Design CommissionAug. 24, 2020

20200824-01A: Block 16 Recommendation Letter — original pdf

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David Carroll, Chair Melissa Henao-Robledo, Vice Chair Aan Coleman Beau Frail Samuel Franco Martha Gonzales Ben Luckens Josue Meiners Jessica Rollason Evan Taniguchi Bart Whatley Jorge Rousselin, Executive Liaison Aaron D. Jenkins Staff Liaison Patrick Colunga Staff Liaison City of Austin Design Commission DESIGN COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20200824-01A Aan Coleman Seconded By: Bart Whatley Design Commission recommendation for the Block 16 project, located at 320 East 2nd Street. Date: September 1, 2020 Subject: Motioned By: Recommendation: The City of Austin Design Commission recommends that the Block 16 project, located at 320 East 2nd Street, as presented on August 24, 2020, substantially complies with the city’s Urban Design Guidelines. The Commission’s recommendation comes with the qualification that the applicant further study the opportunity to open up the circulation path along 2nd Street as the bifurcation of the public realm caused by the linear placement of permanent benches is concerning to the Commission. Rationale: Dear Director of Planning and Zoning Dept., This letter is to confirm the Design Commission’s recommendation that the Block 16 project, located at 320 East 2nd Street, as presented on August 24, 2020 substantially complies with the Urban Design Guidelines as one of the gatekeeper requirements of the Downtown Density Bonus Program. The Commission’s recommendation comes with the qualification that the applicant further study the opportunity to open up the circulation path along 2nd Street as the bifurcation of the public realm caused by the linear placement of permanent benches is concerning to the Commission. Our review found the following positive features: Increase of street level retail space; allocated to both intersections. Interactive public art and water feature that faces convention center 1. 2. 3. Addition of public art gallery in the lobby space 4. Inclusion of colonnade/lounge space for outdoor seating and food vendors 6 - 1 - 2 Respectfully, City of Austin Design Commission Vote: For: David Carroll, Aan Coleman, Evan Taniguchi, Samuel Franco, Bart Whatley, Ben Luckens Against: Josue Meiners Abstain: Martha Gonzalez, Jessica Rollason Absent: Melissa Henao-Robledo, Beau Frail Attest: David Carroll, Chair of the Design Commission 1 of 1 Design Commission - Recommendation for Block 16 Page 1