20230424-005: Elimination of Parking Mandates City-Wide — original pdf

DESIGN COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20230424-005 Date: April 26, 2023 Subject: Elimination of Parking Mandates City-wide Motioned By: Chair Weaver Seconded By: Vice Chair Meiners Recommendation The Design Commission recommends the removal of parking mandates, city-wide. Description of Recommendation to Council Whereas, Adam Greenfield of Austin Parking Reform Coalition presented to the Design Commission on April 24, 2023 regarding the removal of parking mandates, Whereas, the Design Commission utilizes the Urban Design Guidelines, created in 2000 and revised in 2008, Whereas, the proposed elimination of parking mandates could support the following Urban Design Guidelines: PS.2 Minimize Curb Cuts, PS.4 Reinforce Pedestrian Activity, PS.6 Enhance Streetscapes, PS.13 Install Pedestrian Friendly Materials at Street Level, B.1 Build to the Street, B.2 Provide Multi- Tenant, Pedestrian-Oriented Development at the Street Level, B.5 Control On-site Parking Now, therefore, the Design Commission recommends the removal of parking mandates, city-wide. Vote 7-2 For: Chair Weaver, Vice Chair Meiners, Commissioner Anstead, Commissioner Carroll, Commissioner McKinney, Commissioner Salinas, Commissioner Taniguchi Against: Commissioner Ladner, Commissioner Luckens Off the dais: Commissioner Whatley Absent: Commissioner Rollason Abstain: Attest: Jen Weaver, Chair Design Commission 1 of 1