02. Canyon Creek Fire/EMS Station — original pdf

CANYON CREEK FIRE/EMS STATIONCITY OF AUSTINDESIGN COMMISSION | APRIL 24 , 2023PREVIOUS COA FIRE/EMS STATIONS DEL VALLE FIRE/EMS TRAVIS COUNTRY FIRE/EMS DAVENPORT RANCH FIRE/EMS GOODNIGHT RANCH FIRE/EMS - 12,700 square feet - 15,000 square feet - 13,500 square feet - 15,200 square feet - Single story structure - 2 story structure due to site size - 2 story structure due to site - 2 story structure due to site size -4 pull-through apparatus bays - 4 back-in apparatus bays constraints - 4 pull-through apparatus bays -Completed July, 2020 -Completed July, 2021 - 4 back-in apparatus bays - Expected completeion February, - Completed January, 2023 2024 CANYON CREEK FIRE/EMS STATIONCITY OF AUSTINDESIGN COMMISSION | APRIL 24 , 2023CANYON CREEK FIRE/EMS STATION GOAL: PROVIDE EMERGENCY RESPONSE SERVICES TO CANYON CREEK AND NORTH WEST AUSTIN. PROJECT ELEMENTS: -13,900 SF + 4 back-in apparatus bays -21 staff parking spaces, 2 visitor parking spaces -2-story design due to response distances and site soil/rock -Staff exterior space (accessible from Day Room) -Fueling Station (none currently on this side of town) -Day Room, Kitchen, Gym, Gear Rooms, 11 Fire Dorms and 3 EMS Dorms PROJECT SITE PROJECT OVERVIEW CANYON CREEK FIRE/EMS STATIONCITY OF AUSTINDESIGN COMMISSION | APRIL 24 , 2023CANYON CREEK FIRE/EMS STATION SITE & CONTEXT: -On busy FM 620 road -No public transport within 1/4 mile -Located within city limits -Site has existing structure, natural rock and heavily wooded conditions -Utilities provided by COA and PEC. -Adjacent Zoning and Uses: ETJ to the north and I-RR (Interim Rural Residential) to the south. FULL SITE FIRE/EMS STATION SITE One Texas Center | 505 Barton Springs Road, Austin, TX 78704 | 512.978-4000 Property Profile Report General Information Location: Parcel ID: Grid: 9804 N FM 620 RD 0167370280 MD36 Planning & Zoning *Right click hyperlinks to open in a new window. Future Land Use (FLUM): No Future Land Use Map Regulating Plan: No Regulating Plan Zoning: Zoning Cases: Zoning Ordinances: Zoning Overlays: GR-CO C14-06-0027 20060727-131 20141120-123 20220324-066 860109-C Infill Options: Neighborhood Restricted Parking Areas: -- -- -- -- Mobile Food Vendors: Historic Landmark: Urban Roadways: No Hill Country Roadways Overlay: RM 620/MODERATE INTENSITY Scenic Roadways Overlay: RM 620 Wildland Urban Interface: Proximity Class - Within 150 feet of a wildland area Zoning Map Zoning Guide The Guide to Zoning provides a quick explanation of the above Zoning codes, however, the Development Assistance Center provides general zoning assistance and can advise you on the type of development allowed on a property. Visit Zoning for the description of each Base Zoning District. For official verification of the zoning of a property, please order a Zoning Verification Letter. General information on the Neighborhood Planning Areas is available from Neighborhood Planning. Current Imagery Austin Watershed Regulation Areas: WATER SUPPLY RURAL No No Lake Travis NORTH No Yes No Environmental Fully Developed Floodplain: FEMA Floodplain: Watershed Boudaries: Creek Buffers: Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone: Edwards Aquifer Recharge Verification Zone: Erosion Hazard Zone Review Buffer: Political Boundaries Jurisdiction: AUSTIN LTD Council District: 10 County: TRAVIS School District: Leander ISD Community Registry: Vicinity Map Austin Lost and Found Pets, Friends of Austin Neighborhoods, Leander ISD Population and Survey Analysts, Neighborhood Empowerment Foundation, SELTexas, Sierra Club, Austin Regional Group, TNR BCP - Travis County Natural Resources, The Parke HOA, Volente Neighborhood Assn. ZONING & EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY BGE, Inc. 101 West Louis Henna Blvd, Suite 400, Austin, TX 78728 Tel: 512-879-0400 ● www.bgeinc.com TBPLS Licensed Surveying Firm No. 10106502 Copyright 2023 The Information on this report has been produced by the City of Austin as a working document and is not warranted for any other use. No warranty is made by the City regarding its accuracy or completeness. Date created: 4/13/2022 CANYON CREEK FIRE/EMS STATIONCITY OF AUSTINDESIGN COMMISSION | APRIL 24 , 2023SUMMER CLASSICS SUMMER CLASSICS OUTDOOR RETAIL OUTDOOR RETAIL SITESITE 0 0 2 2 M 6 M 6 F F PRIVATE RESIDENCES PRIVATE RESIDENCES SITE BIRDSEYE VIEW CANYON CREEK FIRE/EMS STATIONCITY OF AUSTINDESIGN COMMISSION | APRIL 24 , 2023NEED EXISTING CONDITIONS FROM PREVIOUS PRESENTATION? SITE PHOTO: EXISTING CONDITIONS CANYON CREEK FIRE/EMS STATIONCITY OF AUSTINDESIGN COMMISSION | APRIL 24 , 2023APD 37,440-SF FFE = 1028.5 V E GARAGE 35,500-SF FFE = 1026 EV EV EV EV EV WQ/DETENTION POND HMI EV EV RAIN GARDEN 1 DETENTION POND RAIN GARDEN 2 