Design CommissionSept. 30, 2020

617 Colorado Design Commission Presentation — original pdf

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617 Colorado Design Commission September 30, 2020 1 Aerial – Site Vicinity 2 Current Use Surface parking lot. 4 Zoning CBD 5 Property Facts Address: 617 Colorado Street Lot Size: 0.23 acres / 10,018 square feet CBD Entitled Height: Unlimited Proposed Height: 192 feet / 17 floors CBD Zoning Entitled FAR: 8:1 Proposed DDBP FAR: 13:1 6 Project Facts 132,655 total Gross Square Feet (GSF) • Bonus Area = 52,511 GSF Hotel: 119,401 GSF • Includes lobby space • 344 rooms Cocktail Lounge/Community Amenity Space: 4,827 GSF Outdoor Terrace: 482 SF 7 Gatekeeper Requirements 1. 2-Star AE Green Building • Project plans to achieve 3-Star AE Green Building Status 2. Great Streets Compliance 3. Substantial Compliance with Downtown Design Guidelines 8 9 10 11 LOBBY/ ENTRY 12 13 14 15 free passes for teachers: 5 passes each day • • must show ID as an Austin area teacher 16 Area Wide Guidelines    Create dense development • AW 1: Create Dense Development AW.1 • AW 2: Create Mixed-Use Development Create mixed-use development AW.2 Limit development which closes Downtown • AW 3: Limit Development Which Closes Downtown Streets AW.3 streets • AW 4: Buffer Neighborhood Edges Buffer neighborhood edges AW.4 • AW 5: Incorporate Civic Art in Public and Private Incorporate civic art in both public and private Development AW.5 development • AW 6: Protect Important Public Views AW.6 Protect important public views • AW 7: Avoid Historical Misinterpretations AW.7 • AW 8: Respect Adjacent Historic Buildings  AW.8 • AW 9: Acknowledge that Rooftops are Seen from Other  AW.9 Respect adjacent historic buildings Acknowledge that rooftops are seen from other Buildings and the Street buildings and the street Avoid the development of theme environments  AW.10 • AW 10: Avoid The Development Of Theme Environments AW.11 N/A Avoid historical misinterpretations Recycle existing building stock     17 NORTH VIEW AW 1: Create Dense Development AW 2: Create Mixed-Use Development AW 3: Limit Development Which Closes Downtown Streets AW 4: Buffer Neighborhood Edges AW 5: Incorporate Civic Art in Public and Private Development AW 6: Protect Important Public Views AW 7: Avoid Historical Misinterpretations AW 8: Respect Adjacent Historic Buildings AW 9: Acknowledge that Rooftops are Seen from Other Buildings and the Street AW 10: Avoid The Development Of Theme Environments18 AW 1: Create Dense Development AW 2: Create Mixed-Use Development AW 3: Limit Development Which Closes Downtown Streets AW 4: Buffer Neighborhood Edges AW 5: Incorporate Civic Art in Public and Private Development AW 6: Protect Important Public Views AW 7: Avoid Historical Misinterpretations AW 8: Respect Adjacent Historic Buildings AW 9: Acknowledge that Rooftops are Seen from Other Buildings and the Street AW 10: Avoid The Development Of Theme Environments 19 WEST VIEW AW 1: Create Dense Development AW 2: Create Mixed-Use Development AW 3: Limit Development Which Closes Downtown Streets AW 4: Buffer Neighborhood Edges AW 5: Incorporate Civic Art in Public and Private Development AW 6: Protect Important Public Views AW 7: Avoid Historical Misinterpretations AW 8: Respect Adjacent Historic Buildings AW 9: Acknowledge that Rooftops are Seen from Other Buildings and the Street AW 10: Avoid The Development Of Theme Environments 20 WEST VIEW AW 1: Create Dense Development AW 2: Create Mixed-Use Development AW 3: Limit Development Which Closes Downtown Streets AW 4: Buffer Neighborhood Edges AW 5: Incorporate Civic Art in Public and Private Development AW 6: Protect Important Public Views AW 7: Avoid Historical Misinterpretations AW 8: Respect Adjacent Historic Buildings AW 9: Acknowledge that Rooftops are Seen from Other Buildings and the Street AW 10: Avoid The Development Of Theme Environments 21 WEST VIEW Public Streetscape Guidelines     Enhance the streetscape Enhance key transit stops Reinforce pedestrian activity Create the potential for two-way streets Protect the pedestrian where the building meets the street • PS 1: Protect The Pedestrian Where The Building Meets The Street PS.1 • PS 2: Minimize Curb Cuts PS.2 Minimize curb cuts • PS 3: Create A Potential For Two-way Streets PS.3 • PS 4: Reinforce Pedestrian Activity PS.4 • PS 5: Enhance Key Transit Stops PS.5 • PS 6: Enhance The Streetscape  PS.6 • PS 7: Avoid Conflicts Between Pedestrians And Utility Equipment  PS.7 Avoid conflicts between pedestrian and utility equipment • PS 8: Install Street Trees PS.8 • PS 9: Provide Pedestrian-Scale Lighting PS.9 • PS 10: Provide Protection From Cars/Promote Curbside Parking PS.10 Provide protection from cars/promote