Item 2b- 17th & Guadalupe Apartments — original pdf

i City of Austin - Design Commission Project Review ApplicationThe Design Commission provides advisory recommendations to the City Council to assist in developing public policy and to promote excellence in the design and development of the urban environment. The Design Commission reviews three types of projects: 1.City projects (see page ii for process)The Commission reviews all municipal buildings and associated site plans to ensure they demonstrate compliance with city design and sustainability standards (Council Resolution No. 20071129-046), including those seeking Subchapter E Design Standards Alternative Equivalent Compliance (AEC) (Council Resolution No. 20100923-086).2.Destiny Bonus projects (see page iv for process)The Commission reviews density bonus projects for substantial compliance with the Urban Design Guidelines for Austin in accordance with the Gatekeeper requirements of LDC 25-2-586 for the Downtown Density Bonus Program.3.Advisory Recommendations for Private projects (see page ii for process)The Commission will consider Project Review Applications from private projects during its regularly scheduled monthly public meetings and may issue an advisory recommendation in the form of a Project Review Letter to the Applicant. This Project Review Application must be submitted before your project can be presented to the Design Commission for their review. Design Commission requests project be presented in their Conceptual/Schematic Design phase. This application primarily addresses inhabited buildings and structures and their effect on the public realm; please refer to Appendix A for infrastructure type projects. The Commission's review of projects is based on the planning/design principles in the Urban Design Guidelines for Austin. Ensure that all applicable principles are addressed in the application questions and in your presentation. es_for_austin.pdf The Design Commission supports the vision and principles of Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, especially those that affect the urban environment and fabric. All projects should consider this vision and principles, many of which are similar to the Urban Design Guidelines. Refer to Appendix C for the most pertinent sections of Imagine Austin. The Design Commission expects the applicant’s design team to present their project with those most knowledgeable and encourages the inclusion of sub-consultants at the presentation, when deemed necessary. EXHIBITS TO PRESENT 1)Completed Project Review Application (p.1-6)2)Existing zoning classification, adjacent zoning & uses, future land use map classification, topography3)Vicinity plan, including public transportation and connectivity on-site and within quarter mile4)Site plan and landscape plan5)Ground level, basement plan, and typical floor plan6)Elevations and/or 3d views7)Any letters of support or findings by other commissions8)Staff reports, if any9)Records of public participationDesign Commission - Project Review Applicationii PROJECT REVIEW PROCESS: CITY PROJECTS The Design Commission reviews all municipal buildings and associated site development projects to ensure they demonstrate compliance with city design and sustainability standards (Council Resolution No. 20071129-046), including those seeking Subchapter E Design Standards Alternative Equivalent Compliance (AEC) (Council Resolution No. 20100923-086). 1.Applicants are encouraged to meet with the Office of the City Architect prior to submitting a Project Review Application, especially if seeking Alternative Equivalent Compliance (AEC) under Subchapter E Design Standards.(See Staff Contacts on page iv.)2.Applicant submits completed Project Review Application, including Exhibits, to Commission Liaisons a minimum of ten (10) days prior to the Design Commission meeting. (See and Calendar of Regular Meetings and "Exhibits to Present" on page i)3.Commission Liaisons review Project Review Application for completeness. Once the Application is deemed complete, the project will be added to the agenda. (Agendas are posted online 72 hours prior to the meeting.)4.Commission Liaisons post backup, including complete Project Review Application and letters/decisions from other Boards and Commissions, the Friday before the meeting. (See Meeting Documents website.)5.Design Commission meets and hears a 15 minute presentation by the Owner/Applicant/Architect. The Commission asks questions and makes recommendations. At the end of the project review, the Design Commission may rely on the recommendations recorded in their meeting minutes or submit a Project Review Letter to City Staff in Development Services Department.6.Design Commission may direct a Working Group to write the Project Review Letter. The Working Group will take comments from the full Design Commission meeting, add their comments, and coordinate with the Design Commission Chair to issue a Letter to applicable Development Services Department Staff. The Working Group shall meet prior to the next regularly-scheduled Design Commission to finalize comments on any project submittal. The goal is for this to happen