FIRE / EMS FIRE/EMS STATION 9,630-SF FFE = 1028.5 0 2 6 M F . N 3908 Avenue B Austin, Texas 78751 Office 512.383.8815 studiobalcones.com 1 CANYON CREEK - FIRE/EMS SITE PLAN SCALE = 1"=50'-0" 0 25 50 100 OVERALL SITE PLAN CANYON CREEK FIRE/EMS STATIONCITY OF AUSTINDESIGN COMMISSION | APRIL 24 , 2023 0 2 6 M F N STUDIO BALCONES LLC. ©2023 STUDIO BALCONES LLC. PROJECT NAME/PROJECT CODE ISSUES/REVISIONS PAGE TITLE/ELEMENT TYPE SHEET NUMBER 3908 Avenue B Austin Texas 78751 512 383 8815 studiobalcones.com All rights reserved. The intellectual property, concepts, and designs contained in this document are the exclusive property of Studio Balcones LLC. Neither the document nor the information it contains may be copied, disclosed to others, or used in connection with any work or project other than the specific project for which it has been prepared and developed, without the written consent of Studio Balcones LLC. City of Austin Canyon Creek Fire & EMS Project 2209 APRIL2023 Design Commission LANDSCAPE PLAN 1 ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN CANYON CREEK FIRE/EMS STATIONCITY OF AUSTINDESIGN COMMISSION | APRIL 24 , 2023ARCHITECTURAL CONTEXT EXISTING ARCHITECTURE: -Residential Housing and Apartments -Industrial style buildings -Religious buildings -Outdoor retail INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL SUMMER CLASSICS SUMMER CLASSICS OUTDOOR RETAIL OUTDOOR RETAIL SITESITE PRIVATE RESIDENCES PRIVATE RESIDENCES PRIVATE RESIDENCES PRIVATE RESIDENCES INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL APARTEMENTS APARTEMENTS RELIGIOUS RELIGIOUS PRIVATE RESIDENCES PRIVATE RESIDENCES CANYON CREEK FIRE/EMS STATIONCITY OF AUSTINDESIGN COMMISSION | APRIL 24 , 2023CANYON CREEK FIRE/EMS STATIONCITY OF AUSTINDESIGN COMMISSION | APRIL 24 , 2023 WHAT DOES IT MEAN? HOW DOES IT MANIFEST? SUSTAINABLE ENV RESPONSIBLE AUSTIN LEADERSHIP DAYLIGHT SHADE ORIENTATION SOLAR PANELS REGIONAL LOCAL CLIMATE LOCAL CONTEXT ROOF OVERHANGS MASONRY CIVIC MASONRY PRESENCE SOLID STABLE RECOGNIZABLE CANYON CREEK FIRE/EMS STATIONCITY OF AUSTINDESIGN COMMISSION | APRIL 24 , 2023DESIGN CONCEPTS CANYON CREEK FIRE/EMS STATIONCITY OF AUSTINDESIGN COMMISSION | APRIL 24 , 2023DESIGN CONCEPTS CANYON CREEK FIRE/EMS STATIONCITY OF AUSTINDESIGN COMMISSION | APRIL 24 , 2023RESTROOM 101 FIRE RISER M1 LOBBY 100 UP STAIR NORTH S1 FIRE POLE 123 APPARATUS BAY A (EMS) 124 APPARATUS BAY B (FIRE) 125 APPARATUS BAY C (FIRE) 126 APPARATUS BAY D (FIRE) 127 ) E K B I ( E G A R O T S 8 2 1 L O O T 9 2 1 DAY ROOM 103 DINING 102 ELEV E101 " 0 - ' 8 CORRIDOR 104 COVERED PATIO 106 ICE DW KITCHEN 105 SHIFT CHANGE 107 MECH M3 CORRIDOR 113 OFFICE 114 PANTRY 109 PANTRY 110 I R O D R R O C 8 0 1 PANTRY 111 EMS MED 115 EMS GEAR 116 I N O T A L U C R C I 2 2 1 PANTRY 112 SHOWER/RR 117 DECON 118 CTM M2 ELEC M4 STAIR SOUTH S2 CORRIDOR 119 ICE 121 GYM 120 OUTDOOR GYM AREA LAWN 131 FIRE GEAR 130 GROUND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN CANYON CREEK FIRE/EMS STATIONCITY OF AUSTINDESIGN COMMISSION | APRIL 24 , 2023STAIR NORTH S1 FIRE POLE 223 DN CORRIDOR 200 JAN 206 STO. 215 DORM 213 BALCONY N 214 DORM 212 DORM 211 DORM 210 DORM 209 DORM 208 DORM 207 CORRIDOR 201 CORRIDOR 201 ELEV E201 SHOWER/RR 217 SHOWER/RR 218 SHOWER/RR 219 CORRIDOR 202 SHOWER/RR 220 RESTROOM 221 TRAINING 222 CORRIDOR 203 CORRIDOR 204 CORRIDOR 205 BALCONY S 236 DORM 235 DORM 234 DORM 233 DORM 232 DORM 231 DORM 230 E S A H C CHIEF OFFICE 227 STAIR SOUTH S2 ICE MEZZANINE 226 RF02 CHIEF BDRM 225 STORAGE MEZZANINE 224 SECOND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN CANYON CREEK FIRE/EMS STATIONCITY OF AUSTINDESIGN COMMISSION | APRIL 24 , 2023RENDERING: PERSPECTIVE VIEW CANYON CREEK FIRE/EMS STATIONCITY OF AUSTINDESIGN COMMISSION | APRIL 24 , 2023RENDERING: VIEW OF ENTRY AND VISITOR PARKING CANYON CREEK FIRE/EMS STATIONCITY OF AUSTINDESIGN COMMISSION | APRIL 24 , 2023RENDERING: VIEW FROM FM 620 CANYON CREEK FIRE/EMS STATIONCITY OF AUSTINDESIGN COMMISSION | APRIL 24 , 2023RENDERING: BIRDS EYE VIEW OF BACKYARD CANYON CREEK FIRE/EMS STATIONCITY OF AUSTINDESIGN COMMISSION | APRIL 24 , 2023RENDEREING FORLDER OR ASK CHARLES RENDERING: VIEW FROM BACK YARD CANYON CREEK FIRE/EMS STATIONCITY OF AUSTINDESIGN COMMISSION | APRIL 24 , 2023LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE RENDERING CANYON CREEK FIRE/EMS STATIONCITY OF AUSTINDESIGN COMMISSION | APRIL 24 , 2023LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE RENDERING CANYON CREEK FIRE/EMS STATIONCITY OF AUSTINDESIGN COMMISSION | APRIL 24 , 2023LANDSCAPE RENDERING CANYON CREEK FIRE/EMS STATIONCITY OF AUSTINDESIGN COMMISSION | APRIL 24 , 2023LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE RENDERING CANYON CREEK FIRE/EMS STATIONCITY OF AUSTINDESIGN COMMISSION | APRIL 24 , 2023SUSTAINABILITY OVERVIEW Certification Goal: LEED 4.0/4.1 Silver & AEGB 3 Star Integrative Process 1 13 Credit Credit 0 2 N Y ? 