04-24-2023 Meeting Minutes Approved 05-22-2023 — original pdf
Approved Minutes

DESIGN COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, APRIL 24, 2023 The Design Commission convened in a regular meeting on Monday, April 24, 2023, at the Permitting and Development Center located at 6310 Wilhelmina Delco, Room 1405 in Austin, Texas. Chair Weaver called the Design Commission Meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance: Jen Weaver, Chair Josue Meiners, Vice Chair Ben Anstead David Carroll Conners Ladner Ben Luckens Marissa McKinney Jon Salinas Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Evan Taniguchi Bart Whatley Commissioner Taniguchi joined the meeting at 6:30 p.m. Commissioner Whatley joined the meeting at 6:33 p.m. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. 1 Approve the minutes of the Design Commission Special Called meeting on April 13, 2023. The minutes from the meeting on 04/13/2023 were approved on Commissioner Carroll’s motion, Vice Chair Meiners’ second on an 8-0 vote. Commissioner Taniguchi and Commissioner Whatley were off the dais. Commissioner Rollason was absent. 3. 4. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 2. Discussion and possible action on whether the project Canyon Creek Fire/EMS Station, located at 9804 North FM 620, complies with the City Design and Sustainability Standards. Presented by Cris Ruebush and Charles Meyer, PGAL. The motion that the project Canyon Creek Fire/EMS Station, located at 9804 North FM 620, complies with the City Design and Sustainability Standards was approved on Chair Weaver’s motion, Vice Chair Meiners’ second on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Rollason was absent. Discussion and possible action on whether the project Hilton Dual Brand Hotel, located at 415 Lavaca Street, complies with the Urban Design Guidelines for the City of Austin in accordance with Land Development Code § 25-2-586 (C)(1)(a)(ii). Presented by Michael Whellan, Armburst and Brown, PLLC, Alexandria Campbell, DLR Group, and Victoria Freeman, Nudge Design. The motion that the project Hilton Dual Brand Hotel, located at 415 Lavaca Street, complies with the Urban Design Guidelines for the City of Austin in accordance with Land Development Code § 25-2-586 (C)(1)(a)(ii) was approved with the following modifications: • Change pavers at the driveway to alert pedestrians they are potentially crossing traffic, • Incorporate civic art in the right of way or public spaces, specifically something that references the Mexican American Heritage Corridor – size and location should be indicated, Vice Chair Meiners made the following friendly amendment: • Encourage the activation of the first and second floors to include indoor and Commissioner Carroll made the following friendly amendment: • Increase visibility of vehicles for pedestrian interaction at the alley. outdoor usage, and The motion was approved with the friendly amendments on motion by Chair Weaver, seconded by Commissioner McKinney on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Rollason was absent. Discussion and possible action on whether the project 14th and Lavaca, located at 301 West 14th Street, complies with the Urban Design Guidelines for the City of Austin in accordance with Land Development Code § 25-2-586 (C)(1)(a)(ii). Presented by Leah Bojo, Drenner Group, PC, Lisa Biel, STG Design, and Preston Frankstone, Campbell Architecture. The motion that the project 14th and Lavaca, located at 301 West 14th Street, does not comply with the Urban Design Guidelines for the City of Austin in accordance with Land Development Code § 25-2-586 (C)(1)(a)(ii) failed due to lack of a second. Commissioner Luckens made the motion. The motion that the project 14th and Lavaca, located at 301 West 14th Street, complies with the Urban Design Guidelines for the City of Austin in accordance with Land 2 5. 6. 7. Development Code § 25-2-586 (C)(1)(a)(ii) failed on Vice Chair Meiners’ motion, Commissioner Ladner second on a 2-7 vote. Those members voting aye were: Vice Chair Meiners and Commissioner Ladner. Those members voting nay were: Chair Weaver, Commissioner Anstead, Commissioner Carroll, Commissioner Luckens, Commissioner McKinney, Commissioner Salinas, and Commissioner Taniguchi. Commissioner Whatley was off the dais. Commissioner Rollason was absent. Discussion and possible action to consider a recommendation to support the elimination of parking mandates city-wide. Presented by Adam Greenfield, Austin Parking Reform Coalition. The motion that the Design Commission recommends the removal of parking mandates, city-wide was approved on Chair Weaver’s motion, Vice Chair Meiners’ second, on a 7-2 vote. Those members voting aye were Chair Weaver, Vice Chair Meiners, Commissioner Anstead, Commissioner Carroll, Commissioner McKinney, Commissioner Salinas, and Commissioner Taniguchi. Those voting nay were Commissioner Ladner and Commissioner Luckens. Conduct officer elections for the Chair and Vice Chair. The motion to re-elect Chair Weaver as the Chair to the Design Commission was approved on Commissioner Luckens’ motion, Vice Chair Meiners’ second on a 9-0 vote. Commissioner Whatley was off the dais. Commissioner Rollason was absent. The motion to re-elect Vice Chair Meiners as the Vice Chair to the Design Commission was approved on Chair Weaver’s motion, Commissioner Luckens’ second on a 9-0 vote. Commissioner Whatley was off the dais. Commissioner Rollason was absent. Conduct nominations for the representative for the Joint Sustainability Committee, Downtown Commission, and the South-Central Waterfront Advisory Board. The motion to nominate Commissioner Anstead as the representative to the Downtown Commission was approved on Chair Weaver’s motion, Commissioner Salinas’ second on a 9-0 vote. Commissioner Whatley was off the dais. Commissioner Rollason was absent. The motion to nominate Commissioner Salinas as the representative to the Joint Sustainability Committee was approved on Commissioner Luckens’ motion, Commissioner Ladner’s second on a 9-0 vote. Commissioner Whatley was off the dais. Commissioner Rollason was absent. The motion to nominate Commissioner Ladner as the representative to the South- Central Waterfront Advisory Board was approved on Chair Weaver’s motion, 3 8. 9. 10. 11. Commissioner Salinas’ second on a 9-0 vote. Commissioner Whatley was off the dais. Commissioner Rollason was absent. WORKING GROUP/COMMITTEE UPDATES Update from the Urban Design Guidelines Working Group regarding updates to the guidelines. Update was given by Commissioner Carroll. Update from representative on the Downtown Commission regarding last meeting. Update was given by Chair Weaver. Update from representative on the Joint Sustainability Committee regarding last meeting. Update was given by Commissioner Salinas. Update from representative on the South-Central Waterfront Advisory Board regarding last meeting. Update was given by Chair Weaver. Chair Weaver adjourned the meeting at 9:01 p.m. without objection. The minutes were approved at the 05/22/2023 meeting on Vice Chair Meiners’ motion, Commissioner McKinney’s second on an 8-0 vote. 4