in a one (1) month time frame.7.Commission Liaisons will forward approved meeting minutes or Project Review Letters to applicable Development Services Staff.8.Design Commission may request that an Owner/Applicant or City Staff submit an update report in the future so that the Commission can review progress as a project is further detailed. Design Commission - Project Review Applicationiii PROJECT REVIEW PROCESS: DENSITY BONUS PROJECTS The Design Commission reviews density bonus projects for substantial compliance with the Urban Design Guidelines for Austin in accordance with the Gatekeeper requirements of LDC 25-2-586 for the Downtown Density Bonus Program.1.Six weeks prior to the target Design Commission meeting: Applicant will contact Density Bonus Liaison with intentto schedule project on the next Design Commission agenda.a.Density Bonus Liaison will provide application and submittal documentation to Applicant and notify CommissionLiaisons.2.Five weeks prior to the target Design Commission meeting: Density Bonus Liaison will contact Chair of WorkingGroup to schedule a meeting, copying Commission Liaisons.3.By the end of the fourth week (24 calendar days) prior to the target Design Commission meeting: The Applicantwill submit all completed application requirements to Density Bonus Staff Liaison.4.By the end of the third week (17 calendar days) prior to the target Design Commission meeting: DesignCommission Working Group will meet to review Project Review Application and evaluate Applicant’s presentationdetailing substantial compliance with the Urban Design Guidelines for Austin.a.Working Group will provide Applicant comments and suggestions on improving presentation and issue arecommendation to the Design Commission on achieving substantial compliance with the Urban DesignGuidelines for Austin.5.By the end of the second week (10 calendar days) prior to the target Design Commission meeting: Chair of theWorking Group will send the Density Bonus and Commission Liaisons the Working Group’s written recommendation tothe Design Commission containing specific feedback given to the Applicant and, if lacking, detailing items to address toachieve substantial compliance with the Urban Design Guidelines for Austin.6.One week (7 calendar days) prior to the target Design Commission meeting: Once the Density Bonus Liaisonreceives the revised project submittal from the Applicant and the Commission Liaison receive the writtenrecommendation from the Working Group Chair, the Commission Liaison will place project on Design Commissionagenda for discussion and possible action.7.Design Commission meeting: At the meeting, Design Commission will review the project for substantial compliancewith the Urban Design Guidelines for Austin based on Working Group recommendations and issue a finalrecommendation detailing to Planning and Zoning Department Staff items needed to be addressed in order to achievesubstantial compliance.8.Within one week after Design Commission meeting: The Chair will issue a formal written recommendation based onthe action taken by the by the Commission detailing to Planning and Zoning Department Staff items needed to beaddressed in order to achieve substantial compliance.Design Commission - Project Review ApplicationBy appointment, City Staff is available for consultation on submittal requirements. To schedule a pre-submission conference or for information on any of the above submittal requirements, please contact:City of Austin, One Texas Center, 505 Barton Springs Rd., Austin, TX 78704 Commission Liaisons: Executive Liaison: Staff Liaison: City Architect: Density Bonus Program Coordinator:, (512) 974-7691, (512) 974-2752 Urban Design Division, Planning and Zoning Department, 5th, (512) 974-7997 Office of the City Architect, Public Works Department, 9th floor, (512) 974-7691Urban Design Division, Planning and Zoning Department, 5th flooriv GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS Incomplete Applications Should Commission Liaisons determine that the Project Review Application is incomplete, the Application shall be returned to the Applicant and the project will not be posted on the agenda for consideration by the Commission. Submissions without the required Adobe PDF electronic file shall be deemed incomplete. Public Notice Posting of public notices on the proposed project site or giving notice to adjacent property owners is not required by the enabling ordinance of the Design Commission. The posted agenda for the Design Commission meetings serves to inform the public of subjects considered by the Commission. The Applicant shall note that the concomitant regulatory procedures by other boards and commissions have legal public notice requirements. Actions taken by the Austin Design Commission shall be in respect of and in compliance with such local ordinances and project review procedures. Limits on Resubmissions Applicants are limited to two (2) resubmissions per design phase (as described herein) and shall notify Commission Staff of the intent and desire to resubmit project(s) for review within seven (7) days of the action vote by the Commission. The Commission shall