Item 4d - Urban Design Guidelines City Council Letter — original pdf

August 20,2019 Dear Mayor and Councilmembers, The Design Commission would like to update you on the current state of the Urban Design Guidelines, the tool by which all projects are measured for substantial compliance. “Urban Design” influences the largest and most extensive part of people’s lives, it has been a tremendous challenge to approach the issue of updating the Urban Design Guidelines to reflect current needs and future conditions of our city. After numerous discussions beginning with staff and within the Commission, we have created what will be a clear process to craft the necessary changes to the Urban Design Guidelines to best serve our community. The Urban Design Guidelines have not been updated since January 29, 2009 through RESOLUTION NO. 20100819‐035 when City Council First adopted them The Urban Design Guidelines serve as recommendations for all urban development and redevelopment projects by both the public and private sector The Urban Design Guidelines recognize the significant impact of the built environment on the historic, iconic, and unique characteristics of Austin and its neighborhoods Design Commission serves as a tremendous resource to the City Council to offer expert advice on how infrastructure and urban projects can enhance the built environment to be more equitable, vibrant, inclusive, and how to successfully engage community input We request assistance rewriting the Urban Design Guidelines to reflect the rapidly evolving built environment of the City of Austin. The Design Commission requests for the Urban Design Guidelines to be incorporated into the current rewrite efforts of the Land Development Code. The document will be a relevant and complimentary fit to the Land Development Code and shape its relationship to the urban landscape without prescribing technical requirements. We request that the City Manager be directed to work with the City of Austin’s Design Commission on recommendations for design guidelines and procedures to incorporate opportunities for public notification and input. The Design Commission will continue to interface with relevant departments to ensure inclusion and understanding of The Urban Design Guidelines’ proper use. it will be very difficult complete the Guidelines in a timely manner without assistance. Thank you very much for the opportunity to explore and address such an important issue of for the City. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us anytime. Sincerely, Martha Gonzalez Vice‐Chair City of Austin Design Commission August 20,2019