04. 506 West Residential Part 4 — original pdf

506 WEST RESIDENTIAL URBAN DESIGN GUIDELINES MATRIX AREAWIDE URBAN GUIDELINES # DESIGN GUIDELINE MET DISCUSSION AW.1 Create dense development YES The project is requesting additional density through the Downtown Density Bonus Program to increase density to an FAR of 20:1. AW.2 Create mixed-use development YES 506 West Residential will consist of approximately 359 residential dwelling units 2,480 SF of commercial space, 127 SF street café, 356 SF of public patio adjacent to West Avenue, 780 SF of patio and 1,910 SF of green space adjacent to Shoal Creek. AW.3 Limit development which closes downtown streets YES No existing streets will be permanently closed because of the project. AW.4 Buffer neighborhood edges N/A The project is located within the Central Business District and does not border any existing residential neighborhoods. AW.5 Incorporate civic art in both public and private development YES The project will incorporate exterior artwork throughout the project which will include a mural(s) on the building façade and additional artwork within the lobby visible from West Avenue. AW.6 Protect important public views N/A 506 West Residential will not impact any protected view corridors, since this project is already surrounded by high rises. In addition the project will incorporate a 780 SF patio that overlooks Shoal Creek and a 1,910 SF green space thereby protecting and enhancing this view shed. AW.7 Avoid historical misrepresentations YES The proposed building will be designed with modern materials to create a contemporary building and does not attempt to mimic past historical architectural styles. # DESIGN GUIDELINE MET DISCUSSION {W1229810.1} AW.8 Respect adjacent historical buildings AW.9 Acknowledge that rooftops are seen from other buildings and the street N/A There are no significant historically zoned building located adjacent to the project. YES 506 West Residential will include a rooftop pool/amenity deck. Additionally, all mechanical equipment will be screened from view. AW.10 Avoid the development of theme environments YES 506 West Residential is not a theme environment and does not mock or caricature past imaginary places. AW.11 Recycle existing building stock YES To the extent possible, 506 West Residential will salvage portions of the existing building stock, including steel canopy structure and interior bar. # DESIGN GUIDELINE MET DISCUSSION GUIDELINES FOR THE PUBLIC STREETSCAPE PS.1 Protect the pedestrian where the building meets the street YES PS.2 Minimize curb cuts YES 506 West Residential will provide street-tree coverage consistent with Great Streets standards along West Avenue to provide overhead cover within the pedestrian realm. In addition, the project will provide two shaded ground-floor patio spaces and garden areas, including 356 SF of public patio adjacent to West Avenue, 780 SF of patio and 1,910 SF of green space adjacent to Shoal Creek. There will be a change in paving to indicate where vehicular traffic is entering/exiting the building, and the entry to the parking garage is now located towards the rear of the site to allow traffic to slow before approaching the sidewalk along with signage to alert pedestrians and vehicular traffic. The project proposes two curb cuts along West Avenue to comply with the Fire Access Code and provide on-site circulation. The curb cut dedicated to the fire lane will be closed with automatic bollards and only be used in the event of a fire, leaving the site with only one primary curb cut for daily use. This dedicated fire lane will use a distinct grass pave system to further differentiate it from the main curb cut, and create a better pedestrian experience. {W1229810.1} PS.3 Create a potential for two-way streets N/A All driveways are designed perpendicular to the right-of-way to allow for two-way traffic flow along West Avenue. # DESIGN GUIDELINE MET DISCUSSION PS.4 Reinforce pedestrian activity YES Given the impacts of the flood plain and the code requirements for development within the flood plain, the project is limited in its ability to provide active streetscape improvements. In addition to the implementation of Great Streets along West Avenue to encourage and reinforce pedestrian activity, the project will provide 127 SF street café at ground level. Additionally, above the flood plain level there will be 2,480 SF dedicated to commercial space, a 356 SF balcony/patio facing West Avenue, and a 780 SF patio facing Shoal Creek, accessible from the commercial space. From the commercial space visitors will also be able to access 1,910 SF of green space along the west property line adjacent to Shoal Creek. PS.5 Enhance key transit stops N/A There are no existing transit stops located on the property. PS.6 Enhance the streetscape YES 506 West Residential will improve existing conditions by implementing Great Streets standards and provide key streetscape improvements along West Avenue, including benches, street trees, bike racks and trash receptacles. PS.7 Avoid conflicts between pedestrians and utility equipment YES PS.8 Install street trees YES All above grade utility equipment is proposed to be located within the 8-ft