consider such resubmissions prior to issuing the Project Review Letter. Rebuttal of Project Review Letter Since the Commission issues advisory recommendations only, there is no instance for appeals to the Commission. Rebuttals of such advisory recommendations may be made by the Applicant to the applicable city department, planning commission, or City Council in accordance with applicable standard processes and procedures. STAFF CONTACTS Design Commission - Project Review Application1 of 6 A.PROJECT INFORMATIONProject Name The Death Star Project Type: Infrastructure City building & site Density bonus Private project Other Project Location/Address 1 Imperial Avenue, Galactic Empire, Austin, TX 78704 Applicant Property Owner Darth Vader, Sith Lord Darth Vader, Sith Applicant Mailing Address Property Owner Mailing Address 1Imperial Avenue Austin, TX 78704 1 Imperial Avenue, Austin, TX 78704 Applicant Telephone Number Property Owner Telephone Number 999-999-9999999-999-9999Project Start Date Project Completion Date January 2017March 2018 Applicant’s Architect Applicant’s Engineer Darth Vader, Sith Lord;Darth Vader, Sith Lord ABC ArchitectEngineering Company Design Commission - Project Review Application2 of 6 1]Indicate if proposed Project is required by City Ordinance to be reviewed by the Design Commission.Yes, the project is required to be reviewed by the Design Commission. 2]Describe the recommendation that you are requesting from the Design Commission.We are looking for a recommendation of support from the Design Commission for the project as well as Alternative Equivalent Compliance for setbacks and missing sidewalks. 3]Current Design Phase of Project (Design Commission prefers to see projects right after approved schematic design).Schematic design phase 4]Is this Project subject to Site Plan and/or Zoning application approvals? Will it be presented to Planning Commissionand/or City Council? If so, when?Yes, the project is subject to Site Plan approvals and Zoning approvals. We anticipate presenting to the Planning Commission in mid-May and City Council in late June. 5]Does this Project comply with Land Development Code Subchapter E? List specifically any Alternative EquivalentCompliance request if any. Please refer to website for Alternate Equivalent Compliance (AEC) requirements. Yes, the project generally complies with SubChapter E with 8 foot sidewalks, street trees, and street furniture. However, we need alterative Equivalent Compliance for encroachment into setbacks. Design Commission - Project Review Application3 of 6 B.PROJECT BACKGROUND6]Provide project background including goals, scope, building/planning type, and schedule. Broadly address each of the“Shared Values for Urban Areas” that are listed on Page 6 of the Urban Design Guidelines. Attach additional pages asneeded.The Empire will rule the entire galaxy with ruthless power. They will crush the Rebellion and Skywalker will become one of them. 7]Has this project conducted community/stakeholder outreach? If so, please provide documentation to demonstratecommunity/stakeholder support of this project.Yes, the project has conducted 6 months of community outreach including 4 workshops and 2 listening sessions. 8]Is this project submitting for the Downtown Density Bonus Program? If so, please provide a completed DowntownDensity Bonus Application.Yes, the project is submitting for Downtown Density Bonus program. See attached. 9]Has the project been reviewed by COA Department (i.e. DAC) Staff? If so, please describe and cite any relevantcomments or feedback that the Commission should be aware of.Yes, the project has been reviewed by COA staff. DSD staff mentioned wanting to see wider, straighter sidewalks. We are working with PAZ staff on the number and placement of new trees and preserving six heritage trees.10]Are there any limitations to compliance or planning principles due to the specific requirements of this project that theCommission should be aware of?Limitations include Design Commission - Project Review Application4 of 6 C.EXISTING CONDITIONS AND CONTEXT11]Identify connectivity to public transportation including, bicycle and pedestrian routes and/or multi-modal transportation.Does the project comply with ADA requirements? Provide a site context map and attach additional pages as needed.The Empire will rule the entire galaxy with ruthless power. They will crush the Rebellion and Skywalker will become one of them. 12]Identify and describe any existing features that are required to be preserved and/or protected such as heritage trees,creeks or streams, endangered species (flora and/or fauna)? Attach additional site diagrams as needed.The Empire will rule the entire galaxy with ruthless power. They will crush the Rebellion and Skywalker will become one of them. 13]Is this project within any City of Austin planning district, master plan, neighborhood plan, regulatory district, overlay, etc.?If so, please illustrate how this project conforms to the respective plan. Attach additional pages as needed. (See below forrequirements.)The Empire will rule the entire galaxy with ruthless power. They will crush the Rebellion and