1 1 LEED v4 for BD+C: New Construction and Major Renovation Project Checklist Project Name: Canyon Creek Fire EMS Station Date: 03.28.2023 1 1 1 Sustainable Sites Prereq Construction Activity Pollution Prevention 10 Required Location and Transportation Credit LEED for Neighborhood Development Location 2 Credit 5 Credit 5 Credit Sensitive Land Protection High Priority Site - project does not qualify Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses Access to Quality Transit 1 Credit Bicycle Facilities 1 Credit Reduced Parking Footprint Credit Green Vehicles 1 7 Y 1 2 1 2 1 3 Y Y Y 1 1 1 Y Y Y 5 9 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 Site Assessment Open Space Site Development - Protect or Restore Habitat Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit 1 1 1 Credit Rainwater Management Heat Island Reduction Light Pollution Reduction - BUG 1 0 7 Water Efficiency Prereq Outdoor Water Use Reduction Prereq Prereq 1 Credit 4 Credit 2 Credit Indoor Water Use Reduction Building-Level Water Metering Outdoor Water Use Reduction Indoor Water Use Reduction Cooling Tower Water Use Credit Water Metering 18 5 Y 2 8 Energy and Atmosphere Prereq Fundamental Commissioning and Verification Prereq Prereq Prereq Credit Minimum Energy Performance Building-Level Energy Metering Fundamental Refrigerant Management Enhanced Commissioning 1 1 6 Credit Optimize Energy Performance Credit Advanced Energy Metering 2 Credit Demand Response Credit Credit Credit Renewable Energy Production Enhanced Refrigerant Management Green Power and Carbon Offsets 1 16 16 1 2 5 5 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 2 6 2 1 6 18 1 2 3 1 2 11 Required Required Required 33 Required Required Required Required 5 Y Y 1 1 1 2 7 Y Y 2 3 1 1 5 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 7 Materials and Resources Prereq Storage and Collection of Recyclables Prereq Construction and Demolition Waste Management Planning 5 Credit 1 Credit Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction Building Product Disclosure Optimization - EPDs 1 Credit Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Raw Materials 1 Credit Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Material Ingredients Credit Construction and Demolition Waste Management 3 3 3 Indoor Environmental Quality Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies Low-Emitting Materials Prereq Prereq Credit Credit Credit Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan 1 Credit Indoor Air Quality Assessment - flushout or testing Credit Thermal Comfort - controllability 1 Credit Interior Lighting - 90% individual occupant spaces - 3 levels 3 Credit Credit Daylight Quality Views 1 Credit Acoustic Performance 0 0 Innovation Credit Credit Innovation - LED Lighting, Innovation, Pilot, Educational, EP LEED Accredited Professional 1 0 2 Regional Priority Credit Regional Priority: Renewable Energy Production 1 Credit 1 Credit Regional Priority: Specific Credit Outdoor Water Use Reduction Regional Priority: Specific Credit Rainwater Management 1 Credit Regional Priority: Specific Credit Optimize Energy Performance 13 Required Required 16 Required Required 5 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 6 5 1 4 1 1 1 1 49 12 8 41 TOTALS Possible Points: 110 Certified: 40 to 49 points, Silver: 50 to 59 points, Gold: 60 to 79 points, Platinum: 80 to 110 LEED STANDINGS We are currently confident about attaining 48 of the 50 points required for LEED Silver, and there are 10 additional points that we are attempting to achieve. AEGB STANDINGS We are currently confident about attaining 46 of the required 45 points required for AEGB 3-Star. Location and Transportation: The suburban location provides the biggest challenge to the project with only two credits held as yes. Sustainable Sites: The project will protect much of the existing site and preserve open space. Concrete paving will contribute to heat island reduction and exterior light fixtures will contribute to the reduction of light pollution. Water Efficiency: Low flow plumbing fixtures, Energy Star appliances, drought resistant landscaping, and efficient irrigation systems will all contribute to potable water reduction. Energy and Atmosphere: On-site renewable energy source and efficient mechanical systems will help reduce the energy load on the building. Materials and Resources: Material selections include products with documented sustainable attributes. The storage and collection of recyclable materials and the diversion of construction waste will minimize the impact on the landfill. Indoor Environmental Quality: Managing source