WASTE BIN LOCAL ARTIST MURAL E V A T S E W ” 0 - ’ 5 2 T U C B R U C CONTINUOUS PEDESTRIAN SIDEWALK ” 0 - ’ 5 2 E N A L E R F I Y L N O Y R T N E LEVEL 02 (P1)23' -4"LEVEL 36 (UPPER AMENITY)394' -9"LEVEL 14154' -11"LEVEL 13144' -1"LEVEL 12 (LOWER AMENITY)133' -3"LEVEL 05 (P6)54' -9"LEVEL 03 (P2)33' -1"LEVEL 48 (POOL DECK)532' -3"LEVEL 01 (LOBBY LEVEL)473' -10"LEVEL 11 (P10)119' -9"| 506 WEST RESIDENTIAL | 05/12/23 | HERITAGE TREE VIEWS BUILDING ENTRY SEATING BIKE PARKING PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION (SITE) PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION (PUBLIC) BIKE / MULTIMODAL CIRCULATION VEHICULAR CIRCULATION STREETSCAPE ACTIVATION DIAGRAM HERITAGE TREE GARAGE ENTRY FIRE LANE RETAIL BELOW E V A T S E W | 506 WEST RESIDENTIAL | 05/12/23 | R O T A V E L E Y B B O L MEP LEVEL 02 (P1) LEVEL 02 (P1)23' -4"LEVEL 36 (UPPER AMENITY)394' -9"LEVEL 14154' -11"LEVEL 13144' -1"LEVEL 12 (LOWER AMENITY)133' -3"LEVEL 05 (P6)54' -9"LEVEL 03 (P2)33' -1"LEVEL 48 (POOL DECK)532' -3"LEVEL 01 (LOBBY LEVEL)473' -10"LEVEL 11 (P10)119' -9"| 506 WEST RESIDENTIAL | 05/12/23 | R O T A V E L E Y B B O L MEP LEVEL 03-10 (P2-P9 TYPICAL) LEVEL 02 (P1)23' -4"LEVEL 36 (UPPER AMENITY)394' -9"LEVEL 14154' -11"LEVEL 13144' -1"LEVEL 12 (LOWER AMENITY)133' -3"LEVEL 05 (P6)54' -9"LEVEL 03 (P2)33' -1"LEVEL 48 (POOL DECK)532' -3"LEVEL 01 (LOBBY LEVEL)473' -10"LEVEL 11 (P10)119' -9"| 506 WEST RESIDENTIAL | 05/12/23 | OUTDOOR AMENITY COWORKING AMENITY DOG WASH BALCONY R O T A V E L E Y B B O L ELEC. 2BR 3BR RESTROOM RESTROOM RESTROOM 3BR 3BR 2BR RESIDENT AMENITY (INDOOR) - 3645 SF RESIDENT AMENITY (OUTDOOR) - 3972 SF BACK OF HOUSE RESIDENCES LEVEL 12 (LOWER AMENITY) LEVEL 02 (P1)23' -4"LEVEL 36 (UPPER AMENITY)394' -9"LEVEL 14154' -11"LEVEL 13144' -1"LEVEL 12 (LOWER AMENITY)133' -3"LEVEL 05 (P6)54' -9"LEVEL 03 (P2)33' -1"LEVEL 48 (POOL DECK)532' -3"LEVEL 01 (LOBBY LEVEL)473' -10"LEVEL 11 (P10)119' -9"| 506 WEST RESIDENTIAL | 05/12/23 | OPEN TO BELOW R O T A V E L E Y B B O L ELEC. 3BD 3BD OPEN TO BELOW 3BD 3BD 3BD RESIDENT AMENITY BELOW BACK OF HOUSE RESIDENCES LEVEL 13 LEVEL 02 (P1)23' -4"LEVEL 36 (UPPER AMENITY)394' -9"LEVEL 14154' -11"LEVEL 13144' -1"LEVEL 12 (LOWER AMENITY)133' -3"LEVEL 05 (P6)54' -9"LEVEL 03 (P2)33' -1"LEVEL 48 (POOL DECK)532' -3"LEVEL 01 (LOBBY LEVEL)473' -10"LEVEL 11 (P10)119' -9"| 506 WEST RESIDENTIAL | 05/12/23 | 1BR 1BR 1BR 1BR 1BR 2BR R O T A V E L E Y B B O L ELEC. 2BR STUDIO ? ? 1BR 1BR 1BR STUDIO 1BR BACK OF HOUSE RESIDENCES LEVEL 14 LEVEL 02 (P1)23' -4"LEVEL 36 (UPPER AMENITY)394' -9"LEVEL 14154' -11"LEVEL 13144' -1"LEVEL 12 (LOWER AMENITY)133' -3"LEVEL 05 (P6)54' -9"LEVEL 03 (P2)33' -1"LEVEL 48 (POOL DECK)532' -3"LEVEL 01 (LOBBY LEVEL)473' -10"LEVEL 11 (P10)119' -9"| 506 WEST RESIDENTIAL | 05/12/23 | OUTDOOR AMENITY R O T A V E L E Y B B O L TRASH MEP AMENITY ? 3BR 3BR 3BR 3BR 3BR 3BR RESIDENT AMENITY (INDOOR) - 1779 SF RESIDENT AMENITY (OUTDOOR) - 5525 SF BACK OF HOUSE RESIDENCES LEVEL 36 LEVEL 02 (P1)23' -4"LEVEL 36 (UPPER AMENITY)394' -9"LEVEL 14154' -11"LEVEL 13144' -1"LEVEL 12 (LOWER AMENITY)133' -3"LEVEL 05 (P6)54' -9"LEVEL 03 (P2)33' -1"LEVEL 48 (POOL DECK)532' -3"LEVEL 01 (LOBBY LEVEL)473' -10"LEVEL 11 (P10)119' -9"| 506 WEST RESIDENTIAL | 05/12/23 | OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE AMENITY RESTROOM R O T A V E L E Y B B O L RESTROOM TRASH MEP YOGA GYM MEP RESTROOM ELEC. RESTROOM OUTDOOR LOUNGE POOL CATWALK ABOVE RESIDENT AMENITY (INDOOR)- 2080 SF RESIDENT AMENITY (OUTDOOR)- 8252 SF BACK OF HOUSE RESIDENCES POOL DECK - ROOFTOP AMENITY LEVEL 02 (P1)23' -4"LEVEL 36 (UPPER AMENITY)394' -9"LEVEL 14154' -11"LEVEL 13144' -1"LEVEL 12 (LOWER AMENITY)133' -3"LEVEL 05 (P6)54' -9"LEVEL 03 (P2)33' -1"LEVEL 48 (POOL DECK)532' -3"LEVEL 01 (LOBBY LEVEL)473' -10"LEVEL 11 (P10)119' -9"| 506 WEST RESIDENTIAL | 05/12/23 | " 0 1 - ' 7 " 0 - ' 4 2 N W O R C Y T N E M A I " 3 - ' 5 2 5 Y B B O L I L E V E L D E P U C C O T S A L O T " 9 - ' 2 3 5 BUILDING ELEVATIONS EAST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION CROWN7' - 10"AMENITY24' - 0"10'-10" FTF TYP.398' - 8" 35 LEVELS RESIDENTIALA.G. PARKING103' - 6" 10 LEVELSLOBBY23' - 0 3/8"GRADE7' - 6"532' - 9" TO LAST OCCUPIED LEVEL564' - 8" TALLCROWN7' - 10"AMENITY24' - 0"10'-10" FTF TYP.398' - 8" 35 LEVELS RESIDENTIALA.G. PARKING103' - 6" 10 LEVELSLOBBY23' - 0 3/8"GRADE7' - 6"532' - 9" TO LAST OCCUPIED LEVEL564' - 8" TALL| 506 WEST RESIDENTIAL | 