Skywalker will become one of them. 14]List any project program and/or site constraints that should be considered.The Empire will rule the entire galaxy with ruthless power. They will crush the Rebellion and Skywalker will become one of them. Design Commission - Project Review Application5 of 6 D.RELATIONSHIP TO PUBLIC REALMPublic realm is defined as any publically owned streets, pathways, right of ways, parks, publicly accessible open spaces and any public and civic building and facilities. The quality of our public realm is vital if we are to be successful in creating environments that people want to live and work in. 15]The shared values outlined in the Urban Design Guidelines include Human Character, Density, Sustainability, Diversity,Economic Vitality, Civic Art, A Sense of Time, Unique Character, Authenticity, Safety and Connection to the Outdoors.How is the project addressing these unique community characteristics? Is the project developing any public amenities forurban continuity and vital place making?The Empire will rule the entire galaxy with ruthless power. They will crush the Rebellion and Skywalker will become one of them. 16]Does this project encourage street level activity to engage and respond to functional needs such as shade, rest areas,multi-modal transportation storage and paths?The Empire will rule the entire galaxy with ruthless power. They will crush the Rebellion and Skywalker will become one of them. 17]How will the project be a good neighbor to adjacent properties? For example, describe the treatment of the transitionarea between properties, i.e. fence, landscape improvements, etc.The Empire will rule the entire galaxy with ruthless power. They will crush the Rebellion and Skywalker will become one of them. Design Commission - Project Review Application6 of 6 E.ENVIRONMENTAL/SUSTAINABLE ISSUESThe Austin Urban Design Guidelines set a goal that, "All development should take into consideration the need to conserve energy and resources. It should also strive for a small carbon footprint." 18]Please list any significant components of the project that contribute to meeting this goal. If the project has beendesigned to accommodate future inclusion of such components (for example, by being built "solar ready") please listthem.The Empire will rule the entire galaxy with ruthless power. They will crush the Rebellion and Skywalker will become one of them. 19]If the project is being designed to meet any sustainability/environmental standards or certifications (for example, LEEDSilver), please list them here and attach relevant checklists or similar documents that demonstrate how the standard orcertification will be achieved.The Empire will rule the entire galaxy with ruthless power. They will crush the Rebellion and Skywalker will become one of them. 20]If the project contains other significant sustainability components not included above that the Commission should note,please list them here.The Empire will rule the entire galaxy with ruthless power. They will crush the Rebellion and Skywalker will become one of them. Design Commission - Project Review Application515 CONGRESS AVE AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701rhodepartners.comDESIGN COMMISSION EXHIBITJUNE 14, 201917TH AND GUADALUPE313 WEST 17TH STREET AUSTIN, TEXAS 1 of 19URBAN DESIGN GUIDELINESURBAN DESIGN GUIDELINES17Th and Guadalupe Project Substantially Complies with the Urban Design GuidelinesKEY GUIDELINES MET:AW.1 Create Dense DevelopmentAW.2 Create Mixed Use DevelopmentAW.3 Create Developments With Connectivity and Human Scale CirculationAW.7 Avoid Historical Misrepresentation AW.9 Acknowledge That Rooftops are Seen From Other Buildings and The StreetAW.10 Avoid The Development of Theme EnvironmentsPS.2 Minimize Curb CutsPS.3 Create Potential for Two-Way StreetsPS.4 Reinforce Pedestrian ActivityPS.6 Enhance the Street ScapePS.7 Avoid Conflicts Between Pedestrians and Utility EquipmentPS.8 Install Street TreesPS.10 Provide Protection from CarsPS.11 Screen Mechanical and Utility EquipmentPS.12 Provide Generous Street-Level WindowsPS.13 Install Pedestrian-Friendly Materials at Street LevelB.1 Build to the StreetB.2 Provide Multi-Tenant, Pedestrian-Oriented Development at the Street LevelB.3 Accentuate Primary EntrancesB.4 Encourage the Inclusion of Local CharacterB.5 Control On-Site ParkingB.6 Create Quality ConstructionB.7 Create Buildings with Human Scale515 CONGRESS AVE AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701rhodepartners.comDESIGN COMMISSION EXHIBITJUNE 14, 201917TH AND GUADALUPE313 WEST 17TH STREET AUSTIN, TEXAS 2 of 19VICINITY MAPS & NEARBY TRANSIT AND ZONINGFUTURE TRAVIS COUNTY COURTHOUSEFUTURE HOTELGray Buildings © 2008 SanbornGray Buildings © 2008 SanbornGray Buildings © 2008 SanbornW MLK BLVDW 15TH STREETGUADALUPE STW 17TH STREETSTATE CAPITOLUT AUSTINPROJECT SITEDMUDMU-HDMUDMUDMUDMU-CO CSCS DMUMF-5DMUDMUDMU-HDMUDMUDMUDMUCSDMUCBDCBDCBDLRCSMF-5MF-5MF-5GOCSCSCSDMU-CUREIH-35N LAMAR BLVDW 15TH STREETGUADALUPE STW 17TH STMETRO BUS TRANSIT STOPSMETRO RAPID TRANSIT STOPSPROJECT SITE515 CONGRESS AVE AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701rhodepartners.comDESIGN