Design CommissionOct. 26, 2020

Downtown Density Bonus Application — original pdf

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DOWNTOWN DENSITY BONUS PROGRAM (DDBP) SUBMITTAL APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS A property owner (Owner) or his/her representative (Applicant) acting on behalf of the Owner can initiate an administrative request to the Director of Planning (Director) seeking additional Floor-to-Area (FAR) entitlements as outlined in the Downtown Density Bonus Program as approved by Ordinance No. 20140227-054. In order for the Director to conduct an administrative review, the requirements listed below must be submitted. Once an application is deemed complete, the Director will inform the Applicant of review commencement. The following submittals are required in a complete PDF package of no more than 10 Mb in size with sheets no larger than 11x17 inches: 1. Completed DDBP Application; 2. Vicinity plan locating the project in its context, and showing a minimum 9 block area around the project; 3. Location and nature of nearby transit facilities; 4. Drawings (submitted drawings should demonstrate compliance with Subchapter E Design Standards, as applicable): o Site plan; o Floor plans; o Exterior elevations (all sides); o Three-dimensional views; 5. As part of the gatekeeper requirements, o Urban Design Guidelines checklist; o Great Streets - ; o 2 Star Austin Energy Green Building rating - submit copy of the projects signed Austin Energy Green Building Letter of Intent and Austin Energy Green Building checklist.; 6. Other items that may be submitted but not required: Narrative / graphics / photos to further describe the project. 7. Coordination memo acknowledgment from the City of Austin’s Neighborhood Housing and Community Development Department (NHCD) detailing affordable housing community benefits. Please contact Ms. Sandra Harkins at NHCD for more information. DOWNTOWN DENSITY BONUS PROGRAM (DDBP) SUBMITTAL APPLICATION 1. Project Name: 2. Property Owner Name: Address: Phone: E-mail: Name: Address: Phone: E-mail: 3. Applicant/Authorized Agent 4. Anticipated Project Address: Page 1 of 9 5. Site Information a. Lot area (also include on site plan): b. Existing zoning (include any zoning suffixes such as “H,” “CO,” etc. If the property has a conditional overlay (CO), provide explanation of conditions (attach additional pages as necessary): c. Existing entitlements: I. Current floor to area (FAR) limitation: II. Current height limitation (in feet) : III. Affected by Capitol View Corridors (CVCs) Yes/No? Yes No If yes, please provide specify height allowed under CVC: 6. Existing Deed Restrictions Detail existing deed restrictions on the property (if any): Page 2 of 9 7. Building Information a. Total square footage - Only include the square footage that counts towards FAR; see LDC 25-1-21(40), (44), and (45): b. Gross floor area devoted to the different land use categories included in the project (e.g., retail/restaurant, office, apartment, condominium, hotel): c. Number or units (if residential development): d. Number of rooms (if hotel or similar use): e. Number of floors: f. Height: g. FAR requested: Page 3 of 9 8. Gatekeeper Requirement (1 of 3): Urban Design Guidelines for Austin Provide detailed explanation of how the project substantially complies with the Urban Design Guidelines for Austin (referencing specific guidelines) in order to meet the first Gatekeeper requirement of the DDBP as described in LDC § 25-2-586 (C)(1)(a). Attach Urban Design Guidelines checklist and additional page(s) as necessary. Page 4 of 9 9. Gatekeeper Requirement (2 of 3): Great Streets Provide an explanation of how this project meets Great Streets standards, the second Gatekeeper requirement of the DDBP as described in LDC § 25-2-586 (C)(1)(b). Attach additional page(s) as necessary: Page 5 of 9 10. Gatekeeper Requirement (3 of 3): 2 Star Austin Energy Green Building Provide an explanation of how this project achieves a minimum two Star Austin Energy Green Building, in order to meet the third Gatekeeper requirement of the DDBP as described in LDC § 25-2-586 (C)(1)(c). Attach Austin Energy Green Building checklist and additional page(s) as necessary: Page 6 of 9 11. Density Bonus Calculation Provide a calculation method of how the additional FAR is sought including site area and amount per square foot according to the Community Benefits calculations described in LDC § 25-2-586 (E)(1)-(12). 12. Community Benefits: Onsite, Fee in lieu, or Combination Detail which community benefits from LDC § 25-2-586 (E) will be used and how they will be applied (on site, fee in lieu of, or combination of the two). Attach additional page(s) as necessary: Page 7 of 9 13. Acknowledgements a. Applicant understands that a standard restrictive covenant template will be drafted by the City of Austin to address Gatekeeper requirements in accordance with 25-2-586(C)(1): b. Applicant understands that will be required to submit a copy of the project’s signed Austin Energy Green Building Letter of Intent: c. Applicant has received and reviewed a copy of the Downtown Density Bonus d. Applicant has received and reviewed a copy of the Urban Design Guidelines for e. Applicant has scheduled presentation to the Design Commission Working Group and follow-up Design Commission Meeting by coordinating dates with program staff? ( f. If considering in lieu fee or provision of on-site affordable housing as a public benefit, Applicant has scheduled a coordination meeting with the Neighborhood Housing and Community Development Department to detail program requirements and obtained a letter of affordability from NHCD: Yes Yes Ordinance: Yes Austin: Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No Page 8 of 9 Signed: Owner or Applicant Authorized Agent Date Submitted Page 9 of 9 DOWNTOWN DENSITY BONUS PROGRAM (DDBP) APPLICATION SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST Submitted: Completed DDBP Application; Vicinity plan/aerial locating the project in its context, and showing a minimum 9 block area around the project; Location of nearby transit facilities; Drawings: ▪ Site plan; ▪ Floor plans; ▪ Exterior elevations (all sides); ▪ Three-dimensional views; Copy of the projects signed Austin Energy Green Building Letter of Intent; Other items that may be submitted but not required: Narrative / graphics / photos to further describe the project. Letter of affordability and acknowledgment from NHCD for affordable housing community benefit. Page 10 of 9