05/12/23 | VIEW FROM NORTH EAST VIEW FROM 6TH AND WEST | 506 WEST RESIDENTIAL | 05/12/23 | VIEW FROM NORTH WEST | 506 WEST RESIDENTIAL | 05/12/23 | GROUND LEVEL CONCEPT RENDERINGS | 506 WEST RESIDENTIAL | 05/12/23 | VIEW FROM WEST AVE MURAL ART COURTESY OF EMILY EISENHART | 506 WEST RESIDENTIAL | 05/12/23 | | 506 WEST RESIDENTIAL | 05/12/23 | | 506 WEST RESIDENTIAL | 05/12/23 | 506 WEST RESIDENTIAL URBAN DESIGN GUIDELINES MATRIX AREAWIDE URBAN GUIDELINES # DESIGN GUIDELINE MET DISCUSSION AW.1 Create dense development YES The project is requesting additional density through the Downtown Density Bonus Program to increase density to an FAR of 20:1. AW.2 Create mixed-use development YES 506 West Residential will consist of approximately 359 residential dwelling units 2,480 SF of commercial space, 127 SF street café, 356 SF of public patio adjacent to West Avenue, 780 SF of patio and 1,910 SF of green space adjacent to Shoal Creek. AW.3 Limit development which closes downtown streets YES No existing streets will be permanently closed because of the project. AW.4 Buffer neighborhood edges N/A The project is located within the Central Business District and does not border any existing residential neighborhoods. AW.5 Incorporate civic art in both public and private development YES The project will incorporate exterior artwork throughout the project which will include a mural(s) on the building façade and additional artwork within the lobby visible from West Avenue. AW.6 Protect important public views N/A 506 West Residential will not impact any protected view corridors, since this project is already surrounded by high rises. In addition the project will incorporate a 780 SF patio that overlooks Shoal Creek and a 1,910 SF green space thereby protecting and enhancing this view shed. AW.7 Avoid historical misrepresentations YES The proposed building will be designed with modern materials to create a contemporary building and does not attempt to mimic past historical architectural styles. MET N/A There are no significant historically zoned building located adjacent to the project. DISCUSSION # AW.8 Respect adjacent historical buildings DESIGN GUIDELINE AW.9 {W1229810.1} Acknowledge that rooftops are seen from other buildings and the street YES 506 West Residential will include a rooftop pool/amenity deck. Additionally, all mechanical equipment will be screened from view. AW.10 Avoid the development of theme environments YES 506 West Residential is not a theme environment and does not mock or caricature past imaginary places. AW.11 Recycle existing building stock YES To the extent possible, 506 West Residential will salvage portions of the existing building stock, including steel canopy structure and interior bar. # DESIGN GUIDELINE MET DISCUSSION GUIDELINES FOR THE PUBLIC STREETSCAPE PS.1 Protect the pedestrian where the building meets the street YES PS.2 Minimize curb cuts YES 506 West Residential will provide street-tree coverage consistent with Great Streets standards along West Avenue to provide overhead cover within the pedestrian realm. In addition, the project will provide two shaded ground-floor patio spaces and garden areas, including 356 SF of public patio adjacent to West Avenue, 780 SF of patio and 1,910 SF of green space adjacent to Shoal Creek. There will be a change in paving to indicate where vehicular traffic is entering/exiting the building, and the entry to the parking garage is now located towards the rear of the site to allow traffic to slow before approaching the sidewalk along with signage to alert pedestrians and vehicular traffic. The project proposes two curb cuts along West Avenue to comply with the Fire Access Code and provide on-site circulation. The curb cut dedicated to the fire lane will be closed with automatic bollards and only be used in the event of a fire, leaving the site with only one primary curb cut for daily use. This dedicated fire lane will use a distinct grass pave system to further differentiate it from the main curb cut, and create a better pedestrian experience. {W1229810.1} DESIGN GUIDELINES Respect adjacent historical AW.8 buildings Acknowledge that rooftops are AW.9 seen from other buildings and YES the street N/A There are no significant historically zoned building located adjacent to the project. 506 West Residential will include a rooftop pool/amenity deck. Additionally, all mechanical equipment will be screened from view. AW.10 Avoid the development of theme environments YES places. 