curbside parking • PS 11: Screen Mechanical And Utility Equipment PS.11 Screen mechanical and utility equipment • PS 12: Provide Generous Street-level Windows • PS 13: Install Pedestrian-friendly Materials At Street Level PS.12 Provide generous street-level windows PS.13 Install pedestrian-friendly materials at street level Provide pedestrian-scaled lighting Install street trees        22 PS 1: Protect The Pedestrian Where The Building Meets The Street PS 2: Minimize Curb Cuts PS 3: Create A Potential For Two-way Streets PS 4: Reinforce Pedestrian Activity PS 5: Enhance Key Transit Stops PS 6: Enhance The Streetscape PS 7: Avoid Conflicts Between Pedestrians And Utility Equipment PS 8: Install Street Trees PS 9: Provide Pedestrian-Scale Lighting PS 10: Provide Protection From Cars/Promote Curbside Parking PS 11: Screen Mechanical And Utility Equipment PS 12: Provide Generous Street-level Windows 23 PS 13: Install Pedestrian-friendly Materials At Street Level WEST VIEW PS 1: Protect The Pedestrian Where The Building Meets The Street PS 2: Minimize Curb Cuts PS 3: Create A Potential For Two-way Streets PS 4: Reinforce Pedestrian Activity PS 5: Enhance Key Transit Stops PS 6: Enhance The Streetscape PS 7: Avoid Conflicts Between Pedestrians And Utility Equipment PS 8: Install Street Trees PS 9: Provide Pedestrian-Scale Lighting PS 10: Provide Protection From Cars/Promote Curbside Parking PS 11: Screen Mechanical And Utility Equipment PS 12: Provide Generous Street-level Windows 24 PS 13: Install Pedestrian-friendly Materials At Street Level WEST VIEW PS 1: Protect The Pedestrian Where The Building Meets The Street PS 2: Minimize Curb Cuts PS 3: Create A Potential For Two-way Streets PS 4: Reinforce Pedestrian Activity PS 5: Enhance Key Transit Stops PS 6: Enhance The Streetscape PS 7: Avoid Conflicts Between Pedestrians And Utility Equipment PS 8: Install Street Trees PS 9: Provide Pedestrian-Scale Lighting PS 10: Provide Protection From Cars/Promote Curbside Parking PS 11: Screen Mechanical And Utility Equipment PS 12: Provide Generous Street-level Windows 25 PS 13: Install Pedestrian-friendly Materials At Street Level Plazas and Open Space Guidelines Public Spaces • PZ 11: Provide Visual and Spatial Complexity in • PZ 12: Use Plants to Enliven Urban Spaces • PZ 13: Provide Interactive Civic Art and Fountains Treat the four squares with special consideration Contribute to an open space network Emphasize connections to parks and greenways Incorporate open space into residential development Develop green roofs Provide plazas in high use areas Determine plaza function, size, and activity Respond to the microclimate in plaza design Consider views, circulation, boundaries, and subspaces PZ.1 PZ.2 PZ.3 PZ.4 PZ.5 PZ.6 PZ.7 PZ.8 PZ.9 PZ.10 Provide an appropriate amount of plaza seating PZ.11 Provide visual and spatial complexity in public spaces PZ.12 Use plants to enliven urban spaces PZ.13 Provide interactive civic art and fountains in plazas PZ.14 Provide food service for plaza participants PZ.15 Increase safety in plazas through wayfinding, lighting, and visibility PZ.16 Consider plaza operations and maintenance N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A    N/A N/A N/A 26 PZ 11: Provide Visual and Spatial Complexity in Public Spaces PZ 12: Use Plants to Enliven Urban Spaces PZ 13: Provide Interactive Civic Art and Fountains 27 PZ 11: Provide Visual and Spatial Complexity in Public Spaces PZ 12: Use Plants to Enliven Urban Spaces PZ 13: Provide Interactive Civic Art and Fountains WEST VIEW LOOKING NORTH WEST VIEW LOOKING NORTH 28 NORTH VIEW PZ 11: Provide Visual and Spatial Complexity in Public Spaces PZ 12: Use Plants to Enliven Urban Spaces PZ 13: Provide Interactive Civic Art and Fountains 29 NORTHWEST VIEW PZ 11: Provide Visual and Spatial Complexity in Public Spaces PZ 12: Use Plants to Enliven Urban Spaces PZ 13: Provide Interactive Civic Art and Fountains 30 NORTH VIEW PZ 11: Provide Visual and Spatial Complexity in Public Spaces PZ 12: Use Plants to Enliven Urban Spaces PZ 13: Provide Interactive Civic Art and Fountains 31 Building Guidelines B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4 B.5 B.6 B.7 Build to the street Provide multi-tenant, pedestrian-oriented, development at the street level Accentuate primary entrances Encourage the inclusion of local character Control on-site parking Create quality construction Create buildings with human scale        32 B 1: Build To The Street B 2: Provide Multi-tenant, Pedestrian-Oriented Development At The Street Level B 3: Accentuate Primary Entrances B 4: Encourage Inclusion Of Local Character B 5: Control On-Site Parking B 6: Create Quality Construction B 7: Create Buildings With Human Scale 33