Design CommissionOct. 26, 2020

20201026-01A: River Street Residences — original pdf

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David Carroll, Chair Melissa Henao-Robledo, Vice Chair Aan Coleman Beau Frail Samuel Franco Martha Gonzales Ben Luckens Josue Meiners Jessica Rollason Evan Taniguchi Bart Whatley Jorge Rousselin, Executive Liaison Aaron D. Jenkins Staff Liaison Art Zamorano Staff Liaison City of Austin Design Commission DESIGN COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20201026-01A Date: October 28, 2020 Subject: Design Commission recommendation for the River Street Residences project, located at 61-69 Rainey Street and 60 East Avenue. Aan Coleman Seconded By: Jessica Rollason Motioned By: Recommendation: The City of Austin Design Commission recommends that the River Street Residences project, located at 61-69 Rainey Street and 60 East Avenue, as presented on October 26, 2020, substantially complies with the City of Austin Urban Design Guidelines. The Commission further recommends that the applicant explores providing more permeability on the retail space façade, like operable walls or overhead doors. Additionally, the Commission recommends the applicant explores expressing the entry to the café more definitively. Rationale: Dear Honorable Mayor, City Council, Planning Commission, and Director of Housing and Planning Department, This letter is to confirm the Design Commission’s recommendation that the River Street Residences project, located at 61-69 Rainey Street and 60 East Avenue, as presented to us on October 26, 2020 substantially complies with the Urban Design Guidelines as one of the gatekeeper requirements of the Downtown Density Bonus Program. Our review found the following: 1. The project proposes terraced landscaped planters 2. The project proposes integrating artwork at street level 3. The project proposes 15,180 square feet of affordable housing. 4. The project proposes $1,204,575 in fees-in-lieu to NHCD. Respectfully, City of Austin Design Commission Vote: For: Ben Luckens, Aan Coleman, Jessica Rollason, Evan Taniguchi, Melissa Henao-Robledo, Beau Frail, Samuel 7 - 1 - 1 Franco Against: David Carroll Abstain: Josue Meiners Absent: Bart Whatley, Martha Gonzalez Attest: David Carroll, Chair of the Design Commission 1 of 1 Design Commission - Recommendation for River Street Residences Page 1