506 West Residential is not a theme environment and does not mock or caricature past imaginary AW.11 Recycle existing building stock YES To the extent possible, 506 West Residential will salvage portions of the existing building stock, including steel canopy structure and interior bar. # DESIGN GUIDELINE MET DISCUSSION GUIDELINES FOR THE PUBLIC STREETSCAPE PS.1 Protect the pedestrian where the building meets the street YES PS.2 Minimize curb cuts YES PS.3 PS.3 # {W1229810.1} # Create a potential for two-way streets Create a potential for two-way streets DESIGN GUIDELINE N/A N/A MET DESIGN GUIDELINE MET PS.4 Reinforce pedestrian activity YES PS.4 Reinforce pedestrian activity YES 506 West Residential will provide street-tree coverage consistent with Great Streets standards along West Avenue to provide overhead cover within the pedestrian realm. In addition, the project will provide two shaded ground-floor patio spaces and garden areas, including 356 SF of public patio adjacent to West Avenue, 780 SF of patio and 1,910 SF of green space adjacent to Shoal Creek. There will be a change in paving to indicate where vehicular traffic is entering/exiting the building, and the entry to the parking garage is now located towards the rear of the site to allow traffic to slow before approaching the sidewalk along with signage to alert pedestrians and vehicular traffic. The project proposes two curb cuts along West Avenue to comply with the Fire Access Code and provide on-site circulation. The curb cut dedicated to the fire lane will be closed with automatic bollards and only be used in the event of a fire, leaving the site with only one primary curb cut for daily use. This dedicated fire lane will use a distinct grass pave system to further differentiate it from the main curb cut, and create a better pedestrian experience. All driveways are designed perpendicular to the right-of-way to allow for two-way traffic flow along West Avenue. All driveways are designed perpendicular to the right-of-way to allow for two-way traffic flow along West Avenue. DISCUSSION DISCUSSION Given the impacts of the flood plain and the code requirements for development within the flood plain, the project is limited in its ability to provide active streetscape improvements. In addition Given the impacts of the flood plain and the code requirements for development within the flood to the implementation of Great Streets along West Avenue to encourage and reinforce pedestrian plain, the project is limited in its ability to provide active streetscape improvements. In addition activity, the project will provide 127 SF street café at ground level. Additionally, above the flood to the implementation of Great Streets along West Avenue to encourage and reinforce pedestrian plain level there will be 2,480 SF dedicated to commercial space, a 356 SF balcony/patio facing activity, the project will provide 127 SF street café at ground level. Additionally, above the flood West Avenue, and a 780 SF patio facing Shoal Creek, accessible from the commercial space. plain level there will be 2,480 SF dedicated to commercial space, a 356 SF balcony/patio facing From the commercial space visitors will also be able to access 1,910 SF of green space along the West Avenue, and a 780 SF patio facing Shoal Creek, accessible from the commercial space. west property line adjacent to Shoal Creek. From the commercial space visitors will also be able to access 1,910 SF of green space along the west property line adjacent to Shoal Creek. PS.5 Enhance key transit stops N/A There are no existing transit stops located on the property. PS.5 Enhance key transit stops N/A There are no existing transit stops located on the property. PS.6 Enhance the streetscape PS.6 Enhance the streetscape PS.7 PS.7 Avoid conflicts between pedestrians and utility Avoid conflicts between equipment pedestrians and utility equipment PS.8 Install street trees PS.8 Install street trees PS.9 Provide pedestrian-scaled lighting {W1229810.1} {W1229810.1} YES YES YES YES YES YES YES 506 West Residential will improve existing conditions by implementing Great Streets standards and provide key streetscape improvements along West Avenue, including benches, street trees, 506 West Residential will improve existing conditions by implementing Great Streets standards bike racks