control, installing low emitting materials, and implementing indoor air quality measures during construction contributes to improved environmental quality. Innovation: Providing educational outreach, implementing comprehensive composting, and establishing a LED lamp purchasing policy are some innovative measures on this project. Regional Priority: Renewable energy and optimizing energy reduction are two options for regional credits. SUSTAINABILITY OVERVIEW CANYON CREEK FIRE/EMS STATIONCITY OF AUSTINDESIGN COMMISSION | APRIL 24 , 2023City of Austin - Design Commission Project Review Application The Design Commission provides advisory recommendations to the City Council to assist in developing public policy and to promote excellence in the design and development of the urban environment. The Design Commission reviews three types of projects: 1. City projects (see page ii for process) The Commission reviews all municipal buildings and associated site plans to ensure they demonstrate compliance with city design and sustainability standards (Council Resolution No. 20071129-046), including those seeking Subchapter E Design Standards Alternative Equivalent Compliance (AEC) (Council Resolution No. 20100923-086). 2. Destiny Bonus projects (see page iv for process) The Commission reviews density bonus projects for substantial compliance with the Urban Design Guidelines for Austin in accordance with the Gatekeeper requirements of LDC 25-2-586 for the Downtown Density Bonus Program. 3. Advisory Recommendations for Private projects (see page ii for process) The Commission will consider Project Review Applications from private projects during its regularly scheduled monthly public meetings and may issue an advisory recommendation in the form of a Project Review Letter to the Applicant. This Project Review Application must be submitted before your project can be presented to the Design Commission for their review. Design Commission requests project be presented in their Conceptual/Schematic Design phase. This application primarily addresses inhabited buildings and structures and their effect on the public realm; please refer to Appendix A for infrastructure type projects. The Commission's review of projects is based on the planning/design principles in the Urban Design Guidelines for Austin. Ensure that all applicable principles are addressed in the application questions and in your presentation. https://www.austintexas.gov/sites/default/files/files/Boards_and_Commissions/ Design_Commission_urban_design_guidelin es_for_austin.pdf The Design Commission supports the vision and principles of Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, especially those that affect the urban environment and fabric. All projects should consider this vision and principles, many of which are similar to the Urban Design Guidelines. Refer to Appendix C for the most pertinent sections of Imagine Austin. The Design Commission expects the applicant’s design team to present their project with those most knowledgeable and encourages the inclusion of sub-consultants at the presentation, when deemed necessary. EXHIBITS TO PRESENT 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Completed Project Review Application (p.1-6) Existing zoning classification, adjacent zoning & uses, future land use map classification, topography Vicinity plan, including public transportation and connectivity on-site and within quarter mile Site plan and landscape plan Ground level, basement plan, and typical floor plan Elevations and/or 3d views Any letters of support or findings by other commissions Staff reports, if any Records of public participation Design Commission - Project Review Application i PROJECT REVIEW PROCESS: CITY PROJECTS The Design Commission reviews all municipal buildings and associated site development projects to ensure they demonstrate compliance with city design and sustainability standards (Council Resolution No. 20071129-046), including those seeking Subchapter E Design Standards Alternative Equivalent Compliance (AEC) (Council Resolution No. 20100923-086). 1. Applicants are encouraged to meet with the Office of the City Architect prior to submitting a Project Review Application, especially if seeking Alternative Equivalent Compliance (AEC) under Subchapter E Design Standards. (See Staff Contacts on page iv.) 2. Applicant submits completed Project Review Application, including Exhibits, to Commission Liaisons a minimum of ten (10) days prior to the Design Commission meeting. (See and Calendar of Regular Meetings and "Exhibits to Present" on page i) 3. Commission Liaisons review Project Review Application for completeness. Once the Application is deemed complete, the project will be added to the agenda. (Agendas are posted online 72 hours prior to the meeting.) 