COMMISSION EXHIBITJUNE 14, 201917TH AND GUADALUPE313 WEST 17TH STREET AUSTIN, TEXAS 3 of 19EXISTING CONDITIONS - VIEW FROM NWPROJECT SITEBUILDING TO BE DEMOLISHEDCLAY PIT RESTAURANT515 CONGRESS AVE AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701rhodepartners.comDESIGN COMMISSION EXHIBITJUNE 14, 201917TH AND GUADALUPE313 WEST 17TH STREET AUSTIN, TEXAS 4 of 19EXISTING CONDITIONS - VIEW FROM SEPROJECT SITEFUTURE TRAVIS COUNTY COURT-HOUSE SITEBUILDING TO BE DEMOLISHEDFUTURE HOTEL SITECLAY PIT RESTAURANT515 CONGRESS AVE AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701rhodepartners.comDESIGN COMMISSION EXHIBITJUNE 14, 201917TH AND GUADALUPE313 WEST 17TH STREET AUSTIN, TEXAS 5 of 19PROJECT DESCRIPTION & DIAGRAMPROJECT DESCRIPTION• 27 story residential high-rise tower, located in the northwest corner of downtown, just south of the UT Campus.• 5,200 square feet of retail and art gallery lease space on the ground floor, adjacent to resident lobby • Museum-like, functional aesthetic and site specific responses to views, solar angles, occupants, passerbys, nearby build-ings and downtown in general drive key design decisions. • 150,000 square feet of apartments• 117 units• 16 residential levels: 10 through 25; 112 units• Levels 26–27: 5 penthouses with loft• Double-height penthouses with views of the Capitol, UT, and the Hill Country; defines building top.• Parking for 194 cars, resident storage available• 9th floor amenity deck with pool, clubhouse, fitness, etc.• Construction start planned for Winter of 2019 SOUTH TOWER FACADE PUSHED BACK TO ALLOW FOR INCREASED GLAZING, VIEWS OF DOWNTOWN45% PERMITTED ON SOUTH AND EAST FACADESGROUND FLOOR DOUBLE-HEIGHT LEVEL, UNDULATES IN PLAN TO ARTICULATE ENTRIES AND ENHANCE PEDES-TRIAN EXPERIENCEPARKING LEVELS SCREENED ON ALL FOUR SIDESGREAT STREETS ENHANCEMENTS PROPOSED ON 17TH AND GUADALUPE STREETS, GARAGE ENTRY ON 17TH STREET AT NE CORNER OF LOT100% GLAZING PERMITTED ON WEST AND NORTH FACADESPROJECT MASSINGTOP: RESIDENTIAL UNITSMIDDLE: AMENITY DECK BASE: LOBBY/GALLERY/RETAIL 515 CONGRESS AVE AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701rhodepartners.comDESIGN COMMISSION EXHIBITJUNE 14, 201917TH AND GUADALUPE313 WEST 17TH STREET AUSTIN, TEXAS 6 of 19SITE & LANDSCAPE, FIRST FLOOR PLANRHODE PARTNERS515 Congress Suite 1600 Austin Tx 78701512.473.0177www.rhodepartners.comS512.473.0923XN118007 17th and Guadalupe ApartmentsAustin, TX© RHODE PARTNERS INC. 2019IF THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT SIGNED, SEALED, AND DATED, IT MAY NOT BEUSED FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMIT OR CONSTRUCTIONPRESENTATION PLANS & VIEWS6/11/20191615 GUADALUPE LLCUPUPUPUPUP30'-0"24'-0"STAIR 1STAIR 2AE TRANSFORMERVAULTRETAIL SPACE 4,072 sfSWITCHGEARRMSERVICE CORRIDORFIRE PUMPROOMREFUSE RMGALLERY LEASE SPACE 1,132 sfFIRE COMMAND 207 sfEGRESSCORRDATALOBBYOFFICESTOR.WCFIRE BFPBFPMAILPARCELRMSTORAGENEW PROPOSED SIDEWALK/CURB DESIGN DEVELOPED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND CIVIL ENGINEER IN CONJUNCTION WITH HUMBERTO REY TO COMPLY WITH GREAT STREETS REQUIRE-MENTS FOR 17TH AND GUADALUPE RESTAURANT/GROCERYSEATING OPPORTUNITY BY FUTURE TENANTGUADALUPE STREET17TH STREETPROPOSED STREET TREES AT 22’ O.C. WITH TREE WELLS/CAST IRON TREE GRATES(OR IN PLANTING ZONE) AUSTIN ENERGY 25’ ROWILLUMINATION POLESAT GRADE PLANTING AREASREVISED CURB RADII ANDACCESSIBLE RAMPSPROPOSED FURNISHINGS:BENCHES, BIKE RACKS, WASTE/RECYCLING BINSABOVE GRADE PLANTERSSCULPTUREBY FUTURE TENANTGARAGE ENTRY/EXITEXISTING AE VAULTLOBBY ENTRYGALLERY ENTRYPLAZARETAIL ENTRY515 CONGRESS AVE AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701rhodepartners.comDESIGN COMMISSION EXHIBITJUNE 14, 201917TH AND GUADALUPE313 WEST 17TH STREET AUSTIN, TEXAS 7 of 19TYPICAL PARKING FLOOR PLANRHODE PARTNERS515 Congress Suite 1600 Austin Tx 78701512.473.0177www.rhodepartners.comS512.473.0923XN118007 17th and Guadalupe ApartmentsAustin, TX© RHODE PARTNERS INC. 2019IF THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT SIGNED, SEALED, AND DATED, IT MAY NOT BEUSED FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMIT OR CONSTRUCTIONPRESENTATION PLANS & VIEWS5/27/20191615 GUADALUPE LLC185 sq ftDNDNUPUPSTDRES 01STDRES 02STDRES 01STDRES 02STDRES 01STDRES 02STDRES 03STDRES 01STDRES 02STDRES 03STDRES 01STDRES 02STDRES 01STDRES 02STDRES 01STDRES 01HCRES 01STDRES 01STDRES 01STDRES 02STDRES 01STDRES 01STDRES 02STDRES 03STDRES 01STDRES 01STDRES 02STDRES 0117'-0"22'-0"8'-6"STAIR 1GENERATORCONTINUOUSLY SLOPING RAMP515 CONGRESS AVE AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701rhodepartners.comDESIGN COMMISSION EXHIBITJUNE 14, 201917TH AND GUADALUPE313 WEST 17TH STREET AUSTIN, TEXAS 8 of 19AMENITY DECK FLOOR PLAN: 9RHODE PARTNERS515 Congress Suite 1600 Austin Tx 78701512.473.0177www.rhodepartners.comS512.473.0923XN118007 17th and Guadalupe ApartmentsAustin, TX© RHODE PARTNERS INC. 2019IF THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT SIGNED, SEALED, AND DATED, IT MAY NOT BEUSED FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMIT OR CONSTRUCTIONPRESENTATION PLANS & VIEWS5/27/20191615 GUADALUPE LLCDNDNUPUPSTAIR 