and trash receptacles. and provide key streetscape improvements along West Avenue, including benches, street trees, bike racks and trash receptacles. All above grade utility equipment is proposed to be located within the 8-ft furnishing zone along West Avenue. The Austin Energy vaults require street access per City Code and have been All above grade utility equipment is proposed to be located within the 8-ft furnishing zone along located to the south of the site away from the lobby frontage to maximize the amount of West Avenue. The Austin Energy vaults require street access per City Code and have been uninterrupted pedestrian activity on the northern portion of the property towards the intersection located to the south of the site away from the lobby frontage to maximize the amount of of West 6th Street and West Avenue. This project also proposes a mural on the AE Vault to uninterrupted pedestrian activity on the northern portion of the property towards the intersection enhance pedestrian engagement and activation in the area. of West 6th Street and West Avenue. This project also proposes a mural on the AE Vault to enhance pedestrian engagement and activation in the area. Street trees will be provided along West Avenue in accordance with Great Streets Standards. Per the landscape plans, three (3) Texas Red Oaks are proposed along West Avenue. Additionally Street trees will be provided along West Avenue in accordance with Great Streets Standards. Per two (2) existing heritage trees on-site will be transplanted to other locations of the property and the landscape plans, three (3) Texas Red Oaks are proposed along West Avenue. Additionally incorporated into the Project. two (2) existing heritage trees on-site will be transplanted to other locations of the property and incorporated into the Project. Appropriately scaled sidewalk lighting will be installed along West Avenue in accordance with Great Streets Standards. Additionally, building lighting will be provided at the canopies of the building to promote pedestrian safety at the street level and complement the Great Streets lighting. PS.10 Provide protection from cars/promote curbside parking YES The 8-ft street tree/furniture zone will create a buffer between pedestrians from vehicular traffic and will include improvements such as benches, trash receptacles, bike rakes, and street lights. Additionally landscaped zones consisting of Softleaf Yuccas and Mexican Feather Grass will be provided along West Avenue to separate the street curb from the pedestrian traffic areas. Paving will be differentiated between pedestrian and vehicular zones. PS.11 Screen mechanical and utility equipment YES All mechanical and utility equipment will be screened from view. PS.12 Provide generous street-level windows YES While the flood plain restricts the building from being at street level, the project will have floor- to-floor glazing along the public frontages of the building that allows a visual connection into the residential lobby and the commercial space to promote a visually active streetscape. Since there is a high ground level to second level floor-to-floor height, the windows along the ground floor should provide sufficient visual openings. PS.13 Install pedestrian-friendly materials at street level YES Pedestrian-friendly materials such as sidewalk pavers, site seating, and decorative street tree planters per Great Streets Standards will be incorporated in this project. # DESIGN GUIDELINE MET DISCUSSION GUIDELINES FOR PLAZAS AND OPEN SPACE PZ.1 Treat the four squares with special consideration N/A The property is not adjacent to any of downtown Austin’s four squares. {W1229810.1} | 506 WEST RESIDENTIAL | 05/12/23 | GUIDELINES FOR PLAZAS AND OPEN SPACE GUIDELINES FOR BUILDINGS # DESIGN GUIDELINE MET DISCUSSION # DESIGN GUIDELINE MET DISCUSSION PZ.1 Treat the four squares with special consideration N/A The property is not adjacent to any of downtown Austin’s four squares. B.1 Build to the street YES The first two levels of the building step back slightly from the property line to extend the sidewalk and allow for additional pedestrian traffic flow in the area. Apart from the south property line, the rest of the building (Level 3 and above) is built up to the property line. Provide pedestrian-scaled PS.9 lighting YES Great Streets Standards. Additionally, building lighting will be provided at the canopies of