furnishing zone along West Avenue. The Austin Energy vaults require street access per City Code and have been located to the south of the site away from the lobby frontage to maximize the amount of uninterrupted pedestrian activity on the northern portion of the property towards the intersection of West 6th Street and West Avenue. This project also proposes a mural on the AE Vault to enhance pedestrian engagement and activation in the area. Street trees will be provided along West Avenue in accordance with Great Streets Standards. Per the landscape plans, three (3) Texas Red Oaks are proposed along West Avenue. Additionally two (2) existing heritage trees on-site will be transplanted to other locations of the property and incorporated into the Project. {W1229810.1} PS.9 Provide pedestrian-scaled lighting YES Appropriately scaled sidewalk lighting will be installed along West Avenue in accordance with Great Streets Standards. Additionally, building lighting will be provided at the canopies of the building to promote pedestrian safety at the street level and complement the Great Streets lighting. PS.10 Provide protection from cars/promote curbside parking YES The 8-ft street tree/furniture zone will create a buffer between pedestrians from vehicular traffic and will include improvements such as benches, trash receptacles, bike rakes, and street lights. Additionally landscaped zones consisting of Softleaf Yuccas and Mexican Feather Grass will be provided along West Avenue to separate the street curb from the pedestrian traffic areas. Paving will be differentiated between pedestrian and vehicular zones. PS.11 Screen mechanical and utility equipment YES All mechanical and utility equipment will be screened from view. PS.12 Provide generous street-level windows YES While the flood plain restricts the building from being at street level, the project will have floor- to-floor glazing along the public frontages of the building that allows a visual connection into the residential lobby and the commercial space to promote a visually active streetscape. Since there is a high ground level to second level floor-to-floor height, the windows along the ground floor should provide sufficient visual openings. PS.13 Install pedestrian-friendly materials at street level YES Pedestrian-friendly materials such as sidewalk pavers, site seating, and decorative street tree planters per Great Streets Standards will be incorporated in this project. # DESIGN GUIDELINE MET DISCUSSION GUIDELINES FOR PLAZAS AND OPEN SPACE PZ.1 Treat the four squares with special consideration N/A The property is not adjacent to any of downtown Austin’s four squares. {W1229810.1} PZ.2 Contribute to an open space network YES The pedestrian realm along West Avenue will be designed in accordance with Great Streets Standards and will include wide sidewalks, benches, bike racks. The commercial space and additional outdoor patio along the north side of the ground level provide a connection to Shoal Creek. PZ.3 Emphasize connections to parks and greenways YES PZ.4 Incorporate open space into residential development YES The pedestrian realm along West Avenue will be designed in accordance with Great Streets Standards and will include wide sidewalks, benches, bike racks, and canopy trees that interconnect to form a larger network of paths linking to the local parks, the waterfront, and other attractions within the Central Business District. The commercial space and additional outdoor patio along the north side of the building provide a connection to Shoal Creek. The project will have several landscaped amenity terraces on the Level 12, Level 36 and the rooftop level for the residential tenants of the building. These terraces will include residential amenities such as an outdoor kitchen and lounge, outdoor pool, gardens and a dog run. At the rooftop, a sky lounge, gym and pool deck will include terraces overlooking the Austin skyline with views of the lake. There is also an open green space located under the heritage pecan tree along Shoal Creek at ground level. PZ.5 Develop green roofs YES The outdoor rooftop amenity decks will be landscaped with planting beds, including intensive green roof planters for a portion of the terrace. Additionally, roof pavers will help reduce urban heat island effect. PZ.6 Provide plazas in high use areas N/A The space between the sidewalk and building setback will be a high trafficked publicly visible and accessible area. PZ.7 Determine plaza function, size, and activity YES The street café area is designed to accommodate outdoor seating in a shaded space approximately 356 SF in size, with seating and planting. The street café area will also accommodate bike users as they circulate into the space and give a location to lock their bikes. An additional 780 SF exterior patio is located above Shoal Creek to provide a visual connection to the creek. In addition, visitors will also be able to access 1,910 SF of green space along the west property line adjacent to Shoal Creek. PZ.8 Respond to the microclimate in plaza design YES Based on solar geometry of adjacent structures and the overhang above, the street café area and the outdoor patios will be very shaded. Plant