4. Commission Liaisons post backup, including complete Project Review Application and letters/decisions from other Boards and Commissions, the Friday before the meeting. (See Meeting Documents website.) 5. Design Commission meets and hears a 15 minute presentation by the Owner/Applicant/Architect. The Commission asks questions and makes recommendations. At the end of the project review, the Design Commission may rely on the recommendations recorded in their meeting minutes or submit a Project Review Letter to City Staff in Development Services Department. 6. Design Commission may direct a Working Group to write the Project Review Letter. The Working Group will take comments from the full Design Commission meeting, add their comments, and coordinate with the Design Commission Chair to issue a Letter to applicable Development Services Department Staff. The Working Group shall meet prior to the next regularly-scheduled Design Commission to finalize comments on any project submittal. The goal is for this to happen in a one (1) month time frame. 7. Commission Liaisons will forward approved meeting minutes or Project Review Letters to applicable Development Services Staff. 8. Design Commission may request that an Owner/Applicant or City Staff submit an update report in the future so that the Commission can review progress as a project is further detailed. Design Commission - Project Review Application ii PROJECT REVIEW PROCESS: DENSITY BONUS PROJECTS The Design Commission reviews density bonus projects for substantial compliance with the Urban Design Guidelines for Austin in accordance with the Gatekeeper requirements of LDC 25-2-586 for the Downtown Density Bonus Program. 1. Six weeks prior to the target Design Commission meeting: Applicant will contact Density Bonus Liaison with intent to schedule project on the next Design Commission agenda. a. Density Bonus Liaison will provide application and submittal documentation to Applicant and notify Commission Liaisons. 2. Five weeks prior to the target Design Commission meeting: Density Bonus Liaison will contact Chair of Working Group to schedule a meeting, copying Commission Liaisons. 3. By the end of the fourth week (24 calendar days) prior to the target Design Commission meeting: The Applicant will submit all completed application requirements to Density Bonus Staff Liaison. 4. By the end of the third week (17 calendar days) prior to the target Design Commission meeting: Design Commission Working Group will meet to review Project Review Application and evaluate Applicant’s presentation detailing substantial compliance with the Urban Design Guidelines for Austin. a. Working Group will provide Applicant comments and suggestions on improving presentation and issue a recommendation to the Design Commission on achieving substantial compliance with the Urban Design Guidelines for Austin. 5. By the end of the second week (10 calendar days) prior to the target Design Commission meeting: Chair of the Working Group will send the Density Bonus and Commission Liaisons the Working Group’s written recommendation to the Design Commission containing specific feedback given to the Applicant and, if lacking, detailing items to address to achieve substantial compliance with the Urban Design Guidelines for Austin. 6. One week (7 calendar days) prior to the target Design Commission meeting: Once the Density Bonus Liaison receives the revised project submittal from the Applicant and the Commission Liaison receive the written recommendation from the Working Group Chair, the Commission Liaison will place project on Design Commission agenda for discussion and possible action. 7. Design Commission meeting: At the meeting, Design Commission will review the project for substantial compliance with the Urban Design Guidelines for Austin based on Working Group recommendations and issue a final recommendation detailing to Planning and Zoning Department Staff items needed to be addressed in order to achieve substantial compliance. 8. Within one week after Design Commission meeting: The Chair will issue a formal written recommendation based on the action taken by the by the Commission detailing to Planning and Zoning Department Staff items needed to be addressed in order to achieve substantial compliance. Design Commission - Project Review Application iii GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS Incomplete Applications Should Commission Liaisons determine that the Project Review Application is incomplete, the Application shall be returned to the Applicant and the project will not be posted on the agenda for consideration by the Commission. Submissions without the required Adobe PDF electronic file shall be deemed incomplete. Public