1STORAGEPRIVATE DININGCORRRIDORSERVICE KITCHENDOG LOUNGEWCWCSPA/SHOWERSFITNESS CENTER 743 sfPOOL/CLUB HOUSEPOOL515 CONGRESS AVE AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701rhodepartners.comDESIGN COMMISSION EXHIBITJUNE 14, 201917TH AND GUADALUPE313 WEST 17TH STREET AUSTIN, TEXAS 9 of 19TYP RESIDENTIAL FLOOR PLAN: 10-25RHODE PARTNERS515 Congress Suite 1600 Austin Tx 78701512.473.0177www.rhodepartners.comS512.473.0923XN118007 17th and Guadalupe ApartmentsAustin, TX© RHODE PARTNERS INC. 2019IF THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT SIGNED, SEALED, AND DATED, IT MAY NOT BEUSED FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMIT OR CONSTRUCTIONPRESENTATION PLANS & VIEWS5/28/20191615 GUADALUPE LLCFFFFFFFDNUPUPSTAIR 1UNIT TYPE A1 850 sfUNIT TYPE A2 777 sfUNIT TYPE A3 942 sfUNIT TYPE B1 1,251 sfUNIT TYPE B2 1,583 sfUNIT TYPE C1 1,938 sfUNITTYPEA4 1,130 sfDWDWDWDWDWDWDWPWALK INCLOSETLPPPPW/DPPP515 CONGRESS AVE AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701rhodepartners.comDESIGN COMMISSION EXHIBITJUNE 14, 201917TH AND GUADALUPE313 WEST 17TH STREET AUSTIN, TEXAS 10 of 19RHODE PARTNERS515 Congress Suite 1600 Austin Tx 78701512.473.0177www.rhodepartners.comS512.473.0923XN118007 17th and Guadalupe ApartmentsAustin, TX© RHODE PARTNERS INC. 2019IF THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT SIGNED, SEALED, AND DATED, IT MAY NOT BEUSED FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMIT OR CONSTRUCTIONPRESENTATION PLANS & VIEWS5/27/20191615 GUADALUPE LLCFFFFFUPDNDNUPUPUPUPUPUNIT TYPE C62,966 SFUNIT TYPE C43,006 SFUNIT TYPE C22,601 SFUNIT TYPE C53,045 SFUNIT TYPE C33,116 SFDWDWDWDWDWPPPLPPPLLPENTHOUSE FLOOR PLAN LOWER: 26515 CONGRESS AVE AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701rhodepartners.comDESIGN COMMISSION EXHIBITJUNE 14, 201917TH AND GUADALUPE313 WEST 17TH STREET AUSTIN, TEXAS 11 of 19RHODE PARTNERS515 Congress Suite 1600 Austin Tx 78701512.473.0177www.rhodepartners.comS512.473.0923XN118007 17th and Guadalupe ApartmentsAustin, TX© RHODE PARTNERS INC. 2019IF THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT SIGNED, SEALED, AND DATED, IT MAY NOT BEUSED FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMIT OR CONSTRUCTIONPRESENTATION PLANS & VIEWS5/27/20191615 GUADALUPE LLCDNDNDNDNDNUPW/DDNUNIT TYPE C3LOFT3,116 SFUNIT TYPE C6LOFT2,966 SFUNIT TYPE C2LOFT2,601 SFUNIT TYPE C5LOFT3,045 SFWWW/DW/DWDDDLUNIT TYPE C4LOFT3,006 SFPENTHOUSE FLOOR PLAN UPPER: 27515 CONGRESS AVE AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701rhodepartners.comDESIGN COMMISSION EXHIBITJUNE 14, 201917TH AND GUADALUPE313 WEST 17TH STREET AUSTIN, TEXAS 12 of 19NORTH ELEVATIONRESIDENTIAL UNITSGARAGE SCREENAMENITY DECK/POOLROOFTOP EQUIPMENT SCREENINGGARAGE ENTRY/EXITLOBBY ENTRYGALLERY ENTRY515 CONGRESS AVE AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701rhodepartners.comDESIGN COMMISSION EXHIBITJUNE 14, 201917TH AND GUADALUPE313 WEST 17TH STREET AUSTIN, TEXAS 13 of 19WEST ELEVATIONRESIDENTIAL UNITSROOFTOP EQUIPMENT SCREENINGAMENITY DECK/POOLGARAGE SCREENRETAIL ENTRY515 CONGRESS AVE AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701rhodepartners.comDESIGN COMMISSION EXHIBITJUNE 14, 201917TH AND GUADALUPE313 WEST 17TH STREET AUSTIN, TEXAS 14 of 19EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSSOUTH ELEVATIONEAST ELEVATIONRESIDENTIAL UNITSRESIDENTIAL UNITSROOFTOP EQUIPMENT SCREENINGROOFTOP EQUIPMENT SCREENINGAMENITY DECK/POOLAMENITY DECK/POOLVERTICAL CONCRETE WALL PANELSVERTICAL CONCRETE WALL PANELS515 CONGRESS AVE AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701rhodepartners.comDESIGN COMMISSION EXHIBITJUNE 14, 201917TH AND GUADALUPE313 WEST 17TH STREET AUSTIN, TEXAS 15 of 19ENLARGED ELEVATIONSABOVE GRADE PLANTINGPARKING ENTRY/EXITLOBBY ENTRYGALLERY ENTRYLOBBY BEYONDGALLERY LEASE SPACERETAIL ENTRYCANOPY/GRAPHICS OPPORTUNITY:BY FUTURE TENANT515 CONGRESS AVE AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701rhodepartners.comDESIGN COMMISSION EXHIBITJUNE 14, 201917TH AND GUADALUPE313 WEST 17TH STREET AUSTIN, TEXAS 16 of 19STREET LEVEL VIEW515 CONGRESS AVE AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701rhodepartners.comDESIGN COMMISSION EXHIBITJUNE 14, 201917TH AND GUADALUPE313 WEST 17TH STREET AUSTIN, TEXAS 17 of 19PLANTS & TREESSTREET TREES AT GUADALUPE:CHINKAPIN OAKSTREET TREES AT 17TH:CEDAR ELMFOXTAIL FERNPARRY’S AGAVEBIG BLUE LIRIOPETHORNLESS PRICKLY PEAR CACTUSCAST IRON PLANTRED YUCCAGULF MUHLY515 CONGRESS AVE AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701rhodepartners.comDESIGN COMMISSION EXHIBITJUNE 14, 201917TH AND GUADALUPE313 WEST 17TH STREET AUSTIN, TEXAS 18 of 19LANDSCAPING PLANUPUPUPUPUP11HPR6LBI3OCE3OCEADE42MCA4213ADE3ADE13ADE3APY32ASEASE353APY4ASE21MCA19MCASUCCULENTSBOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAMECONTAINERQTYAPYAgave parryi / Parry`s Agave5 gal6OCEOpuntia cacanapa `Ellisiana` / Thornless Prickly Pear Cactus5 gal6SPACINGADEAsparagus aethiopicus / Foxtail Fern1 gal18" o.c.69ASEAspidistra elatior / Cast Iron Plant5 gal18" o.c.71HPRHesperaloe parviflora / Red Yucca5 gal24" o.c.11LBILiriope muscari `Big Blue` / Big Blue Liriope1 