the building to promote pedestrian safety at the street level and complement the Great Streets Appropriately scaled sidewalk lighting will be installed along West Avenue in accordance with lighting. PS.10 Provide protection from cars/promote curbside parking The 8-ft street tree/furniture zone will create a buffer between pedestrians from vehicular traffic and will include improvements such as benches, trash receptacles, bike rakes, and street lights. YES Additionally landscaped zones consisting of Softleaf Yuccas and Mexican Feather Grass will be provided along West Avenue to separate the street curb from the pedestrian traffic areas. Paving will be differentiated between pedestrian and vehicular zones. Screen mechanical and utility PS.11 equipment YES All mechanical and utility equipment will be screened from view. Provide generous street-level PS.12 windows While the flood plain restricts the building from being at street level, the project will have floor- to-floor glazing along the public frontages of the building that allows a visual connection into YES the residential lobby and the commercial space to promote a visually active streetscape. Since there is a high ground level to second level floor-to-floor height, the windows along the ground floor should provide sufficient visual openings. PS.13 Install pedestrian-friendly materials at street level YES Pedestrian-friendly materials such as sidewalk pavers, site seating, and decorative street tree planters per Great Streets Standards will be incorporated in this project. PZ.2 Contribute to an open space network YES {W1229810.1} The pedestrian realm along West Avenue will be designed in accordance with Great Streets Standards and will include wide sidewalks, benches, bike racks. The commercial space and additional outdoor patio along the north side of the ground level provide a connection to Shoal Creek. PZ.3 Emphasize connections to parks and greenways YES PZ.4 Incorporate open space into residential development YES The pedestrian realm along West Avenue will be designed in accordance with Great Streets Standards and will include wide sidewalks, benches, bike racks, and canopy trees that interconnect to form a larger network of paths linking to the local parks, the waterfront, and other attractions within the Central Business District. The commercial space and additional outdoor patio along the north side of the building provide a connection to Shoal Creek. The project will have several landscaped amenity terraces on the Level 12, Level 36 and the rooftop level for the residential tenants of the building. These terraces will include residential amenities such as an outdoor kitchen and lounge, outdoor pool, gardens and a dog run. At the rooftop, a sky lounge, gym and pool deck will include terraces overlooking the Austin skyline with views of the lake. There is also an open green space located under the heritage pecan tree along Shoal Creek at ground level. PZ.5 Develop green roofs YES The outdoor rooftop amenity decks will be landscaped with planting beds, including intensive green roof planters for a portion of the terrace. Additionally, roof pavers will help reduce urban heat island effect. PZ.6 Provide plazas in high use areas N/A The space between the sidewalk and building setback will be a high trafficked publicly visible and accessible area. PZ.7 Determine plaza function, size, and activity YES The street café area is designed to accommodate outdoor seating in a shaded space approximately 356 SF in size, with seating and planting. The street café area will also accommodate bike users as they circulate into the space and give a location to lock their bikes. An additional 780 SF exterior patio is located above Shoal Creek to provide a visual connection to the creek. In addition, visitors will also be able to access 1,910 SF of green space along the west property line adjacent to Shoal Creek. PZ.8 Respond to the microclimate in plaza design YES Based on solar geometry of adjacent structures and the overhang above, the street café area and the outdoor patios will be very shaded. Plant selections will also be selected for shady conditions. {W1229810.1} PZ.9 Consider views, circulation, boundaries, and subspaces in plaza design YES The street café area and grand stairs are designed to provide views into the seating area from West Ave that will be inviting and draw the public into the space. The