90 Rainey UD Matrix — original pdf

90 Rainey – Downtown Austin Design Guidelines Density Bonus Application Area-Wide Guidelines Urban Design Guideline Achieved? AW.1 Create dense development YES Applicant's Comments lounge space, which This project will deliver a 506,942 square foot residential and hotel tower in Downtown Austin with a proposed FAR of 31.7:1. The development will contain 420,823 square feet of net rentable residential space, equaling 446 dwelling units, and 11,994 square feet of cocktail includes the incorporation of the existing Container Bar and Bungalow into the project. No streets will be permanently closed with this project; however, development will be designed such that the project will not have an impact if the City elects to turn Rainey Street into a festival street. This project is located at the center of the Rainey neighborhood and will not have an impact on neighborhood edges. Public art will be incorporated into the building. Owner will work with local artists to incorporate an art piece into the project. The project is not located in a Capitol View Corridor and has been designed as a point tower to minimize impacts. This project is not designed to replicate any historical styles. The project is situated to respect the historic nature of the Rainey District by uniquely incorporating the existing Bungalow Bar and Container Bar businesses into the project. All mechanical equipment on the rooftop will be screened and incorporated into the project. Additionally, two amenity levels at the 12th and 32nd floors will incorporate outdoor space made visually interesting with green native plantings. This will not be a themed development. Both cocktail lounges located on the Property today, Container Bar and Bungalow, will be incorporated into the project, however both will be entirely new construction. AW.2 Create mixed-use development YES AW.3 Limit development which closes Downtown streets YES AW.4 Buffer neighborhood edges YES AW.5 Incorporate civic art in both public and private development YES AW.6 AW.7 Protect important public views Avoid historical misinterpretations YES YES AW.8 Respect adjacent historic buildings Acknowledge that rooftops are seen from other buildings and the street Avoid the development of theme environments AW.9 AW.10 YES YES YES AW.11 Recycle existing building stock NO 90 Rainey – Downtown Austin Design Guidelines Density Bonus Application Public Streetscape Guidelines Urban Design Guideline Achieved? Protect the pedestrian where the building meets the street PS.1 YES PS.2 Minimize curb cuts Create a potential for two-way streets PS.3 YES YES PS.4 Reinforce pedestrian activity YES PS.5 Enhance key transit stops N/A PS.6 Enhance the streetscape YES Avoid conflicts between pedestrian and utility equipment YES PS.7 PS.8 Install street trees PS.9 PS.10 Provide pedestrian-scaled lighting Provide protection from cars/promote curbside parking YES YES YES Applicant's Comments This project embodies Austin’s Great Streets program providing protection for the pedestrian with the utilization of the street tree and furniture zone to separate the pedestrian zone from adjacent vehicular traffic. The project will not contain any curb cuts on either Rainey or Davis Street and will utilize the existing alley for access to the parking garage and loading. The abutting roadways are two-way streets; the project will be designed to accommodate traffic from both directions. The ground floor will include pedestrian- oriented cocktail lounge space to invigorate the project at street-level, and continue the vibrant street life of the Rainey district. In addition, the ground floor areas will be designed to bring the inside out and connect the pedestrians to the building, with outdoor patio areas along Rainey Street. There are no existing transit stops on the abutting roadways; however, generous bicycle parking and storage is provided in a bike garage. The project is within easy access of the Butler and Waller Creek trail networks. The project will construct Great Streets on both roadway frontages creating an enhanced streetscape on Rainey Street and Davis Street. The electric vaults for the project are situated off the alley to avoid conflicts between pedestrians and the equipment while providing full access for maintenance. The project will in conjunction with the Great Streets program along both street frontages to the greatest extent possible. Street trees along Rainey will be installed in a continuous sub-surface tree well for greater soil volume, resulting in superior growth and vigor. Pedestrian-scaled Such applicable City regulations. With the installation of Great Streets along both frontages, pedestrians will be protected from lighting will be provided. in accordance with lighting will be install street trees 90 Rainey – Downtown Austin Design Guidelines Density Bonus Application