Notice Posting of public notices on the proposed project site or giving notice to adjacent property owners is not required by the enabling ordinance of the Design Commission. The posted agenda for the Design Commission meetings serves to inform the public of subjects considered by the Commission. The Applicant shall note that the concomitant regulatory procedures by other boards and commissions have legal public notice requirements. Actions taken by the Austin Design Commission shall be in respect of and in compliance with such local ordinances and project review procedures. Limits on Resubmissions Applicants are limited to two (2) resubmissions per design phase (as described herein) and shall notify Commission Staff of the intent and desire to resubmit project(s) for review within seven (7) days of the action vote by the Commission. The Commission shall consider such resubmissions prior to issuing the Project Review Letter. Rebuttal of Project Review Letter Since the Commission issues advisory recommendations only, there is no instance for appeals to the Commission. Rebuttals of such advisory recommendations may be made by the Applicant to the applicable city department, planning commission, or City Council in accordance with applicable standard processes and procedures. STAFF CONTACTS By appointment, City Staff is available for consultation on submittal requirements. To schedule a pre-submission conference or for information on any of the above submittal requirements, please contact: City of Austin, One Texas Center, 505 Barton Springs Rd., Austin, TX 78704 Commission Liaisons: Executive Liaison: Staff Liaison: jorge.rousselin@austintexas.gov, (512) 974-2975 aaron.jenkins@austintexas.gov, (512) 974-1243 art.zamorano@austintexas.gov , (512) 974-3583 Urban Design Division, Planning and Zoning Department, 5th floor City Architect: Janice.White@austintexas.gov, (512) 974-7997 Office of the City Architect, Public Works Department, 9th floor Density Bonus Program Coordinator: jorge.rousselin@austintexas.gov, (512) 974-2975 Urban Design Division, Planning and Zoning Department, 5th floor Design Commission - Project Review Application iv A. PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name The Death Star Project Type: Infrastructure Private project Other City building & site Density bonus Project Location/Address 1 Imperial Avenue, Galactic Empire, Austin, TX 78704 Applicant Darth Vader, Sith Lord Property Owner Darth Vader, Sith Applicant Mailing Address 1Imperial Avenue Austin, TX 78704 Applicant Telephone Number 999-999-9999 Property Owner Mailing Address 1 Imperial Avenue, Austin, TX 78704 Property Owner Telephone Number 999-999-9999 Project Start Date January 2017 Project Completion Date March 2018 Applicant’s Architect Darth Vader, Sith Lord; ABC Architect Applicant’s Engineer Darth Vader, Sith Lord Engineering Company Design Commission - Project Review Application 1 of 6 1] Indicate if proposed Project is required by City Ordinance to be reviewed by the Design Commission. Yes, the project is required to be reviewed by the Design Commission. 2] Describe the recommendation that you are requesting from the Design Commission. We are looking for a recommendation of support from the Design Commission for the project as well as Alternative Equivalent Compliance for setbacks and missing sidewalks. 3] Current Design Phase of Project (Design Commission prefers to see projects right after approved schematic design). Schematic design phase 4] Is this Project subject to Site Plan and/or Zoning application approvals? Will it be presented to Planning Commission and/or City Council? If so, when? Yes, the project is subject to Site Plan approvals and Zoning approvals. We anticipate presenting to the Planning Commission in mid-May and City Council in late June. 5] Does this Project comply with Land Development Code Subchapter E? List specifically any Alternative Equivalent Compliance request if any. Please refer to website for Alternate Equivalent Compliance (AEC) requirements. https://www.municode.com/library/tx/austin/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=TIT25LADE_CH25- 2ZO_SUBCHAPTER_EDESTMIUS Yes, the project generally complies with SubChapter E with 8 foot sidewalks, street trees, and street furniture. However, we need alterative Equivalent Compliance for encroachment into setbacks. Design Commission - Project Review Application 2 of 6 B. PROJECT BACKGROUND 6] Provide project background including goals, scope, building/planning type, and schedule. Broadly address each of the “Shared Values for Urban Areas” that are listed on Page 6 of the Urban Design Guidelines. Attach additional pages as needed. The Empire will rule the entire galaxy with ruthless power. They will crush the Rebellion and Skywalker will become one of them. 7] Has this project conducted community/stakeholder outreach? If so, please provide documentation to demonstrate community/stakeholder support of this project. unity outreach including 4 workshops and 2 listening sessions. Is this project submitting for the Downtown Density Bonus Program? If so, please provide a completed Downtown 8] Density Bonus Application. Yes, the project is submitting for Downtown Density Bonus program. See attached. 