gal18" o.c.6GROUNDCOVERCODEGRASSMCAMuhlenbergia capillaris / Gulf Muhly1 gal18" o.c.82SHEET NUMBER17TH STREETCONDOMINIUMCITY OF AUSTINTRAVISCOUNTY, TEXASBENCHMARKSTBM #1:SQUARE CUT ON TOP OF CONCRETE CURB ON THE WEST SIDE OF GUADALUPESTREET AND ± 128 FT SOUTH OF INTERSECTION GUADALUPE STREET AND 17THSTREET.ELEVATION=540.95'TBM #2:SQUARE CUT ON TOP OF CONCRETE CURB ON THE NORTH SIDE OF 17THSTREET NEAR A BRICK RAMP AND ± 32 FT EAST OF INTERSECTION GUADALUPESTREET AND 17TH STREET.ELEVATION=545.95'Know what'sbelow.before you dig.CallSITE PLAN APPROVALSHEET ____OF____FILE NUMBER__________________APPLICATION DATE_______________APPROVED BY COMMISSION ON_______________UNDER SECTION_______ OFCHAPTER__________OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN CODE.EXPIRATION DATE (25-5-81,LDC)__________CASE MANAGER__________________PROJECT EXPIRATION DATE (ORD.#970905-A)__________DWPZ______DDZ________________________________________________________________________________Development Services DepartmentRELEASED FOR GENERAL COMPLIANCE:_____________ZONING_____________Rev. 1____________________________Correction 1_____________________________Rev. 2____________________________Correction 2_____________________________Rev. 3____________________________Correction 3_____________________________Final plat must be recorded by the Project Expiration Date, if applicable. Subsequent Site Planswhich do not comply with the Code current at the time of filing, and all required BuildingPermits and/or a notice of construction (if a building permit is not required), must also beapproved prior to the Project Expiration Date.18WARNING: CONTRACTOR IS TOVERIFY PRESENCE AND EXACTLOCATION OF ALL UTILITIESPRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.SP-2019-XXXXCSP-2019-XXXXC01/09/201911225-5XXXXDMU OF 18L1.130'10'5'0'1" = 10'Plant Material ListS:\Projects\Reger Holdings\1615 Guadalupe\09 Graphics\02 DD-CD\L1.1 Landscape Plan.dwgNORTHLandscape PlanAPPENDIX O: - LANDSCAPE/IRRIGATION NOTESSITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT - IRRIGATION NOTESAutomatic irrigation systems shall comply with TCEQ Chapter 344, aswell as the following requirements:1.These requirements shall be noted on the Site Development Permitand shall be implemented as part of the landscape inspection:a. the system must provide a moisture level adequate to sustaingrowth of the plant materials;b. the system does not include spray irrigation on areas less than ten (10) feet wide (such as medians, buffer strips, and parking lot islands);c. circuit remote control valves have adjustable flow controls;d. serviceable in-head check valves area adjacent to paved areas where elevation differences may cause low head drainage;e. a master valve installed on the discharge side of the backflowpreventer;f. above-ground irrigation emission devices are set back at leastsix (6) inches from impervious surfaces;g. an automatic rain shut-off device shuts off the irrigation system automatically after no more than a one-half inch (½") rainfall; andh. newly planted trees shall have permanent irrigation consistingof drip or bubblers.2. The irrigation installer shall develop and provide an as-built designplan to the City at the time the final irrigation inspection is performed;a. unless fiscal security is provided to the City for the installationof the system, it must be operational at the time of the final landscape inspection.3. The irrigation installer shall also provide exhibits to be permanentlyinstalled inside or attached to the irrigation controller, including:a. a laminated copy of the water budget containing zone numbers, precipitation rate, and gallons per minute and the location of the isolation valve; and anzone map with the isolationvalve location as built plan.4. The irrigation installer shall provide a report to the City on a formprovided by Austin Water certifying compliance with Subsection 1.When the final plumbing inspection is performed by the City.Source: Rule No. R161-17.09 , 5-15-2017.LANDSCAPE NOTES1.If establishing vegetation during any stage of a drought, Section6-4-30 may require a variance. Contact Austin WaterConservation staff at or call(512) 974-2199.2.The Owner will continuously maintain the required landscapingin accordance with LDC 25-2-984.3.All landscaped areas are to be protected by 6 inch curbs,wheelstops or other approved barriers as per ECM 2.4.7. [LDC25-2-1004(A), ECM 2.4.7 (A)]4.Minimum of 3 inches of organic mulch for the plant areas. [ECM2.4.5 (A)]5.All tree wells, at back of curb, must have 18 linear feet of thewaterproof barrier - Geotextile Bentonite Clay Liner, at 48"depth. See detail 1/L2.1, COA detail 432S-7C6.All tree wells must have 24 linear feet of deep root barrier, atminimum of 24 inch depth. For tree wells where utilities arewithin 5', a 48 inch depth root barrier is required. See detail1/L2.1, COA detail 432S-7CGREAT STREET NOTES1.All street furnishing are to be City of Austion Great Streetfurnishings.2.All tree wells are to have a power source/electrical outlet inorder to provide for accent/seasonal lighting along streettrees.GREAT STREET FURNISHINGSTrash Receptical-TR-12 Fairweather Site Furnishings