paving and architecture along with signage will indicate to pedestrians that there are publicly accessible uses in the street café area. PZ.10 Provide an appropriate amount of plaza seating YES The street café and creek patio area can accommodate seating appropriate and proportional to potential food and beverage offerings in the space. PZ.11 Provide visual and spatial complexity in public spaces The meandering stair entry from West Ave, and the architectural pavers and planting layered against them will provide an engaging experience for users of the street café space. A backdrop of local art is planned as a focal element as well. PZ.12 Use plants to enliven urban spaces Street trees and plantings have been included along West Ave as part of the Great Streets program and along with fully planted beds between the clear zone and the curb at the face of the building. Planting along the entry stair will soften and buffer the street cafe experience. YES YES PZ.13 Provide interactive civic art and fountains in plazas YES A space for civic art is planned as a backdrop and visual focal element of the street café and commercial space. {W1229810.1} PZ.14 Provide food service for plaza participants YES The project will provide 2,480 SF of interior commercial space with a minimum of 1,000 SF exterior space reserved for tables and seating. PZ.15 Increase safety in plazas through wayfinding, lighting, and visibility YES Overhead and landscape accent lighting will be provided to create a comfortable and safe space. PZ.16 Consider plaza operations and maintenance YES The commercial areas will be programmed and maintained by the Owners’ Building Management Team. Paving and planting materials are being selected with durability and ease of maintenance in mind. {W1229810.1} DESIGN GUIDELINES B.2 Provide multi-tenant, pedestrian-oriented development at the street level YES 506 West Residential will be occupied by a single tenant. However, the project will incorporate a street café located at street level which will be open to the public and encourage pedestrian activity in the area. In addition to the street café the project will include 2,480 SF of commercial space and 780 SF of exterior patio space. B.3 Accentuate primary entrances YES B.4 Encourage the inclusion of local character YES The primary entrance will be accentuated both through building architecture and landscape features. A grand stair with generous plantings will pull people off of the street and onto the lobby level. The street level of the building is also recessed slightly off of the sidewalk to create a “front porch” to further distinguish the entrance. Artwork will be commissioned by local artists will be incorporated within the building as well as commissioned to create murals on a large portion of the building façade. We will also be using locally sourced materials through the building. Efforts will be made to include locally sourced stone and plants for the landscape. The deep overhangs on the public and amenity spaces on the building work to provide microclimates and respite to the sun. B.5 Control on-site parking YES {W1229810.1} An interior parking garage is located above the ground floor and is intended primarily for building residents. The garage parking will be screened so that cars are not visible from adjacent buildings or the street and neighbors are not adversely affected by headlights. B.6 Create quality construction YES B.7 Create buildings with human scale YES The project will be constructed to current building construction codes, laws, and standards and will achieve a minimum 2-star Austin Energy Green Building rating for superior energy efficiency. High quality construction materials will be used, with a preference for locally sourced products. Experienced contractors will construct with a goal for long building life- span. The project is designed to the human scale, with various floor-to-floor heights corresponding to the different program elements within the buildings. The overall massing of the building is divided into smaller volumes to break up the scale of the building. The recessed lobby at the ground floor helps bring the building experience at the street level to a human scale. High quality materials and detailing at the street level also create a material connection with the tenants and pedestrians interacting with the building. | 506 WEST RESIDENTIAL | 05/12/23 |