9] Has the project been reviewed by COA Department (i.e. DAC) Staff? If so, please describe and cite any relevant comments or feedback that the Commission should be aware of. Yes, the project has been reviewed by COA staff. DSD staff mentioned wanting to see wider, straighter sidewalks. We are working with PAZ staff on the number and placement of new trees and preserving six heritage trees. 10] Are there any limitations to compliance or planning principles due to the specific requirements of this project that the Commission should be aware of? Limitations include Design Commission - Project Review Application 3 of 6 C. EXISTING CONDITIONS AND CONTEXT Identify connectivity to public transportation including, bicycle and pedestrian routes and/or multi-modal transportation. 11] Does the project comply with ADA requirements? Provide a site context map and attach additional pages as needed. The Empire will rule the entire galaxy with ruthless power. They will crush the Rebellion and Skywalker will become one of them. Identify and describe any existing features that are required to be preserved and/or protected such as heritage trees, 12] creeks or streams, endangered species (flora and/or fauna)? Attach additional site diagrams as needed. The Empire will rule the entire galaxy with ruthless power. They will crush the Rebellion and Skywalker will become one of them. Is this project within any City of Austin planning district, master plan, neighborhood plan, regulatory district, overlay, etc.? 13] If so, please illustrate how this project conforms to the respective plan. Attach additional pages as needed. (See below for requirements.) The Empire will rule the entire galaxy with ruthless power. They will crush the Rebellion and Skywalker will become one of them. 14] List any project program and/or site constraints that should be considered. The Empire will rule the entire galaxy with ruthless power. They will crush the Rebellion and Skywalker will become one of them. Design Commission - Project Review Application 4 of 6 D. RELATIONSHIP TO PUBLIC REALM Public realm is defined as any publically owned streets, pathways, right of ways, parks, publicly accessible open spaces and any public and civic building and facilities. The quality of our public realm is vital if we are to be successful in creating environments that people want to live and work in. 15] The shared values outlined in the Urban Design Guidelines include Human Character, Density, Sustainability, Diversity, Economic Vitality, Civic Art, A Sense of Time, Unique Character, Authenticity, Safety and Connection to the Outdoors. How is the project addressing these unique community characteristics? Is the project developing any public amenities for urban continuity and vital place making? The Empire will rule the entire galaxy with ruthless power. They will crush the Rebellion and Skywalker will become one of them. 16] Does this project encourage street level activity to engage and respond to functional needs such as shade, rest areas, multi-modal transportation storage and paths? The Empire will rule the entire galaxy with ruthless power. They will crush the Rebellion and Skywalker will become one of them. 17] How will the project be a good neighbor to adjacent properties? For example, describe the treatment of the transition area between properties, i.e. fence, landscape improvements, etc. The Empire will rule the entire galaxy with ruthless power. They will crush the Rebellion and Skywalker will become one of them. Design Commission - Project Review Application 5 of 6 E. ENVIRONMENTAL/SUSTAINABLE ISSUES The Austin Urban Design Guidelines set a goal that, "All development should take into consideration the need to conserve energy and resources. It should also strive for a small carbon footprint." 