w/ side openings - 35gallon liner-"Silvadillo" color with top clear coat-See detail 3/L2.0Bench-Landscape Forms - Plainwell Bench - 60" lenght with centerarm in sliver and ipe slots-Silver finish RAL #49 / 90380 with top clear coat #49 / 00530-See detail 1/L2.0Bike Rack-Type I Class III - Inverted U shape bike rack - galvanized-See detail 5/L2.0Light Pole Bases-15" dia. bolt circle foundation at corner poles with traffic signal-11" dia. bolt circle foundation for mid-block poles and poleswithout traffic signalPaver-TBDWaterproof Barrier/Geotextile-Bentonite Clay Liner-See detail 1/L2.1Root Barrier-Deeproot Green Infrastructure, LLC-UB 24-2-See detail 1/L2.1LEGENDBlackstar Gravel515 CONGRESS AVE AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701rhodepartners.comDESIGN COMMISSION EXHIBITJUNE 14, 201917TH AND GUADALUPE313 WEST 17TH STREET AUSTIN, TEXAS 19 of 19URBAN DESIGN GUIDELINESURBAN DESIGN GUIDELINES17Th And Guadalupe Project Substantially Complies With The Urban Design GuidelinesKEY GUIDELINES MET:AW.1 Create Dense Development:410.7 units per acre. Below the typical City of Austin code required amount of parking (194 vs about 230-250)AW.2 Create Mixed Use Development:Three uses, focus on best face forward (gallery) at corner, variety at street levelAW.3 Create Developments With Connectivity and Human Scale Circulation:Not closing streets/alley, adding great streets connectivityAW.7 Avoid Historical Misrepresentation:Functional, honest, authentic design aesthetic; no fake materials AW.9 Acknowledge That Rooftops Are Seen From Other Buildings And The Street:All mechanical equipment is screened, underground, or otherwise contained within the envelope of the buildingAW.10 Avoid The Development Of Theme Environments:See AW.7PS.2 Minimize Curb Cuts:Reduced the existing curb cuts by 50%, prioritized pedestrian movement/experiencePS.3 Create Potential For Two-Way Streets:Planning on 17th Street going to two-wayPS.4 Reinforce Pedestrian Activity:Following direction of Humberto Ray/Great Streets 20’ And 18’ walks with opportunity for outdoor seatingPS.6 Enhance The Street ScapeThe building mass carves away from the property line and garage above to work at a more human scale, provide shade, protection from rain, extra planting zones, and opportunities for seating and sculpture. New trash and recycling cans, and lighting will be provided, in addition to new landscaping zones, plants, and paving.PS.7 Avoid Conflicts Between Pedestrians And Utility Equipment:All utility equipment is located below grade or within planting areasPS.8 Install Street Trees:See PS.4: Four new Chinkapin oaks will be added to Guadalupe Street, and three new cedar Elm trees will be added to 17th Street.PS.10 Provide Protection From Cars:The landscape and seating zone at the street provides protection from cars.PS.11 Screen Mechanical And Utility Equipment:See AW.9PS.12 Provide Generous Street-Level Windows:Nearly 100% the street facing facade is clear glassPS.13 Install Pedestrian-Friendly Materials At Street LevelGlass, plants, cast-in-place concrete and paving (plus accents of wood and metal) show up at the street level; durable and friendly.B.1 Build to the Street:The project is built up to the street, pulling back only at various moments to provide a sense of scale, define a particular character responsive to function, or define an entry/provide protection from the elements (garage overhead extends overhead to property line), or create extra planting zones.B.2 Provide Multi-Tenant, Pedestrian-Oriented Development at the Street Level:Providing three functions to three tenants; residential lobby, gallery, and retail/restaurant/grocery. Pedestrian access to these spaces is the primary access.B.3 Accentuate Primary Entrances:Each program has its own entrance, and each entrance is uniquely emphasized in the way the architecture varies at the entrances. No doors swing into the right of way.B.4 Encourage the Inclusion of Local Character:The building design is developed in specific response to this site, taking into consideration views, solar angles/orientation, and its context (both immediate and surrounding); specifically, shifts to the massing, location of the pool, and adjustment of the window spacing. At the ground level authenticity of the material selection and architectural expression is prioritized, the planting strategy is specific to this region. B.5 Control On-Site Parking:Garage screening implemented on all sides, is visually distinctive from the occupied sections of the building.B.6 Create Quality Construction:Type 1-A fully concrete construction, pushing for ultra high performance concrete panel system and floor-to-ceiling window wall skin, as well as non-painted metal throughout; durable, long lasting, low-to-no maintenance materials both inside and outside of the building.B.7 Create Buildings with Human Scale:The building shifts and material selections respond to the use and type of pedestrian and user engagement; working at a variety of scales. The function of the different areas of the building is expressed in the attitude of each part (ground level, parking base, amenity deck, living tower).