20230424-003: Hilton Dual Brand Hotel — original pdf

DESIGN COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20230424-003 Chair Weaver April 26, 2023 Hilton Dual Brand Hotel Seconded By: Commissioner McKinney Date: Subject: Motioned By: Recommendation Whereas Michael Whellan, Alexandria Campbell and Victoria Freeman presented Hilton Dual Brand Hotel located at 415 Lavaca, to the Design Commission on April 24, 2023, Whereas, the Design Commission utilizes the Urban Design Guidelines, created in 2000 and revised in 2008 to review projects seeking benefits from the Density Bonus Program, Now, therefore, the Design Commission finds Hilton Dual Brand does comply with the Urban Design Guidelines for the City of Austin in accordance with Land Development Code § 25-2- 586 (C)(1)(a)(ii) with the following modifications: • Change pavers at the driveway to alert pedestrians they are potentially crossing traffic, • Incorporate civic art in the ROW or public spaces, specifically something that references the Mexican American Heritage Corridor – size and location should be indicated, • Encourage the activation of first and second floor to include indoor and outdoor usage, and Increase visibility of vehicles for the pedestrian interaction at the alley. • 10-0 Vote For: Chair Weaver, Vice Chair Meiners, Commissioner Anstead, Commissioner Carroll, Commissioner Ladner, Commissioner Luckens, Commissioner McKinney, Commissioner Salinas, Commissioner Taniguchi, Commissioner Whatley Against: Abstain: Absent: Commissioner Rollason Attest: Jen Weaver, Chair Design Commission 1 of 1