selections will also be selected for shady conditions. {W1229810.1} PZ.9 Consider views, circulation, boundaries, and subspaces in plaza design YES The street café area and grand stairs are designed to provide views into the seating area from West Ave that will be inviting and draw the public into the space. The paving and architecture along with signage will indicate to pedestrians that there are publicly accessible uses in the street café area. PZ.10 Provide an appropriate amount of plaza seating YES The street café and creek patio area can accommodate seating appropriate and proportional to potential food and beverage offerings in the space. PZ.11 Provide visual and spatial complexity in public spaces The meandering stair entry from West Ave, and the architectural pavers and planting layered against them will provide an engaging experience for users of the street café space. A backdrop of local art is planned as a focal element as well. PZ.12 Use plants to enliven urban spaces Street trees and plantings have been included along West Ave as part of the Great Streets program and along with fully planted beds between the clear zone and the curb at the face of the building. Planting along the entry stair will soften and buffer the street cafe experience. YES YES PZ.13 Provide interactive civic art and fountains in plazas YES A space for civic art is planned as a backdrop and visual focal element of the street café and commercial space. PZ.14 Provide food service for plaza participants YES The project will provide 2,480 SF of interior commercial space with a minimum of 1,000 SF exterior space reserved for tables and seating. PZ.15 Increase safety in plazas through wayfinding, lighting, and visibility YES Overhead and landscape accent lighting will be provided to create a comfortable and safe space. PZ.16 Consider plaza operations and maintenance YES The commercial areas will be programmed and maintained by the Owners’ Building Management Team. Paving and planting materials are being selected with durability and ease of maintenance in mind. {W1229810.1} # DESIGN GUIDELINE MET DISCUSSION GUIDELINES FOR BUILDINGS B.1 Build to the street YES The first two levels of the building step back slightly from the property line to extend the sidewalk and allow for additional pedestrian traffic flow in the area. Apart from the south property line, the rest of the building (Level 3 and above) is built up to the property line. B.2 Provide multi-tenant, pedestrian-oriented development at the street level YES 506 West Residential will be occupied by a single tenant. However, the project will incorporate a street café located at street level which will be open to the public and encourage pedestrian activity in the area. In addition to the street café the project will include 2,480 SF of commercial space and 780 SF of exterior patio space. B.3 Accentuate primary entrances YES B.4 Encourage the inclusion of local character YES The primary entrance will be accentuated both through building architecture and landscape features. A grand stair with generous plantings will pull people off of the street and onto the lobby level. The street level of the building is also recessed slightly off of the sidewalk to create a “front porch” to further distinguish the entrance. Artwork will be commissioned by local artists will be incorporated within the building as well as commissioned to create murals on a large portion of the building façade. We will also be using locally sourced materials through the building. Efforts will be made to include locally sourced stone and plants for the landscape. The deep overhangs on the public and amenity spaces on the building work to provide microclimates and respite to the sun. {W1229810.1} B.5 Control on-site parking YES An interior parking garage is located above the ground floor and is intended primarily for building residents. The garage parking will be screened so that cars are not visible from adjacent buildings or the street and neighbors are not adversely affected by headlights. B.6 Create quality construction YES B.7 Create buildings with human scale YES The project will be constructed to current building construction codes, laws, and standards and will achieve a minimum 2-star Austin Energy Green Building rating for superior energy efficiency. High quality construction materials will be used, with a preference for locally sourced products. Experienced contractors will construct with a goal for long building life- span. The project is designed to the human scale, with various floor-to-floor heights corresponding to the different program elements within the buildings. The overall massing of the building is divided into smaller volumes to break up the scale of the building. The recessed lobby at the ground floor helps bring the building experience at the street level to a human scale. High quality materials and detailing at the street level also create a material connection with the tenants and pedestrians interacting with the building. {W1229810.1} 2,480780 Date: To: From: Subject: April 4, 2023 City of Austin Design Commission Planning & Urban Design Working Group Density Bonus Working Group review of 506 West Residential