cars by the supplemental zone associated with the Great Streets standards thus providing a buffer between cars and pedestrians. In addition, the project will create a drop-off zone to avoid conflicts with the vehicular traffic in the area. Mechanical and utility equipment will be screened from view from adjacent right of way and be placed off the alley. The street level windows for the project will consist of floor-to-ceiling windows throughout most of the ground level of the project. The street level windows for the project will be floor-to-ceiling throughout most of the ground level of the project. Additionally, the design will including vine-like plantings on the basewall columns to add warmth and create an inviting atmosphere for the ground level outdoor experience. All sidewalks are designed to meet Great Streets Standards. Applicant's Comments The project is not adjacent to one of the four Downtown Austin squares. The project is designed to encourage the pedestrian and bicycle nature of Rainey Street and to champion the future connection north to Waller Creek. The project will fully comply with Great Streets and create pleasant pedestrian experiences that connect to nearby trails and parks. The project will meet open space requirements on both the 12th floor of the project will have approximately 3,565 SF of open space on the pool deck terrace. The 32nd floor will include approximately 1,700 SF of open space. Additional plantings are incorporated into the 12th and 32nd level amenity decks, along with vertical wall plantings up the southeast corner of the building up to the 12th level. Screen mechanical and utility equipment PS.11 Provide generous street-level windows PS.12 YES YES Install pedestrian-friendly materials at street level YES PS.13 Plazas and Open Space Guidelines Urban Design Guideline Achieved? Treat the four squares with special consideration PZ.1 N/A Contribute to an open space network PZ.2 Emphasize connections to parks and greenways PZ.3 Incorporate open space into residential development PZ.4 YES YES YES PZ.5 PZ.6 PZ.7 Develop green roofs Provide plazas in high use areas Determine plaza function, size, and activity YES N/A N/A 90 Rainey – Downtown Austin Design Guidelines Density Bonus Application Respond to the microclimate in plaza design Consider views, circulation, boundaries, and subspaces in plaza design Provide an appropriate amount of plaza seating Provide visual and spatial complexity in public spaces PZ.8 PZ.9 PZ.10 PZ.11 N/A N/A N/A N/A PZ.12 Use plants to enliven urban spaces YES Provide interactive civic art and fountains in plazas Provide food service for plaza participants Increase safety in plazas through wayfinding, lighting, and visibility Consider plaza operations and maintenance PZ.13 PZ.14 PZ.15 PZ.16 N/A N/A N/A N/A B.1 B.2 Build to the street Provide multi-tenant, pedestrian- oriented development at the street level YES YES Building Guidelines Achieved? Urban Design Guideline Applicant's Comments The project will provide street trees along all frontages of the building. Plantings up the ground floor columns will also be incorporated to add warmth and create an inviting public pedestrian outdoor atmosphere. Additionally, the project will provide vegetation on the 12th and 32nd level terraces. This project will be built up to the street on both the Rainey Street and Davis Street frontage. This project will provide pedestrian-oriented cocktail lounge uses on the street level with a residential tower above. The primary entrance to the residential tower is located on Davis Street and will feature expansive windows and an architectural archway flanked on both sides by vine-like plantings up the arch base columns. The entrance to the reimagined Container Bar incorporates shipping container-like structure for its entrance that is reminiscent of the iconic Container Bar today. The new Bungalow Bar entrance emulates the residential tower entrance with an architectural archway with plantings on the base that invites the public into the building. distinguishing a B.3 Accentuate primary entrances YES 90 Rainey – Downtown Austin Design Guidelines Density Bonus Application Encourage the inclusion of local character B.4 YES B.5 Control on-site parking YES B.6 Create quality construction YES The landscape uses 100% native and adaptive, low-water use planting. The project is also preserving and maintaining the existing Container Bar and Bungalow businesses that operate on the property today and contribute to the Rainey Street character. All parking for the project will be provided onsite in a parking garage on levels 3 through 11. Parking spaces will be significantly reduced to discourage cars and to encourage alternative methods of transportation. The project will be constructed with high quality materials and enclosure systems typical to high- rise building construction.