Design CommissionOct. 26, 2020

Approved Minutes — original pdf

Approved Minutes
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DESIGN COMMISSION MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2020 6:00 PM Via Video conferencing Meeting Minutes Call to order by: Chair D. Carroll at 6:05 p.m. Member List David Carroll – Chair (District 1) Martha Gonzalez – (District 2) Samuel Franco (District 3) Josue Meiners (District 4) X X X Melissa Hanao-Robledo – Vice-Chair (District 5) X Evan Taniguchi (Mayor) “X” Denote Commission Members who were in attendance X Jorge E. Rousselin, Executive Liaison X Aaron D. Jenkins, Staff Liaison X Art Zamorano, Staff Liaison CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 1. NEW BUSINESS (Discussion and Possible Action): CITY OF AUSTIN HOUSING AND PLANNING STAFF X X X X X Beau Frail (District 6) Jessica Rollason (District 7) Aan Coleman (District 8) Bart Whatley (District 9) Ben Luckens (District 10) a. Discussion and possible action to evaluate and make recommendations regarding whether River Street Hotel and Homes, addressed at 61-69 Rainey Street and 60 East Ave, complies with the Urban Design Guidelines, for the City of Austin. Amanda Swor Drenner Group; Greg Verabian HKS; David Lake Lake Flato; Cameron Campbell CLA. • Amanda Swor of the Drenner Group along with Greg Verabian HKS; David Lake Lake Flato; Cameron Campbell CLA, presented and answered questions from Commissioners • Commissioner B. Whatley left the meeting @ 6:30 pm • The motion to recommend the project with two caveats: o That retail space indicates or shows that permeability courteousness described by David Lake o That the entry is expressed more definitively Page 1 of 3 was made by Commissioner A. Coleman and seconded by Commissioner J. Rollason. Project manager Amanda Swor offered to include a letter of concession to address the caveats. • Commissioner Taniguchi requested that his comment be reflected in the minutes as such, “this project comply substantially with Urban Design Guidelines” • The motion was approved on a vote [7, 1, 1]. b. Discussion and possible action to support the Joint Sustainability Committee recommendation of the Austin Climate Equity Plan. • Commissioner E. Taniguchi made a motion to support the Joint Sustainability Committee recommendation of the Austin Climate Equity Plan. Vice Chairwoman M. Hanao-Robledo seconded. • The motion was approved [9, 0] 2. COMMISSION-SPECIFIC BUSINESS (Discussion and possible Action): 1. Approval of the September 30th meeting minutes • Commissioner J. Rollason made a motion to approve the September 30th meeting minutes. Commissioner E. Taniguchi seconded. • The motion was approved [9, 0] 2. Update from representative on the Downtown Commission regarding last meeting • Vice-Chairwoman M. Hanao-Robledo provided a brief update that the Downtown Austin Alliance did a State of the Downtown update and that there was a Congress Avenue safety and Mobility improvements. The presentation is available on the DAA site to review. 3. Update from representative on the Joint Sustainability committee regarding last meeting. • Chair Carroll stated that the committee had not met and is scheduled to meet on October 28th, so there is not update at this time. 4. Update from representative on the South-Central Waterfront Advisory Board. • Commissioner S. Franco provided a brief update that the committee met and the Statesman property at 305 Congress is still pushing with their PUD and wanting to get on some Boards and Commission agendas soon. Page 2 of 3 3. ANNOUNCEMENTS: a. Chair Announcements: • No announcements b. Items from Commission Members: • No announcements c. Items from City Staff: • Staff Liaison Aaron Jenkins: o Friday, October 30th the Urban Design Guidelines working group will take place o In the month of November, the Design Commission meeting will take place on Friday, November 20, 2020, time to be forthcoming. o City clerks is no longer sending out links, all links will be contained within the Word document being distributed for the meeting. o One of the items to be discussed at the November 20th meeting will be the 2021 Design Commission schedule. ADJOURNMENT at: 8:18 p.m. Page 3 of 3