substantial compliance with the Urban Design Guidelines March 29, 2023; 12:00 pm; Virtual Microsoft Teams Meeting Mr. Richard T. Suttle Meeting date: Applicant: The project, 506 West Ave, is located on West Avenue between 5th and 6th Streets, on the west side of the street. The project includes mixed use of multi-family residential (460,129 sf / 359 residential units) and retail (127 sf) plus 32,451 outdoor amenities. The project also includes 14 floors of above-grade parking. The applicant is seeking a Density Bonus to raise the FAR from 8:1 to 20:1 resulting in a total project gross area of 492,707 gsf. The site is 24,764 sf) with a current allowable building size of 198,112 gsf based on the current allowable 8:1 FAR. The total proposed building height is 565 ft (47 floors). The maximum height achievable under the Density Bonus program is unlimited. Per the Density Bonus Program ordinance, the applicant is required to meet the three gatekeeper requirements: • Substantially comply with the City’s Urban Design Guidelines • Provide streetscape improvements along all public street frontages consistent with the Great Streets Program Standards • Applicant must commit to a minimum of 2-star green building rating (3-star proposed). WORKING GROUP REVIEW OF PROJECT FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN GUIDELINES AREA WIDE GUIDELINES 1. Create dense development – 20:1 far is being requested. Project complies with this Section. 2. Create mixed-use development – Multi-family residential (condos) and some streetscape-oriented retail uses are proposed. Project complies with this Section. 3. Limit development which closes downtown streets – This project is not permanently closing down any streets. Project complies with this Section. 4. Buffer neighborhood edges- 5. N/A Incorporate civic art in both public and private development – Public art was mentioned in the presentation. Project does comply with this Section. 6. Protect important public views – Since this project is already surrounded by high-rises, there are no important public views to protect. Not applicable. 9. Acknowledge that rooftops are not seen from other buildings and the street – 7. Avoid historical misrepresentations – Project complies with this Section. 8. Respect adjacent historic buildings- N / A Project complies with this Section. 10. Avoid the development of theme environments- Project complies with this Section. 11. Recycle existing building stock – Project does not comply with this section. Project complies with 7 of 11 applicable Area Wide Guidelines, and 3 items are not applicable. 1 GUIDELINES FOR THE PUBLIC STREETSCAPE 1. Protect the pedestrian where the building meets the street- The wide curb cut raises concerns about pedestrian safety at street level. Some type of change in paving pattern or color and signage would warn pedestrians that they should be cautious of approaching vehicles, as well as a traffic arm to slow traffic coming into and out of the garage. Project does not comply with this Section. 2. Minimize curb cuts- The project does not comply with this section. 3. Create a potential for two-way streets- Not Applicable. 4. Reinforce pedestrian activity- A coffee bar attempts to engage the public – but no restrooms are provided for true occupancy. Project does not comply. 5. Enhance key transit stops- 6. Enhance the streetscape- This project is not immediately adjacent to any key transit stops so enhancement does not apply. Not applicable. The Great Streets Program is minimally implemented for this project and additional enhancements would bolster street activity. Reduction of curb cut could bolster this point. Project partially complies with this Section. 7. Avoid conflicts between pedestrians and utility equipment- 8. There are no conflicts between pedestrians and utility equipment. Project complies with this section. Install street trees- Street trees are being installed in compliance with The Great Streets Program. Project complies with this Section. 9. Provide pedestrian-scaled lighting- Lighting is shown on the The Great Streets Program but no mention was made as to the the type and they don’t really show up in the illustrations. Project partially complies with this Section. 10. Provide protection from cars/promote curbside parking- Pedestrians could be more protected at sidewalk with clear indication of sidewalk vs driveway. Tthe Commission appreciates some type of parking provided for car-share drop-off, as well. Project does not comply with this section. 11. Screen mechanical and utility equipment- Equipment is either screened and/or within building envelope. Project complies with this Section. 12. Provide generous street-level windows- Street-level windows are limited due to the flood plain. Not Applicable. 13. Install pedestrian-friendly materials at street level- Project Complies with this section. Project receives 4 points for compliance. Items 6 and 9 partially comply. Items 1, 2, 4, and 10 are not in compliance. 3 items were not applicable. PLAZAS AND OPEN SPACE GUIDELINES 1. Treat the Four Squares with special consideration- Not applicable. 