18] Please list any significant components of the project that contribute to meeting this goal. If the project has been designed to accommodate future inclusion of such components (for example, by being built "solar ready") please list them. The Empire will rule the entire galaxy with ruthless power. They will crush the Rebellion and Skywalker will become one of them. 19] If the project is being designed to meet any sustainability/environmental standards or certifications (for example, LEED Silver), please list them here and attach relevant checklists or similar documents that demonstrate how the standard or certification will be achieved. The Empire will rule the entire galaxy with ruthless power. They will crush the Rebellion and Skywalker will become one of them. 20] If the project contains other significant sustainability components not included above that the Commission should note, please list them here. The Empire will rule the entire galaxy with ruthless power. They will crush the Rebellion and Skywalker will become one of them. Design Commission - Project Review Application 6 of 6 APPENDIX A INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS Design Commission - Project Review Application APPENDIX B DENSITY-BONUS PROJECTS Design Commission - Project Review Application APPENDIX C IMAGINE AUSTIN RELATED POLICIES Land Use and Transportation Building Block LUT P30: Protect and enhance the unique qualities of Austin’s treasured public spaces and places such as parks, plazas, and streetscapes; and, where needed, enrich those areas lacking distinctive visual character or where the character has faded. LUT 31: Define the community’s goals for new public and private development using principles and design guidelines that capture the distinctive local character of Austin. LUT P35: Infuse public art into Austin’s urban fabric in streetscapes along roadways and in such places as parks, plazas, and other public gathering places. LUT P41: Protect historic buildings, structures, sites, places, and districts in neighborhoods throughout the City. LUT P43: Continue to protect and enhance important view corridors such as those of the Texas State Capitol District, Lady Bird Lake, and other public waterways LUT P44: Preserve and protect historic parks and recreation areas. Economy Building Block E P6: Support up-to-date infrastructure, flexible policies, and programs, and adaptive reuse of buildings, so that local, small, and creative businesses thrive and innovate. Conservation and Environment Policies Building Block CE P3: Expand the City’s green infrastructure network to include such elements as preserves and parks, trails, stream corridors, green streets, greenways, and agricultural lands. CE P11: Integrate development with the natural environment through green building and site planning practices such as tree preservation and reduced impervious cover and regulations. Ensure new development provides necessary and adequate infrastructure improvements. City Facilities and Services Building Block CFS P14: Integrate erosion, flood, and water quality control measures into all City of Austin capital improvement projects. CFS P24: Increase the share of renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, and biomass, used by Austin Energy to generate electricity, including infrastructure for on-site sources throughout the City. CFS P29: Increase the use of joint or shared facilities between public safety and other service providers, when possible, to provide residents with efficient services, reduce costs, and maintain public safety infrastructure. CFS P35: Distribute public buildings where neighborhood services are located and other accessible locations throughout the City. Design Commission - Project Review Application CFS P36: Improve multimodal public transportation access to the City’s public buildings and facilities, including the Austin- Bergstrom International Airport. CFS P37: Integrate public buildings and facilities into active, walkable, mixed use neighborhoods and complete, healthy communities. CFS P38: Reduce energy consumption and waste generation in all public buildings to meet the City’s greenhouse gas reduction and zero waste goals. CFS P39: Develop public buildings and facilities that create healthy work environments and educate the public about energy-efficient, sustainable building, and greening best practices. CFS P44: Feature superior design in parks and recreational facilities and include opportunities for public art and sustainable design solutions. S P14: Locate emergency services within close proximity to all neighborhoods and continue to improve community outreach and relationships between police and neighbors S P25: Increase sidewalks and bicycle lanes in neighborhoods to create safer routes to schools, parks, and transit stops. Society Building Block Creativity Building Block C P16: Increase the availability of significant public art to designate districts and/or their entrances and to assist visitors in navigating the area. C P17: Define Austin’s sense of place through high standards for architecture and urban design, public art, public spaces and parks, and arts education. Design Commission - Project Review Application