2. Contribute to an open space network- There was no indication of the project contributing to near-by open spaces although the Butler Greenbelt is in close proximity. Project does not comply with this Section. 3. Emphasize connections to parks and greenways- 4. There was no indication of the project connecting with parks and greenways although the Shoal Creek Hike and Bike Trail is an edge of the site. Project does not comply with this Section. Incorporate open space into residential development (pool, deck, dog area)- The project provides ground level open space and a landscaped pool amenities area. Project complies with this Section. 5. Develop green roofs- Green roofs are not provided. Project does not comply with this Section. 6. Provide plazas in high use areas- Not applicable. 7. Determine plaza function, size and activity- Not applicable. 8. Respond to microclimate in plaza design- Not applicable. 9. Consider views, circulation, boundaries and subspaces in plaza design- Not applicable. 2 10. Provide an appropriate amount of plaza seating- Not applicable. 11. Provide visual and spatial complexity in plaza design- Not applicable. 12. Use plants to enliven urban spaces- Not applicable. 13. Provide interactive civic art and fountains in plaza- Not applicable. 14. Provide food service for plaza participants- Not applicable. 15. Increase safety in plazas through wayfinding, lighting and visibility- Not applicable. 16. Consider plaza operations and maintenance- Not applicable. Project complies with 1 of the 16 applicable Plaza and Open Space Guidelines. 2 items were not in compliance. 13 items were not applicable. GUIDELINES FOR BUILDINGS 1. Build to the street- This project is built to the street. Project complies with this Section. 2. Provide multi-tenant, pedestrian-oriented development at the street level- The coffee tenant is not an occupiable space – project partially complies with this point. 3. Accentuate primary entrances- Project complies with this section. 4. Encourage the inclusion of local character- Aside from a few local materials, new building show very little local character. Local art or graphics or at least some use of local materials or indigenous features would tie the project to our local character – notably Shoal Creek. Project partially complies with this Section. 5. Control on-site parking- All parking is contained in the parking podium. A ride-share drop-off is recommended but not required. Project complies with this Section. 6. Create quality construction- Project complies with this Section. 7. Create buildings with human scale- The illustrations convey a sensitivity to human scale. The canopy at the corner helps but the Lobby seems extraordinarily tall. Some close-up vignettes of active areas would help. Project partially complies with this Section. Project complies with 4.5 of the 7 applicable Building Guidelines. Items 2, 4 and 7 partially comply. OVERALL RESULTS Areawide Public Streetscape Plazas and Open Space Buildings TOTAL 7 out of 11 comply 4 out of 13 comply 1 out of 16 comply 5 out of 7 comply 17 out of 47 comply 0 partially complies 2 partially comply 0 partially comply 2 partially comply 4 partially comply 3 not applicable 3 not applicable 13 not applicable 0 not applicable 19 not applicable The Density Bonus Working Group has determined that 506 West Avenue may not be in substantial compliance with the Urban Design Guidelines. It should be noted that the findings of this Working Group Memo are not reflective of the Design Commission and should not be construed as a final determination. Not all categories have equal weight from a points determination perspective. Substantial Compliance is a judgement call based upon the overall contribution to the experience of the public. Bringing partial points to full compliance and out of compliance to full compliance increase support from the full Design Commission. WORKING GROUP COMMENTS • Shoal Creek Hike and Bike Trail is an accessible path for building maintenance and staff. Please consider adding bike showers and bike racks for building staff who commute to work via bicycle. • Consider adding a bathroom for staff at the coffee kiosk at the street grade. It may be challenging to staff a coffee counter with out restroom access. • Consider creating spaces that interact with Shoal Creek for resident use. • Consider how the Heritage Tree in the northwest corner can be activated and enjoyed by the retail space. • Consider a change in paver material to alert pedestrians when the sidewalk becomes a driveway. Consider adding a traffic arm to slow vehicles pulling out of the driveway. 3 • Two restaurants, one with a front-serving coffee window, will be removed and replaced with a single coffee kiosk. Consider maintaining the same linear feet of activation by adding a second story for a coffee bar, restaurant to maintain vitality and engagement at the street front. I appreciate pulling building services under the building away from the sidewalk. Thank you! • The Working Group appreciates this opportunity to preliminarily review and comment on this project and we look forward to a continued collaborative process while moving this project forward. With thanks, Jen Weaver City of Austin Design Commission Chair Planning & Urban Design Working Group 4 2,607